the Pythagorean Order of Death

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aloha Jayce,

The periodic natural disasters on this planet have nothing to do with "Planet X." There may or may not be such a planet; it may or may not be inhabited; it is irrelevant. The entirety of environmental changes on this planet (and all the others in this solar system) can (and should) be accounted for solely by polar precession on the planets coupled with occassional reversals of their electromagnetic orientations. If you understand HOW this system works, you do not NEED to believe in "planet X" or in "nibiruin" EBEs genetically engineering our species, etc. It's very liberating to know the truth.

I don't trust the dates given for biblical events by anyone. Nor do I believe that "Jesus reincarnated as Apollonius of Tyana" as some theosophists probably would tell you, to justify their calling him one of the seven "Ascended Masters" who "guide" human evolution. That is a lie, and so is the Bible; all myths are fiction. Included among myths are modern fictions also; everything is part of this "Myth" that human history is worth preserving. In truth, the genre of myths are what occurs when an author attempts to describe reality while tripping on drugs. If truths occur in them, it's accidental.

The pantheon of Egypt were, like all early pantheons, anthropomorphications of terrestrial and cosmic elements, forces and events. The earliest pre-Dynastic shamen of the Nile river described these very specifically. For example, the ogdoad of hermopolis and southern (Upper) Egypt evolved from the notion of Ptah inseminating the "cosmic mound." Ptah was the universal sentience, his "seed" was the virus that crashed to earth on a comet, and the "cosmic mound" was earth. The ogdoad included all the important "characters" in the Egyptian "myths," but these "myths" were essentially only a treatise on the varying interactions among the elemental forces and events the pantheon "characters" symbolised. So, for example, the ogdoad of Hermopolis was half male, half female. The four prime male characters were Osiris (son of Ptah, equivalent to the manner in Greek myths the "olympians" were descended from the "titans," or the way in the Sumerian myths the "igigi" or "nefilim" were from the "annunaki," etc.), Horus (son of Osiris), Thoth (god of Time) and Set (or Apophis). Osiris was God of Death, Horus of Light, Thoth Time and Set over Evil. The primary female characters were the wives of these elemental "Gods" - eg. Isis, wife of Osiris, Nepthys, wife of Thoth, etc.

It is important to note that the elements described by these earliest pantheons (the Neteru, the Annunaki, the Aryans, etc.) preceded the invention of "Gods" over them, and not the other way around. If an ancient Egyptian priest wanted to learn about space-time, he (or she) would convene with Nuit and Thoth. If an ancient Mayan priest wanted to make it rain, they would convene with Tloloc (Chak in later Mixtec), the "god" over the element of water (equivalent to Enki in Sumer). "Gnosis" means understanding the workings of the cosmic and terrestrial elements, and seeing through the lies of myths.

I don't have much knowledge on the crystal skulls. Perhaps you'd care to enlighten me on some of the theories you've been exposed to. I'm not prepared to except any outlandish explanations for their manufacture or origins, such as ETs. But I'll always be happy to listen to anyone tell me a story.

PEACE! - Jon

Aloha Jon, 

I hate to be a pedantic twat... but I think you are referring to the Ennead as the Ogdoad is the original and somewhat different. I agree they relate to elements and processes though.

I also like your interpretation as P'tah being a comet bringing a virus to earth. I'll address this in more detail later but I'll share an article I like from a synchromystic site that looks at the Ennead and the Council of the Nine.

In my telling of the tale the Crystal Skulls were made either by the Mixtecs around 1500 BCE or later in 19th century Germany. Prior to that there were sacred items called Mitochondrial Energizers abbreviated to MEs. These feature in Sitchin's works as the Tablets of Destiny and I have them linked to the signs of the zodiac. What is generally 'channelled' about the skulls is that there are 13 and twelve revolve around one so that is why I have incorporated it in this way. Originally they may have been inscribed tablets but as time went on they wanted to make them more advanced and a crystal skull seemed the ideal form to take. I absolutely hated the Indiana Jones they made and I do expect another title regarding the Lapis Exilis. More disinformation no doubt. I suppose I am trying to do the same but it is more related to actual events in society, mysteries in history and with no real agenda other than telling two sides to the story, when so often I only see one on the surface.

At present I am leaning towards the Photo Belt/Cycle but I have read about pole shifts in regards to Velikovsky and things. We do have an extremely weak geomagnetic field at present apparently so this could mean that a role shift is approaching. What resonated with me early on in my research and was what I originally integrated into the story was a "globulous cloud" and since then I've been finding links to a carbon or plasma cloud rather than a planet. I think has a something a bit more interesting to it than Planet X but I don't expect it to be reality. At least I hope not, we will just have to wait and see for the reality. I am just trying to put a twist on the existing theories and pull them together with a purpose. 

I find an old book of notes and later I'd like to pick out a few things relating to Enoch to discuss with you. If you humour me in my association with zodiac houses who do you see Enoch/Thoth resonating with or do you not thing this interpretation has much value? 

Aloha Jayce,

thanks for the wiki-link, I appreciate it, even though right now the editing on wiki is somewhat more limited for brevity than it should be. There's alot more to be said about the Ogdoad that I've read in books by Budge than was summed up in that link. I don't think as highly of Massey as Budge, but either of them would have more to offer by way of a justification for my statements regarding the Ogdoad than that wikilink does right now; but the link also confirms my statements, so I'm not sure what your point was in saying I'm "confusing" the facts about the Ogdoad with your own ideas about the Ennead. The fact is the Ogdoad was the original, Old Kingdom predecessor to the Ennead.

thanks for the explanation of your research on the "channeled" descriptions of the crystal skulls; I'd never heard of any of that, except for in "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crsytal Skulls," as you mentioned having not liked yourself.

Planet X cannot be verified, and at a certain point you have to admit this is probably because it is not really out there. There are comets with such orbits, and these do enter our solar system at the same time as there are other climatological effects occuring on all the various planets, for a reason: the solar system is all in synchronization of its inter-planetary weather and the planetary climates. The eccentricity of Pluto's orbit is caused because of Pluto's size being almost the same as many other local planets' moons. The orbits and axial tilts of all the moons and planets relate to their magnetic poles, which are effected by the magnetic poles of the sun our star, which relates to the black hole's gravitational poles in the core of the Milky Way, which in turn relates to the black-holes alignments in the surrounding galaxies, etc. When certain events of apparent climatological effects become more pronounced, more drammatic, it means there is an inter-stellar alignment approaching. In this case, earth's orbit (the tropical zodiac plane) around the sun is about to align with the solar orbital plane around galactic core in 2012. As we approach this event, we are only waiting to see what the event will cause to occur for the planets in our solar system. We can rule out the likelihood of all climatilogical events of cataclysmic porportions for cities, our species or life on earth occuring all at once simultaneously; ie. a comet won't hit our planet at the same time as the geographical poles shift and the EM-poles reverse. But, these may all occur within a short period of time of one another; if, that is, anthing "cataclysmic" even occurs at all. As you say, you will just have to "wait and see."

Enoch was "translated" to become the "Metatron," the "voice of God." The 12 "Archons" who rule over the 12 "Aeons" of 2,000 years each were originally the fallen angels, the so-called "Nefilim" in the Bible, or the "Annunage" of Ethiopian 1Enoch and the "Grigori" of Slavonic 2Enoch, the so-called "Igigi" of the Sumerian Book of Enki, were evil. Why, if "Enoch walked with God for 365 years, but then died not, for God took him," why would you associate him with one of the 12 fallen Archons, who include Cain, Abel, Samael and Saklas. Enoch was also associated, in later Gnostic texts contemporary to the 12 Archons of the "Hypostasis," with "Jave," the "good God," as opposed to Enos, who was associated with "Elohim," the "evil God" or "demiurge," Ialdabaoth. Enoch was the "Metatron," and not an "Archon."

PEACE. - Jon

Greetings Jon,

I did not mean to assume you confused theOgdoad and Ennead but as I understand it Asur, Aset, Set and Nebat and the other deities were added to become the Ennead. They were more anthrpomorphised whereas the Ogdoad were four female serpents and four male frogs.

Nu - Naunet = primeval waters 
Heh - Hauhet = boundlessness
Kek - Kauket = darkness
Amun - Amaunet = air.

I don't know if these name correspond to the later amendments for you but I sensed a major change between the Ogdoad at Hermopolis and the Ennead of Thebes.Part of the reason I have added the 'Chosen 5' as I have but I think they are best related to a cosmogeny similar to what we'd expect of shamans as opposed to an ordered version concocted by Priests. It is ordered in the Ogdoad but they sought to change this and make it more authoritarian I propose....

The book that originally inspired my take on Nibiru was Fred Hoyle's Black Cloud.

I do agree with your assessment of what 2012 will mean. The Maya knew it as the Triple Sacred Rebirth and this is linked to what I've come to know as the Photon Belt/Cycle. The Nuclear Bulge, Dark Rift or all its other variant names is the Cosmic Tree and the Dark Road. It falls between Sagittarius and Scorpio so could well correspond with Asclepius. Another of Thoth's potential forms, do you think? 

What we know is that whatever cataclysm may be ahead, the planet has always survived in the past. No natural disasters would wipe out the world's population or make it uninhabitable but nuclear war or biowarfare could. There is a high stakes game going on and allegedly countrie around the world have built underground bases. Have you seen the recent images from the Gobi desert? Are they the top of an underground complex or something to do with satellite calibration?

I will be looking out for reports on CMEs and space weather this coming year. That is what the biggest dangers are imo. The solar maximum is expected for early 2013 so it fits extremely well in numerological terms with what I'd expect. There is a strong correlation between CMEs and GMA and earthquakes, volcanoes as well as outbursts of violence. This is on top of any alignments between Elenin and other planets that were responsible in part for the Japanese tsunami.

I do not intend to give into fear no matter what but I do enjoy learning and speculating about the vast possibilities that exist. Thanks for your brief analysis of Enoch and Metatron. I've not looked at Enoch 1 or 2 for a long time but what you say makes an awful lot of sense. Thanks

Aloha Jayce,

The "ennead" is based on the "ogdoad," we agree. The "ogdoad" of Hermopolis (southern Egypt, Old Kingdom) preceded the "Ennead" of Thebes (northern Egypt, Middle Kingdom), we agree. That both are using animistic anthropomorphications to symbolise cosmic elemental forces, we agree. To say that the 4 "snakes" and the 4 "frogs" of the original Ogdoad translate, as I described, into the characters of the Ennead myths would not be re-writing history, on this I assume we agree as well. So basically, what I am saying is in agreement with what you are saying; I do not understand your concern at seeming "pendantic" or "assuming" anything. We are agreeing. That is what history is there for. It is a source-book to turn to to verify for people what is the "fact on file" or the "law on the books" about any argument. When the two people agree, there is no argument. I see no argument here.

I don't particularly feel like discussing the end of the world in this thread; it doesn't seem an altogether appropriate tangent from the main topic here, unless we want to relate it solely to repititvely cyclical catastrophes such as the flood of Noah and the 4 described in the Popul Vuh. There are other threads to discuss eschatology here under the neo-Sethian forum.

PEACE! - Jon

Aloha Jon, 

Many thanks, glad we agree :-) My only observation of note would be that the original Ogdoad was more shamanic compared to the more sophisticated Ennead. The numbers 8 and 9 are important and there is the octogram star as well as the enneagram. I am interested in both and what they mean.

Thank you for pointing out the end of the world discussion would be better placed elsewhere. I do intend connect it with cyclic events so will get round to that in time. 

Some thing that does feel more appropriately situated here is Ley Lines. Tell me if I am wrong of course but they have a fairly close affinity with Hermes because the name itself comes from piles of standing stones or vice versa. Either way the concept of the earthgrid seems intimately related to Enoch, Hermes, Thoth and Metatron. Any thoughts on this?

Aloha Jayce,

Agreed, then. I don't mean to sound snide, so when I do please let me have it. For now we should consider the topic of the elemental attributed pantheon of cosmological traits aside and look at ley-lines. Firstly, I'd be honored if you'd check out my video explaining more of what I found in relating Enoch and ley-lines:

It's called the "Enochian Communications System of the Pythagorean Order of Death."

To talk specifically about Enoch and ley-lines here, I will say that I've read Robert Lomas and Christopher Knight's book, "Uriel's Machine," as well as others by them on different topics, and others on the same topic by different authors, and I can say that, though "Uriel's Machine" is by far the best by Knight and Lomas, it's not the best work in this field. There are alot of modern books that attempt to find the lost city of Atlantis, which was also called Enoch or Agade. Knight and Lomas speculate the location of Enoch's city was none other than Stone-Henge near Glastonbury tor in England. The best book I've read about the "measuring rods" laid out by the angels Gabriel and Uriel according to 1Enoch's astrological sections relates them to a grid-system of lattitudes and longitudes established prior to the end of the last ice age when the north-geographic pole was nearer to the Hudson Bay area in norther Canada. This book, "Atlantis Blueprint," by Collin Wilson and Rand Flem'ath, is one of the most important books I've ever read. It explains how all the ancient megalithic structures from the era of stone-henge and easter island to the temples aligned to the Plaiedes in Angkor Wat, Cambodia, se asia and in Machu Pichu, Peru, s. america, were aligned around the "Giza mid-point" where the contemporary prime-meridien crossed the contemporary equator. Although Wilson and Flem-ath stopped short of speculating such a massive construction-project's purpose, and far short of implying by whom it may have been designed, the data they accumulated cannot be denied or refuted. From some period of time prior to the Mesopotamian flood, early homo-sapiens had knowledge of the shape and exact size of the entire planet earth.

All in all it's pretty fascinating stuff. From the herm mile-markers along all ancient road-ways in the mediterranean region, to the menhirs of Europe and central asia, to the pyramids in China and the sunken city of Yonaguni, off the coast of Japan. The megalthic era builders were no joke. I don't pretend to be able to imagine how the Giza pyramids were erected. I don't know. I can imagine some possible explanations, but these all seem to be only part of the puzzle, not the entire solution. Well, while we wait for my visions to clear, try rubbing the 8-ball and asking another question. We'll see what shakes loose from the old noggin then. PEACE! - Jon

Interesting. I will have to check out that book. William, the guy whose 108 questions you answered, has mentioned Colin Wilson a few times. He was under the impression the Colin Wilson was an exec producer on Avatar but was subject to various denials. It did lead me to research Wilson's books though so he is on my radar. 

I've looked into the earthgrid a bit and I've appreciated your videos in explaining the geometry. The megaliths line up so perfectly along points that sacred geometry identifies, that I am in agreeance with you that they act as nerve channels of the planet. My view is that these areas of high electromagnetic energy can affect consciousness but in some circumstances may be able to effectively transmit or open gateways between one place and another. 

Dr. Persinger has performed research and describes the phenomena as "Rohsni", the experiments or observations conducted at Harbrin Springs. But with the rich Celtic folklore and the emphasis on megaliths and leylines in Wales and the UK it is something strongly resonates with me. 

I was actually listening to an audio lecture by Manly Hall on electromagnetism and it reinforced what I had suspected. It is incredible to think how the sites could be built aligned to an earthgrid but this is a fact so we can only speculate on how it came to be this way. I find the complementary parapsychological explanations of Bermuda Triangle and others as 'Vile Vortice' to be another factor of interest. Could they really be a gateway to another dimension or do they just affect centres leading them to become lost? 

I've given a fair amount of contemplation time to Atlantis and I consider Antartica and Sundaland as viable potentially but my preference is North Africa based around lake Mega Chad. I had not really considered Enoch to be the name of a city but Agade is most definitely a word which resonates this for me. Care to elaborate on Enoch as the name of a city and the etymology of it?

Paul leViolette is very interesting as are the Platonic Solids of course. Your video is tremendously deep. I am the one who is honoured by you sharing such knowledge. Amazing stuff!

In addition. Have you seen the links being made to 2012 winter solstice and the processional with the Giza Pyramids and the Phoenix Cycle of Par Hanok or Enoch? 

I originally came across David Wilcock making the claims but it appears this is based on the work of several others including Paul Lavioletter in Earth Under Fire.

That link has some good information and loosely and in some circumstances precisely aligns with Absolute Convergence, which is now up and running but I know I am going to struggle with it for several reasons already. Any advice or does the story speak enough to engender a collaboration of sorts?

The Phoenix is a central theme as are the stories of various archetypes defined by deified characters with Enoch or Thoth being central to the backdrop but kept as the incredible mystery. Thoth is the architect who was left as the most responsible to oversee humanity and the planetary life matrix. This will be drip fed slowly into the story with a rich assortment of other characters. I'd like it to have references to stars, sacred geometry, psychology and political and historic commentary. I believe you could contribute a great deal and the idea is to use the first book to launch the story into the US, where I would take a step back and leave it in the hands of other contributors who would then pass the story on for 2014. I'm away for a few days with no access but please check out what I have so far. The better the quality that I can put out the more people will become interested enough to participate. There can be subplots and stories leading off following the same points of reference. 

On building the Great Pyramid of Giza, I would have to lean towards Houdin's theory of internal ramps in a spiral pattern.

This makes sound sense when compared with alternatives of normal ramps, water pressure and counterweights. It is likely that all methods were used in varying degrees because although outside it is not what it was it has kept its integrity amazingly well and is more mysterious that any other object because of how Phi and Pi are used in its proportions, the alignments with the stars and the exact purpose of the internal structure and artefacts found there. Was it a tomb, a stargate, a place of initiation, a power plant or harmonic resonator. We may never discover the truth but it stands alone as an object of mystery and wonder as it must have been intended. 

Aloha Jayce, sorry for the delay in replying,

Could they really be a gateway to another dimension or do they just affect centres leading them to become lost? 

It depends what you mean by "another dimension." In our cosmos there are three dimensions (6 cardinal directions) of space, and an additional direction indicating the motion of change within the cosmos over a linear notion of time. So, if by "dimension" you mean an alternative or parallel "time-line," where the world we live in now exists, but is vastly different from how it is now, I would say that, "yes, the henges and gates can serve as multi-dimensional time-travel portals." Because the menhirs, henges and other ruins (like gobekli tepe in modern Turkey) were erected during the pre-historic epoch of the paleo- and neo-lithic eras, when homo-sapiens were only beginning to spread out from the Natufian settlements near the Keberan caves (in modern Israel) and forming nomadic hunter-gatherer tribes, it is possible these and other megaliths and geoglyphs (such as the contemporary Nasca lines, or the stone heads of Easter Island from around this time as well) were not erected by our own species, but by one of the other hominid proto-human species who were also still around at that time.

The contenders for who erected these ancient megaliths at these "pressure points" upon earth's surface, assuming they might not have been erected by our own earliest ancestors themselves, include the cromagnon, austrolopithecus and neanderthals. It is possible that more than one species helped in their construction, because some had some skills needed for the project, while others had other skills of equal usefulness to it. For example, the art of "dowsing" by using a particular kind of configuration of "rod," would have been known to the same species from which the arts of divination, such as reading fortunes by making animal sacrifices, etc., although may have not been known by another species, whose abilities as physical labourers might nonetheless have been employed in raising the stones themselves.

The origins of these other species of hominid who co-existed with our own earliest tribal ancestors, who moved from cave to cave and pursued herds of wild game across the Levant regions "Natufian spread," explain the alternative places speculated to have been the original location for the lost-city of "Atlantis." Homo-sapiens originated in what is modern Israel. Neanderthals originated in north-eastern Africa, as the descendents of homo-habilis from southern Africa who migrated north, and migrated throughout the northern middle-east prior to the era of the deluge, after which only our own species was believed to have survived. Cromagnons originated in southern Europe and the Meditteranean regions, and spread across northern Europe and Asia quickly, having possibly crossed the Beringian straight by boats following the Pacific ocean's coastline even prior to the middle of the last north-hemisphere ice-age, when our own species' ancestors made the crossing into north America by land. However, because none of these species (so far as we know now) survived the era of the Sumerian flood, around 6,000 to 4,000 years ago, we cannot simply ask them, and as far as the historical records of their contributions to such pre-historic land-marks goes, we have only Biblical myths to describe them. In the myths, the Australopithocenes were remembered as Adam, the oldest of the species, originating from Antarctica, while homo-habilis were Eve, cromagnons Cain, neanderthals Abel and all homo-sapiens descended from Seth, the "third son" of "Adam" and "Eve." While it may have been that our species learned the ceremonial burial of our dead from co-habitating with neanderthals in the Keberan cave regions, the myths we have are so distrorted on the point of which species influenced which other(s), and how, the truth of these megaliths original builders may be lost to the shifting sands of time by now.


I had not really considered Enoch to be the name of a city but Agade is most definitely a word which resonates this for me. Care to elaborate on Enoch as the name of a city and the etymology of it?

Genesis 4:16-18

"So Cain went out from the LORD’s presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of Eden. Cain made love to his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. Cain was then building a city, and he named it after his son Enoch."

The thirteenth degree of Scottish rite F&AM discusses how the Masons who were building the Temple of Solomon discovered the ruins of the tomb of Enoch far below the same spot they had chosen to build on, which also happened to be the location where Abraham went to sacrifice his son. Here is a brief quote from McClenecham, a Masonic author:


History: this is the history and legend of this degree. Enoch, the son of Jared, was the sixth in descent from Adam. Filled with the love and fear of God, he strove to lead men in the way of honor and duty. In a vision the Deity appeared to him in visible shape, and said to him, "Enoch, thou hast longed to know my true name: arise and follow me, and thou shalt know it."

Enoch, accepting his vision as an inspiration, journeyed in search of the mountain he had seen in his dream, until, weary of the search, he stopped in the land of Canaan, then already populous with the descendents of Adam, and there employed workmen; and with the help of his son Methusaleh, he excavated nine apartments, one above the other, and each roofed with an arch, as he had seen in his dream, the lowest being hewn out of the solid rock. In the crown of each arch he left a narrow aperture, closed with a square stone, and over the upper one he built a modest temple, roofless and of huge un-hewn stones, to the Grand Architect of the Universe.

Upon a triangular plate of gold, inlaid with many precious gems, he engraved the ineffable name of God, and sank the plate into one face of a cube of agate.

None knew of the desposit of the precious treasure; and, that it might remain undiscovered, and survive the Flood, which it was known to Enoch would soon overwhelm the world in one vast sea of mire, he covered the aperture, and the stone that closed it and the great ring of iron used to raise the stone, with the granite pavement of his primitive temple.

Then, fearing that all knowledge of the arts and sciences would be lost in the universal flood, he built two great columns upon a high hill - one of brass, to resist water, and one of granite, to resist fire. On the granite column was written in hieroglyphics a description of the subterranean apartments; on the one of brass, the rudiments of the arts and sciences.

The granite column was overturned and swept away, and worn to a shapeless mass by the Deluge, but that of brass stood firm, and was found by Noah. Thenceforward the true name of God remained un-known until he said unto Moses in Egypt, when he ordered him to go to Pharaoh, and cause him to send forth the children of Israel out of Egypt: "I am that which I was and shalll be: I am the God of thy fathers; the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob. Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, HE WHO IS hath sent me unto you. I am the Lord, that appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob by the name AL-SHEDI, but my name - I did not show them."

Moses engraved the ineffable name upon a plate of gold, and deposited it in the ark of the covenant. Moses made the name known to Aaron and Joshua, and afterwards it was made known to the chief priests. The word being composed of consonants only, its true pronunciation was soon lost, but the word still remained in the ark; and in the time of Othniel, in a battle against the King of Syria, those who bore the ark were slain, and the ark fell to the ground. After the battle, the men of Israel, searching for it, were led to it by the roaring of a lion, which, crouching by it, had guarded it, holding the golden key in its mouth. Upon the approach of the High-priest and Levites, he laid down the key and withdrew. Hence, upon the golden key worn by the treasurer, you see the initials of these words: "In arc leonis verbum inveni" - "In the lion's mouth I found the word." This plate of gold was melted down, and made into an image of Dagon by the Philstines, who took it in battle.

David intended to build a temple to God, but bequeathed the enterprise to Solomon, his son, and Solomon selected a place near Jerusalem; but finding overthrown columns of Enoch's temple, and supposing them to be the ruins of a heathen temple, and not wishing to select a descrated spot, selected Mount Moriah for the site of his Temple to the true God. Under this temple he built a secret vault, the approach to which was through eight other vaults, all under ground, and to which a long and narrow passage led to the king's palace. In the ninth apartment was placed a twisted column of white marble, on which it was intended to place the ark, and in this apartment he held his private conferences with King Hiram of Tyre and Hiram Abiff, they only knowing the way by which it was approached. Solomon proposed to erect a Temple of Justice, and selected as a site the spot where Enoch's temple had stood, and to that end directed all the fallen columns and rubbish should be removed. Gibulum, Joabert, and Stolkin were selected to survey the ground and lay off the foundations.

:: END QUOTE. source::

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