the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
POD Mission Report:
March, 2021.
By: Jonathan Barlow Gee
Introduction:: A Brief Apology For The Long Delay
It’s been a decade (2011 [1] on POD dot Ning) since I’ve updated the POD with its “annual” Mission Report and half a decade (2017 [2] on the POD FB group) since I’ve released so much as a “State of the POD recap” address (the same year I temporarily retooled the POD FB group as a “school for mutants” [3]). Rightfully, the members of the POD - both the elder, less current and newer, more curious - deserve to have some update on what has taken place “behind the scenes” with the POD during recent years.
Part 1:: A Coin Was Tossed…: Past Bad News First
A coin was tossed beforehand and it was agreed that the “worse news” should come first this year. The “bad news” (such as it is) includes that I have now (more or less entirely) lost contact with all 4 other POD founders [4]. I am still FB friends with 2 ([5] & [6]) and 1 of these is also on twitter [7]. A third, whom I follow on YouTube [8] and instagram [9], was not a founder, but replaced a founder who quit. The fourth and final fellow-founder still involved with POD has left FB and fallen out of touch, aside from through his business page on FB [10]. Although I maintain contacts for them all, I have not communicated directly with any of them in several months at least. This makes “pluralism” of office difficult to sustain in public optics and recently a long-time ally of the POD [11] called me out publicly with accusations of similarities between myself and Charles Manson, resulting in me (reluctantly) “unfriending” him on FaceBook.
As my personal authority to determine the future course the POD will take expands unchecked, so has the public exposure for not only myself [12], but for the POD in general: on YouTube, the playlist “Atlantis, Lemuria and the Pythagorean Order of Death” [13] has just passed 4000 views, and the “History of the Pythagorean Order of Death” playlist [14] is about to pass 5000 (Thursday, March 11, 2021). The POD “stack” on issue dot com, my primary ebook host, has only 5 followers on that platform [15]; however cross-posts of my work by strangers on other platforms ([16] and [17], with 1K and 2K views respectively) remain more popular than my own posts ([18] and [19]), although are sometimes even more contentious [20]. With my increasing autocracy over the POD’s future coupled with expanded public exposure for both myself and the POD, the POD is clearly entering a “new phase” in its development and growth.
As both my authority to determine the POD’s future and my public exposure have increased, opportunities have begun to present themselves - like pieces in a puzzle - that seem to lead the POD inexorably in the direction of expansion. This is not the sort of “expansion” I prefer - involving me lugubriously addending and updating the “Atlantean Constitution” documents [21] or the “POD Omnibus pdf” [22] - nor the type of “expansion” one would usually expect as a measure of any success - involving increasing the number of members in the group. No, this is an “expansion” into hitherto uncharted regions for both myself and for the POD material as a whole.
Part 2:: Present Good News: Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio Interview
Presently, the POD dot Ning website is essentially defunct [23] and the entirety of POD “group” interaction is on the POD’s FB-group page [24]. Current statistics in this FB-group indicate a consistent minimum “reach” of ~40 viewers for any post shared. There are currently 469 registered members in the POD FB-group. The POD dot Ning site became overburdened by inactive members when it reached its membership capacity of 150 and since that time no members have posted to keep the site up-to-date while as many as 118 prospective new members remain backlogged on a waiting-list. Given projections for continued “expansion” in the fields of authority and exposure, one can expect some upward motion of all these statistics above what little would have occurred without such, although recent publicity ([25] and [26]) has failed to yield these predicted results. This maybe due (I believe) to an overemphasis in that regard on the “Neo-Sethian” material [27], which has already led to a “best-selling author” remarking unfavorably about me in a comment under the host’s YouTube video [25].
Although I consider it mundane, some additional attention maybe paid to the “inside baseball” behind my recent “Aeon Byte” interview ([25] and [26]), as it may serve as a bridge between the “worse” and “better” POD news. The interview was set up at the suggestion of a mutual FB “friend” (internet acquaintance) of myself and the website’s host, Mr. Miguel Conner. In our preliminary email correspondences, I sent him multiple links to several of my videos and ebooks online and copies of a few of my ebooks as well. I prepared an horoscope [29] and read a couple of my ebooks ([30] and [31]) to refresh myself on “Gnostic” related content; I was unprepared for any of the questions I was asked. I do not feel it was a “sandbag” situation at all, however I had suggested to Miguel in our emails that the topic of “Neo-Sethian-ism” would likely create undue controversy, which maybe why he chose to devote attention to it from the start. I found both Miguel and Vance to be informed and open-minded and I enjoyed my time talking to them a lot. Although the second part of my interview remains behind a “pay-wall” on their site, available only to contributing members, I have uploaded the complete version from there on my google drive [32] along with a complete transcript [33]. This audio copy they were kind enough to provide me, along with an unexpurgated copy of the complete interview “raw,” just after they publicly released it as such. The original, unedited interview contains an additional 3 minutes or so of empty air, cross-chat and me saying “um,” as well as a brief mention I made referring to the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion;” this made the “cutting-room” floor well before air-date, with Miguel apologizing and explaining they’d never censored anyone before. My response to this editing was to post a video called “the Protocols, dystopias and blacklisting” [34] which has gotten 257 views in the 2 weeks since I posted it; comparing this to the almost 1650 views that the video upload of my interview on their YouTube channel [25] has received in the 1 week since it posted, I believe it was a fair compromise for the degree of exposure and capacity for “expansion” it provided. I look forward to any opportunity to appear on AB again.
Part 3:: News From A Better Future: A “New Phase” For The POD.
So much for the “worse” news. As far as “better” news goes, an anonymous contributor - whom I will call JC - has provided me with a series of 3-d rendered, cgi landscape vistas based on my “avenue of the dead” architectural designs [35]. In addition to these, he has recently also provided me with a large collection of the CAD program compatible elements he designed to replicate my work inside this medium. This has, in turn, led me to explore CAD programs for myself and, while I have not yet settled on a program to use, I am committed to carrying through on the designs JC began.
Replicating the architectural motifs and city-planning elements of the “Avenue of the Dead” into a “VR” type environment maybe only the start, though. Beyond this a vast vista of future possibilities opens up before us that I can only rightly define as a “new phase” for the POD materials. This began no less than 6 months ago and has already resulted in many interesting conversations “behind the scenes” about the future of the POD between myself and other, newly vested individuals ([36] and [37]) as well as my local friends. The end-goal is to develop the POD as a “franchise” - a sort of “multi-nodal network” of related “intellectual properties” (IP), each legally certified as originating with me and ultimately belonging to the remainder of the POD group (after my death).
To this end, legal documents are presently being prepared to establish the POD as a “limited liability corporation” (LLC) publisher with a “first church-bank of Lemuria” organization possibly acting as an appendant “non-profit organization” (NPO) handling POD finances (possibly including the creation of a POD cryptocurrency). These documents will include copyrights for all the current and complete POD curriculum of materials, primarily the POD omnibus and other pdf contents [15], as well as patents for the layout of “Agade” as capitol city of “Atlantis,” of the spiral “avenue of the dead” at its core and most especially for the architectures of the 5 “Platonic solids” inspired buildings along it. Certain items and terms will need to be “trademarked” and declared all “rights reserved.” This process is extremely complicated, however needs to be done precisely correctly in order for the POD to be able to prosper most in the long-term. The goal of this process is to facilitate the transformation of the current POD material into a “background world” or “universe” for Role-Playing Game (RPG) environments and “gaming” in general. [38]
Both tabletop and video RPGs have proved a welcoming and accommodating media for subject matter some might see as “occult.” As a matter of little historical debate, popular tabletop RPG “Dungeons & Dragons” (D&D) largely sought to popularize the fantasy novels of JRR Tolkien by providing a “gaming” experience based on and similar to them. Where the future of the POD differs from the past of “D&D” is that the POD must, from its first step “out of the gate,” be all legally above-board and managed scrupulously (or at least as much so as humanly possible), so as to avoid possible conflicts with any other “IP” down-the-road. The POD’s materials should be sufficiently unique to stand completely on their own without question, however for the purpose of further development the actual parameters of the “world” described within the POD franchise may need to be presented initially as incomplete and less explored so as to appeal to the curiosity of new developers. One aspect of the POD as RPG “world” is that it lacks a global set of hard-line laws and rules governing human behaviors or even natural physics; this leaves a POD RPG open as an “environment” in which then other developers explore to plot out their own characters, campaigns and even “games within games,” etc.
Part 4:: The 3 Sections of the POD’s “New Phase”
This “new phase” of the POD “expanding” into the realm of RPGs and “gaming” has three lesser sections along its projected trajectory: 1. The ascendent, near future rise of a capitalized POD by development of a POD RPG system (this section will end - probably between 2025 and 2030 - with the development of a salable RPG based on the POD); 2. The peak of the POD’s plans for the foreseeable future (during my own lifetime) consist in transitioning the POD RPG into a totally digitally-integrated environment and this section will end with the production of a stable (augmented and virtual-reality combined, AR & VR) gaming console based on the POD materials (which seems highly unlikely to occur any sooner than 2030); finally, there is the descent for my own vision for this arc, settling down on an “in real life” (IRL) POD theme-park being built (likely sometime after my own demise - whenever that maybe).
The first section of this “new phase” for the POD involves taking the existing “gaming” system models within the POD material [38] along with the general “history” of the POD [39] and combining these to form a simple to understand, but engaging, long-play formatted, table-top RPG and beginning to mass publish copies of this. The best method to accomplish this, I believe, is to present the existent POD “gaming” material and basic “history” as is and attempt to attract partner developers to “flesh out” more details. Ideally, multiple - even conflicting - “gaming” systems could be developed against the POD “backdrop” simultaneously and guided toward a point of super-saturation at which time these differing gaming systems could all be integrated under the POD banner. As it is structured now, the POD material maybe developed by as many as 5 different groups at once and “Atlantean Democracy” still manage to unify them all.
As for the second section of the POD’s “new phase” of expansion into the realm of RPG franchises, I envision a table-top console comprised of the “avenue of the dead” and the 5 “Atlantean” structures along it, that comes accompanied for gameplay with a set of so many “interface goggles” (glasses or contact lenses, etc. whatever is available by then). The trick of this design is that these goggles can switch between AR and VR automatically - such that, when a player is looking at the “game board” as the “avenue of the dead,” they will see their “player-pieces” as AR elements projected atop the real-life board but, whenever their “player-piece” goes inside one of the buildings, the player’s goggles automatically transition to fully immersive VR to show the interior architecture to the player from their piece’s point-of-view. Naturally now, because this sort of “goggle interface” technology (capable of switching seamlessly between AR and VR) does not yet exist, exactly none of this is possible, however the cornerstone of the foundation for this entire structure remains the CGIs submitted by “JC” (pseudonymously) [35], and these already exist.
The third and final section of my trajectory for the POD’s “new phase” involves pre-planning for and finally constructing a life-size scale replica of the “Avenue of the Dead” as a theme-park devoted to the POD material. This project far exceeds my personal capacity to complete single-handedly and will thus, far more than likely, not see completion until after the expiration of my own personal lifespan. What I envision now for this place would be something like a combination of “Epcot center and the world-of-tomorrow” (at Disney’s theme park) and the old “world’s fair” event (hosted at various locations) - a place where the latest technology maybe showcased in an entertaining setting; only based - instead of on Bucky balls or Ferris wheels - entirely on the material of the POD describing “Atlantean Democracy.” To do this may require recreating a real “Atlantis” island many hundreds of hectares in area. [40]
Survival is difficult for all life-forms because of universal entropy; life is, ostensibly, breaking cosmic law simply by existing - hence why we are all cursed with inevitable death. I won’t belabor the point with examples from my own life; suffice it to say that my life has been about average in the cosmic scheme of suffering on earth - neither too little (leaving one soft) nor too much (leaving one scarred). Ideally, of course, no amount of suffering “should” exist - by any rational, humane standards; nevertheless, in life it does. Insofar as “existence” (life) preceded “essence” (consciousness capable of such egotistic “higher standards” for reality), the “anthropic” principle [41] proves our form of life (self-aware enough to self-identify as “sentient”) may require and be dependent on suffering. However, just as much as suffering maybe a necessary staple of life itself, so is “playing god” of consciousness. The more “self-aware” life-forms become, the less content they are with allowing nature to progress uninterrupted by their presence. In short, the bigger the mind or “ego,” the larger its “footprint” in the river of history. Mankind - after evolving larger brains cooled by upright bipedalism and thumbs replacing our fore-hallux - first invented tools and immediately began re-terraforming the planet earth. Our natural, twin-gender gametes encourage our multigenerational reproduction toward a singular, universal goal - making our species’ history over time alike the course of billions of ejaculated semen racing to impregnate an otherwise genderless ovum. The human species currently believes its origins to scientifically date from around 200,000 of our planet’s orbits around its star before the time I write this (2021 AD). [42] In other words, the human species is 200,000 years old. We currently believe the cosmos to have begun with a “Big Bang” around 13.8 billion of our such “years” ago [43] (although the sun did not form until 4.603 billion years ago [44], and earth did not form until 4.543 billion years ago [45]). Between ~100 billion and ~108 billion “behaviorally modern” human beings have ever existed [46], give or take the 7.75 billion people alive today (Thursday, March 18, 2021, [47]).
Considering all these factors, I have placed the matter of whether to “expand” the POD into the realm of RPGs to start with up for a vote in the POD-FB group. [48] I will monitor these results as they come in and attempt to update members on any future plans prior to implementing them. I do not want the POD to be a “tyranny” nor myself to become a “tyrant” over it. I remain, even in a non-pluralistic period, open to any advice. Peace.
Dear Kyle (and to all else whom it may concern),
First and foremost, thank you for continuing to subscribe to this website and to follow the progress (such as it is) of our wayward and stalwart POD online. The dedication of devoted fans such as yourself is valuable and appreciated during times when I feel like I am running this show all alone. It reminds me no matter how single-minded my own vision for the POD material maybe, there is always room to branch off and grow in new, otherwise unforeseen, directions.
Right now, the POD online remains primarily as a Facebook group and this website (POD dot ning) is secondary and infrequently updated. We are still only now entering the "monetization" phase of the POD's development, and I have just recently opened a Patreon page to accept donations that maybe, then, used to fund further expansion to the POD "franchise." For right now, these constitute the primary methods for public interface with the POD. Beyond this, there is little more news from the frontlines of the POD's present phase of expansion. Suffice to say, we are growing "slowly but surely" (and so forth).
That being said, if you (or anyone) would like to contact me personally to collaborate on any POD-related project(s), I am available at my email address: "". It will likely produce a faster reply time than posting here, although I do check in here still and try to keep it as current as possible to the best of my ability. Again, thanks for tuning in and keeping the torch lit in my relative absence here. It is due my great gratitude. Peace. - JBG.
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