the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
The idealization of humanity's "averaging" as an aspiration for us all to conform to, in the form of the concept of "God" as imagined "by the people," the "masses," the lowest and the "most high" of our kind alike, is nothing more than the figurative anchor and "albatross" hung about the neck of the genius of every individual, weighing them down to the lowest common denominator of servility and slavery to the collectivization and communalization of all earth's resources as the "property" of mankind.
the plurality, the plenum or "pleroma," are subtended from the apex point of a dome above them, and drawn as they are inward toward this point's gravity, they form an ecliptic circle. This apex point is occupied by the individual; not by Jesus Christ, as the Pope teaches, but by ANY individual who aspires to seek and comprehend the mysteries of the pleroma, the plenum and plurality from this elevated perspective. Yet people kowtow to the ghost of he whom we are told once held this position even while being killed on a cross, and refuse to accept their own freedom to acquire it for themselves as though to do so would constitute some grievous crime against their "Master," the cardinal sin of greed. Instead, the "masses" worship those whom, from among themselves, do aspire to the empyrean heights of intellect, and by so doing aspire ONLY to pulling down those among them whom would become great men, and reducing them to the status of economic rabble and fodder for the dogs of the gutters.
"God" is not just A bad idea. "God" is THE worst idea mankind has ever imagined. God is a lie. God does not exist at all in reality. Belief in God is delusion. Sharing this delusion reenforces its validity, and so "western civilization," founded on "monotheism" as it is, is, in its entirety, comprised of psychotic sociopaths who possess an entirely altered and false sense of "morality," based on an intentional ignorance and misunderstanding of their proper data-set, all of nature. There is no such thing as their "God" and there is no such thing as the "heaven" theists imagine for themselves. Their morality is based on a lie, and their morality IS itself a lie. The "pleroma" of theists is the ultimate ship-wreck, dragging down all aboard it on the Hesperus, or even the Titanic, of their Statist philosophy. Man is not "sovereign," and no individual may be "free," so long as the society of OTHER human-beings continues to exist.
"God" is, in truth, NOT at the "apex" of the "dome," the equatorial circumference of which is the "pleroma" of fools, but the nadir point, the lowest location still upon this sphere. Your Jesus' bones are buried beneath the Dome of St. Peter's basilica at just such a location. Dig them up and prove me wrong. "God" is the lowest of the low. It is the MIND of ANYONE that is elevated to the oculus as the "most high."
so, here we are again. In the name of feigning "god-hood" of self as wisdom and goodness, the lesser minds attach themselves in the plural to any one who would elevate them to a "higher" status, yet not for their own sake, nor that of their survival, nor even their society nor species. It is simply a natural process. The virus clings to the living host. The body itself clings to the mind. And so, all reality clings onto the aspirations of any individual, to learn more, to know more, to seek wisdom, to realize truth. These are the "forbidden fruits" which others punish us for doing so whenever we seek them. In the eyes of "God," ALL KNOWLEDGE IS FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE.
if the "God" imagined by humanity is not real, then all those who BELIEVE the idea to be true are either being duped or are deceivers themselves. Those among the "faithful" who are, in fact, agents of their own agenda, manipulating the "masses" via their misbelief, should be "outted" from within the folds of the flock, and their crimes exposed to the light of public scrutiny.
the existence of the idea of "God" - especially as it has been defined throughout the history of monotheism, IS false; it is, in fact, so heinous a mental-block and phoned-in hang-up for the minds of even modern humans to address that most would prefer to defend the idea by advocating not its value as a "moral," but by defending its authority and right to rule. The argument is usually raised, "we need god now as much as ever; we couldn't have gotten where we are now without it." Indeed, however, where we could have gotten would be a much better place had we never been so burdened in our journey toward truth by such a blatant blasphemy as to believe in the existence of any "God" greater than ourselves.
still, the overly-educated are all too often also overly socialized, and tamed as pets to the belief that the survival of their own flesh depends upon upholding the values of a society that will, regardless of their drawing breath or not, continue to "live" on long after they've left the mortal coil themselves. Like leeches such pustules arise upon the flesh of our idealized "republic" form of "self-governance," drawn to the warmth of the blood within. The cold-blooded feed in the plural upon the body politic of any one individual idealist.
"God" is the enemy. The false authority of those who elevate themselves in "his name" is damned, and all those who seek it, who admire it, who aspire to it, are evil. The rulership of all humanity upon planet earth is NOT a "greater good." It is the utmost crime against humanity and sin against the truth of "god," as well as that other great lie, that of "humaneness."
rotation and dipolarity form simultaneously. The culprit for the birth of these twin demons is motion. Motion of a sphere causes the formation of an equator between twin poles at either end of a rotational axis. However, when a sphere is NOT set into motion, the "pleroma" as an ecliptic zodiac-round and the "axis" between "good" at one polar extreme end and "evil" at the other would be irrelevant. Thus, ALL points on the surface of the sphere would simply be equidistant points from the sphere's central most core origin point. Without MOTION, there is NO "good vs. evil" polarity, and there is NO "averaging of the masses into an equatorial median" between them. MOTION is the cause of this entire religious metaphysical construct.
Jon Gee
Tallahassee, Florida, US
June 9, 2014.
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