the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
"Oligarchy then degenerates into democracy where freedom is the supreme good but freedom is also slavery. In democracy, the lower class grows bigger and bigger. The poor become the winners. People are free to do what they want and live how they want. People can even break the law if they so choose. This appears to be very similar to anarchy.
Plato uses the "democratic man" to represent democracy. The democratic man is the son of the oligarchic man. Unlike his father, the democratic man is consumed with unnecessary desires. Plato describes necessary desires as desires that we have out of instinct or desires that we have in order to survive. Unnecessary desires are desires we can teach ourselves to resist such as the desire for riches. The democratic man takes great interest in all the things he can buy with his money. He does whatever he wants whenever he wants to do it. His life has no order or priority."
""Some persons say, that the most perfect government should be composed of all others blended together, for which reason they commend that of Lacedaemon; for they say, that this is composed of an oligarchy, a monarchy, and a democracy, their kings representing the monarchical part, the senate the oligarchical; and, that in the ephori may be found the democratical, as these are taken from the people. But some say, that in the ephori is absolute power, and that it is their common meal and daily course of life, in which the democratical form is represented. It is also said in this treatise of [1266a] Laws, that the best form of government must, be one composed of a democracy and a tyranny; though such a mixture no one else would ever allow to be any government at all, or if it is, the worst possible; those propose what is much better who blend many governments together; for the most perfect is that which is formed of many parts. But now in this government of Plato's there are no traces of a monarchy, only of an oligarchy and democracy; though he seems to choose that it should rather incline to an oligarchy, as is evident from the appointment of the magistrates; for to choose them by lot is common to both; but that a man of fortune must necessarily be a member of the assembly, or to elect the magistrates, or take part in the management of public affairs, while others are passed over, makes the state incline to an oligarchy; as does the endeavouring that the greater part of the rich may be in office, and that the rank of their appointments may correspond with their fortunes.""
- Aristotle, "Politics," Book 2, Chapter VI; Ellis (trans.)
""The Lacedaemonians have been already mentioned. Some persons think that Solon was an excellent legislator, who could dissolve a pure oligarchy, and save the people from that slavery which hung over them, and establish the ancient democratic form of government in his country; wherein every part of it was so framed as to be well adapted to the whole. In the senate of Areopagus an oligarchy was preserved; by the manner of electing their [1274a] magistrates, an aristocracy; and in their courts of justice, a democracy.
Solon seems not to have altered the established form of government, either with respect to the senate or the mode of electing their magistrates; but to have raised the people to great consideration in the state by allotting the supreme judicial department to them; and for this some persons blame him, as having done what would soon overturn that balance of power he intended to establish; for by trying all causes whatsoever before the people, who were chosen by lot to determine them, it was necessary to flatter a tyrannical populace who had got this power; which contributed to bring the government to that pure democracy it now is.""
- Aristotle, "Politics," Book 2, Chapter XII; Ellis (trans.)
The best manner for confronting and countermanding the momentum behind humanity's "anti-Democracy" tendencies is to posit the continuing study of "Atlantean Democracy" based on ideal number theory, and to educate them as to the contents of the "complete and current" constitutions thereof. "Atlantean Democracy" as a model for government is based on keeping the elements of a single, global government in "check and balance" against one another by using the three branches system - of a legislative, an executive and a judicial - proposed by Solon based, in one interpretation of Plato's "Timeas," on Solon's initiation into an ancient Egyptian mystery cult. By centralizing global government and depriving it of a military, the personal liberties of the individual citizens is best insured against legal interference. The "law of one" in Atlantean Democracy is Anarchy, or rule over each by themselves alone. By redefining the parameters of what constitutes a "democracy" away from ancient concepts and modern prejudices against it based thereon, it will become easier to propose a system of government alike "Atlantean Democracy" as applicable on a global scale. Peace.
Ideally speaking, "Democracy means government of the people, by the people, and for the people." It entrusts the system for governance into the hands of the entire population; not only some; all. Democracy, if applied, is a sacred rite, involving the highest ideals attainable given humanity's natively limited ethics; Democracy, if applied, moreover, works. The "masses" CAN effectively govern themselves as a whole, and do so efficiently enough to prosper; even if this is only a temporary success, yielding ultimately to the degenerative trend of entropy effecting even a populist State. Democracy is an ideal; whether humanity is able to attain to this ideal, to sustain our apprehension of it as such, and to, ultimately, prove ourselves worthy of it - that is a different story.
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