the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

"composite-ccr12.pdf" =

Competing Memes Propagation on Networks: 

A Case Study of Composite Networks 


If a false rumor propagates via Twitter, while the truth prop- 

agates between friends in Facebook, which one will prevail? 

This question captures the essence of the problem we ad- 

dress here. We study the intertwined propagation of two 

competing “memes” (or viruses, rumors, products etc.) in 

a composite network. A key novelty is the use of a com- 

posite network, which in its simplest model is defined as a 

single set of nodes with two distinct types of edges inter- 

connecting them. Each meme spreads across the composite 

network in accordance to an SIS-like propagation model (a 

flu-like infection-recovery). To study the epidemic behav- 

ior of our system, we formulate it as a non-linear dynamic 

system (NLDS). We develop a metric for each meme that 

is based on the eigenvalue of an appropriately constructed 

matrix and argue that this metric plays a key role in de- 

termining the “winning” meme. First, we prove that our 

metric determines the tipping point at which both memes 

become extinct eventually. Second, we conjecture that the 

meme with the strongest metric will most likely prevail over 

the other, and we show evidence of that via simulations in 

both real and synthetic composite networks. Our work is 

among the first to study the interplay between two compet- 

ing memes in composite networks.

"jbc.M114.561761.full.pdf" =

Targeting CB2 -GPR55 Receptor Heteromers

Modulates Cancer Cell Signaling 


The G protein-coupled receptors CB2 

(CB2R) and GPR55 are overexpressed in cancer 

cells and human tumors. As a modulation of 

GPR55 activity by cannabinoids has been 

suggested, we analyzed whether this receptor 

participates in cannabinoid effects on cancer 

cells. Here, we show that CB2R and GPR55 

form heteromers in cancer cells, that these 

structures possess unique signaling properties, 

and that modulation of these heteromers can 

modify the antitumoral activity of cannabinoids 

in vivo. These findings unveil the existence of 

previously unknown signaling platforms that 

help explain the complex behavior of 

cannabinoids and may constitute new targets 

for therapeutic intervention in oncology.

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"TRAPPINGLIGHT1401.0520v2.pdf" =

Bose-Einstein condensation of light in a cavity

The paper considers Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of light in a cavity with medium. In the 

framework of two-level model we show the effect of gaseous medium on the critical temperature 

of light condensation in the system. Transition of the system to the state with released light 

condensate is illustrated in consequent stages. Analytical expressions for atypical spatial extent 

of the condensed cloud of photons, as well for spectral characteristics of the condensate peak are 

derived. Energy and heat capacity of photons as functions of temperature are obtained. Finally, we 

demonstrate that the energy of light can be accumulated in the BEC state.

"SUPPLIMENTnphoton.2014.95-s1.pdf" =

A photon-photon collider in a vacuum hohlraum: 

Supplementary information

Photon distribution.

Gamma-ray photon distribution.

Positron distribution.

Breit-Wheeler positron distribution.


the "annus mirabillis" papers of 1905 by Albert Einstein, proposing "special relativity" and "E=Mc^2"

compiled from the Library of Congress dot gov site:


""Generation of macroscopic singlet states in a cold atomic ensemble""

""We report the generation of a macroscopic singlet state in a cold atomic sample via quantum non-demolition (QND) measurement induced spin squeezing. We observe 3 dB of spin squeezing and detect entanglement of up to 5.5×105 atoms with 5σ statistical significance using a generalized spin squeezing inequality. The degree of squeezing implies at least 50% of the atoms have formed singlets, while the response to a magnetic field gradient indicates entanglement bonds at all length scales, a characteristic of quantum spin liquids.""



Professor John W. Norbury 

Physics Department 

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 

P.O. Box 413 

Milwaukee, WI 53201 

November 20, 2000


v. 3: 30 Nov 1999

String Theory and Noncommutative Geometry 

Nathan Seiberg and Edward Witten 

School of Natural Sciences 

Institute for Advanced Study 

OldenLane, Princeton, NJ


Elements of String Theory 

Atish Dabholkar, Sunil Mukhi, Spenta Wadia 

Coordinators, "Strings 2001" 

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research 

Homi Bhabha Road, Mumbai, 400 005. 


A Neural Conversational Model

(google AI)

In this paper, we show that a simple language model based 

on the seq2seq framework can be used to train a conversa- 

tional engine. Our modest results show that it can gener- 

ate simple and basic conversations, and extract knowledge 

from a noisy but open-domain dataset. Even though the 

model has obvious limitations, it is surprising to us that a 

purely data driven approach without any rules can produce 

rather proper answers to many types of questions. How- 

ever, the model may require substantial modifications to be 

able to deliver realistic conversations. Amongst the many 

limitations, the lack of a coherent personality makes it dif- 

ficult for our system to pass the Turing test (Turing, 1950). model.





 Albert Einstein 

Translated by G. B. Jeffery, D.Sc., 

and W. Perrett, Ph.D.


Adinkras for Mathematicians 

Yan X Zhang 

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

November 28, 2011


Adinkras: A Graphical Technology for 

Supersymmetric Representation Theory

Michael Faux

Department of Physics 

Hobart and William Smith College 

Geneva, NY14456, USA 


S. J. Gates, Jr

Center for String and Particle Theory 

Department of Physics, University of Maryland 

College Park, MD20742-4111USA 


We present a symbolic method for organizing the representation theory 

of one-dimensional superalgebras. This relies on special objects, which we 

have called adinkra symbols, which supply tangible geometric forms to 

the still-emerging mathematical basis underlying supersymmetry. 


Earth’s spin axis has been wandering along the Greenwich meridian since about 2000, representing a 75° eastward shift from its long-term drift direction. The past 115 years have seen unequivocal evidence for a quasi-decadal periodicity, and these motions persist throughout the recent record of pole position, in spite of the new drift direction. 

We analyze space geodetic and satellite gravimetric data for the period 2003–2015 to show that all of the main features of polar motion are explained by global-scale continent-ocean mass transport. The changes in terrestrial water storage (TWS) and global cryosphere together explain nearly the entire amplitude (83 ± 23%) and mean directional shift (within 5.9° ± 7.6°) of the observed motion. We also find that the TWS variability fully explains the decadal-like changes in polar motion observed during the study period, thus offering a clue to resolving the long-standing quest for determining the origins of decadal oscillations. This newly discovered link between polar motion and global-scale TWS variability has broad implications for the study of past and future climate.


Scanning ultrasound removes amyloid-b and restores memory in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model 

Gerhard Leinenga and Jürgen Götz* 

Amyloid-b (Ab) peptide has been implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We present a non-pharmacological approach for removing Ab and restoring memory function in a mouse model of AD in which Ab is deposited in the brain. We used repeated scanning ultrasound (SUS) treatments of the mouse brain to remove Ab, without the need for any additional therapeutic agent such as anti-Ab antibody. Spinning disk confocal microscopy and high-resolution three-dimensional reconstruction revealed extensive internalization of Ab into the lysosomes of activated microglia in mouse brains subjected to SUS, with no concomitant increase observed in the number of microglia. Plaque burden was reduced in SUS-treated AD mice compared to sham-treated animals, and cleared plaques were observed in 75% of SUS-treated mice. Treated AD mice also displayed improved performance on three memory tasks: the Y-maze, the novel object recognition test, and the active place avoidance task. Our findings suggest that repeated SUS is useful for removing Ab in the mouse brain without causing overt damage, and should be explored further as a noninvasive method with therapeutic potential in AD.


Emission of Mitochondrial Biophotons and their Effect on Electrical 

Activity of Membrane via Microtubules


In this paper we argue that, in addition to electrical and chemical signals propagating in the 

neurons of the brain, signal propagation takes place in the form of biophoton production. This 

statement is supported by recent experimental confirmation of photon guiding properties of a 

single neuron. We have investigated the interaction of mitochondrial biophotons with 

microtubules from a quantum mechanical point of view. Our theoretical analysis indicates 

that the interaction of biophotons and microtubules causes transitions/fluctuations of 

microtubules between coherent and incoherent states. A significant relationship between the 

fluctuation function of microtubules and alpha-EEG diagrams is elaborated on in this paper. 

We argue that the role of biophotons in the brain merits special attention.  

Keywords: mitochondrial biophoton, microtubule (MT), coherence, fluctuation function


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