the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

Let me tell you a secret; an idea that was known of commonly in ancient times, but that has since become forgotten by the gross masses and ignored in our daily lives. Yet, to the ancients, what we now call this "secret" was a matter of their very life and death. It was, thus, that when they died, their knowledge became our secret, and why, when this common knowledge became secret, in turn, they died.

In all middle-eastern originating formats of monotheism, there are 7 arch-angels and, under each, a choir of angels unique in type of form. For example, below the angel Raphael are the Seraphim, who resemble "flaming serpents," under Gabriel are the Cherubim, resembling putti or "winged infants" alike Cupid, under Uriel are the Ophanim, the "wheels within wheels," etc. However, in certain, Apocryphal scriptures, such as the Book of Enoch, there is an additional choir of angels listed, and a story told of an archangel whom had once been Metatron, the archangel who sits at the right-hand of God, but who fell from grace and was replaced in that role by the human-born author of this tale. In these scriptures, the title of this "fallen tribe" differs, although their interpretation of how and why they fell remains the same. In the version of Enoch (called 2 Enoch or the Secrets of Enoch) written in the Slavic language, the term used for them is the "Grigori." In the older, Ethiopian language version of the scripture (called 1 Enoch or the Book of Enoch), the name used to refer them is the "Annunaki." The "Annunaki" are not to be confused with the Nefilim, a race of giants and "men of renown" described in the Hebrew Torah in the passage of Genesis also describing the lifetime of the Patriarch and Prophet Enoch. The Annunaki were, as described in the Book of Enoch and the Secrets of Enoch, a choir of angels who fell from grace with God because they descended from heaven to earth and bred with the wives of men to create the race of the Nefilim. The Nefilim were thus half human, half angelic Annunaki and it was to exterminate their kind that, we are told, God sent the flood that was survived by Noah, a human, in an ark God told him to build. During the lifetime of Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah, the Nefilim had come to him, according to the literature, to interpret a dream they had been having about this coming flood. Enoch had explained to the Nefilim that it was because the side of their parentage that were the angelic choir of the Annunaki (or Grigori) had transgressed the will of God by conceiving them with human brides, and thus it was to punish them, the Annunaki, that they, the Nefilim, would all be killed in a flood. Most of this story has become more or less common knowledge among those who study such Apocryphal religious scriptures since the rediscovery of the "Enochian" texts by western scholasticism only relatively recently, historically speaking. Nevertheless, it yet remains a mystery even to many alive today who study such texts because of the nature and role of the "Annunaki" choir of angels.

The word "Annunaki" occurs frequently in Ubaid-era texts, and it is probably this influence that inspired the author of the first "Enochian" text to use this term for the choir of "fallen angels." In Sumero-Akkadian, this word meant "Watchers," and referred to their pantheon of nature-gods. However, in the later, Hebrew tradition of the "Enochian" literature, the word, although preserving its meaning, was substituted from referring to a host of nature-deities, as in Sumer and Akkad, to referring to a choir of angels who were, then, punished for the sin of conceiving the Nefilim giants, equivalent, in essence, to the "Titans" of the contemporary Greek pantheon. Thus, in the Enochian literature, the word "Annunaki," that had referred in pre-Babylonian Chaldea to their pantheon, referred instead to a class or type of angelic choir that corresponded, in essence, to the constellations of the night-sky. It was said, thus, of their ruler, the archangel Shemyazza, Azriel or Raziel, that he was suspended in the sky "upside down" so that, "forever falling," he would never forget his crime. To this end the constellation called by now "Orion," named after the Romanization of the Greek Titan Hercules, a later adoption of the Babylonian hero Gilgamesh, was mapped on charts and, at the same time, construction begun on the pyramids of Giza, Egypt, aligning them "upside down" (oppositely oriented north-south / south-north) from the three stars on the "belt" of the constellation of Orion.

But this is NOT the secret I mean to confide to you. For, before the era of Babylonian monotheism under Marduk, the solar son-god, and before the era of the Sumero-Akkadian pantheon of "Annunaki" as nature-deities, that is, personifications of natural forces and terrestrial elements, during the Ubaid-era when the term "Annunaki" originated, this fact was known: the "Annunaki" were and are "watchers." But what was the meaning for this term that its originators knew but which has since become lost and forgotten among the gross masses? The Annunaki watch. As a choir of angels, they were imagined as alike a host of "holy guardians" who overlooked us each and who intervened in our reasoning by whispering to us from over our shoulder. However, the concept of "angels" is contrived by humans in the first place, and so in this context ought to be as easily discarded as the concept of a pantheon of nature-spirits by modern researchers.

The Annunaki watch. So, who in reality are the Annunaki? Who in reality are the watchers, and who is it that exists to watch? There is to look, that is, to glance at; and then there is to see, that is, to perceive; finally, there is to watch, that is, to perceive for prolonged duration. To watch, one must be close to their subject for a long while, and perceive them as they change over time. So, who in reality watches out for us as if second nature, watches over us as like personal guards, and watches us grow as we live our whole lives? Friends.

What was obvious then, and yet has become occult to us now, was the implication to the originators of the term "Annunaki" of the concept of "Watchers" with the role in reality of one's friends. Those who, in our own real lives, watch us are those we watch also, those we know, those we love and those we hate alike; anyone who we depend on and rely on to be there for us, either for our help or else to benefit our development calisthenically as straw-men for us to knock down. Thus, the "watchers" were, in the beginning, our friends. The "gods" were on our side, and their "fortune favored" us. But who were these "gods" who were our "friends"? Who were the "Annunaki" and have they turned against us since then? Who are our "Watchers" now, and are they still our friends?

The original "Annunaki" were animal species. This folkish, shamanic origin tale for all metaphysical theist cosmologies to follow remained vestigial even as early as ancient Egypt, with the heads of animals being placed onto the bodies of men in the depictions of their natural-forces gods and pantheon of nature-spirits. However, it was the animals that were later associated with these cosmic forces as deities that preceded the conception of these forces as deities in the minds of men. For example, the ape, the crocodile and the ibis bird associated in ancient Egypt with Thoth, the deity responsible in their pantheon for the measurement of Time and equivalent, in essence, to the Greek messenger god Hermes, called in Rome Mercury, may have communicated more to the minds of our most ancient, pre-ubaid era early agrarian ancestors than all the concepts conceived of as associated with Thoth, Hermes or Mercury to our modern minds since.

However, not only did these animals inspire their association in the minds of early mankind with the deification of cosmic elemental forces, because they preceded these early men themselves, they were understood as our "watchers" and our "friends" in a way that, since then, the concept of "god" has only become alienated away from. Before there could have been a "god of man," early people most likely reasoned, there would have come a "god" of every other species of animals before them; and these became archetypically idealized as the "animal spirit-guides" associated with each species and perceived by the minds of early shamans and the eyes of early civilized humanity. These animals, as the shamanic originators of names for things would have explained to their earliest contemporaries, thus civilizing their wild nature and educating them with the means of intellect, were and are our "friends." That is why we speak and they do not; they are here for us, and for one another, in a more silent manner than we are here for them, for each other and for ourselves. They KNOW the answer we created communication as a means with which to seek out as a question. They perceive what to us remains a secret.

The "Annunaki" were, originally, what we might now imagine as a kind of "animal internet." Each beast comprised a "node" in a global "information network" in which each "node" communicated to those around it whatever information it considered necessary at the proper time for it to do so. This differs, markedly, from our present "internet" as a "world-wide web" of telecommunications technology, considering that animals speak so rarely, while humanity never shuts up. Nevertheless, the communication between animals, such as between a horse and a poisonous snake, between an owl and a field-mouse, between a lion and a gazelle, between a bat and insect, between a bird and its mate, between a drone and its queen, between a jaguar and a tapir, between a pod of whales, etc. etc. etc. contains ONLY what information is NEEDED; unlike the blithering idiocy of people's incessant talking, which is comprised at most 99% of information that is superfluous and intended for entertainment only. In this regard, the "animal internet" of the "Annunaki gods" is MORE efficient, even now, than our own technological inventions at processing information.

The "Annunaki" watchers of today, however, are NOT perceived to be the animals around us, both tamed and wild. The technological inventions of our own species, our own intellectual offspring, have usurped in our minds this dominant role. The surveillance cameras above us in stores, in schools and doctor's offices and at traffic intersections have become our modern "Watchers," and, being comprised of a silicone nature and thus incapable of self-perception as such, are NOT, by definition, able to be our "friends." Nowadays, robots are our gods; traffic lights and the electrical utilities grid have taken center stage in our mental attentions, and we have no more room nor time to contemplate the comparison of the ibis to the moon as a measurer of time, let alone to thrice bless greatest Hermes Trismegestus.

The secret to life is simple, and yet our lack of thinking on it makes it seem complex: know your friends and love them and do not seek to create enemies instead. This much too often, as they say, "goes without saying." Therefore, peace to you all my readership and audience. For you, my silent on-lookers and fellow contemplators, are my own Annunaki. It is into your hands I must cast the ultimate fate of my affairs and estate. Therefore, peace.

- Jon Gee

Tallahassee, Florida, USA

Monday, May 19th, 2014.

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