the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

"what happens when one passes away ?"

It depends on how they identify their own self-concept. We spend our entire lives defining our self-concept. However, when we die, this self-concept gets torn from us, and our clinging to it as we die causes us suffering as we die. Some people identify themselves with their bodies, others their emotions, some by their intelligence, and each of these experiences its own form of expiration, in its own due time. The emotions, memories and sub-conscious can outlive the physical organism's demise by being passed on to other people, however this serves to disperse their original self-concept's control over them. The self-concept, or "ego," will outlive both the organs of the body as well as the impact of their lives on later history in the form of a magnetically replicable pattern of electricity unique to the person that is developed around every living organism while it survives. This unique, personal EM-field, surrounding the person while alive as an aura, may detach from them at the time of their body's death in the form of an "immortal" soul, such that this EM-pattern would, wherever it could be made manifest again, always replicate the same individual consciousness and will. This EMF "aura" can act, ghost-like, as a vessel for the self-concept, or "ego," to remain existing following its physical, organic body's death, acting much as the body itself does for the ego while it is alive. This form of "soul" can "astral travel" instantaneously anywhere in the cosmos at any time. Thus, the entirety of the cosmos is to a soul after the body's death alike what earth is like to the soul while the body lives.

"is there a life after death?"

Again, it depends on what you would choose to define as "life." If you mean, can an "ego" survive bodily death, the answer is, according to at least 90% of our species (who are "theists") unequivocably "yes." There are many methods explained in the various mystical literatures of the many world religions of mankind since the agrarian revolution. However, obviously, there are different forms and stages of the different substances associated with the concept of "life." In its own sense, the cosmos itself will also "die" one day, and even our "immortal" souls will not be allowed to remain inside its past through even the subtle energies of memory. However, just as our cosmos exists now, it thus proves anthropically that even after our cosmos ceases to exist, other cosmoses will continue to exist in other forms in other places, and that, ultimately, even at the cosmic level, "life goes on," and the death of one cosmos is a synonymous event with the birth of another. Just as one can hope to extend the natural life-span of their own body by proper diet and exercise, there are "good" and healthy as well as "evil" and harmful things applicable to the vessel of self-concept called the "aura" or "soul." However, ultimately, everything is constantly changing as long as anything exists, and if we consider this change as "death," and measure entropy as decay and not liberation, we are focusing on it as if it were a "negative" natural condition, when, in reality, such a paradox cannot exist. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, only conserved by changing form.

"and if there is, is there a good place or a bad place ?"

again, it would depend on what one wanted to do oneself as a soul. The same as, for the living body, the globe of this planet is our present terrain, the entirety of the cosmos throughout all time is the world that can be explored and inhabited by a being that is comprised of a magnetically-preserved electrical field only. There are places that, naturally, due to risking one's own health or survival, one would want to avoid going while alive on this planet. Likewise, there are "good" or beneficial and "evil" or harmful places that one can travel to as a soul in the cosmos. The "evil" places tend to be those we find the most difficult to leave, although we might want to the most, while for the "good" places the experience of sensation is the opposite.

Views: 108

Comment by Lizzy on July 19, 2013 at 12:56am

Wow, I was thinking about the same topic lately. Some random stranger at gay pride asked me out of all people, "what happens when you die".  I said " I don't know, we have to die to find out."  But what I really wanted to say is "I don't know but I have a feeling what ever we want to happen, can happen."

It just makes sense that with a lack of physical reality all possibilities can me manifest. 


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