the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

The Ninth Circle: a Modern Hellfire Club Among the Catholic College of Cardinals

"The Ninth Circle: a Modern Hellfire Club Among the Catholic College of Cardinals."

a report on the modern Papacy for the Pythagorean Order of Death

prepared by: Jonathan Barlow Gee; October 24th, 2014.

Introduction Part 1:

Who The 9 Are Not

""I am the beginning. I am the end. I am the emissary. But the original time I was on the Planet Earth was 34,000 of your years ago. I am the balance. And when I say "I" - I mean because I am an emissary for The Nine. It is not I , but it is the group. We are nine principles of the Universe, yet together we are one. ... God is nobody else than we together, the Nine Principles of God."" - The Council of Nine

This quote was "trance-channeled" under hypnosis by a patient of Andrija (Henry K) Puharich, on behalf of a group of 9 separate yet combined traits, accessable telepathically as autonomous intelligences. This "Council of 9," investigated by Puharich, whose works were avidly studied and followed by many luminaries of the time (peaking during the 1970's, when adherants included then President Gerald Ford), claimed to be the same as the "Ennead" of Heliopolis, 9 Gods worshipped in ancient Egypt. The "Ennead" were the gods Atum, his children Shu and Tefnut, their children Geb and Nut, and their children Osiris, Isis, Set and Nephthys. Avidly seeking to support itself in pre-existing cult structures, the Church of Satan, following the death of its founder Anton LaVey, has been constituted with a "Council of 9" at its highest ranking membership. Nevertheless, however popular these groups may have been, or are, in the west, they do not reflect the true intentions of the real, modern group of 9 that we will be referring to, and whose members, it is likely, do not even know about the existence of the New Age cult based on the Ennead of Heliopolis, let alone care about the workings of the Church of Satan.

The modern group of 9 under consideration surround the city of Rome, Italy, and are centered around Vatican City there, emanating from St. Peter's Basillica. According to a 2013 PBS "Frontline" interview with a close advisor to then new Pope Francis I, the Pope intends "to open the window of the church," an act usually associated with letting out the soul of the recently deceased in superstition, and in both cases associated with "airing out" the "skeletons in the closet," "letting in the light" of public scrutiny and introducing the "levelling winds of change." In my opinion, this is a "good" thing, but I am a fair-weather atheist, so the concerns of the Catholic Papacy can honestly be none of my personal business, so long as they do not require me to convert to them. However, there has long been deeply entrenched graft in Rome, and the Catholic Church has been no exception to this for almost the entirety of its existence over the last nearly a full aeon, and for this reason the current Pope's efforts to reform are going against an age-old tradition of exploitation and plunder. "What is good for Rome is what is what is good for the Romans," has merely become "What is good for the Vatican Papacy is what is good for the College of Cardinals." Whether liberally in support of it, or conservatively opposed, most Popes have been, one way or another, eventually complicit in the criminal under-belly of Roman and Vatican affairs. Some, even recently - such as Pope John Paul I, have paid the price for this with their lives.

And so, from October 1, 2013 to September 17, 2014, the Pope has met six times with his own "Council of 9," a cabinet of his own appointees from the College of Cardinals, to advise him on the implimentation of his revision to the apostolic constitution of a "Pastor Bonus" to root out fraud in the Curia, the governors of Vatican City. Recently the Council's membership was expanded to include a tenth member, the acting Cardinal Secretary of State. But now that the Council has ten members, and eleven if one includes the Pope, the concept of this body being, itself, even a reflection of the group of 9 we will be focusing on has ceased, although this intention was likely present in Pope Francis' "Council of 9's" founding. He formed his own "Council of 9" to combat the group of 9 we will be discussing.

Introduction Part 2:

The 9 Circles of Hell

To understand the group of 9 we will be discussing, we must first understand a little bit about Dante's inferno. Dante Alighieri, although born in Florence, lived (1265 - 1321) well after the schism with Orthodox Christianity, and well before the Protestant Reformation, was a devout Catholic, however, as his writings (the Paradiso and the Inferno) indicate, he was not such a devout Papist as to exclude former Popes from among his descriptions of those burning in hell. Alike his later literary equal, Niccolo Machiavelli, his writings indicate a satirical tone, more akin to the Roman classical era Juvenal or Horace, at times even as bawdy as Geoffrey Chaucer, the father of English literature (from 1343 - 1400), which was much less like the high-minded, church-loyal thological scholastics' works, such as those of Thomas Acquinas (from 1225 - 1274, a contemporary of Dante) or Anselm of Canturbury (1033 - 1109), and much more popularly aimed toward the masses of the populist people. Dante's Inferno reached its target audience. However, while most, as it was intended, it terrified, being the pop-horror fictional novel equivalent of the time of Stephen King today, some, not only right away, but since then until today, it has also sadly inspired.

Of Dante's so-called "9 Circles of Hell," described in his "Inferno" as an independently inspired addition to the Catholic concepts of the chiors of angels, coupled by the orders of demons, etc, of Catholic Theology, 5 are derived from the 7 "deadly" sins, which had been last written about by Pope Gregory I (540 - 604) prior to Dante making them a primary subject of his "Purgatorio," part 2 of his trilogy describing heaven, the world, and hell. In the format used by Pope Gregory and Dante, the 7 "deadly" sins of lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride have, by now, entered the Catechism (by-laws) of the Catholic faith as the 7 "venial" sins which, unlike the "mortal" sin of knowingly breaking one of the 10 commandments, may be forgiven by the Lord through acts of charity and repentence.

Main Thesis Part 1:

The Satanic Ritual Abuse Global Cult Network

Although the current (2014) editors of the online, open-source enclyclopedia, "wikipedia," have chosen to discredit the concept that a global network of "Satanic ritual abuse" (SRA) perpetrators does exist, they are merely being intellectually dishonest with their audience considering the listings they exclude or downplay of cases involving evidence for such. Despite the primary defendents in these cases being children, patients at asylums and hospitals, and prisoners in pentientiaries, an independent structural argument has been established by the victims of such abuse cases to justify their unanymous claim that such a global-scale cult-network exists. This argument traces the origin of "mind-control" experimentation's resurgence in modern times from Josef Mengele, the so-called "Angel of Death," a doctor at Auschwitz concentration camp during the final years of World War II (1942-1944). Following the end of WW2, many German scientists, formerly loyal to the NAZI ideology, were procured by both the western Allied nations and the Soviet Union's independently expanding empire, and with them entered into both these competing ideologies of American anti-Union Capitalism and Soviet International Communism the study of "mind-control." The CIA's Project "MK-Ultra" has, since it was supposedly disbanded in the 1970's under Jesse Helms following its exposure in a congressional oversight hearing by an investigative committee, become notorious for its vast experimentation on public citizens without their informed consent of various chemical drugs in an attempt to, as they claim, "find the perfect truth serum." However, the CIA's experiments with "psi," or the mind, did not end with "MK-Ultra." They continued into the mind-1990's as "Porject Stargate," and involved "remote viewing" and "remote influencing" experiments, gathering data from distant observations, as well as causing events to occur on-scene at distant locations. Likewise "psi" and "parapsychological" research was conducted throughout that time, until the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990's, behind the "iron curtain" by the KGB, and, while most of their files were destroyed when Communism fell in Russia, enough records survive to indicate their research had been both extensive and heavily dependent on material science. Their findings, what few remain, seem to indicate their "dual-use" tasking of Project Woodpecker, a "HAARP"-like antenna array formerly powered by the Chernobyl nuclear reactor prior to its melt-down in 1986, as a method of both radar-monitoring, radio-wave hacking, and mass hypnotic, subliminal EMF-based mind-control. Due to these findings, similar fears have been raised since then about the possible use of the "HAARP" antenna array in Gakona, Alaska, far northern USA, for similar effect on the American population living in the contiguous United States to the south.

However, despite the high-tech methods and obviously nefarious motives of these secretive experiments conducted on public citizens by operatives of the "intelligence community" of both the eastern bloc and in the west, the affiliation of the "MK-Ultra" type of experiments is, presently, considered an independent tradition apart from cases of "SRA" and ritual sex abuse. Nevertheless, many victims of one have bravely remained publicly claiming they are actually victims of both, because they are one and the same. According to their testimony, the high ranking government officials responsible for performing and ordering the commission of the public "MK-Ultra" experiments were, themselves, also members of a global, inter-connected network of criminals, specifically sex-offenders. And as bold as this claim may sound to some, there is ample evidence to support it is true.

The writings of the Marquis De Sade, although, alike those of Dante and of Machiavelli, largely intended as satirical fictions, were, nevetheless, inspired for the large part by his own observations of contemporary historical events during his lifetime. In other words, they were "art imitating life." Having lived from 1740 - 1814, De Sade lived through the bloodiest years of the French Revolution (of 1789 - 1799), and saw first-hand the 40,000 executions, most by guiolletine, of French aristocrats, including King Louis XVI, who was executed on January 21, 1793. De Sade's writings, mostly penned later in his life, years after the Revolution, while a patient at a mental asylum, describe the aristocracy, including members of the Catholic priesthood, in no uncertain terms as sex abusers. Although rarely, if ever once, thought of as being first-hand accounts of actual events, it is now known that contemporary to the youth of the Marquis De Sade, a cult devoted solely to sexual debauchery, which featured a parody of a Catholic theme, did exist among some of  the aristocracy of France. Called the "Hellfire Club," its meetings were held in a complex of man-made caves, and were once attended by post-revolution era American diplomat Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790). Although the details of the sexual rituals performed at the meetings of the "Hellfire Club" remain a matter of little historical record, it is also chronicled that, contemporary to these events and in the same nation they were occurring, the pseudo-Egyptian "Rites of Memphis and Mizraim" and the pseudo-Hiramic "Swedenborg Rite" emerged as clubs for "clandestine" or unauthorized practitioners of Freemasonry. The "Rites of Memphis and Mizraim," in particular, featured certain rituals of a specifically sexual nature. Both the "Swedenborg Rite" and the "Rites of Memphis and Mizraim" were among those included in Aliester Crowley's nexus for compression of contemporary "mystery school" practices folded into his reformation of the "OTO" following his ascension to their office of "OHO" in 1925. As a result, some of the rituals performed by the modern "OTO" cult do include so-called "sex-magic" rituals. Although Crowley himself was English, the OTO was originally a German cult, and, since the popularization of the "Illuminati" cult when it was expelled from Bavaria in 1776, the proliferation of cultism in Germany had steadily increased popularity and eventually led to the formation of the NAZI party from the "Thule" cult, a German occult studies group. There is evidence that the Yale college fraternity, "Skull and Bones" (founded in 1832) was an off-shoot from a German cult as well, and while the NAZI group has been decentralized since WW2, "Thule," the OTO, and the Skull and Bones all exist to this day, and each has their own ritual structure defining them specifically as, collectively, occult practitioners of ritual magic.

Again, however, the practice of ritual magic, like the experimentations on unaware victims in the public of "MK-Ultra's" mind-control operations, remains viewed as a separate tradition apart from not only one another, but both equally separate from that of "SRA" or "Satanic ritual abuse" cases. Even though it is known that, throughout history, high-ranking officials of various national governments have belonged to such cults as Freemasonry and other occult study-groups, and that some of these cults throughout history (including now) have practiced (and do practice) so-called "sex magic" rituals, the adherence to the modern cults publicly known to practice these "sex magic" rituals is not believed to extend to anyone at present in any high public office. In other words, even though very recent Presidents of the United States of America have been past members of Skull and Bones, no President known, including the present one, are practitioners of the "Rites of Memphis and Mizraim" in a public capacity, nor are on-the-books members of any cult practicing any so-called "sex magic" rituals. This politely, of course, excludes the allegations of male prostitution practiced at the ritual "Bohemian Grove" camping retreat attended by many US and international statesmen every year. While the "Bohemian Camp" does perform the mock-human sacrifice ritual, the "Cremation of Care," they have not been filmed practicing ritual sex-magic. Therefore, again, these trends are each viewed as an independent thread in a complex tapestry whose image yet remains, intentionally, obscured.

Because everyone who has read or heard the testimony of victims of "sex-magic" cults' ritual abuse has become immediately converted to their story, and the last thing I want from my audience is for them to lose their objectivity, I will only present any examples from this evidence last. Before doing so, however, let me first answer the questions of who are some of the important names that belong to such sex-abuse cults today, and, without addressing the American Bohemian Grove rituals directly, who are those who practice death-based, mock-religious sexual abuse based rituals at this time, particularly outside of the USA.

Main Thesis Part 2:

Who Are The 9?

As I said in the beginning, the group of 9 we will be discussing are inspired by Dante's Inferno, and have called themselves the "Ninth Circle" in honor of his gradated steps of Hell. However, like the "Hellfire Club" before them, they are devoted solely to sexual Sadism. Whether to the liking of the Marquis De Sade himself or not, the modern definition of a "Sadist" is one who requires the suffering of another to acquire sexaul satisfaction. "Sadism," as such, has developed as a prominent homo-sexual sub-culture among inmates in American prisons, where over-population and laxidazical hiring standards for guards has left many thousands of men and women to become victims and even perpetrators of specifically homosexual sex crimes due to gender segregation in the US prison system. Other cultures where "Sadism" has become prominent include the "role playing" circuit of high-class "escort service" madams and "call girls" who service as BDSM "mistresses" and "dominatrixes" to the financially wealthy elites who wish to engage in aggressive sexual displacement by "role reversal," and seek some form of guilt-sublimation by fetishistically assuming the role of "how the other half live." In short, many CEOs of major corporations have, by hiring prostitutes to perform specific sexual favors, created a sub-culture based in "Sadism," but more deeply, in "Masochism," and the desire to suffer oneself to acquire sexual satisfaction. "Sadism" and "Masochism" are so inter-related by this point that the single term, "Sado-Masochism," has been proposed and popularly accepted to describe the sub-culture encompassing them both. But the practice of rich elites hiring prostitutes for sexual favors of a specifically "Sado-Masochistic" nature does not prove the existence of a vast, even global network of Sadistic, ritualistic sexual predators.

However this group of 9 are something more than merely chief ranking executives in private sector corporations hiring prostitutes to explore their own dark side. Their crimes extend more personally than merely signing documents allowing pollution. For this type sexuality is not about "love," but "dominance" and "submission." To them, there is no such thing as "love," only "control." They have "control" over themselves first and foremost; they know what behaviors are appropriate under what circumstances, and what are not. They expect others to live up to their own standards for "self-control," and when they do not, as inevitably they will not, this sort become prejudiced and bigoted against their own species. Seeing themselves as "superior" to everyone else, they learn how to use sex as merely a weapon to attain what they want, and how to disassociate themselves from the pair-bonds their egos naturally wish to form under those circumstances. Over time, such people grow to become mass murderers, criminals of the highest degree, by seeking out offices of authority allowing them to authorize such actions to occur; such as chief military commanders, chief executive officers of governments, and offices of military-industrial capital suppliers - again, becoming the CEOs of certain large corporations, particularly investment banks. However, to sex-addicts, as to drug-addicts, their "day job" is merely incidental, a means to procuring the profit necessary to spend on their real need: the feeding of their addiction. There should be no doubt that a dictator the likes of Pol Pot or Josef Stalin would be both aware of and, to some extent, proud of their accomplishments of mass murder while in office. Certainly Hitler was, if he did, indeed, authorize the full extent of the Holocaust. However, to what extent do these examples of mass murder equate to a specifically sexual dysfunction focusing on displacement of the object of procreative desire from a compatible mate to the act of killing millions? As Stalin himself quipped once, "the death of one is a tragedy, the death of millions just a statistic." How does it feel to know one has been responsible for the deaths of millions? According to Henry Kissinger, who ordered the carpet bombing of Cambodia and Laos, "power is the ultimate aphrodisiac," and, from the affairs of past US Presidents such as JFK with Marilyn Monoroe and Bill Clinton with Monica Lewinski, we find ample evidence this is true.

Until the present, and only very recently in the history of western civilization has it been studied at all, the relationship linking sexual Sadistic proclivities and the act of ritual murder has been limited in the studies of criminology exclusively to the class of serial killers, who generally stalk and therefore develop a very personal, albeit voyeuristic, relationship with their victims. Insofar as the average mind of the individual public citizen is not prepared to accept that a "serial killer" such as, many believe (however falsely), Charles Manson himself might hold the highest public office in the "land of the free," it will remain confidential that George Herbert Walker Bush, the first Bush to hold the office of US President, had, while he was an agent of the CIA during the 1960's, acted independently of the agency and assassinated then US President JFK. However, the fact will remain that, attached to the offices of the highest political authority in modern geopolitics will come the requirement to make "tough choices" that will, inevitably, involve the dislocating of people, the destruction of property, and even their personal assassination or slaughtering en masse, either abroad, at home, or both. This creates a personality type that can "grin and bear it," or "smile for the cameras" even while internalizing their feeling of moral remorse for their actions of crimes against humanity (whether recognized and condemned by the international community or not). The psychologists who studied this effect among the NAZIs on trial for war-crimes at Nuremberg called it "twinning," and nowadays it is called "disassociative identity disorder" and related with sexual abuse in specific. While "in power," the NAZIs acted with imagined impugnity from any and all thoughts of moral repercussion for their actions. Following their disgrace, many developed severe guilt over their actions, and thought of themselves as though they were "two different people" as a result of this. Such "disassociative identity disorders" result directly from painful trauma, particularly at a young age, that causes a person's brain to go into "survival mode" and "fight or flight" instinct kicks in, but in a situation one cannot escape from, one "disassociates" and their primary ego "blacks out," resulting in "lost time" or "blocked memories" that can only be "recovered" through depth psychotherapy, and which arise to protect the central self-concept from the horrors their senses were experiencing. The experience of suffering severe trauma, in the short term for example as in a childhood rape, or over a more prolonged duration such as for the people of Germany under the Third Reich, has been reported to, in many instances, be coupled with the experience of extreme feelings of sexual excitation while it is occurring that are, later, equaled by the sensation of guilt at the event's memory. This feeling of arousal, coupled alternately by the gaping maw of guilt one feels when one abandons the habit of repeating the traumatic act they have come to fetishize, leads almost all victims of any kind of abuse to become abusers themselves, and in the same exact specific manner in which they suffered abuse themselves. When one person murders millions of their fellow human beings, they are creating a thousand times a million many abused victims likely to feel violence justifiable even in situations where it is not. As studies by mulitple modern Nobel Peace Prize winners indicate, "drone bombing only encourages the conversion of more terrorist members and creation of more terrorist groups." The act of "remote control killing," alike the vicarious catharsis experienced by winning a vioelnt video game, may be sexually stimulating, but this should not justify its being considered a "new form of warfare for a new, more peaceful era." As JFK warned, "it is no longer remote, and distant" peoples whose suffering we are aware of, or which we cause by allowing it to continue to occur, but "our own," for we have all become, as Hillary Clinton put it, a "global village" of international concerns and interests, sharing the desire to keep the peace above all concerns over cost.

So, these 9 we mean to discuss are "serial killers" in high offices of political authority. For them, not only are their offices of political authority merely "incidental," but so are their own acts of mass murder, as for them killing is only a means to the end of achieving sexaul satisfaction. So the words we have in our psychological lexicons to describe such humans are "psychotic," "sociopaths," "amoral," and "incapable of knowing right from wrong." But these words we fling at such "people" pale by comparison to their acts. If we are to believe, in modern times, that 3000 people died on September 11th, 2001, when the WTC twin-towers collapsed, then we would very much like to blame the real perpetrators for this definitely criminal act, but if we found out it was not "Arab terrorists" but our own government who perpetrated the act, would we still be as quick to act on the impulse of bringing them to justice by use of military and violent means?

But all this is merely to say "who" the 9 are by saying "what" they are like. They would probably not think of themselves as professional serial killers, and might not even, as with the NAZIs, even accept their actions while in authority led to anyone else's suffering at all, let alone to anyone's death. It is easy to be a "holocaust denier" when you are a German NAZI, but good luck finding any since WW2, when being such was declared illegal. But declaring being a "German NAZI" illegal, even globally, and in turn establishing the IDF, Mossad and the Jewish Anti-Defammation League all only to hunt down and exterminate to the last every "German NAZI" has only resulting in replacing the "German NAZIs" with the same personality type in the form now of the Israeli Likkud Party. The same mentality exhibited by Hermann Goering at the Nuremberg trial is exhibited modernly by Israeli Zionists such as Ariel Sharon, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Shimon Peres about their indiscriminate bombing of Palestinians in Gaza. Instead of the "holocaust," the denial is of "Gaza," but nevertheless, the war crimes persist. "War criminals" are "war criminals" whether or not they are ever legally prosecuted as "war criminals" during their own life-times. History will remember George Walker Bush, the first Bush President's son, and second Bush to be President, as a modern "war criminal" for his ordering the illegal US invasion of Iraq in 2003.

But we cannot define this group of 9 only by saying what they are like, without also saying what their names are, and who they are in real life.

Main Thesis Part 3:

Who The 9 Are

The "Ninth Circle" is just a game they play, but there are obviously not only 9 people alive who fit this role. There are many attendees of the annual pro-eugenics Bilderberg Club meetings who are rich, infamous and probably part-time sexaul predators, who would, more over, even be proud to be identified publically as all these things. The Bilderberg Club began as a party hosted by Queen Beatrix, then Queen of the Netherlands, who abdicated in 2013 in favor of her son Willem-Alexander, present King of the Netherlands. According to findings released in relation to a Common Law court case against members of the Candian Parliament and British Royalty, Queen Beatrix has also hosted parties where at least 800 children have been drugged and released naked into the woods to be hunted and their gentialia kept as trophies. The estimate of the number of these such victims derives from the finding of 796 mutilated corpses of children in a "septic tank" (actually a cistern) at St. mary's Mothers and Babies Home in Tuam, Ireland.

So what is the "Ninth Circle" game? According to long-term ritual sexual abuse survivor Toos Nijenhuis (maiden name) of Holland, she was raped once by nine men who stood around her in a circle while she lay on a small elevated altar. If any of these men failed to achieve an erection while she was being raped, a trap-door would open beneath where they stood and they would fall down a small tunnel into a room below where they would be killed and their genitalia taken as a trophy, later to have necrophilia performed on their corpse by the other actors in this ritual.

This deadly game began and developed from its origin in the halls of the Vatican Archives, the halls of the Vatican Bank, and the halls of the College of Cardinals and Curia in St. Peter's Basillica in Vatican City, Rome, Italy. It has been played as a form of "Russian roulette" among the rich elites for several generations, but its popularity among them remains a secret among the poor, unwashed masses because it is not mentioned by the news anchors on the air, only practiced by them while off it. It has been used as a method of "initiation" into deeper secrets among the sub-culture of sex-cults since its inception, but its original birthdate remains shouded in buried or falsified histories. According to some "there is no ninth circle of hell." This, as they may admit, "doesn't tell us much, because it's a secret." But it tells us much indeed about the person who would keep such an event as this as a a "skeleton in their closet."

When Josef Ratzinger, then Pope Benedict XVI, found out his close friend and confidant, Carmerlengo Tarcisio Bertone has played the "Ninth Circle" game himself, he resigned the office of the Papacy on Feburary 12, 2013, and within hours not one but two bolts of lightning struck the pinnacle of the dome on St. Peter's Bascilica itself. The reason Ratzinger cited for resigning was "health concerns," however, as the press has since much touted, he became the first Pope in supposedly 600 years to do so. Upon his resignation Josef Ratzinger remained within Vatican City due to wishing to avoid extradiction for crimes he was facing from the international Common Law court in the aforementioned case against the government of Canada and the royal family of Great Britain. In his final speech as Pope he called upon all Catholics to "pray for his protection while God is sleeping." According to a press release from a Chinese media source published online in January, 2014, prior to leaving office, Ratzinger, acting as Pope Benedict XVI, oversaw the "defrocking" (excommunication) of "nearly 400" (technically 555 when counting the years 2008 - 2012) Catholic priests for the crime of molesting children. He had attempted to implement his addition to the Catholic Cathechism of the clause that "homosexuality was an objective disorder" by purging the Catholic faith of child molestors, and thus, did the right thing for the wrong reason. However, as he quickly discovered, his purge was not only unsuccessful, but had merely galvinized his perceived adversaries to form (what Pope Francis later identified as) a "gay prelate network." Prior to Pope Benedict's attempted purge of all homosexuals from the Catholic priesthood, there had been rampant homosexuality in the priestclass, particularly in the underground nightclubs of Rome itself, as reported on repeatedly by the US news media-source Newsweek. Ratzinger, prior to becoming Pope Benedict at the death of Pope John Paul II, had served as the Vatican's chief investigator of sex-crimes within the Catholic Church, and had personally met with victims and investigated their allegations, and had, eventually, tiring of being stymied in his efforts by the Vatcian buearueacracy, implimented the findings of his report by publicly calling for the investigation of Legionaries founder, Marcial Maciel, an act which was followed almost immediately by the death of his predecessor as Pope, John Paul II, and Ratzinger's own election to the post by the College of Cardinals as Pope Benedict XVI. As Pope, Ratzinger found it impossible to completely condemn the man whose investigation his calling for had apparently led to his own promotion to the Papacy. The fate of Maciel was "banishment" but unofficially avoidance of prosecution by criminal charges for pedofilia and rape. Despite calling for a ban on "hiring homosexuals" into the clergy and excommunicating 555 priests for this reason, ongoing court cases against Catholic priest pederasts and the Archdiocese who sheltered them continue to expose further and further not only the number of these offenders, but their inter-relations with one another in a networked manner, indicating Ratzinger may have taken on an unwinnable war. In Philadelphia, the 2012 prosecution of Monsignor William Lynn and Rev. William Brennan over a 1996 incident of anally raping a choir boy and conspiring to cover the event up has recently revealed the presence of some 10,000 "potentially incriminating documents" stored on a computer's hard-drive, and the contemporary case (also in Philadelphia) of Father Edward M. DePaoli revealed further storage of "child pornography" on electronic devices. This may have influenced the "bugging" and "ban" on electronic devices such as cell-phones during the Conclave to elect the successor of Pope Benedict XVI when he stepped down.

Pope Benedict XVI's elected successor was Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, and he ascended as Pope Francis I, calling upon his ascension for the assembled crowd in St. Peter's Square to "pray over" him. He has taken up the mantle of reforms begun by Pope Benedict XVI, however has a different directive in mind for their order: from his first day, he has been motivated to root out corruption, both financial and sexually criminal, in the Curia and to reform their handling of funds through the Vatican Bank. He has said, "in this system with no ethics, the center is an idol, and the world has idolized the god money." Although he has also claimed on the topic of homosexuality in general, "who am I to judge?" he has not erased Cardinal Ratzinger's interjection into the Catechism calling homosexuality an "objective disorder."

However, as mentioned, Benedict XVI's denunication of homosexuals within the clergy seems to only have led to their further galvanization into a "prelate network" with the potential to lobby for their rights within the College of Cardinals, against any ordinations and bulls decreed by his Holiness. It is obvious the use of electronic media was considered wide-spread enough to be anathema during Conclave, however the extent to which its rapid development over the last 10-20 years has allowed such a "network" of interested parties to cohere into a single, like-minded group has not yet been fully expressed, let alone sufficiently deeply explored. If "cults" of sex-addicts have existed in the past, is it possible that such a "cult" has infiltrated the Catholic College of Cardinals? And if so, how much has the internet allowed this phenomenon to thrive?


Who Are We To Judge?

What conclusion can we reach from all this, besides of course that Pope Francis I must surely be a "great man" of our times, and a voice for "we, the people" the commoner masses? What conclusion would we like to see reached in these affairs? It is written that Jesus said, "judge not, lest ye be judged." Yet when the moral repugnance of a confessed crime stands denuded before our very eyes, and the victim demands justice be done by us ourselves, what more or less can we do but than to respond as our heart and conscience demand of us? When confronted by the screams of sexually victimized children, how many nowadays are truly capable of hearing about such events and simply "turning the other cheek"? We can say, "what can one person alone do to change the whole world?" but if one allows that this "one person" may be Pope, then this argument's favoring of futility itself becomes moot. If "real change" is possible for human society globally during our life-times, it will be as a result of these events. Not only might this mean the final conclusion to the era of the Catholic Church being a feared institution, reputed best for torturing scientists and the mass murdering of those it dubbed "heretical," but it could at long last root out the vast, even global network of pedofiles, sadists, rapists and sex-ritualist occultists, to determine where overlap between these circles lies, if at all, and to prosecute each according to their crimes. If the internet is guilty of allowing this coven to network more effectively, it can also be exhonerated for this from the point of view of future history if it is primarily the internet by way of which news of this scandal continues to be brought to light. The fact that Julian Assange's communiques with Chelsea (then PFC Bradley) Manning and the subsequent success of Assange's online group, "wikileaks," partially inspired the "vatileaks" scandal involving the Papal Butler Paolo Gabriele is undeniable, and as the popcorn crunching audience waits with baited breath for the next "leak's" source, we strongly hope that the hacker network "Anonymous" will play a part in providing increased access to information. Personally, I would like very much to see the Vatican Archives hacked and a copy of "the Angel Scroll" by Yeshua Ben Padia (discovered in 1999 by Stephen Pfann for the University of the Holy Land and suppressed since) released for immediate public translations and interpretations to begin. But surely this is as much of a pipe dream as to believe we modern people, as online readers and fair-weather Libertarians, could stand by and allow the moral atrocity of child sex-slavery to persist should it be discovered to exist. Some of us, who have had some brief or peripheral encounters with this Leviathan, and others, who've had a more prolonged time in which to experience the workings of this "Octopus Conspiracy's" invisible tentacles, can and will readily vouch for the fact that, discovered by the light of public awareness yet or not, such a globally linked network of pedofiles, sadists and pederasts does exist already even now, and that the precedent for making such an assertion is not new either, but aged in the extreme, dating back even prior to Emperor Constantine's conversion of Rome to the religion of Christianity under the direction of the Roman Catholic flamines, the College of Cardinals at that time (313 AD). For whatever reason(s), since the salting of the earth at the end of their third Punic war with Carthage in 146 BC, there has emanated forth from the centers of power in the city of Rome a terrifying force, invisible to behold and yet petrifying ot imagine, and which can only be likened to the "great beast with 7 heads and 10 horns" (an allegory by St. John of Patmos for the 7 hills on which Rome sits) described in "Revelations" some 2000 or so years ago exactly. And was it not the actions of a past Pope of the Catholic Church of Rome that, by ordering the Crusades into the Holy Land as the first historical action of "Zionism" on behalf of the Cistercian Order, pit the Muslim Arabic Semites and the Hebrew Jewish Diaspora Semites against one another to begin with? Who could ever answer for all the blood shed by the entire list of Popes of the Catholic Church? Has even the Jewish "blood libel" itself derived ONLY from the actions practiced in secret, such as the "9th Circle" death-game or the hunting of humans in the woods of the Netherlands or Ireland by a party attending to Queen Beatrix? Has the "black mass" NOT been practiced, within the walls of St. Peter's, above the very bones of "our lord and savior" buried in his sepulcre there? When the wine and levened bread of Holy Communion is believed to be meant to literally "transubstantiate" in one's own mouth simply by the act of partaking in them into the "blood and body" of Jesus, called the "Son of God" only in the Roman-originating traditions, is there, in reality, any such thing BUT a "black mass" that is NOT based on vampirism, on blood-borne and venereal diseases, and on the spread of a corrupt and morally bankrupt ideology of secret sexual enslavement that knows no minimum age. In the words of the hacker group "Anonymous," with which some of us - historians who still get upset thinking about Caesar accidentally burning down the library of Alexandria in 30 BC - readily agree: "we do not forgive, and we do not forget."


- Jon Gee

Tallahassee, Florida, USA

October 24, 2014.


References Part 1:

The Vatican's Stance On Homosexuality

"Instruction Concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocations
with regard to Persons with Homosexual Tendencies
in view of their Admission to the Seminary and to Holy Orders" =


References Part 2:

Various Articles In Chronological Order:

000 "Rome's Subculture of Gay Priests Rocks the Vatican"


Barbie Nadeau

(Jul. 27, 2010)

001 "The Cardinal, The Clergy and Kiddie Porn"

Big Trial Dot Net

Ralph Cipriano

(Apr. 10, 2012)

002 "Rampant Depravity in Catholic Priesthood Exposed in Trial"

Without Prejudice

Tony Bushby


003 "The Vatican's Gay Priests"


Hannah Roberts and Sara Malm


004 "Pope Hosts Top-Level Meeting On Leaks in Vatican"

Catholic News Service

Cindy Wooden

(Jul. 27, 2012)

005 "Papal Resignation Linked to Inquiry Into Vatican Gay Officials"

The Guardian

John Hooper

(Feb. 21, 2013)

006 "Pope to Review Vatican Bureaucracy, Scandel-Ridden Bank"


Philop Pullella

(Apr. 09, 2013)

007 "Pope Francis Admits that Gay Prelate Network Exists"

The Guardian

Lizzy Davies

(Jun. 11, 2013)

008 "Pope Benedict Defrocked 400 Priests over Child Abuse in 2 Years"

South China Morning Post


(Jan. 19, 2014)

009 "Secrets of the Vatican"

PBS Documentary

Antony Thomas for Frontline

(Feb. 25, 2014)

010 "The Council Of 9 Meets With Pope Francis In Vatican"

Vatican Radio


(September 17, 2014)

References Part 3:

Wikipedia Articles In Chronological Order

References Part 4:

Youtube Videos in Chronological Order

Lightning strikes The Vatican hours after pope resigns

Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland An Eyewitness speaks out Introduction

Kevin Annett: Witnesses to 800 Irish children slaughtered; Dutch Prince, PM, Soros hunting children

Views: 3408

Comment by Jonathan Barlow Gee on October 24, 2014 at 9:23am

Comment by Jonathan Barlow Gee on November 4, 2014 at 9:47am

""God is not a demiurge or magician, but the Creator who gives existence to all entities. The beginning of the world is not the work of chaos which owes its origin to another, but rather it derives directly from a supreme Principle which creates out of love. The Big Bang, which today is posited as the origin of the world, does not contradict the creative divine intervention, but rather requires it."" - Pope Francis I.

- source:


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