the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

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I  have  " sic"   Epilepsy  an  my  mind  is flater  than the  fat man  himself ...   I  reside in ormond beac floridia ..   The  ordeal  with  magnitite and  the  lesser ones  creating     Their parasite  with  .. Etc ..  I  have magnatite ..  And  desire  zzz    .. Could you recomed  anything  imparticular  to " us"  ...   Thank u  for  your  reasearch

Mork42 said:

Shemsu Hor were long lived but not immortal beings. They were of the flesh and extended their lives through vampirism of the auras of human beings. Despite the extra cranial capacity, the increased volume is attached to the hind brain rather than the fore brain. This makes them far more likely to be controlled by testosterone and therefore aggressive or aroused. 


Even though they may claim to be all powerful, people descended from this line are inferior because they lack one crucial element in their body. That is magnetite and allows true humans to create strong fields. The Shemsu Hor have an alternative element that is unable to naturally open mirco-tubules in their imagination. They must ingest substances containing magnetite and use blood rituals to use the height of their powers but when they do they are able to feed on the auras of all sleepers. This was informed to me by one of the Corvus Cantos but if I am in error, please correct my inaccuracies. 

In  sythysis   ,   Both  white  and  dark  roots  are  merely  shades   Of  white  in  the  great  wide  darknes  ...  Stay  within  the  light  ..  So  ..  We   All arent  suposed  to step  past  our   Black  universe  ...          So  ring past  not  for  man  shouldent ressecc  past  mars  ..  Not  the  11 th  nans  

Jonathan Gee said:

Aloha again, Mork42! You're fast on your way to becoming one of my favourite new members; if you keep up the good input, I might have to prommote you to be the POD "Pope." You're well met on the Dischordian note, my friend, though I've read enough RAW to know whenever anything sets off my "bullshit meter."


On that note, also, I'd like to share another one of my works with you, called "~GOD~," which is currently only available for sale on my own main site's ebookstore page, but which is available on my forum as well, just not in ebook form, here: Like, again, the conjectural content and definitely the dating-system of the POD's Ordo Historia document, most of the material in the "~GOD~" ebook (or at the forum-link) is meant to top out the "bullshit meter," because it is, inherently, modern fictions speculating about ancient mythologies form long lost cultures. There do remain, nevertheless, the standard basic assertions prommoted from the evidence we have on-hand at this time, used at stopping-points along the narrative path.


The second half of the "~GOD~" ebook (beginning about 2/3rd down the first page on the fourm-link) is (ahem) "inspired" writing, meaning (gurgle) free-form fiction. It relies heavily on broad generalisations based on the modern historical data, however seeks to use the characters from the myths to tell a modern story, in which I myself am, eventually, also a main character. It's as much a psychological expurgation of surplus research as anything else, and as a self-professed Jungian I hope you can appreciate the blurriness of the lines in a novel environment between facts and fictions. I consider this a VERY dangerous nether-realm, for myself - as an author, equivalent to the psychological Abyss of modern Cabalists and practitioners of ritual magick.


Well, in any event, I wanted to call it to your attention so that we could ponder over any similarities it might already have to the story-arc you are planning out for your own work (not for the sake of copying one another, but for the sake of seeking out similar original sources). The goal I am interested in obtaining by doing this would be to determine which characters, plot-points, places or props overlap in both our stories, and then to ascertain why them.


Although I consider alot of the "channeled" messages of other "inspired" writers to be comprised of an equal amount of bullshit to my own works in that genre, the notion that our own beliefs, thoughts, inspirations and ideals are actually originating from an external source to which we are all exposed simultaneously does fascinate me deeply. Can such thoughts have any other furthest point of origin than in the all-encompassing mind of God? In spite of all failed attempts at proving such by lesser intellects, I continue to hold out hope for the truth of such an assertion.


Well, in either event, it is clear that your research and my own do indeed, as you'd said initially, overlap a great deal, and that our creative products based on re-use of these materials will thus also have some similarities. I consider this a positive form of exchangeing inspirations. Thanks again for posting and your interest in learning more about the POD. Peace! - Jon

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