the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
"Time is an Abyss. Freedom gives you Wings."
What Is Freedom? Freedom is knowing innocence. To be innocent and naive is to be a young fool, in love with life. But to be innocent and know this is to realize one's full potential. If one is knowingly innocent, they can stand up against the theist idea of deity itself. Such is the nature of Righteousness. One maybe self-righteous, but this is not innocence; it is ignorance: to know one is wrong and to push forward anyway. When one is righteous with innocence, one feels virtually invincible. That is the experience of true freedom: the freedom to do anything you want is only possible if you have the power to be able to do anything you can imagine.
To have freedom for one's body requires free space. Likewise, to have freedom for one's mind requires free time. If you have no "free time" you are not free. If you only have a little "free time," you are only a little free. If you have your whole life and no obligations to abide by anyone else's schedule, then you are free.
Freedom, unlike space or time, can be Absolute. Freedom Is Absolute, If & When: it is transmundane (above average) but especially if it is transcendental (a peak experience).
Freedom is naturally absolute in all life. Life grows in the wild, plants and animals in equilibrium, to create the ecosphere, and this homeostasis is the natural condition of freedom. Freedom for any living being means the freedom to grow and to learn as much as it can. To grow is a trait all animals share with all plants, but to learn is a trait reserved only for the sentient, the self-aware among them all. Physical freedom, mental freedom, free space and free time are all facets on the single gem of Freedom itself.
When one tree manages to grow taller than another - perhaps due to climate, to terrain and shade, or perhaps due to its seed taking root a season earlier - this is because it is free to do so. Likewise, when the planet evolves viral life-forms, omnivores and phagocytes that all combat against one another, and these competitions, rather than "ennobling" these life-forms, make them all the more savage and vicious in their blood-thirst for their own survival, then this is also because freedom allows such to give rise. When a dog has fleas, or the US Constitution allows National Socialism to fester inside Federalism under the guise of "national security," this is all because Freedom Allows Everything. Freedom is what makes ANYTHING Possible.
Without Freedom, we could not have EITHER democracy NOR oligarchy. Oligarchy arose from freedom the same as did democracy, and did so even sooner in human history, we are told. The original tyrants were the first priest-kings, the tribal elders turned power-mad "pharaohs" by the promises of their deceitful shamans and magi. Freedom it was that overheard what they were planning and said quietly to itself: I Will Allow it.
Likewise, democracy arose from freedom the same as did oligarchy, although democracy arose as a means for the populous to combat the centralization of oligarchical authority into a tyranny. Pluralization, particularly groups with odd numbers of members, does successfully stave off tyranny temporarily, but for the State, tyranny is an inevitable a stage of its existence as is senility and death for the living being's.
Although the body, because it ages and dies, is only able to attain temporary freedom, limited by the necessities of survival, the mind, functionally independent of the physical body, can attain absolute freedom FROM not only the spatial limitations that weaken and kill the physical body, but also from the temporal limitations to which the physical body is therefore also subject.
to attain absolute mental freedom means to summon and harvest the absolute freedom to control your own lifetime, just as, to attain absolute physical freedom would mean to summon and harvest the absolute freedom to control your own location in space. If one's "body" were made of energy, one could be wherever and whenever one wanted to be, as well as exist in such a form, if not "forever," at least until the end of the local universe. The "mind" is such an energy "body."
What Is Time? Time is the combined motions of all bodies into one complete motion comprised of the sum of them all. Time is therefore NOT one of the 3-spatial dimensions (whose 6 directions: up/down, left/right and front/back) comprise the only directions possible in our cosmos; rather, Time is like the direction in which the sum of all 3d objects in our cosmos moves. This is, some claim, linear from "past to future," others claim local feedback loops and cycles form, and still others say on the smallest size-scale, these loops of quantum gravity are the only factor that exists. If time is linear, what motivates the cosmos along its trajectory? If time is locally cyclical, why is it not also so universally? And, if time is neither exclusively linear NOR looped, what other options remain? Time is an unlimited, infinite, eternal ocean of zero-point energy - sub-quantum fluctuations called the "quantum foam" that occur smaller than a micron in scale. This limitless ZPE-field is the 4th-spatial dimension, above the 3d of spatial objects inside our local cosmos: it is a realm inhabited by "hyper-shapes" in "hyperspace" - shapes like the torus and tesseract made of tachyons and ether-energy.
If Freedom Requires Time, as a bird requires the air it flies on, can one ever be FREE FROM TIME itself?
What Is Free Time? When one realizes they are Absolutely Free - that there is not now nor ever was, nor ever could nor can be, any power that can compel their obedience, because all that can be threatened, ultimately, is death, and death itself is inevitable for everyone - one ceases to fear death. When one realizes obedience is solely based on cowardice, ethical compromise and opportunistic capitalization, one can choose to side with stronger traits innate within human nature, such as independence, liberty and the movement for liberation. However, as one realizes their mind is absolutely free, one also realizes their body - bound to death - is only ever relatively free, either more or less so. The body being relatively free, however, extends to include how one spends their physical energy (at what value they sell their labor) and their entire lifetime (what hours one keeps, one's "sleep cycle," etc.). Assuming one has no responsibilities to anybody else, and is thus more relatively free than not, one can set one's own schedule regardless of even the light and dark cycle of days and nights on their planet. Once one realizes they are physically and mentally free even from the local cycles of time, and that their entire lifetime is always laid out before them (until death) without any pre-existent borders or boundaries, then they realize they are, and have always been, absolutely free to determine their own actions and that, at no instant, were they ever not responsible for this themselves.
When one realizes they personally choose to what degree they are willing to accept and tolerate all reality as it is - before seeking to change it for their own benefit - one grasps the sub-quantum over quantum-scale effect at the basic core of "mind over matter" - controlling the outcome of events without touch.
Belief is a defense-mechanism throwing up an imaginary "security blanket" to veil the unpleasant truths of reality and create the illusion of safety for an individual's ego. Without belief, civilizations of family-units could not have flourished; love must hide from all fears before it can claim to have conquered them. Belief acts as the border separating what is "safe" and "known" within its imaginary lines from what is "dangerous" and "alien" beyond this boundary.
This Power of Belief seems justified by examples of individual egos using sub-quantum energy to redirect objects' momentums without having to have physical contact with them by causing a plurality of micro-reactions to accumulate into a single macro-reaction.
The first realization to follow from that of this truth about telekinesis is that the ego of the mind is already controlling the gray-matter of its own bodily vessel's brain, and that it can, just as easily, control the gray matter in the brains of other beings' bodies as well; following this, one learns how to move matter using control of subtle energy currents by consciousness of micro-reactions on a quantum-scale that accumulate to form the momentum(s) of objects.
If you can use the mind to keep the world away from your ego, you can also use the mind to move a mountain, literally. Peace.
Why put your faith in news media? You know they all lie. Believe in whatever you, yourself, choose to. But choose wisely and with deep deliberation, because a belief, once accepted, becomes difficult to reject.
belief in the bible, despite religious propaganda to the contrary, remains merely one of all possible options, and not even necessarily the best.
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the Pythagorean Order of Death
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