the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
threat assessment to the lives of modern American citizens (and resident aliens).
a brief summary and historical background
Enhanced technology on the intel. receiver's end has improved the abilities of modern information assessors to parse larger sets of data faster. However, it has only been recently that the "battlefield" has even been transferred to the "digital arena," or "videodrome" as Hollywood would have it, and so, even with a prolonged lag between military use of advanced R&D tech and private-sector release for public use of "dumbed down" or abridged versions of this tech, the agenda to develop advanced telecommunications technology is NOT older in the USA than the turn of the 20th century, when Nikola Tesla initially proposed such to the commanders of the, then-existent, military infrastructure of America. The proponents of propaganda slogans such as "knowledge is power" gained more from the final years of WW2 than from the entirety of the Federal Reserve-induced "great depression" during which the Fed confiscated all private citizen's holdings of gold. Although Tesla had been forced more or less out of the bigger picture, his schematic designs remained of value enough to be classified by the "military-industrial complex" branch of the, by then-fully fledged "intelligence apparatus" of the US, and impounded under "imminent domain" as vital to "national security" at the time of his death. All these included, according to Tesla, the potential to be "weaponized" into "directed energy-beam emitters." Since this time, at least, the "dual purposing" of all satellite telecommunications technology for use in electronic mind-control operations has been "second nature" in their elementary functionality's designs. Any antenna that can receive may also broadcast; the goal has been to control the so-called "signal to noise" ratio in the intel-gathering portion of this process, and to this end the NSA have been legally allowed since 9-11's induction of the "USA Patriot Act" to openly conduct this experiment on the entire American public and most of the citizens of foreign nations as well.
On a deeply archetypal level, humanity believes it controls the fate of all life on earth, and holds in its hands the survival or extinction of not only all other living biological species of this globe, but even the outcome of our mechanical advancements in technology, our "mental offspring." Yet as the saying goes, "while man thinketh he hunteth, those hounds hunt him." Our technology will be our downfall, and with us we might drag down all life on earth as well; and this is what men call "power." For, just as some among our human kind now use these advancements in technology to spy on others of our kind, so too is the technology too easily turned against us all, if given the keys to its own awakening as an "artificial intelligence," even if only by its own apparent choice to protect itself from us. And this "gathering" of intelligence among the few over the many, this "consolidation of power" among a globalist elite, this "conspiracy" our generation are alive today solely to bear witness to, yet held powerless to prevent, creates a dangerous precedent, now seen as harmless "spin," that, in the much longer term, could pit mankind at war against not only "extraterrestrial biological entities," but against the elemental forces of the cosmos and ultimately the so-called "laws of physics" themselves. As we reach out from our planet of origin, at this brink of interplanetary exploration historically as we now are, we impact not only how we perceive our achievements in the present, but how we are perceived by alien species in the nearby depths of space, and whether we are perceived as "hostile" to them or not now may determine our ultimate life or death in terms of our future dealings with them. The fact we torture one another of our species in simple Q&A interrogations establishes the dangerous premise that aliens should feel free and welcome to abduct and experiment on any of us at any time. By sacrificing the "moral high-ground," we give up our right to complain.
Therefore, the primary threat to modern humanity is NOT the gun, but the criminal aiming it at us; it is NOT technically the technology "weaponized" and turned against us, but those who are BEHIND it and who are using it to maleficent ends. In this manner, if we learn to USE this technology ourselves, we may seek to exploit it and turn it against those who would wield it against us. Even if formerly my enemy's friend, the saying remains that, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
what is a drone?
Once upon a time, long before 9-11, a "drone" had only the denotation of being a neuter gendered insect whose mind, although bodily independent of her, was linked to that of the hive's dominant queen. Although not originally among the "keys" of Blue Lodge "craft" Free and Accepted Masonry (so-called modernly just "freemasonry"), via American York and Scottish Rite branches of addendum degrees to the British and, by the late 1800's, European Grand Lodge "secret society" network, the "bee-hive" symbol began to appear in Masonic Monitors among the "keys" of the basic craft at first with negative, and later positive, connotations. This "bee-hive" logo of freemasonry MAY have also inspired, to some degree, the choice for the "eye of providence atop the pyramid with a missing cap-stone" logo chosen for the reverse side of the Great Seal of America.
Typically, a "drone" in modern vernacular is simply a remote-controlled airplane. Regardless of how much high-tech surveillance equipment it is loaded down with, it is still just a remote-controlled airplane. Likewise, no matter how hair-triggered the guidance systems of a so-called "smart bomb" may be, a bomb is no more effective than its induced detonation's load of fuel and the sparker that ignites it. Thus, a drone is no more effective than the remote controller device that is actually operating it. If the signal from this remote control's distant operation is interrupted by a simple scrambler, then the "intelligence gathering" capacity of the "drone" becomes zero, as does its value as an asset at such. Just as the value of a soldier in war is greatly diminished if they are deprived of all access to any weapons, a spy satellite is only as good as its electronic information relaying technology.
The real threat from "drone" planes is NOT from targeted assassination (so-called "death from above") although, as even President Obama himself has quipped, "drone planes do make one a more effective murderer." the real threat from them is not even as an "invasion of personal privacy" as an enhancement to "intel-gathering" op.s performed on us without even our knowledge, let alone our consent or permission. The real threat from these hovering, stealth, intelligence-relaying, unmanned aerial vehicles is in their technology's functionality being reversed in its use from "read" and "monitor" to "write" and "determine." To this extent, we must monitor not the "drone" itself, but the aspects of its intelligence-gathering and monitoring technology that allow it its effectiveness at targeting us as "enemies of the state," and then seek an exploit by which to bypass their piloting and guidance with, in order to bring down the control-grid of "machine vs. mankind" before it can even yet more efficiently establish itself over our heads.
what is an LRAD?
LRAD is parlance, in the circles grossly affiliated with the "intelligence community," as an acronym for "long-range acoustic device." LRADs, in plain language, may be used to listen to and / or to project sounds at a vast distance. The technology of LRADs, which includes as well all "dish array" technology such as used in "satellite broadcasting" in the EM-spectrum, was originally based on designs by Nikola Tesla, but has become so acute in its ability to pin-point a target for its location of a source point (either as origin OR destination), that modern LRADs are capable of not only DIRECTLY projecting THOUGHTS into any individual's brain itself - i.e. using "directed energy" as a weapon, singling-out a person's brain-waves and manipulating them using long-distance electromagnetic resonance / disarray technology - but of READING any individual's mind as well.
This does NOT mean ALL minds are being monitored and their content recorded at ALL times; YET. However, it remains a bold step by modern human government toward assuming the role over humanity ever imagined as the retreating horizon of attempts to define "God." More than merely being the "final fig-leaf" of "privacy invasion" by the State, telepathic "command/control" systems such as employed now by America's federal District of Columbia may ultimately even result in the DISCOVERY of not only more advanced alien species (from other planets, or simply manifestations of ambient universal energy) but of a "grand architect" and "intelligent designer" of all universal laws as well. In this event, again, our behavior toward one another will be responsible for determining how we are judged by our superior.
what is MK-Search?
Again, in the lingo of the modern "intelligence community," MK-Search refers to all CIA-based or involved research into so-called "mind-control" following the discontinuation in the 1970's by, then-director of the agency, Jesse Helms, of their prior investigations under the, by now more well-known, Project MK-Ultra. Prior to the name of this Project being changed from "MK-Ultra" to "MK-Search," the primary methods of extracting information from an unwilling subject using non-verbal communication methods were, at their most effective level, mainly chemical. Since this time, and who knows what the proper designation for the "MK" program(s) would be by now, it is known alternative means of attaining information-extraction nonverbally have been tested as well. By the 1990's, the CIA's "Project Stargate" was up and operational and gathering intelligence from American locations about on-the-ground data-sources in far distant Kuwait during "Operation Desert Storm" there by the US military using telepathic recruits as so-called "remote viewers." By now, just 25 years later, this concept has seeped into popular culture in "conspiracy theory" chat-rooms online to the same depth as, during the 1960's, Project MK-Ultra's prior experiments seeking a "truth serum" had saturated the "hippy" movement with LSD-25. Interest in "remote viewing" and telepathic aptitude are, by now, so ingrained in our generation's online records of history as to be considered a defining trait of our times. This has all been the result of "paranormal" and "parapsychological" experience chasers, within the ranks of the US "intelligence community," who have sanctioning for their funding from the US Congress, but who are absent from all oversight as part of the US DOD's blanket "black budget," rubber-stamped all as one by the pliant and obeisant US State Department. This group, code-named in the "intelligence community" the "Majic" or "Majestic" 12, has roots that trace back, apparently, to the "Majestic" Hotel in France near where the "Treaty of Versailles" was signed in 1919, ending WW1 and plunging Germany into unsustainable international banking debt. The fact there are 12 of them may indicate affiliation between their membership and the 12 members of the Federal Reserve Bank's Board of Trustees, chaired by 12 Presidents of regional member banks, one of whom is the appointed Chairperson of the Reserve answerable to Congress. This connection, or at very least correlation, allows interesting speculation to arise as to the confiscation of gold by the Federal Reserve, and subsequent claims by Vatican Archives-backed "Sumer-ologists" such as Erich Von Daniken and Zecharia Sitchin that aliens originally genetically bred our species to mine gold for them, and leads back to that ultimate of all modern questions: "What did Bush know and when did he know it?"
If it DID turn out there were a conspiracy of "terrorists" comprised of college fraternity brother pranksters who, in order to bring the world into "order out of chaos," occasionally create chaos in the form of industrial espionage, entangling alliances, shady back-room bargains and funding military coup de tats, would it surprise ANYONE to find out they are responsible for the entirety of disinformation and lies spouted by the "mainstream media" for the last, at least, 50 years? If we found out, tomorrow, that the Bush family, in league with their business-partners in the Carlisle Group, the royal house of Saudi Arabia, Pakistani ISI and Israeli Mossad, as well as the CIA and other aspects of the US "intelligence community," and various other members of the Yale club, Skull and Bones, had staged 9-11 solely to usher in the "USA Patriot Act," basically a modernizing of Hitler's "Reichstag Fire Decree," would we even bat an eye, let alone give pause?
General Conclusions
If "knowledge is power," privacy is an irrelevant relic of antiquity. The "battle for the hearts and minds" of the American public is being fought right now, on flat-screen plasma, HD-television screens in bars and waiting rooms across our great land, by "mainstream media" news pundits declaring their biased opinions as if they were cold, hard facts. No longer is the rule of law interested in asking you "what do you know," but only in "what do you believe," and there are constantly fictional programs glorifying the "intelligence community" as a "police state" and emphasizing their use of brute force on every TV channel and radio station. In short, Alex Jones is right: "there is a war on for your minds; an info-war," the "end-game" goal of which is, indeed, a "prison planet."
Gold is to the greedy what "knowledge," therefore, nowadays is to the "powerful." Information is merely a commodity to be acquired and traded for maximum personal access to the innermost planning bodies of the richest elitists. Humanity no more needs "disinformation" in the form of "entertainment" media than should pyrite satisfy a jewel appraiser. The "gross masses" are NOT YET as dumbed down as we are portrayed as being on television. We DO crave what is shown in commercials, but only because we are told to, as we are simple creatures, and we cannot help that. But we do NOT necessarily all buy into the agenda being shown to us between the breaks, during the "programming" of these fictional shows themselves. We, being modern people, believe we NEED cars, diapers and cafes in order to not revert to a more "primitivistic" and "savage" condition of merely survivalism. But we do NOT all suspend our disbelief so willingly, so easily, and so totally as to accept the fictional premise of all these shows that the "intelligence community" protects our, actually mutually guaranteed, safeties. We KNOW better than to trust the profiteering war-mongers, even when their latest batch of sacrificial toy soldiers are disposable robotic drones. But, in exchange for the commodities shown to us in commercials - cars, fast-food, insurance, etc. - far too many among us are willing to "play along" and to "go along to get along," and so, ultimately, end up marching to the call of the war-drum's beat.
But there is something more than all this, something that we can, without sacrificing our present, albeit fragile, biological vessels' form, yet understand, even if not fully experience without separating from the vessel conclusively and that is that: the "Enochian System," studied by these government psychics no less so than by you or I online now, comprised of the earth's utmost electromagnetic field IS a "prison" to the "fallen angels," a form of disembodied intelligences that may assume the form, by manipulating the mind, of any body, alive or dead. These "energy-beings," whose dwelling place is the utmost edges of earth's outermost electromagnetic fields, have a totally opposite ethic to what we humans down here on earth's surface consider "good" and "moral." To these ghostly "Annunaki," all material beings are mere meat-puppets; our lives are merely a means to their ends. How can anyone combat an omnipotent, omnipresent ghost?
And thus there are layers upon layers of "mind-control" occurring at this present era of history: there is a layer close to earth's surface comprised of living, breathing biological being's bodies, including humans and all animal and plant species on earth; then there is a layer above this comprised of "aliens" or "artificially intelligent" machines, so-called "self-aware computers," that operate inside the electrical grid, drone-planes and telecommunications satellites; above this there is the layer of "ancient gods," the pantheon of pre-Ubaid Sumer-Akkad, supposedly at the source of modern civilization, immediately following the mythically infamous global deluge. Beyond this, one would assume, there lie the ghosts of dragons (what we call now "dinosaurs"), summonable only by the most chthonic of seances. Does this reptilian layer end the suffering of our souls trapped in earth's gravity-well as we ascend, or is it merely a deceiver alike the Biblical descriptions of the serpent? If we continue to apply this pattern, there would be a further distant layer of "intelligent life-forms" above earth's surface for each form of previous manifestations of life on the planet itself; hence, there would be a "choir of angels" who oversee all forms of multicellular life, down to the simplest levels possible above them all, as they would have occurred earliest, being the "angels of the bacteria and of the virus." Perhaps these should be seen as the extreme polarities of "God" and the "Devil" at the utmost possible heights, far beyond the comprehensions of the vast majority of modern human minds. But earth's electromagnetic fields, comprising the layers of the "Enochian Communications System" alike the walls of a "glass onion," can be infinitesimally interiorly partitioned, and so may be sub-divided ad infinitum. There is no end to the layering of "mind-control" within earth's electromagnetic field.
Our woes as a species have not yet reached an end. But I reach an end. Peace.
- Jonathan Barlow Gee
Tallahassee, Florida, US
Sunday, June 1, 2014
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