the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

Jonathan Barlow Gee's Blog – June 2014 Archive (4)

2014: The Greasy, Whack-Ass State of Battle-Rap Address.

Illuminati NEWS:::



"2014: The Greasy, Whack-Ass State of Battle-Rap Address."

author: Paul "Laocoon" Revere

Dizaster Punches Math Hoffa in the Face (KOTD: World Star Hip-Hop)

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." - Isaac Asimov

So, for those…


Added by Jonathan Barlow Gee on June 30, 2014 at 12:32pm — No Comments

"Is a Law Still a Law if No One is Around to Enforce it?"


I am confident that everyone reading this alive contemporary to when I am writing it (2014), everyone in "my" generation, has been asked, and asked themselves, the very irrelevant rhetorical question: "if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" Even though this question is indicative of no school of philosophy, means little in itself and proves even less if one tries to answer it, because it is a shared substitute for any…


Added by Jonathan Barlow Gee on June 28, 2014 at 3:26am — No Comments

the "good" of humanity's "god" from the perspective of a free individual.

The idealization of humanity's "averaging" as an aspiration for us all to conform to, in the form of the concept of "God" as imagined "by the people," the "masses," the lowest and the "most high" of our kind alike, is nothing more than the figurative anchor and "albatross" hung about the neck of the genius of every individual, weighing them down to the lowest common denominator of servility and slavery to the collectivization and communalization of all earth's resources as the "property" of…


Added by Jonathan Barlow Gee on June 10, 2014 at 12:06am — No Comments

what is our greatest threat? (or, "what we are supposed to be afraid of")

threat assessment to the lives of modern American citizens (and resident aliens).

a brief summary and historical background

Enhanced technology on the intel. receiver's end has improved the abilities of modern information assessors to parse larger sets of data faster. However, it has only been recently that the "battlefield" has even been transferred to the "digital arena," or "videodrome" as Hollywood would have it, and so, even with a prolonged lag between…


Added by Jonathan Barlow Gee on June 2, 2014 at 2:52am — No Comments

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