the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
"Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown", from "Henry IV," Part 2 (Act III, Scene I). - William Shakespeare.
What is a crown? A perinatal fetish, symbolic of the principality or kingdom, worn around the temples of the skull by the sovereign monarch, to remind them they and their estate are one. There are, however, the many crowns and then, above them all, the one crown that unites the rest under itself alone. In ha QBLH, the name of this "one true crown" is "Kether." What is Kether? In ha QBLH, it describes how Kether forms alike how a lens focuses a beam of light. Kether is like a bright spotlight, globally singling out one individual to become the "most high" of all. This one is then set up to rule over all others by serving as their one-world king and as a world-savior. However, Kether never settles upon anyone for long. can Kether be "trapped" into a small group of people?
36 dekans of 10 degrees each, each degree is a day and each dekan is a week of 10 days. 36 dekans of 10 degrees each, thus 360 degrees; hence, 360 days. 360 days, plus the 5 holidays - the holidays for spring, summer, autumn and winter and the holiday for the whole year - yields the number of "days" per annual orbit of earth around the sun, or 1 "year." 3 dekans of 10 degrees each comprise each of 12 constellations on the zodiac, measuring "months" of 30 days each. 3 "months" make up 1 of the 4 "seasons" in a "year." 360 / 5 = 72. 72 = 2 X 36. 72 X 3 = 216. 216 = 36 X 6. 36 = 6 X 6. 216 = 6 X 6 X 6 = 6^3.
Why 10 degrees per dekan? Why have a 10 "day" long "week"?
Ten Sefirot of Nothingness
ten and not nine
ten and not eleven
Understand with Wisdom
Be wise with Understanding
Examine with them
and probe from them
Make [each] thing stand on its essence
And make the Creator sit on His base."
- Sefer Yetzirah, Aryeh Kaplan trans.
Why 36 dekans of 10 degrees each? These are the 10 triplicities and 2 triple angles: 3 for each of 10 different types, and 2 more groups of 3 each, totals 36. What are the 10 triplicities? Consider any religion or cult and you will find triplicities; then count ten such religions or cults and add them altogether. But what are the 2 additional triples? These are the "phallus" (wand or sword) and the "chalice" (cup or platter) symbols combined in the form of the "almadel" star - the hexagram - symbolized also by the "flower of life" diagram of 6 circles around a central 7th. Thus, there are 30 (10 groups of 3 each) and then there are 6 (2 groups of 3 each), and so, because there are 12 (groups in total), there are 36.
""Thelemic: light love life
Hindu: sat (being) chit (mind) ananda (bliss)
Hellenic Hebrew: tetragrammaton primamaton anaphaxaton
Egyptian: kha ka/ba akh
Hebrew: nefesh ruach neschema
Buddhist: boar cock snake
Hindu Gunas: tamas (stability) rajas (restlessness) satvas (orderliness)
alchemical: salt sulphur mercury
magical: chain scourge dagger
masonic: jubela jubelo jubelum""
Why are there 360 degrees in a circle, and not 365, as there are "days" in a "year"? Why are there 365 "days" in a "year," and not 360, as there are degrees in a circle? The circle divided into 360 degrees is an ideal in 2-dimensional flat-plane space, and our planet's year differs from this measure only by 5 days, and so these are the so-called "holidays" or "holy days." In Pharaohnic Egypt these were called the "heru renpet," counted as a 37th "month" of 1/2 the length of 1 "week," and considered the most unlucky days on the calendar. In the Mayan Yucatan, they counted their "months," which they called "uinals," as being comprised of 20 days (rather than 30 as in Egypt, the Mayan "year" being, in this system, a lunar year of 384 nights rather than a solar year of 360 days), and they called the 20th "uinal" the "uyaeb" and it was comprised of only 5 days - called the "xama kaba kin," and considered by the Maya the most unlucky days on the calendar. In Vedic India, they counted 5 "yugas" or types of "age" as alike types of metal, and a 6th "yuga," the "kali yuga," and considered by the Veda the most unlucky "age" on their calendar. 5 is 2 + 3 just as 6 is 2 X 3, and so too is 7 = 3 + 4 and 12 = to 3 X 4; and so too does 12 = 3 + 4 + 5. 12 is the basis for the 360 degree circle, and 12 is founded, in part, on 5. 5 is as integral to 12 and to 360 as 12 is to 360. These are all mathematical sums describing unchanging, idealized ratios.
"And He created His universe
with three books (Sepharim)
with text (Sepher)
with number (Sephar)
and with communication (Sippur)."
- Sefer Yetzriah, 1:1.
"8. The Qabalah is usually classed under four heads:
(α) The practical Qabalah.
(β) The literal Qabalah.
(γ) The unwritten Qabalah.
(δ) The dogmatic Qabalah.
9. The practical Qabalah deals with talismanic and ceremonial magic, and does not come within the scope of this work.
10. The literal Qabalah is referred to in several places, and therefore a knowledge of its leading principles is necessary. It is divided into three parts: GMTRIA, Gematria; NVTRIQVN, Notariqon; and ThMVRH, Temura."
-intro to Kabbalah Denudata, SL Macgregor Mathers.
Because language breaks down relative to the perceived magnitude of the awareness attempted to be communicated using it, those who are the actual "conspirators" who draft and vote in globalist legislation are literally INCAPABLE of thinking themselves responsible for doing so - they FEEL possessed by the historical importance of their actions and BELIEVE they have no choice other than to do their part on its behalf.
while some attempt to use new fields of technology to create new language, others seek out new language in the realm of geopolitics. When tech is used as a tool for self-expressive communication, it is usually applied to the field of music and the search for new modes of communication within the aural textures of sound waves. However, when tech is used as a weapon to suppress communication, it inflates a form of "economic bubble" in the linguistic centers of the brain, filling this with bafflingly amoral neologisms and euphemisms. As this phenomenon of geo-political cacophony begins to replace music in these speech-centers in the brain of a patient suffering "megalomania" - the sociological pathology manifesting these symptoms - they dissociate to increasing degrees until, ultimately, entering absolute psychogenic fugue states and committing acts they feel they have "no choice" but to commit - much as those "possessed" feel compelled by an alien force that controls their body in spite of the protests of their own mind.
In short, the more one becomes aware of - the larger their repertoire of exposure to "classified" ideas - the less they are not only ALLOWED to say (being "sworn to secrecy") but the less they are literally ABLE to "find words to express."
the larger the "revelation" the more "tongue-tied" it leaves one.
language as we have known it is evaporating into new and alien constellations of meta-languages - music being one, geopolitics another. In music, "lyrics" are the last vestige of the old form of communication using words in rhymed verses to evoke stimulation in the listener's visual cortexes; above and beyond this, there is no strict definition of what determines the difference between "signal" and "noise" and, in pure tones of sound, multiple messages maybe communicated simultaneously in a manner that is pleasing to hear, inspiring to think about, and which forwards the general cause of benefitting the evolution of our species toward equilibrium with our surrounding ecosystems. On the other hand, geopolitical "newspeak" is - not unlike as a mathematician once described statistics, being a speculative branch of math, as "lying with numbers" - simply "learning how to lie with neologisms, euphemisms and acronyms." When politicians speak, the very air truth breathes in leaves the room.
It's been my experience with taoism and zen-buddhist meditations on the nature of the "tao," the "chi" and "zen," that while a western civilized mind might experience the awe-inspiring fascination of ylem as their captivity within the omniversal experience, a mind, not preconditioned toward self-effacement, may experience "nirvana" and the obliteration of their "ego" into "bliss" as a pleasant and calm sensation, not meant to be feared or doubted, but to be accepted as inevitable.
Tao is One. Zen is Zero. More than this does not need to be known.
My complete vocabulary has been with me since I began researching and writing about what I learned, even though it has been sorely abused along the way by being applied first to one cause and from one point of view, then to another from another, and so on and so forth, because even I suffer the hapless foolishness of wanderlust throughout a single life-span. My earliest writings reflect a Gnostic Metaphysician's perspective; later I thought and communicated as a theist QBLHist; and now I have reversed this perspective as an atheist theoretical physicist. The terms I have used all remain the same, but my beliefs about them have changed as I have aged. Such is the foible of communication.
I have typed (and often retyped) long passages of text (often even using spell-check, if critics can believe it!) without seeing any spelling errors, only to go back and find them riddled with typos. This is a curse on my perception. In the same way, sometimes when I have typed long thoughts, I have allowed them to become "run on" sentences or, worse, cut them in half only to sacrifice their grammatical accuracy; for this many critics consider me foolish in general or at least at times imbalanced in my reasoning. Many of the claims I've made throughout my entire life remain so theoretical that, even when Stephen Hawking confirms black-holes may lead to "other universes," when I describe it in detail 15 years earlier, mine is still a "lofty and farcical claim." For these reasons my communications attempts have failed as often as succeeded, or at least, have failed enough to warrant regard for their doing so. Nevertheless, even though fully cognizant of my role as a flawed messenger and failed savior, I persevere. I know what I know about the nature of the cosmos is true, whether anyone ever validates it or not. What I do not know is why I have nothing else better to do than to seek validation from people by trying to "save" them (ostensibly from themselves, a damned proposition to begin with). Who put this curse on my luck? And how do I lift it from myself?
What APPEARS Objective Reality from Within IS Subjective Perspective from Without. What APPEARS Subjective Perspective from Without IS Objective Reality from Within. When we are within our own situation(s), we often deprive ourselves of very obvious "outs" - usually involving reliance on others - that would allow us to simply exit our situation (whether perceived as negative or positive). If we are poor, we can ask others for money or ("bob" forbid) work; if we are unhappy we may fall upon our connections to others to improve our situation, etc., however we rarely avail ourselves of such opportunities due to pride. Thus, the belief in "self-reliance" keeps many stuck in a bad spot they do not need to be in, and wouldn't if they were to simply ask other people for help. Nevertheless - despite that personal pride in this sense is a "subjective" illusion - it remains a very REAL "feeling" emotional barrier for people that keeps them trapped in worse situation(s) than they should be in. In short, what is obvious to one is oblivion to another, and often what is obvious about ourselves to others is what we are most oblivious to about ourselves.
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