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dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

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Jul 7, 2013
Edward Kelley commented on Mork42's video

Hemp War Conspiracy - UFOTV Full Feature

"Great Video! Nice time for posting too..33 after"
Mar 22, 2012
Mork42 posted a video
Feb 25, 2012
Mork42 shared Jonathan Barlow Gee's video on Facebook
Feb 25, 2012
Mork42 replied to Jonathan Barlow Gee's discussion Ancient Enochian History
"On building the Great Pyramid of Giza, I would have to lean towards Houdin's theory of internal ramps in a spiral pattern. This makes…"
Dec 27, 2011
Mork42 replied to Jonathan Barlow Gee's discussion Ancient Enochian History
"In addition. Have you seen the links being made to 2012 winter solstice and the processional with the Giza Pyramids and the Phoenix Cycle of Par Hanok or Enoch?  I originally came across David Wilcock making the claims but it appears…"
Dec 27, 2011
Mork42 replied to Jonathan Barlow Gee's discussion Ancient Enochian History
"Interesting. I will have to check out that book. William, the guy whose 108 questions you answered, has mentioned Colin Wilson a few times. He was under the impression the Colin Wilson was an exec producer on Avatar but was subject to various…"
Dec 26, 2011
Mork42 replied to Jonathan Barlow Gee's discussion Ancient Enochian History
"Aloha Jon,  Many thanks, glad we agree :-) My only observation of note would be that the original Ogdoad was more shamanic compared to the more sophisticated Ennead. The numbers 8 and 9 are important and there is the octogram star as well as…"
Dec 20, 2011
Mork42 replied to Jonathan Barlow Gee's discussion Ancient Enochian History
"Greetings Jon, I did not mean to assume you confused theOgdoad and Ennead but as I understand it Asur, Aset, Set and Nebat and the other deities were added to become the Ennead. They were more anthrpomorphised whereas the Ogdoad were four female…"
Dec 18, 2011
Mork42 replied to Jonathan Barlow Gee's discussion Ancient Enochian History
"Aloha Jon,  I hate to be a pedantic twat... but I think you are referring to the Ennead as the Ogdoad is the original and somewhat different. I agree they relate to elements and processes though. I…"
Dec 17, 2011
Mork42 replied to Jonathan Barlow Gee's discussion Ancient Enochian History
"It is interesting that Joseph Campbell said that "myths are the dreams of the collective constantly renewed". I really like that idea and while I believe they contain much allegory there may also be a sense of projection with them. The…"
Dec 16, 2011
Mork42 replied to Jonathan Barlow Gee's discussion Ancient Enochian History
"Aloha Jon,  I will be starting to publish my story starting early January computer permitting. It will work as I have said previously.  The Prologue is the story of Dr. Daron, following a wise man's instruction and dowsing along…"
Dec 14, 2011
Mork42 commented on Mork42's video

World Financial Crisis Solution?

"Watt may not have nailed it but I think some of what he speaks about is going in the right direction. I take your point though and given time I'd like to be making my own videos on my own point of view. The Duality and separation is an…"
Dec 14, 2011
Mork42 replied to Jonathan Barlow Gee's discussion the POD Star
"Phew! Fantastic response Jon. You are certainly talking my language. I am reading Somebodies and Nobodies at present by Robert Fuller and it is all about the abuse of rank. This is something I know a lot about having endured intimidation by…"
Dec 14, 2011
Mork42 replied to Jonathan Barlow Gee's discussion the POD Star
"The system I'm working with is multi-layered and though the early phases discus Duality, the middle phases cover Tonality and finally the 'myst' reaches a point where they can appreciate the Non-duality we read of in eastern wisdom…"
Dec 14, 2011
Mork42 commented on Mork42's video

World Financial Crisis Solution?

"Just lost a long post in response. My PC is becoming increasingly faulty and prone to switching itel foff at inopportune moments,  For the most part I agree with what you are saying. I like Paul my issue is with the Corporatocracy and their…"
Dec 14, 2011

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Comment Wall (7 comments)

At 7:28am on November 9, 2011, Jonathan Barlow Gee said…
At 5:44pm on November 11, 2011, Mork42 said…

Thanks Jon, 

I enjoyed your video. You illustrate the points well though I have no means or need of implementing them unfortunately. 

I  truth it has been a rough week and I am consoling myself with a bottle of wine though my emotions have not come to the surface and I have found a way to channel my energy productively, even after a bottle of cabernet sauvignon.  


My partner has met someone else, due in part to my online activity no doubt but not exclusively as the writing has been on the wall for some time. If anything it has made me even more determined to push forward, ;-) 


I was wondering however if Comrade Derek has been in contact with you. Several times now he has posted a link to your site but I've not noticed any new members, not that I've had much time to look.  


My primry focus of late has been to promote banking reform in a rational and productive way and it has been going well but simultaneously I have been developing other avenues of inquiry to see where they might lead. The guy who posted the Pythagorean view of M theory has shown himself to be well balanced and willing to take criticism, which is all important but of the AOI, it seems like the wheels are in the process of falling off. 

Incidentally I think I found the Tawnies website through which I enjoyed a flash presentation tough it was quite shallow.


What do you think of the work of Stan Tenen by the way?




At 11:38pm on November 11, 2011, Jonathan Barlow Gee said…

Aloha Jayce, happy 11PM-EST 11-11-2011!! By the time you receive this letter the day will be gone. It will have turned to the 12th, because I won't be done writing until after 12AM. I want you to know you have friends, I am one, who are here (as much as possible) to listen. If you'd like to unburden yourself please feel free to do so to me. I am at benpadiah@gmail, and on msn-messenger and yahoo-im. Depression feeds on wine. Don't over-feed it. It will only get greedier, and not be satisfied until it eats you alive from within. LOL. I speak as a continuing survivor. It sucks to get dumped, but if it is inevitable to break up (which 50% of the time it is) it is, whether admitted as such by both or not, irrevocably mutual regardless. I still pine over my highschool ex. But whatever. I do not know who "Comrade Derek" is; that is the "IOBB1" website where I graduated to "Grand-Maser" in the Illuminati under the Shipleys; and I like Stan Tennan, alot, even though he accused me once of stealing all his work, which I in no way ever did. I hope you're going to feel better for having drunk some wine. I can't drink anymore. It makes me act too crazy. I don't like ODing on perscription pills either. Hit me up when you can. PEACE! - Jon

At 11:44pm on November 11, 2011, Jonathan Barlow Gee said…

ps, a link:


PEACE! - Jon

At 4:53am on November 12, 2011, Mork42 said…

Really appreciate the message Jon. I am alright and won't be indulging in wine too often. I've never really been much of a Dionysian.


In fact I think I'm doing pretty well considering. I was up till gone 1am and was up and at 'em early today. Interactions like ours do serve to give me energy and enthusiasm to be myself and persevere. I could see me surviving off less sleep in the future and devoting more time and energy to writing. 


At present I am trying to structure my research and my intentions on what to write about so hopefully it will come more easily. I reckon I have about eleven articles to write on subjects not related to philosophy or esoterics but focussing on economics, politics, justice and education. I figure if I can complete them then I can justify my indulgence into less applicable areas, which are what truly fascinates me. 


Derek is a young lad with a keen mind and enthusiasm for the subject of all things Illuminati but can be a difficult personality to work with at times. No doubt people think the same of me but I try and be open about my intentions and ways of working together. 


A couple of subjects that have peaked or re-peaked my interest this week are;

1) the Illuminati card game


2) Nibiru following Elenin


Is this the Great Burner? I know your works are meant as fiction but since I read an Arthur C Clarke novel on a plasma nebulous and it resonated and I included it in my fiction. I've also familiarized myself with the Velikovsky material and am particularly drawn to plasma universe theories. 


Anyway, I do not think it will come into our solar system but I do think even at a distance it is affecting our solar system. I think it is interesting but posted some other videos on facebook with no response. I understand that such an option scares the shit out of people and others think it is mindless hoo-ha but I request you look at the evidence available and if you require further videos, some of which are of higher quality and more scientific, I'd be happy to supply. 


The video did not work for me, said it was not available in my country. 


Peace! Irie! Justin

At 2:03pm on November 12, 2011, Jonathan Barlow Gee said…

At 2:26pm on November 12, 2011, Jonathan Barlow Gee said…

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