the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
title: "the True Name of God and Lost Mason's Word"
author: Jonathan Barlow Gee (s/n: "benpadiah")
An Essay for the immediate consideration of the entire POD
Introduction: "The Lost Mason's Word"
In the "Mark Mason" or 4th° of "York Rite" Free Masonry, the concept of the "Mason's Word" is first introduced in the context of being a substitute for material currency. The "wages" of the workers on Solomon's Temple are explained in the knowledge lecture for this degree, and it is explained that the "Mason's Word" was originally a term meant to signify a voucher of good faith. In the narrative of the ritual, the candidate is told, the workers collected their wages from an overseer. In this transaction, the worker would present their "mark" (a token with their own signatory motif engraved on it), and the dispensary would check it off on a list of such "marks" in their possession. If a worker did not have their "mark" on them, they could still receive their wages if their identity was vouched for by their fellow workers. The vouching for one by others is called the "Mason's word" in this regard, as it means a pledge of responsibility among one another as a community. It is implied that, if the "word" of the other workers was false, the overseer for the treasury could come to collect their due from the other workers who had vouched falsely, if the original worker they had vouched for could not be found. The "word" was thus a binder to pay in someone else's stead if they, themselves, could not. Any individual "Mason's Word" was considered only worth only as much as their "Mason's Mark" was valuable, and so if a single worker incurred a greater debt than could be paid back by another individual worker who had vouched for the original debtor, then the remaining sum would be docked from the wages of the entire work-force. The "mark" is thus a historical precedent for a form of "token exchange" or "credit" considered a method of transaction that could be conducted only by leveraging against real funds, held by a "third party" bank or treasury. This practice of payment to the workers on Solomon's Temple, studied by the earliest York Masons, led eventually to the European central banks issuing "fiat" paper cash as retainers for real assets they held in storage. The moral lesson intended to be conveyed to the candidate by the content of this knowledge lecture is simply that a "Mason's Mark" is worth nothing if their own "Word" is worth nothing; in other words, a worker whose mark is copied from them or stolen, and used by another worker, cannot be recovered to compensate its original holder if none of the other workers can or will vouch for the original holder that that mark was actually theirs as they claim. The goal of imparting such a moral in this context was to encourage the sharing of secrets for mutual advantage between individuals among the fraternity as a whole being a place of trust. If a "Mason" offers their "Mark" to another, to gain their "Word" as a voucher for themselves in return, they must Trust their fellow as a friend. This, it was believed, would cement the overall fraternity.
In later knowledge lectures of the "philosophical series" of "Scottish Rite" Masonry, the topic of the "True Name of God" is raised, and this is meant to build upon the concept of the "Mason's Word" learned in the earlier lectures. A "Mason's Mark" as a signature was associated with their own name as being the written and transferable "value" or "worth" thereof. Thus, the "word," the "mark" and the "name" are all aligned in the knowledge lectures of Masonry as being comparable concepts. Subsequent ruminations on this line of reasoning by Masonic authors has led to the deeper study of the "True Name of God" being equivalent to the "Lost Mason's Word." The concept of "intelligent design" is considered so integral to the craft of Masonry that if one does not believe in a "divine creator" one is ineligible for membership. The role of the "Great Architect" of Masonry as universal designer has, in recent centuries, rendered charges against many Masons of belonging to the newer philosophically agnostic "religion" of "Deism." Deism implies the quest for reunion with the "Presence" of God is due to an innate, natural "Absence" of God; this is often expressed in the metaphor of the "universal clock-maker" who "winds the gears" of universal law, then leaves the "clock" alone to function on its own without any further interference from its maker. Thus, the quest to recover the "True Name of God" as the "lost key" or "Word" of Masonry is premised on an initial distancing between humanity and God that is contrary to the dogma of Christianity, and, as such, is a condition often blamed on the edifice of the Catholic Church itself. The implication is that, if the "word" of the Pope as chief cardinal priest cannot be trusted, then the claim of the priestcraft to sole holding of the "keys to heaven" is called into doubt, and the role of priests as "third-party" intermediaries, transmitting the prayers of penitents directly to God, is called into equal suspicion. In short, the reasoning of the argument runs, if the Pope does not know the "True Name of God," then the religion of Catholic Christendom is invalid, and this accounts, in turn, for the appearance of "moral bankruptcy" within the institution.
There is amply more to the detailed study of these topics I could enter as evidence, including the 72 "sigils" of the "Lesser Key of Solomon" grimoire, called the "Goetia," being considered the "signatures" or "marks" of the original workers on Solomon's Temple, and how these relate, in turn, to the 216 letter long passage from Exodus in which Moses parts the Red Sea, called by subsequent scholars the "Shemhamforash" and considered one form of "True Name of God," as 72 is 1/3rd of 216, just as 216 is 3/5th of 360. The 72 "sigils" of the "Goetia" relate, via the "Shemhamforash" to the 36 "Dekans" of the Egyptian solar-civc calendar, each considered the "name" of one "week" of 10 days each, comprising their 360-day long work-calendar, followed by a 5-day long "week" of year-end holidays. The evolution of numerical calendrical systems into number-letter coded "Names of God" and finally into the "sigils" or "marks" as the "lost keys" of Masonry comprises the overall arc of the plot-line for the history of modern "secret societies."
Primary Thesis: "The True Name of God"
According to the Sefer Yetzirah, one of the chief Holy Books of ha QBLH, the full name of God is given as a series of his titles, and the reason for his causing to begin being the cosmic passage of time is given: "With 32 wonderous paths of Wisdom engrave Yah, the Lord of Hosts, [God of Israel, the Living God, King of the Universe, Almighty God, merciful and gracious, High and Exalted, dwelling in eternity, whose name is Holy, and creates His universe] with three books, with text (Sepher), with number (Sephar), and with communication (Sippur)." - Sefer Yetzirah 1:1.
The "QBLH" = "Khab" (Egyptian for "body") + "Allah" (Arabic for "God," short for "Elohim," meaning "my Lord"). The "Khab" = the "Kha" (body of flesh) + "Ba" (the "energy double" or "soul") = The "Kabba Stone" of Mecca, the "Khab-Ba" (flesh + soul = life) "Stone" (asteroid fragment). 1) The cubical altar at Mecca; 2) the single cube doubled to symbolize time (the "Tree of Life" symbol): 3) a hypercube (tesseract, or 4-space "cube"). Likewise, the burning bush declared its name to Moses as "I AM," as "I AM AS I AM," or as "I AM THAT WHICH IS, WAS, AND WILL BE." This mantra derived prior to the lifetime of Moses in the Vedic Sanskrit formatting of "sat-chit-ananda," interpreted as "being-mind-bliss," however, by the time and place of Moses, the phrase "sat-chit-sat" may have inspired the redundancy of the declaration by " I Am" that "I am what I am."
"Yod" = "I." "Yod-Heh" = "I Am." "Yod-Heh-Vav" = "Is What Is." "Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh" = "Is What Is Not." 4 is the house of 3. The vowels "Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh" derive from between the consonants of "Aleph-Daleth-Nun-Aleph" ("A-D-N-A" pronounced "adonai," Hebrew for the word "God," later replaced in texts as "Elohim"). Thus, recombined, the "name" and "title" of God reveal the word "Aleph-Heh-Daleth-Vav-Nun-Heh-Aleph-Yod" ("aHdVnHaY"). There is a more secret permutation of this "Baal" ("God" in Samaritan) "Shem" ("name" in Hebrew). This more secret permutation is spelled (backwards): "aleph-Heh-nun-Vav-daleth-Heh-aleph-Yod" and is pronounced, properly, "YaHdVnHa." "Yah" (alternately spelled "Jah" or "IAO") is "Yod-Aleph-Heh," and is clearly an allusion to an abbreviation of the "more secret permutation" of the "Baal Shem."
This pronunciation of a sacred name should not be misinterpreted or confused with "yidde'oni" (which in Hebrew literally means gainer of information from ghosts). Yiddeoni is proscribed against in Leviticus 20:27, and explained in the Sefer Hamitzvot as such: The 9th prohibition is that we are forbidden from performing the practice of yidoni. It is also a form of idolatry, in which the person takes a bone from the bird called yadu'a, places it in his mouth, burns incense, utters certain words, and performs certain actions, until he reaches a state similar to unconsciousness, when he goes into a deep sleep and predicts the future. Our Sages said, "Yidoni is when the person places a bone from a yadu'a in his mouth, and it speaks by itself."
"Baal" (the Samaritan word for any of a pantheon) = "Ba" (the Egyptian word for "soul") + "El" (short for "Elohim," Hebrew for "my God"). Thus, various Samaritan area prototypical "Baals" had existed and had become, by around 2,500 years ago (the time of the building of the first Temple), demonized. ex. "Baalzebub" or "Baalzebul" (meaning "Lord of the flies" - a title implying Osiris as ruler of the Underworld); ex. "Belphegor" (the name of one of the 72 demons of "Goetia," the "lesser key" of King Solomon) a sub-text of "Phaleg" or "Paleg" (originally one of the 7 Olympic Kamea in Hellenic-era Judea, later affiliated with "Belphegor" via the Dark Ages European "grimoire of Armadel"); ex. "Belial" or "Beliar" as a title of "Lucifer" (the "light-bringer," called "Terminins" in Latin, symbolizing "Ialdabaoth" - the Gnostic "demiurge") used in the Dead Sea "War Scroll" around 2000 years ago.
The true beliefs about their deity held by the members of the ancient culture that invented the monotheism of "Ra" as the combination of "Aten" (the solar disc) and "Horus" (the hawk-headed son of Osiris) establish their invention of depicting the "ineffable ideal" of "QBLH" as a pair of cubes symbolizing one cube over time. To the understanding of ancient Egyptian monotheists of the cult to Ra, Ra - god of the Pharaohs (unlike regular men) - had not only 1, but as many as exactly 7 "Be" (the Egyptian concept of the "energy double" or "soul"), which they described as 7 horses pulling the solar-disc winged chariot of Ra across the sky during the day.
Between the 4 elemental forces (water / gravity, air / EM, fire / fission and earth / fusion) there are 3 intermediary medians (the "mixed elements" - Alchemical salt, sulfur and mercury; the three "passions" of Buddhism expressed as snake, boar and rooster; the "Trinity" of father, son and "holy ghost" (itself its own "Trinity" as virgin / daughter, sister / wife and mother / crone). The combination of the 4 "base" elemental forces and the 3 "mixed elements" arising in between them form the 7 types of verbal communication (based, in turn, on the 7 Vedic Chakras of the spinal nerve-centers in people and on the 7 "be" or "souls" of "Ra," the sun-god symbolized by the Pharaoh in Egypt). These 7 occur as within and between the twin pillars of 5 sefirot each when the "tree of life" tesseract diagram is combined with the "tree of death" stelloctahedron diagram. In turn, they are symbolized within the "tree of life" tesseract as only the 7 "lower" sefirot below the 3 "supernals" to symbolize the mental attributes as superior to the physical traits, as well as to account for why 3 dimensions expanded to form matter-energy ("space") while the "arrow of entropy" pierces these in the form of the 4th spatial dimension ("time").
Realize the names of the pantheon were considered "attributes" or "traits" of the 22 paths on the "tree of life" model, connecting the corner nodes or "sefirot" that were, in turn, labeled as attributes of the "one true" god, symbolized, in turn, by the shape of the "tree of life" model itself.
Conclusion: "in repsonse to 4 questions"
1) "were these deities alien beings?" No. They were not "deities," "aliens," nor "beings." They are only words for ideals that, by definition, cannot exist in reality. The words themselves, therefore, are only conjecture about concepts that, though fathomable to the mind, cannot be exactly accurately depicted, described or contained in any physical model form. Hence, the use in QBLH of 4th-dimensional shapes to model them as "traits" and "attributes" upon, symbolic of them as "ideal" forms.
2) "6th dimensional beings?" In a sense, yes. According to the ultimate extension of string-theory's "11-dimensions" model, describing that the 3 local dimensions appear to have "expanded" while other remaining "non-local" dimensions appear more contracted (expressed also as isomorphic "calaibi-yau" shapes), the "11th dimension" is the same as the "first dimension" (the concept of a massless, eternal or "timeless" singularity), because the model is isomorphic and therefore loops back upon itself at the macrocosmic scale as well as the microcosmic.
3) "What do they really represent?" This I hope I helped to answer by linking to the video of my lecture about QBLH in my last post. The 4th-spatial dimensional shape of the "hypercube" or "tree of life" symbol, called a "tesseract" in modern maths, is meant to embody the concept of an ideal that can be imagined, yet never actually conceived into material reality. The labeling of such a model as in the "tree of life" diagram is an ancient attempt to describe using words such an "impossible object." Hence, the use of anthropomorphism as projection. (were we created in God's image, or did we create him in our own?)
4) "so yawheh never spoke to abraham and moses?" In Genesis 12, when Abraham is first (supposedly) contacted by this concept of a purely divine ideal, it is written as "the Lord" (translated as "Elohim" at least since the era of the Essenes, 2000 years ago). In Exodus 3, when Moses is first (allegedly) contacted via the burning bush, it is written as "the God" (and described as being called by the name "the god of our fathers" with a list of genealogical fore-bearers names), and this is translated as "YHVH" (the vowels denoting the name, extracted from the earlier word used, "adonai," denoting the title). The reason different terms are used to describe this divine ideal concept as an anthropomorphic projection of our own concept of self-awareness into what is, essentially, only substantial as "ether energy" or "hyperspace," is obvious: different terms were used by different authors, because the different authors lived at different times. By the time of the Essene scribal community on the west shore of the Dead Sea, the replication of this difference in "name" and "title" of God was so ingrained that separate groups of clerics were assigned to transcribing the verses referring to God by "name" from those referring to God by "title." This was such an important observation to their contemporaries during the Hellenic-era that the Gnostics of Greece and Copts of Egypt referred to "YHVH" and "Elohim" as twin, separate "faces" of the single false-idol of deity they called "ialdabaoth" or the "demiurge." They believed the demiurge, and not the autogenes, created the cosmos, and that this two-faced false-idol was not a true expression of the core concept of monotheism - the "ineffability" of the divine ideal. This Hellenic-era, Gnostic sentiment mixed with contemporary Judaism to conceive of "Satan" (the Hebrew "adversary" or "accuser angel" sent by the deity to test and tempt the suffering to renounce the divine ideal as true) to produce the concept of "Lucifer" in early Christian doctrine. Other names of the Gnostic "demiurge" concept include "Abraxas," "Sorath," "Samael," "Raziel" and "Melek Taus." These notions were all "demonized" as "fallen angels" to associate them with the notion of evil.
God (430): 'Elôhîym
Gen. 1:1
This masculine noun is plural in form. Some scholars regard 'Elôhîym as a derivative of ‘Eloah (433) while others reverse the
connection. 'Elôhîym is the most common Hebrew word translated “God” in the O.T.
LORD (3068): Yahweh
Gen. 2:4
The covenant name of God most prominently known in connection with His relationship with the nation of Israel; also known as the
G-OD/od(410): 'El
Gen. 14:18
This masculine noun emphasizes might; hence, it is used of men, angels, pagan gods or idols, mighty natural objects, God, especially
as modified by such attributes as holy, compassionate, jealous, living, and great.
Lord (136) GOD (3069): 'Adhonay Yahweh
Gen. 15:2
This plural noun is a form of ‘adhon (113). Like the plural from 'Elôhîym (430). 3069 Used after 136, and pronounced by Jews as 430, in
order to prevent the repetition of the same sound, since they elsewhere pronounced 3068 as 136. God.
“Depending on the Bible you use, 'El can be translated as GOD or God.”
*Numbers in parenthesis references to Strong’s Concordance.
**Dr. Spiros Zodhiates
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