the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
""Adinkra Symbols, Cat's Cradle & The Key To Modern String Theory::
An Analysis Of Modern Methodologies, Inspired By Sylvester James Gates.""
extrapolated from the ether for the Pythagorean Order of Death
by: Jon Gee, Tallahassee, Florida, USA, ~ November 1, 2014.
The void of empty space between all matter-energy quanta is defined as extending down to 1 Planck length. The speed of light in vacuum is assessed as 1 Planck length per 1 Planck time. Thus, at the VSL (variable speed of light) the 4 elemental forces (gravity, electromagnetism, fission and fusion) begin to break down into a single, unfied force (defined as ZPE or "quantum foam"). The prediction is thus asserted that at the upper limits of "light-speed" (the "energy-barrier" of "C^2") "super-symmetric" formulae begin to apply due to the presence of "loop quantum gravity" effecting "negentropic" relativity on "string theory" equations' variables. In short, the "super-symmetry" of modern "adinkras" (in physics), particularly based on "Cat's Cradle," the "string figure" game of pre-historic origins, applies to the empty void of ZPE below 1 Planck length to create an ornate tapestry of complex lattice patterns.
introduction: What A Mathematically Based Predictive Theory Should & Should Not Be
thesis 1: What Is (Hilbert) "Space"?
thesis 2: Is "Space" Expanding (On A Sub-Quantum Scale)?
thesis 3: Mathematics Based On Size-Scale Ratios
thesis 4: Johannes Kepler's "Harmonices Mundi" (Harmony of the World)
thesis 5: String-Figures ("Cat's Cradle") and String-Theory
conclusion: Tying It All Together & Wrapping It All Up
appendix: A Brief Critique On The Concept Of Error-Correcting "Computer" Coding
introduction: What A Mathematically Based Predictive Theory Should & Should Not Be
At the moment of history in which I write this, the "vacuum" or "dark energy" of deep, intergalactic voids and the "dark matter" (effecting gravity but dulling radiative photo-electric EMFs) interior to galaxies remains unexplored, and therefore our understanding of it remains based solely on a combination of direct (often mechanically enhanced) observations and mathematical (often abstract) predictions. The goal of using mathematics (a standardized methodology) for the basis of our predictions about distant cosmic or rare microscropic events is to apply an averaged set of formula to explain the majority of the cosmos, and then to examine by observations how variations from this predicted norm occur, and then to study why in each unique case-by-case scenario, until a more complete comprehension emerges.
It has been argued the goal of such research should be motivated by a religious curiosity, and coupled, for counter-measure, by a strong sense of theological faith. I disagree. It has been posited the goal of all science is (or should be) to "read the mind of god." I do not feel any compulsion, naturally, to accept the concept of a creator deity to be implied by this line of research at all. The study of cosmology, and that of ethics as well for that matter, ought, in my opinion at least, to be separated from the study (such as it is) of theology; particularly being as how "theology" is based in mythological fiction, while the study of material science is based on hard facts. To "know nature" is not to "know god better," as some transcendentalists may have, in their days, posited. To "know nature" is, I would ammend, "to know that no god is necessary for all the world to exist as it does." It is wholely possible to feel deep, innocent curiosity about the cosmos without needing to temper such with any theological concerns whatsoever. In this vein, I will attempt in this essay to stray from any "metaphysical" considerations of a more "theological" nature, and to stick as much as possible to the "hard science" of the mathematically based, theoretical predictions.
thesis 1: What Is (Hilbert) "Space"?
This "empty void" of outer-space, combining "ethereal" forms of energy and "anti-matter" exotic particles into the "microwave background radiation spectrum" or cacophony of background noise emitted from all radiative sources, is called, in total, "Hilbert space" because it depends on the presence of more than one directional vector of motion. At least a scalar set of two directions for motion is necessary to fit the definition of "Hilbert space," and as it turns out all the empty voids in our 3-dimensional cosmos, from the very vast (the voids between the intergalactic filaments) to the smallest scales (the voids between the nuclei and electrons of the atomic elements), must be and are "Hilbert space" conformant. All particles within these empty voids therefore are able to exhibit asymptotic freedom, as well as incur the effect on others of "conservation" to their unimpeded motions. In short, because all "space" is "Hilbert space," all the physics by which we define "space" become possible. If the rules of our cosmos differed at this level, the outcome would create an enormously different format for our present cosmos than what we see around us today. If "space" were NOT "Hilbert space," particle physics could not occur as it does.
However, in order to be confined, or rather, dimensionally "conserved," to having no less than 2 possible vectors for any particle's motion within it, "Hilbert space" can only apply to and define rules for our cosmos down to a certain, very small scale of measurement, but it cannot cross this threshold to venture beyond it. According to mathematics, around this same scale of size, the differences between the 4 elemental forces present in our current cosmos begin to break down into "super-symmetrical" forms, represented in "string theory" as "loop quantum gravity," or super-tiny "Calabi-Yau shapes" whose vibrations individually and frictions against one another combined determine the most fundamental size scale force in "space." The very small scale of size at which the mathematics indicate the standard measurements for spatial physics begin to break down is one Planck-length, or exactly 10^-35 meters in size, and, because theoretically below this size-scale, the 4 elemental forces that define the physics of our local universe break down into a single, unified field force, thus the smallest measure of length and distance possible in "space" is one Planck-length, and anything smaller than this defies the definition of the term "space" itself, because it ceases to be "Hilbert space" and becomes, again, something else - a "zero-point energy" quantum-foam that combines the 4 universal forces into a single, unified field.
thesis 2: Is "Space" Expanding (On A Sub-Quantum Scale)?
Einstein's "C," the "constant" speed of photons in a "perfect" vacuum, is measured as one Planck-length, per 1 Planck-time. In other words, a photon travelling at this exact "speed of light" travels the distance of 1 Planck-length per the passage of each duration measured as a "Planck-time." Thus, it is convenient to label "C" as Planck's constant squared (one "Planck length" times one "Planck time"). Likewise, if "C" can be labeled as "Planck's constant squared," then "C^2" (the velocity at which energy and matter become a single, new, unified substance, not measurable by the standard laws of universal physics) would be "one Planck constant cubed." We can, thus, expect to find correlations between physics at scales smaller than 1 Planck-length and the cosmology of our cosmos prior to the division of the 4 elemental forces 1 Planck-time following the "big bang." The "big bang" would still be occuring at the smallest scales if Hubble's observation of "red shifts" to distant galaxies is due to sub-quantum scale expansion to the fabric of space-time itself.
In other words, if the "universe is expanding" on a sub-quantum scale, then what was 1 "Planck length" at the first "Planck time" and what is 1 "Planck length" today MIGHT differ, in the same manner as a unit of length such as a square inch might differ over time if graphed on a plane that was, itself, expanding. What constitutes "1 square inch" or "1 Planck length" one day might not be what constitutes the same measurement the next day, but the ratios between these measurements does appear to remain universally constant, implying that "universal expansion," IF occurring on a sub-quantum scale, is doing so uniformly (or at a regular rate) across all size-scales of space-time equally. If space-time were expanding inequitably throughout the cosmos, we would find distortions to the ratios of measurement occurring in certain areas of space and not in others and, while this MAY be the case near large centers of gravity-wells, such as black-holes in spiral galactic cores or deep-space void gamma-ray bursts, this seems to occur only while these gravitational events occur, and thus to be caused by their distorting gravitational influence; thus these are not "exceptions to the universal rule" but are locations where the rule is bent, even if not completely broken. Near a black-hole's event-horizon, for example, the relativistic laws of Newtonian physics may break down entirely; we cannot yet know because we have not yet explored this phenomenon. What our maths can predict about such conditions is limited only by our use of ratios as measurements that MAY differ under other, unique conditions.
thesis 3: Mathematics Based On Size-Scale Ratios
Given all these factors, we can still use these varied measurements (even IF expanding at an only relatively constant rate) assuming their ratios will remain fixed. Thus, in our local region of the local universe itself, it is safe to say that mathematics can be reliably used to make accurate predictions about planetary and particle physics. Kepler's laws of planetary motion and the study of the atomic elements have yielded forth the studies of astronomy and quantum-mechanics, which resemble one another in some ways, yet differ in others. For example, in a hydrogen atom, one electron orbits one nucleus in a singular "electron shell." One would imagine this "electron shell" and the orbital motions of a planet circling a star would not be dissimilar, yet they are. Because of the very small amounts of mass involved, the laws of gravity appear to behave more ideally at the atomic scale than at the planetary / stellar scale, and instead of elipitcal orbits (as we see with the planets around the stars), on a sub-atomic scale we find the "orbital shells" of electrons around nuclei to be defined by the "uncertainty principle" to a signicant enough degree they remain unpredictable and unmeasurable in their shapes and forms to this day, although some clue might lie in spherical harmonics, an orthonormal basis for the Hilbert space of square-integrable functions on the sphere.
So, as long as our mathematics remain sound, our predictions for what should be the actual laws of physics in our local cosmos based on them should prove accurate as well. But what are these "ratios" or incremental intervals that MAY be "expanding" universally as relative measures on the surface of the changing space-time continuum? The "ratios" we are addressing here are the so-called natural units of the orders of magnitude - the units of scale at which particles of differing sizes occur. For example, a proton is 10^-12 - 10^-15 meters in size, while a hydrogen atom or an x-ray wavelength is 10^-9 - 10^-12 meters in size. Between 10^-17 meters (10 attometers) defined as the range of the weak nuclear force of fission and 10^-15 meters (1 femtometer), or exactly 1.5 fm's, the size of an 11 MeV proton, there are no listed particulates representing the elemental force. Likewise, between 10^-24 meters (1 yoctometer) or the radius of 1 MeV neutrino and 10^-35 meters (1 Planck length), all is comprised of empty Hilbert space, the so-called "quark / gluon plasma" or "quantum foam" close to the edge of measurable "space." Thus we say, the "natural units" of the "orders of magnitude for length" are those distances symbolizing measures of virtual wavelengths or diameters of real particles, and whenever such occurs in the scale of very small sizes, we can count it as doing so in a certain (presumably fixed) ratio relative to all others that do so likewise at different points along this scale.
thesis 4: Johannes Kepler's "Harmonices Mundi" (Harmony of the World)
Kepler's neo-platonic "Music of the Spheres" was based on assigning to each planetary orbital distance one of the five fundamental regular polyhedral solids, the so-called "Platonic solids," and to each planet itself a certain specific full tone note defined by its distance from the solar sphere at the core of the model system. Kepler believed this model to represent the undelrying "governing dynamics" of our local solar system, and his own observations on the "laws of planetary motions" to merely be aberrations straying from this fundamental model's perfect system. Thus, Kepler reasoned, the planets may have begun in their orbits being based on the scale of full tone notes and of "Platonic" solids being the basis for their orbital distances, but then, as cosmic scale durations of time elapsed, become gradually dislocated from this concourse of the forces and assumed their modern placement due to "Kepler's law of planetary motion." Kepler accounted for his observations of the "laws of planetary motion" as being his own, but for his modeling of the solar system based on the "Platonic solids" as belonging originally to a divine designer.
Again, however, it is not necessary to believe in "intelligent design" or a "creator deity" in order to comprehend the logic Kepler was using. He intended to format a set of laws to establish as ideal an averaging of all combined observations to produce an idealized model based all on the averages, not on observations. In short, Kepler was acting as an "intelligent designer" would in approaching the formation of earth's own solar system, and in this manner making the fatal mistake of many past scientists of trying to "read the mind of god." Nevertheless, what Kepler laid down would become the basis for other such mnemonic and heuristic models as the "periodic table of the elements" for atomic chemistry (in all its various designs), similar lists of various quanta in sub-atomic physics, 4-dimension based lattices of these same, and ultimately, as we're about to discuss next, the model of "Adinkras" in string-theory physics. Although one can go mad looking for patterns in observable data due simply to sensory input overload from all the observable data available, if one focuses only on the "averaged" min/max sums for various variables within all this observable data, one may more easily plot the data upon a graphic chart, and find, by doing so, "super-symmetries" nonetheless nascent, yet otherwise unrevealed.
thesis 5: String-Figures ("Cat's Cradle") and String-Theory
Because the string(s, for sometimes two are used, and sometimes two or more people required to perform one figure) in "Cat's Cradle" are isomorphic loops (alike the "rosary" prayer beads of Catholicism or the mantra-related meditative beads of Buddhism), they are different from the common concept of the genome of animal cellular DNA, which resembles (with a telomere capping each end) a shoe-string with a plastic cap at either tip. The string(s) used in making the "string-figures" of the "cat's cradle" string-game are "isomorphic," meaning each is a loop of a certain circumference, but at no time in the fair play of the game can it become broken and have two or more tips or ends. The goal of the "string game" or "cat's cradle" is to weave complex tapestries between one's fingers using these loops of string, and as one progresses in complexity, these develop in difficulty, until ultimately, the most complex forms of "string figures" require multiple people to construct.
While the game has been preserved remarkably well in both "Asiatic" and "Oceanic" degrees of complexity, developing independently from one another over the millennia, it is obvious both emanated from the same original source, an average distance between the two extremes of "cat's cradle's" most complex practice, thus having originated from the Middle Eastern region of the Levant at a time prior to migrations northward into Europe and south-eastward toward the islands of New Zealand and Australia. The game may even originate in sub-saharan Africa at a time prior to humanity's original migration out of Africa into the middle-east, when the now Saharan desert was still a fertile grassy savannah, as much of central Africa remains today. While climate change to the region may not have been the sole reason sparking this eventual migration from N. Africa into the middle-eastern Levant, it is likely observations of and preparations for these climate changes did lead to the original harvesting of seed-grains that would, later still, culminate in the agrarian revolution. If the "string figure" game of "cat's cradle" is older than the dawn of the agrarian revolution, then it would also be older than the Mesopotamian region flood that occurred there around 7,000 years ago (5,000 BC) many aeons following the agrarian revolution during the neolithic era, some 12,000 years ago (around 10,000 BC). In other words, the "string figure" game would be "Atlantean" in the era of its origins.
This string game, in its earliest form, may have inspired the formation of the Adinkra symbols of the Akan - the 20 million modern inhabitants, predominately converts to non-Akan originating religions (mostly Christianity), of Ghana and the Ivory Coast in West Africa. The Akan are a multi-racial ethnicity, and strung together primarily by speaking the "Akan languages" (Twi-Fante and Bia) of the Kwa branch of the Niger-Congo language family. The modern Akan ruling Abrade (Aduana) Clan trace their own history to the Sahara and the Sudan no earlier than the 6th century, but, it should be noted, West Africa has been continually populated by human beings since our species' origin. Whether Asiatic cat's cradle was present during the nativity of the Akan Adinkra or not, it was due to the symmetry patterns in the Adinkra symbols that they were chosen for referencing works of theoretical maths in modern super-symmetric "string" theory, and this feature itself does define the Adinkra symbols as being MOST appropriate for quantum mechanics lattices ONLY WHEN they are most symmetrical, and thus when they are most alike "string figures" formed in the game "cat's cradle."
conclusion: Tying It All Together & Wrapping It All Up
So why does it turn out that the complex netted workings of the "string figure" game resemble the mathematical lattices of quantum mechanics and of "string theory" in particular? It is because "loop quantum gravity" (occurring at or below the level of 1 Planck-length, within the "quantum foam" of "ZPE") breaks down the asymptotic particle liberation mechanism defining entropy as the primary motivating force within 3-dimensional space and the cosmos as we know it. If entropy causes order to break apart into chaos, then "negentropy," its dually paired polar opposite, makes order out of chaos. Below 1 Planck-length, in short, there appears to be a force of "negentropic" zero-point energy that acts counter to the force of entropy in much larger 3-dimensional space as we know it today. Insofar as this sub-quantum, superluminal force of negentropic ZPE can be argued to exist, it can be mistaken as "proof of god;" the energy resulting from twin M-branes, each moving in a direction opposite the other, causing static electric friction to arise as they pass across, between and through one another's areas can be explained as the cause resulting in this effect of "negentropic" patterns forming below a certain, very small size in the areas where these M-branes overlap. If one M-brane is comprised of superluminal ZPE and moving "future to past" through empty void, and the other is comprised of matter-energy in the space-time continuum of the local universe, and moving strictly from a "past to future" direction through this "ether" of ZPE, then where these M-branes overlap, friction will occur and yield static electric charge - the building up of kinetic energy where none existed before will occur as a direct result of this, and as with the miniscule electric sparks from shuffling one's feet on a carpet, this effect apparently generates "something out of nothing" by creating "free energy" where none had existed before. Thus, "negentropic" universal expansion, occurring on a sub-quantum scale ubiquitously across all areas, and uniformly across all scales of size, MAY account for why "loop quantum gravity" APPEARS to yied complex lattices of inter-related concepts at a level below 1 Planck-length.
Because the subject matter being examined in "super-string equations" is, necessarily, dependent on it being "super-symmetric," the variables in such equations will, thus, also be symmetric to one another when these equations are placed relatively to one another, and this effect will, predictably, occur in such a manner that graphically visualizable patterns will occur between the symmetric placements of variables in the string-theory equations. Thus, if you place the equations in an arrangement implied by the locations of their identical variables relative to one another, the result will conform to standard "adinkra" type graphs primarily due to the symmetries of these graphs. Other models, such as those proposed for modeling symmetries found in the Hebrew letters of the Torah by Stan Tenen, also apply symmetry models to graphing depictions of how seemingly random variables relate and have also borne significant fruit. Likewise, the works of Carlos Paris on prime-number graphing patterns resembling mandelbrot fractal branching cycles, the works of Tony Smith on E8-physics models, Martin Krzywinski on graphic depictions for Pi, Phi and E, as well as the "Accidental Similarity Number," as well as many other researchers currently, are all relevant to the decryption of a cosmic "primer," or key to unlocking a complete understanding of universal physics from the astro- to the quantum- levels, that goes beyond being merely a "theory" of everything. It shouldn't be surprising to find "symmetries" that can be graphically depicted when studying "super-string" theory, because "super-string theory" depends on "super-symmetry" as a basis for its equations to work.
appendix: A Brief Critique On The Concept Of Error-Correcting "Computer" Coding
The ONLY flaw in this application to computer coding that I can see seems to be in the arbitrary assignation of one variable in one equation to a binary significator in all equations that also contain this variable. If one wished to create a "language" of "equations" by assigning the "variables" used in them all to a set of "letters" as in an "alphabet," one could select any pre-existent such set of "letters" in an "alphabet" to use (most alphabets use around 20-30 letters as symbols for sounds), but if one chooses to use the binary language of computer programming, one is arbitrarily ruling out other computer programming languages, such as bin-hex and pure hexidecimal, that exist now, let alone any that may be developed in the future (such as those based on so-called "quantum computing" forming a "trinary" language including a third, "partial" state between the "open" one and "closed" zero states of pure binary). The specific formating for the binary computer language is a format attributed to Claude Shannon, so-called "father of information theory," from the 1940's, admittedly a long time prior to the advent of the use of binary language in modern computer programming. This specific format for coding binary is called "doubly-even self-dual linear binary error-correcting block code" and is actually a combination of multiple different aspects of encryption developed by multiple, different cryptographers since the 1940's, so the attribution of its sole invention to Claude Shannon is, also, misleadingly oversimplifying.
Johannes Kepler: The Harmony of the World =
Caroline F. Jayne: String Figures and How to Make Them =
Strange Computer Code Discovered Concealed In Superstring Equations =
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