the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

All Blog Posts (172)

A song in my head...

A vile untruth took seed in you- it grew, you degraded. I've seen my end light up in truth- I learned to love and not condescend;while you roll your eyes up at a roof- searching for the line that will bring us all in--to your convoluted reality... justify the harm of the sin. The thing is, we all see-that you just took a pee in the very water that you swim and the lies all lead to the bars you'll need to build the cage your soul lives in

Added by Bobby Dean Dobson on June 1, 2014 at 11:01am — 2 Comments

a secret.

Let me tell you a secret; an idea that was known of commonly in ancient times, but that has since become forgotten by the gross masses and ignored in our daily lives. Yet, to the ancients, what we now call this "secret" was a matter of their very life and death. It was, thus, that when they died, their knowledge became our secret, and why, when this common knowledge became secret, in turn, they died.

In all middle-eastern originating formats of monotheism, there are 7…


Added by Jonathan Barlow Gee on May 21, 2014 at 9:16am — No Comments

11:11 & the sunspot cycle.

From Midnight between Thursday, December 20, 2012

and Friday, December 21, 2012

Added 11 years, 11 days, 11 hours, 11 minutes, 11 seconds

Result: Monday, January 1, 2024 at 11:11:11 AM

- source:

11 years, 00 months, 00 weeks, 11…


Added by Jonathan Barlow Gee on May 17, 2014 at 7:00am — 1 Comment

What is a Leader?

What is a Leader?

Introduction: Framing the Question

You cannot define anything without words. Just so, you must use a pre-existing object to relate a new object relative to it to "define" the new object in an a priori context; one must use examples, parables, metaphors and similes to introduce a "new" idea by listing its ingredients and giving their audience familiarity to the idea's origins in their initially discovered environment. The best example of this…


Added by Jonathan Barlow Gee on April 21, 2014 at 3:09pm — No Comments

more musings from the memory castle

Pythagoras (570 BC – c. 495 BC)

was AKA =

Buddha (563 BC to 483 BC)


Gaius Julius Caesar (ca. 140 BC–85 BC)

who was AKA:

Alexander Jannaeus "Maccabaeus" (High Priest 103 BC - 76 BC)

who fathered:

Imperator Julius Caesar (July 100 BC – 15 March 44 BC)

who fathered:

Caesarion (June 23, 47 BC – August 23, 30 BC)

who was AKA:

Aristobulus III (53 BC – 36 BC)



Added by Jonathan Barlow Gee on April 11, 2014 at 6:07am — No Comments

the yin and yang of zen and tao in binary absolute and null values (1s and 0s)

Zen sums zero and the Tao all.

The "Tao" means "the way" - indicating the "royal road" (or "path of least resistance") by which one may progress most rapidly with the most ease to achieve their personal vision of Shangrila. The Tao is thus the Law of most common use in practice.

Taoism, as applied to martial arts, is a means of calisthenic muscle-memory training by focusing one's mental energy on slowing down the physical activities of their biological body. By…


Added by Jonathan Barlow Gee on March 28, 2014 at 3:58am — 1 Comment

additional ruminations on the meanings of a quote:

"As slaves, we build the society that dictates our freedom illegal. Incite insight. Don't agree to compete. One who has NO agenda cannot fail. One who does nothing succeeds at everything." - Jon Gee

"As slaves, we build the society that dictates our freedom illegal."

Money is the chain that binds the poor into doing the bidding of the rich, and thus (for the guards of "prison planet" earth can no more escape and leave to anywhere else than the prisoners)…


Added by Jonathan Barlow Gee on March 26, 2014 at 2:54am — 1 Comment

Radical Islam: How the Islamists Have Manipulated Islam



What is Islam 

The Sunni-Shiite Split 

Shaykh ibn-Taymiyya and Shayh ibn-Abdul Wahhab 

The Islamic Brotherhood 


Shaykh Hamza Yusuf 

What the Islamic Texts Say 




Islam is a religion that is under attack from both…


Added by Bambino Machievelli on December 27, 2013 at 9:35pm — No Comments

"the state of our planet's future": an address to anyone left who cares.

"the state of planet earth's current conditions with regards to the sustainability of our form of life."

Jonathan Barlow Gee, Tallahassee, Florida,

December 17, 2013, 7:25pm

proposition for a general axiom determining humanity's "governing dynamics" for future survival:

"odds of any species' survival diminish directly proportionately to that species' cumulative adverse ecological impact."

"O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me:…


Added by Jonathan Barlow Gee on December 17, 2013 at 7:30pm — No Comments

"the origin of god" (an Atlantean bed-time story for bad kids)

once upon a time there was a being, a sentient hominid very much like us, whom, like you or I, dear friends, was merely a mortal.

one day, while he was strolling through the grass lands of the sub-Saharan savannas, he found a strange sort of monkey, perched high up in the branches of an acacia tree, contemplatively smoking a pipe.

the man, unfamiliar with what sort of monkey this was as well as with what it was doing, having himself never so much as seen either…


Added by Jonathan Barlow Gee on December 4, 2013 at 5:30am — No Comments

Newspeak cheat-sheet (from "the newspeak dictionary, Xth ed.")

Newspeak cheat-sheet (from "the newspeak dictionary, Xth ed.")::

"Freedom": luxuriant, opulent, hedonic, suicidally immoral, materialism; ex. "they hate us for our freedom."

"Democracy": fossil-fuel powered, pollutant, industrial corporatism; ex. "we must spread democracy." (synonym = "Islamo-Fascism" / "Sharia Law": disproportionate application of Hammurabi's legal code to oppressed cultures, races,…


Added by Jonathan Barlow Gee on November 29, 2013 at 5:00pm — No Comments

"Silent Sound" and "Voice to Skull"

Silent Sound

Oliver Lowery's silent sound, U.S. patent 5,159,703, is the current method for "subliminal sound." "Silent Sound" replaced "time slice" subliminal sound, in which small slices of a subliminal message were inserted into an audio stream, such as at movie or on TV, to influence the listener. Silent Sound is mixed with audio in places like department store background music systems to discourage shoplifting.

Although enhancements have been developed, at…


Added by Jonathan Barlow Gee on November 20, 2013 at 4:48am — No Comments

The True Name of God and Lost Mason's Word

title: "the True Name of God and Lost Mason's Word"

author: Jonathan Barlow Gee (s/n: "benpadiah")

An Essay for the immediate consideration of the entire POD

Introduction: "The Lost Mason's Word"

In the "Mark Mason" or 4th° of "York Rite" Free Masonry, the concept of the "Mason's Word" is first introduced in the context of being a substitute for material currency. The "wages" of the workers on Solomon's Temple are explained in the knowledge lecture…


Added by Jonathan Barlow Gee on August 3, 2013 at 12:09am — 2 Comments

2013: State of the "New Age" Hip Hop Revolution Address.

Illuminati NEWS:::



2013: State of the "New Age" Hip Hop Revolution Address.

author: Paul "Laocoon" Revere

personally I think Canibus did it as a diss to the audience members who were just there to see some shock-jock talk schlock at the expense of an elder, unsung legend. I saw "the notebook" not…


Added by Jonathan Barlow Gee on August 2, 2013 at 3:00pm — 13 Comments

What Happens When We Die?

"what happens when one passes away ?"

It depends on how they identify their own self-concept. We spend our entire lives defining our self-concept. However, when we die, this self-concept gets torn from us, and our clinging to it as we die causes us suffering as we die. Some people identify themselves with their bodies, others their emotions, some by their intelligence, and each of these experiences its own form of expiration, in its own due time. The emotions, memories and…


Added by Jonathan Barlow Gee on July 9, 2013 at 11:18am — 1 Comment

Why Are Liberty And Rights Important?

Liberty and Rights are the most, if not only, important issue we should be addressing as a species today. We should be addressing it with the utmost scrutiny of our logical philosophies, and those who should be studying these issues should be the utmost of the intelligentsia of all schools and nations. Religion itself is a silent edifice on the popularity of this topic only because it opposes it in its doctrine of guilt for original sin being their excuse for having to "buy back" one's way…


Added by Jonathan Barlow Gee on July 9, 2013 at 11:16am — 1 Comment

Why I Am A Kantheist.

In regards to Kantheism, I have to admit to being a bit of a hypocrite in claiming to believe in it. For legal purposes, it is wiser for me to claim the "religious exemption" to the laws of the land that declare consumption of cannabis "illegal," however the fact is that no one's religion can pass the test of objective verifiability through provision of factual material evidence. Religion, being a personal philosophy, is an intangible ideal as well as a unique claim made by each individual.…


Added by Jonathan Barlow Gee on July 9, 2013 at 11:15am — 2 Comments


The Empire has plans for Africa.  The CIA is propping up a Ugandan Army to invade Sudan and find this Kony guy.  Of course he's probably one out of a thousand or so gang warlords but Invisible Children, CIA front doesn't seem to care or think at all. And of course they happen to be headquartered in.....wait for it .. .. sunny San Diego, CA.  …


Added by Lizzy on April 27, 2013 at 10:38pm — 3 Comments

future news of the papacy

illuminati news UPDATE: sometime in early March, 2013.




Vatcian City, Rome, Italy; March 5th, 2013.


Here's the plot so far:


Dan Brown was hired as a consultant to run "attack scenarios" on the ediface of the Catholic faith, much as Clinton E. Curtis of Tallahassee, Florida, had been…


Added by Jonathan Barlow Gee on March 5, 2013 at 9:00pm — No Comments

on reincarnation - the indomitable history of an anathema belief


on reincarnation - the indomitable history of an anathema belief


introduction - "on the true nature of the soul."

(what we know and how we know it)


1. the origins of the belief

1A. pre-historic origins in other proto-hominid species

1A1. burial of the dead practices

1A1A. by neanderthals

1A1B. by homo-sapiens

1B. the myths on the nature of the soul of early civilizations

1B1. the myths of…


Added by Jonathan Barlow Gee on March 5, 2013 at 9:00pm — 3 Comments

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