the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
One Theory::
RNA are alien nano-bots that are able to assemble DNA from any elements present. RNA seeded earth during the precambrian super-eon. As we evolved from this event, the "grey" aliens will evolve from us - having a triple-helix DNA pattern with a third "genome" comprised of superconductive platinum alloys - and so too, once this form of life is coming to its end, will these "greys" build the RNA-bots to carry on the "torch" of consciousness, to pilot back through time, and to seed the earth with life at a much earlier moment, to thus insure the security of this temporal loop.
Statement of 5 premises that I hold to be essentially true:
1. the ancient "alchemical" elements (water, air, fire, earth) can be used symbolically to substitute in all equations involving them for the 4 universal forces (gravity, electro-magnetism, fission, fusion).
2. beyond the VSL (variable speed of light) there is a hyperspace of tachyons, and in this 5th-spatial dimensional realm, 4th-spatial dimensional shapes (that I call "metaforms") exist, casting their changing "shadows" across 3-dimensional space as cyclical patterns forming over linear time.
3. the pattern of the animal nervous system and of the branches and roots of trees mimics the pattern for growth of very small, multi-cellular viruses - where DNA is stored in a "head" which connects to a set of "pincers" at the opposite end of a "spine" - because all modern forms of life are a hybrid of "bacterial" and "viral" life-form patterns.
4. Because the light reaching us now from distant galaxies left them so long ago they have probably all (or almost all) burnt out since then, the real cosmos behind the veil of visible light is already a single, super-massive black-hole that causes the illusory "red-shift."
5. "phi^2/pi=e." Where phi = the "fibonacci sequence" ratio spiral, and "phi^2" = the reciprocal of "phi" (or rather, due to the "transcendental" nature of phi, "phi times phi" = "phi prime" or "phi plus one"); "pi" = a logarithmic spiral; and "e" = 137, the "natural number" that also occurs as the "fine structure constant" and the gematria of "QBLH."
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the Pythagorean Order of Death
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