the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
Annual Mission Report of the POD: 2011
Aloha All!
I am posting this year's annual mission statement, updating all members on the progress made by our group over the last year, a bit earlier than the end of the year this year (2011), so there may be addendums to follow in comments below the main body of this text. I am writing this year's mission statement in August because so much has happened so far this year already that, for the sake of space, I intend to compress the events of the year so-far into one statement, then to add any extra events to occur from now until December as addendums in the comments. Without further intro, we proceed thus:
As our group gains more internet noteriety, opinions of our goals and purposes have begun to vary widely. From forum trolls on "" we have made many individual enemies by boldly declaring war on "neo-Sethian" 2012-eschatologists and second-cominingists, while the number of our silent supporters has grown en masse per each troll. As the POD continues to fight for our presence as an online order, many factions have combined against this group. On the other hand, mentions of our group in independent reviews have tended to be favourable prior to any influence against them by forum trolls.
As in the past, I shall present this year's mission statement by following up on the various sites we were mentioned in; then discuss how and why our satellite sites have all been shut down and our web-presence reduced to only
state of the POD from 2010-2011:
1) AboveTopSecret forum wars (Jan. - Jun. 2010)
After being pointed to our group's being mentioned in a thread on, I and a few other members joined the forums there to field questions and to clarify points about our group's methods and goals. The initial mention had been very favourable, with several positive reviews initially on a thread speculating the "Lemurian Church-Bank Charter" was "an authentic illuminati document," and speculated it was leaked on accident as part of the agenda of a broader conspiracy. Once I began to post on this thread, I was offered an interview (under dubious circumstances) with modern "conspiracy theory" documentarians "Project Camelot," which I declined. Following this a group of regular trolls on the forum latched onto me and did not stop flaming me until I ended up being banned (under dubious circumstances). All the posts I made on, including all those relating to the POD, can be found in my work, "benpadiah vs. AboveTopSecret" (available for free on 4shared: Before I was banned, I managed to clarify several points about the work and philosophy of the POD, the notion of using ZPE as e-currency,the ECS and Atlantean Democracy. I also posted threads relating to the other groups, the original "" (IOBB1), "Thule" and the followers of "Supriem David Rockefeller," exposing them as frauds and con-artists; as well as a thread detailing my own schematics for a "UFO" (anti-grav disc craft), which was under fierce debate when I was banned.
"this is the most scariest illuminati document i ever read"
"The Pythagorean Order of Death (remarks)"
both ref. "the Lemurian Church: a Bank Charter"
"What is 'Atlantean Democracy'?"
ref. "the constitutions of Atlantis"
On a side-note, my name is now mentioned, along with many others who've been banned from ATS, on a site accusing all of us of being "conspiracy terrorists." This is no joke; I suggest you check it out; this is as libelous as it gets:
2) forums mention (Mar. 2010)
During the peak of the flame-wars on ATS forums, James Evans Bomar III and I communicated via email to direct my attention to the fact that a member of the David Icke forums (s/n: "the_choicless_one") had made a post comparing the POD to Bomar's work "Code to the Matrix." It was mutually decided to take no action for or against this activity at that time, but to wait and see what transpired as the forum thread discussion progressed. Eventually, the conversation there was misdirected by trolls and the topic was totally co-opted, following which the original-poster left the forums. Bomar and I have not communicated before or since this, and I have not read his work to make any comparisons between it and my own for myself. It is my assessment that this constitutes a positive press release for both of us, without treading on either of our toes.
"Pythagorean Order of Death / Code to the Matrix"
ref. (for JEB's works)
ref. (POD)
3) the "Pythagorean-L" yahoo group mention (Apr. 2009)
Although, by summer of 2010, the forum flame-wars on ATS had concluded with my being banned, it was not until later in 2010 that I found the, far earlier, reference to our group that had been made on the yahoo group "Pythagorean-L". Once again, to my disappointment, I found the initial reference had been made with an openly ironic enough tone to allow the subsequent conversation to be rail-roaded by forum trolls, or at the least, in this case, by lesser intellects. The initial reference was made to the POD biography of Pythagoras, but by the end the discussion had turned toward the documentary video "the Order of Death" by Alex Jones. As usual, this initially favourable mention seemed to have been co-opted into a more-or-less neutral or even negative form of press for our group; and, also as usual, not because of any issue taken over the content of our work, but due, instead, to railroading net trolls.
4) "" forum discussion (Oct. 2010)
Again, after the forum wars of the summer, the POD gained specific mention on another forum, this one calling itself "webanarchy," only to find the thread be relegated to their "Candy Mountain" sub-fourm for jokes and humour topics. Here too, the original-post was made with enough of a tongue-in-cheek context that it allowed the discussion on this topic to immediately degenerate into simple laughter and derision. However, again, no comments were made that directly challenged or contradicted the logic of our own works. Although a brief exerpt of our statement of purpose was given, and a link made to a very informative video about the nature of the Enochian Communications System, there was no further discussion for or against it, and ultimately, outside the context the comment was made in, it cannot be considered an altogether negative review.
ref. "the ECS of the POD"
5) the dissolution of all POD satellite sites (2009-2011)
The last year has seen the closing down of 5 POD satellite sites on various other web-hosts. The first of these to close was our group of 15 members on new age hiphop emcee SickSince's Ning site, when Ning switched to a pay-only host, and the POD.ning site was originally formed. The second satellite site to close down was the POD group on MySpace when that site dissolved the groups feature functionality; this group had had 15 members also when it closed. The following summer, my own site's forums stopped allowing new members to join, due to a coding glitch which I cannot fix, and the POD usergroup there plateaued with 18 members. Following this, in the early part of this calendar year, my scribd account, documents and earnings were all deleted when I threatened their tech-guy Jason Bentley with a personal law-suit for the programming errors on several of my documents; this effectively also erased the POD group on which had had at least 13 members when it was closed. Lastly, only about a month ago from when I write this (August, 2011), I was in a chat on facebook and mentioned I might commit suicide, when someone read it and alerted my local authorites, who then came and absconded me to the local mental asylum; following this I quit facebook and thus, also, closed the POD group there, which had at least 18 members at the time. (defunct 2011) (defunct 2010) (defunct 2011) (defunct 2009) (defunct 2010) (only remaining POD site, 2011)
currently (Aug. 2011), the POD.ning site has 32 members and is the largest attended site we have had so far.
The result of this dissolution of all other POD satellite sites is that as of right now the sole outlet to join the POD and to find all of our current and up-to-date discussions and documents is on, which is a paid host, and thus the last vestage of the POD's web-presence is subject to arbitrary deletion at any time for any reason. While this remains the case, we should be vigillant to preserve and to share these documents as much as possible. For that purpose I have created the folder of "all POD documents" on the free file-sharing site 4shared to make freely available all pdf.s published by the POD:
It should also be noted two things about the POD as a group, beit on any hosted internet site. 1) it is not the quantity of members, but their quality as individuals that matters; and 2) there will always be more silently interested non-members of any public group than there are participating members of that group. Thus, the better our numbers grow, the more influence we can expect to have over a larger audience. In short, the more on-point we are to the group's message, the more will be attracted to read the group's core documents and works, and thus to form their own opinion.
6) the 5 "featured profiles" on the POD.ning (the current core members)
There were 5 founding members of the POD, less by one who quit immediately to form his own contrary group. These were myself (Jonathan Gee), S. Doyle, Ben Robbins, Daryl Washington, and Nilsson Aime (who quit). We had initially formed our small esoteric group around the order of the elements, thus we represented, respectively, the elements of water, air, earth, fire and spirit. When Nilsson quit, our "spirit" element was left open, and I designed "Atlantean Democracy" around the premise of leaving it public or inviting in a "Pope" member to fill it. Since this time, the original core founders of our group have begun to fragment and lose touch with one another. S. Doyle was doing well when I last had contact with him via email, but that was several months ago. Ben Robbins is working as a car salesman and raising a wonderful family in S.Carolina, but I have not spoken with him since I quit facebook, around a month ago. Daryl Washington was doing extremely poorly when we spoke last, almost a month ago, and his situation remained so sketchy I cannot even guess his wherabouts or well being at this present time. His life had largely never recovered following his divorce, and financially, he has since lost everything, including his library, home, and even his dog Bear. I send him my continual prayers for success, as futile as those may seem to be.
In order to maintain the balance of 5 elements upon which I had largely founded the POD and had based "Atlantean Democracy," I instated the members of our original group to "featured profile" status on the POD.ning site; for S. Doyle, who had vanished prior to the inception of the POD.ning, and who did not have a profile page on this site, I have prommoted Steven Pearce, a mutual friend of all of ours, who knows all of the core founding members as well. To maintain the balance of our base-5 (odd, prime) Democracy, I also prommoted new age hip hop emcee and personal friend of mine, Steven M. (stage name "SickSince") to the position of representing the "fifth element" for us. Thus, if anyone asks, SickSince is the current "Pope of the POD."
When thinking of how best to approach our goals in this group (re. distributing its core documents), we in the POD should heed to something Richard Nixon once said, "Now More Than Ever." This is a dark time for this group, when our membership is forced into a single, centralised site, offering no privacy and charging money for hosting. The plight of the POD in this regard reflects the plight of all net-users and site-owners online at this point in time, because the net is growing more and more censored, seemingly with each passing day, right now. I do not foresee this trend prevailing, nor the concept of an "internet kill-switch" such as discussed by the Obama administration ever being implimented. However, it is a dangerous time in the economy right now nonetheless, and we in the POD should be even more wary of this than being labeled "terrorists" for our political beliefs. There are, as I write this, ongoing mass-protests in many European, Meditteranean and Middle-Eastern nations, and some have already led to full-fledged popular revolutions, ousting their prior political leaders and replacing their past forms of government. Also as I write this, Ron Paul is running for US President for the elections in November of next year, 2012. He predicts, and I cannot disagree, that the economy will get worse before getting better, and this has led to some extreme conditions for many of us already. During the next year, while the US Empire is in its final financial throws, leading up to the presidential election of 2012, we in the POD must stick to our ideals: we believe in the potential in all for ESP, in the potential for ZPE to be used as a new form of e-currency, in the potential for an ideal form of global government based on a 3-branch Democracy of odd-prime numbers, and in the main activity of studying and distributing the core documents of our group. As we pass through these times leading up to the Mayan "end-date" of their calendar's 13 Baktun, we are living in a unique time in history. We have witnessed the expected "end-date" of the Christian Apocalypse occur during the May 5th, 2000 alignment of the planets, followed in 2001 by the events of September 11th. Next we will witness a second expected "end-date" on the same day the sun aligns with galactic core. Because of the tragedy of 9-11 following the non-event of the passing of the expected Christian "end-date" in 2000, the eschatological speculations surrounding the year 2012 have increased to match the current sunspot cycle's peak activity. This is what we, in the POD, should be attempting to fight against: the world will NOT end in 2012, unless those fear-mongers who create the panic that it might, in so doing, themselves destroy it. That is why I, personally, support Ron and Rand Paul, who both support the cause of individual liberty and propose vast reforms to the financing system; as well as why I would propose all of the members of the POD double their efforts to achieve our goals of learning from and distributing the POD's core documents.
The best way to accomplish this goal, at this time, is twofold: 1) attract new viewers to the POD.ning site. 2) attempt to spread the POD's goals online to as many other sites, forums, hosts, etc. as possible. Again, our goals are simply: to study and learn from, and to share with others, the core documents of the POD. We don't need to believe in all they say ourselves, but by studying them we may learn from them, and thus form our own, sometimes even new, opinions.
1) attracting viewers to the POD.ning site:
How often do you say to others to "google" something? I find myself using the internet to look up some factoid or other several times a day. It is an invaluable tool for intellectual research, regardless of what its mis-led detractors say in the television media. The internet is a tool, also, for the spreading of new ideas. The next time you are around someone and think to say so, "google the Pythagorean Order of Death." Recommend they look at what others are saying about us, but concentrate on emphasising they need to read our core documents for themselves to really form their own opinions about this group. Doing so accomplishes the ends of our group, to "restore Atlantean Democracy" by studying and sharing our group's core documents. Right now, the top-site to come up in a "google" search for the POD will be the site. This site, although limited in the ways I mentioned briefly above, is as good a place as any for one to find concentrated all the core documents of our group. The POD.ning site combines content from other hosts, however is currently the only site online open to membership. The POD.ning combines playlists of POD and related videos from youtube, the "POD podcast" from blog-talk radio, and the 4shared folder of all free POD pdf ebooks. By placing these all in one source, we provide the easiest form of interface for the various content from other hosted sites online, as well as the option to join the site for those who might be interested in learning or debating more. Right now, it is the strongest weapon in the arsenal, not to mention the ONLY one, we've got. That is why I am imploring all of you other members in the POD to PLEASE SHARE the link to the POD.ning site with as many people as you can, and to please tell someone every day to "google the POD," and tell them to tell others to do so too.
2) spreading the POD's goals to others online:
Aside from growing the scope of awareness of those involved in the POD.ning site, it is even more important to incorporate the POD's goals into other ventures of your activities while communicating, especially online. More than just mentioning the single site we have now, it would be most helpful for our members to seek to expand awareness about the POD's goals and our core documents in other venues as well. I am not proposing anything so drastic as writing a chain-letter, spamming any pre-existing forums or blogs, or even creating your own member satellite-sites. All I am suggesting is to keep the POD group in your thoughts. If you do this, eventually oppurtunities will arise to discuss it further with others who share your interest. This sort of "psychic blowback" can be a positive unintended consequence to come from being mindful of your thoughts. If you study and learn from the POD's core documents, you will find others willing to listen to your insights, and you can share with them all from the POD's works you like. This is all that is meant, desired or requested by saying that, during this dark time of online centralisation and censorship, not to mention the spiralling economy in the real world, we must double our efforts to shine with insight and inspiration for others, and to, "now more than ever," study and share the core documents of the POD.
I will close this year's mission statement by offering a link, as always, to the most current and complete version of the POD.pdf, which contains in one ebook all the POD's core documents. There are two current editions available, both free on 4shared. One, the PODshort.pdf, is only the core documents themselves, but the other, PODlong.pdf, contains also a myriad of "recommended readings" from various other books I have written. If you download, read and share only ONE free ebook this year, please consider making it one of these two works. Everyone in the POD would deeply appreciate your doing so.
Remember, these books are meant to be FREE. They are not to be sold by anyone, ever. Not by you, not by me. If you want to, you can share these pdfs on other file-sharing servers, and I hope you would consider doing so.
- Jonathan Barlow Gee
Tallahassee, Florida, USA
Saturday, August 20, 2011.
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the Pythagorean Order of Death
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