the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
Are you tired of arrogant air-heads abusing roseate verbosity just to sound pompously erudite, but really sounding like asinine buffoons instead? Are you tired of everybody trying to COPY YOUR STYLE? Are you tired of hearing the same songs again and again everyday? And reading the same memes posted every other day? Are you tired of brainwashed, hypnotized, undead zombies echoing every new awakening alike amnesiacs with flash-backs? DO YOU WANT SOMETHING DIFFERENT? Maybe you want MORE? Something BETTER than the Average Meme?
it is the symptom of true genius to be totally misunderstood by ignorant fools. "Imitation," claim the fools, "is the highest form of flattery" imaginable to them, even when all geniuses advise to "think for yourself" and "be independent minded." It is seen, by the histories writ by these fools, to be the highest honor they can offer to the genius when they eventually murder the genius to make them a martyr in some transient cause. History is the story of fools, climbing over the skulls of geniuses, in order to proclaim humanity's lowest-common-denominator triumphant above all.
Telepaths Temporally Teleporting through Telecommunications Technologies,
All Being Overseen by an Android Meme.
Anarchy is the highest valued goal of both radical liberalism in the form of Socialist Communism (the "withering away" of the "dictatorship by the proletariat") AND reactionary paleoconservative-ism in the form of Libertarian Minarchism (a "free market" gold-coin economy with minimal third-party oversight). As such Anarchism is opposed by and opposed to ONLY "neo-conservative-ism" ("corporatist" / fascist totalitarianism) and "neo-liberalism" (zionist protocols' "end of days" monarchism). The modern State being comprised of a majority of "neo-cons" and "neo-libs" who advocate war and dictatorship, the State opposes and is opposed by modern Anarchism. However, also because of the current State being so comprised, modern Anarchism finds itself arguing against the State using the politics and terminology thereof from 20th century "liberal" and "paleo-conservative" movements - Anarchism backing political "anarcho-communism" on the one hand OR "anarcho-capitalism" on the other. Anarchy is separate from BOTH "communism" AND "capitalism," however, because the Natural State of Anarchy allows both, as well as unlimited other philosophies, but depends for its own existence on none.
Who watches the watchers who watch the watchers?
federal, economic-union governments are the modern Annunaki.
globalist corporations are the Nefilim titans, their half-breed offspring.
Someday, the Moon will have an oxygen atmosphere, watery oceans and plants growing on dry land; and the Earth will have become a desolate crust, abandoned of life, and dripping with a thick, acidic and poisonous atmosphere. Earth will become more like Venus, and the Moon replace the Earth. Eventually, even later than this, Mars will become a life-abundant planet, if terraforming of it by humans does not accelerate this process to make it contemporary to the aforesaid.
Blasting (a suffix, as in "psychic-blasting," "cyber-blasting" or "info-blasting"), meaning: to apply to one's senses multiple types of media simultaneously. Also known as "info-jamming" and "cramming," however a specific method thereof. As in, "to pull the wool over one's eyes," or "to re-veil" oneself from "natural reality," one layers oneself under artificial media creating a cocoon of "virtual reality." This method occurs most FOR the individual when they are alone surrounded by their affected personal-property, but also TO the individual most whenever they are exposed to unsolicited advertising or political propaganda. As in, "I turned on the radio and the television at the same time and blasted my ears with both their sounds." Blasting can also lead to information-ecological "weather-pattern" recognition followed by a brief feeling of being ahead of or "in control" of these "meta-patterns," and to the "channel surfing" cut-up method. Best method: surround 1 person (the "subject") by 2 or more other people (the "choir") each reciting different words describing a wide variety of different topics.
Blasting should also not be confused with "multi-tasking," because "multi-tasking," unlike "blasting," can include writing and expressing oneself through other forms of non-verbal communication, while "blasting" is the "input" of multiple forms of media at once, rather than being the "output" of any. One can "multi-task" AND "blast" at the same time, as in "putting myself on blast" - meaning, to "put oneself out there" or to "spam," to use ruthless and unethical advertising techniques to generate often negative attention for a sensation of personal celebrity.
Blasting can also be used, specifically, as a cure (or at least antidote) for mind-control. If mind-control is ongoing in the form of sub-audible wavelengths of energy being projected at one's skull, blasting can serve to create a static-interference pattern or "white noise" that diffuses the mind-control signal. If mind-control is enforced by physical trauma and involves classical-conditioning methods such as torture or coercion, blasting can serve as a backdrop by which to allow the "ego" to shake free from the role of victim of such abuse and to more objectively "meta-program" one's relationship to these memories. If mind-control is ongoing in the form of physical duress, blasting can act to distract the mind from its control, either to liberate the subject or to reverse the effect back in a feedback loop onto their "handler." Blasting is a very good way of liberating the mind from the humdrum and mundane routines to which and by which it is most commonly enslaved.
Blasting can be done aurally in a very unique way. Just as certain lenses allow one to see "stereoscopically," that is, to see things being "at a distance" that are actually "up close," or rather, to see things having "depth" that are really flat pictures - one can also create audial soundscapes inside one's skull by blasting themselves with different audible media in each ear. Doing so creates a stereophonic effect combining multiple media sound-sources, that is, a scalar wave-field inside the brain is formed as different waveforms enter it from opposite sides through the ears and in these scalar-waves the "visualization" of patterns is more easily conducted. Inside this soundscape can form "sound-shapes" or thought-forms induced by the sounds being heard that resemble visual objects.
""body jumping: sensing through somebody else’s body, or gross vessel
body surfing: moving the sense perception through a series of gross vessel hosts ""
Personally I discovered "blasting" in 1997 while on LSD with several friends. We took turns sitting in the midst of each other and "blasting" one another with as much free-association as we could manage. It was a very powerful experience for some of us, but I merely found it a useful technique. I again experimented with it later in 1999, in Bloomington Indiana in a hotel room, when I turned on the television set and played a compact disc at around the same volume as one another and drew a picture of a "towering inferno" - a building (shaped like the "tree of life" diagram of ha QBLH) exploding and being consumed in flames. I have, since 2004, made a musical hobby of mixing "mash-up" music by taking multiple songs and editing them together digitally using various methods and techniques. The entire catalogue of my "songs" produced in this manner should be thought of as a tribute to the method of "blasting."
Sociology is the study of current economies, including ongoing class-warfare, geo-politics, including the local effects of sociocultural globalization, propaganda media, including information-ecology, and warfare, including modern technologies and tactics. Sociology is present-tense anthropology; anthropology is past-tense sociology. Likewise "trending" - called variously "prediction," "prophecy" or "theory," etc. - is the term applied to the future-tense of sociology and anthropology. If one can successfully READ "trends" or repeating cycles in sociology, one can then become able to WRITE "trends" (or cause them to occur) in order to benefit oneself.
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the Pythagorean Order of Death
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