the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

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Your writing is to an extremely high standard and indeed many of the words and ideas are familiar. However, there are quite a few differences that I immediately noticed. What is most refreshing is that like you I recognize bull shit for what it is, fertilizer for entheogens or 'doorways'.


I want to work on my treatment to show you but in identifying deities there will be many differences. Although I try and keep things open so their can be alternative layers of meaning because often language and titles will be influence by some metaphysical concept in the first place that then comes to mean something in physical terms. Osiris being the past and Horus is the future is one such example. Nuit as space, Hadit moment and Thoth fullness of time is also very interesting. I am excited about reading and sharing more but there is so much that I will never have an excuse now not to write or contemplate the great mysteries. It is truly fascinating to me and I'll get to work.

Hey again Jon,

I was wondering if you split the mysteries in two you could arguably have the Egyptian and the Chaldean and in my view they can be seen to descend down to Scottish and York rites respectively. 


Do you see any reason to identify Egypt with Neo-Sethians and Chaldeans with the Enochian system? This issue has been on my mind this week in a more general sense. There definitely would have been convergence between the two sides if we accept that Enoch, Thoth and Hermes were the same figures. My reasoning is based on the Chaldeans as being more rooted in maths and spreading the sacred knowledge and the Egyptians who seem to have prefered to retain the sacred knowledge and exploit the masses with it. No doubting the Chaldeans would have done the same but arguably it was they who brought language to Greece and many techniques of building to the world including Egypt perhaps. 


Not to take anything away from Egypt because they surely are ancient and very advanced themselves but it does appear that it was the Asiatic influence in the Pre-Bronze Age that was the catalyst for the advancement of culture. Perhaps this is judgemental and of little value but I have a feeling that the Atlantean and Lemurian epochs may help me to understand the interplay of achievements between the Chaldeans and the Egyptians. 


I imagine it was less important in the ancient times and it is only as they have been passed down that the differential has become noticeable. In the ancient past I believe it all revolved around the stars or the stars revolved everything. I have read some really interesting theories over the last couple of years regarding the Celestial Poles and I can't help but think there is something important to be learnt from this. 


In regards to Horus and the stars I found this link some time ago. I generally back the underdog so I am drawn more to the character of Set who may be identified with Draco among other constellations.


Aloha Mork42 (Jayce),


A brief recap of the POD's histories (as expressed more fully in the "ordohistoria" pdf document available on 4shared):


Firstly, "Atlantean Democracy" and the "Lemurian Church Bank" were never realized, remaining only ever ideals, but are concepts that have been around since the eras their names indicate. Atlantis was, in reality, as described of "Nibiru" by the Sumerians in the "Lost Book of Enki." It was located in Antarctica, which was, prior to the end of the last ice age, not glaciated because it was located at the north (magnetically positive) pole, while N.America and N.Asia remained glaciated because they were located at the south (magnetically negative) pole. Negative charged ionisation is necessary to allow liquid H2O to freeze, when there is salt in the H2O liquid, because it desalinates the water, which otherwise would not freeze. The ancient knowledge of the Antarctican Australopithocene Annunaki related to keeping track of their present place on a calendar that measured over the many aeons the current season of any region. Fo example, in the modern era, the aeon of "Gemini" entering the aeon of "Taurus," it is north-hemisphere early autumn in the 48,000 year ice age cycle, and in the south-hemisphere early spring late winter. Hence, the ice glaciers on Antarctica are melting and the north-hemisphere is slowly growing cooler as it gradually enters another ice age.


This sacred science, as well as the ideals of "Democracy" and a "Church-Bank," have been passed down throughout the ages by various occult sects, etc. even without being understood by many of the members who studied or practised them. The calendar originally used in Atlantis broke apart to become the I Ching, the Babylonian (Chaldean) zodiac, the Egyptian Dekans, the Mayan Kin and Uinal, and eventually also John Dee's Enochian system. The concepts of "Atlantean Democracy" and a "Lemurian Bank-Religion" were eventually lost and forgotten entirely. Only a few of the originally intended roles and offices remain, and their holders have no concept of their true meaning.


By the era of our earliest homo-sapien ancestors origins, Australopithocene (Annunaki Adam of Atlantis) and Cromagnon (mitochondrial Eve of Ki) species had co-habitated in the Keberan cave regions of modern Israel/Palestine/Gaza for many generations, and their interbreeding produced three off-spring species: our own, the Neanderthal and the Clovis. For many aeons following, these 5 species shared the globe as the former 2 gradually became extinct, and the latter 3 spread. Finally, our own species overgrew the Neanderthals in our home-regions, and the Clovis out-bred the rest of them throughout Europe and Asia. By the time the Clovis settled coastal S. America by boat, Nenadethals were mostly extinct, and by the time of the Mesopotamian flood, the final tsunami from the last resettling of the glaciers over Antarctica, some 8,000 years ago, the Clovis had also largely become extinct as well, and the only surviving species of sentient hominid was our own, homo-sapiens.


It was shortly following the Mesopotamian flood that, from the region of the tsunami's devastation, where a six-foot layer of silt now covered the older cities of Sumer and Akkad, from the land of Ur that was later inhabited by the Chaldeans, a man named variously "Ibruim," "Endubsar" or "ImHotep" migrated out of Ur into Egypt. This one person it was of whom the legends record variously that they founded the first monothesit faith, wrote the Lost Book of Enki, and designed the Great Pyramids.


If we date the flood of Mesopatamia and the entry of Ibruim of Ur into Egypt as ImHotep as occuring in the aeons of Virgo and Leo, then we may date the Exodus under Moses and the establishment of the First Temple as occuring in the aeons of Leo and Cancer. Just as the flood mirrored the spread of monotheism in the following aeon, so did Moses mimic Abraham as a central leading character. Moses, originally named Amenhotep, chanegd his name to Ahkenaten and attempted to institute solar monotheism over pantheist relgious S. Egypt. Following his attempted assassination he and his N. Egyptian followers, the Hyksos (Shepherd Kings) who spoke "Habiru," fled Egypt across the Red Sea into Sinai and would eventually settle in the area of the original Keberan cave-dwelling ancestors of our species, near Gaza. Moses was credited with founding a monotheist religion, writing the Torah in Hebrew (using secret gemtria codes), and with adapting the 10 Commandments.


Around 2,000 years after Moses walked the surface of this, our planet earth, was born Jesus whom many call the Son of God. Jesus shifted the solar monotheist worshippers into temporal cycle worshipping God's son. However, like "Abraham" and "Moses" before him, Jesus was many things to many people, and so there is little accurate account left about him to determine what of all the rest of the legends about him might prove true or false. The discrepancies between the historical life and beliefs of Yeshua Ben Padiah (author of the Dead Sea-era "Angel Scroll") and the character of "Jesus Christ" in the Latin vulgate Gospels (written by Pliny, Piso, Jospehus, Clement and Titus Flavius) may be great or small, and we might never know the full truth. Then again, it matters very little beside the impact he had and the reason (the 2000 year aeonic cycle) why.


In the same way that, during the lifetime of Abraham occured the Babylonian writing of the Epic of Gilgamesh, that mocked the goals of "Gilgamesh" and "Enkidu" predicting the desires and achievements that would apply, 2000 years later, to the next so-called "gilgal-meshush" (one who is "saved from water"); and in this same way again, that during the lifetime of Moses and his brother Aaron, his people turned away from Moses on the mountain to worship the brazen apis, predicting the next Messiah to come would be a valiant warrior; and so too, again, at the time of the life of Jesus did they mock and belittle him, and attempt to murder him ritualistically, implying the next incarnation of this archetype to come, in the era we live in now today, would be obligated to see the Church and State as their own personal enemies.


Now, to answer your question directly:

Do you see any reason to identify Egypt with Neo-Sethians and Chaldeans with the Enochian system?


No. The original Sethites included some Coptic N.Egyptians of the post-Christian era. Their gospels, the "Three Stele" and the "Gospel of Shem" are included in the Nag Hammadi library kept by Mary Magdalene. They believed Jesus was the "second coming" of Seth, the first human son of Adam and Eve. Likewise, modern "neo-Sethians" believe there will be a "second coming" of Jesus that will occur between 2000 and 2012. Both the original "Sethites" and the modern "neo-Sethians" were and are wrong, however one must draw one's own conclusions for themselves to see why. Likewise, one who believes in such a cult as the "Sethites" or "neo-Sethians" does not care where they are originally or currently a citizen of, in what nation, etc. as much as they care about their affiliation to their religious belief. This event is not geographically isolated. So, no, I wouldn't associate the "Enochian System" with the "Chaldean" region for the same reason. The "Enochian system" was designed by John Dee originally around 1600 AD. It was based on apocryphal gospels later found in Slavoniea and originating in Ethiopia at the time of the first Temple of King Solomon. These gospels themselves are supposedly older than the pyramids and pre-date the Mesoptamian flood. It so happens that the Mesoptamian region that was flooded was also the same place our species was first conceived. However this is merely, alike the concept of "Egypt" being considered "neo-Sethian," a georgraphically arbitrary coincidence with no real meaning.


Hope these answers will suffice to ignite some insights. PEACE on this night. - Jon


They most definitely do. I have considered Antartica as Atlantis in the past as the law of sevens would be incorrect if there was need to add another continent. I've looked into the theories of Hapgood in the past so I respect this could be a distinct possibility. I've also read some of Immanuel Velikovsky's theories and at the time I was seduced by a theory on polar shift that would explain the glaciation of Antarica and why some mammoths have been found flash frozen in Asia. 


Your theory on Austrolapithicene and Cro Magnons makes sense but I'd like to try and put them into a timeline if that is okay. I am only guessing but I'd say their cohabitation began between 200,000-100,000 years and following this the three races, Neanderthal, Homo Sapiens and Clovis emerged. 


Problem may be that Neanderthal were older than Cro Magnon and some theorists now argue that we are Cro Magnon but there was greater diversity in skull formation and culture. Clothing emerged around 200,000 and there is some data on Mitochondria Eve and Y chromosome Adam as originating around these times though distantly separated. Despite Creationist misconceptions this data does not evidence the existence of sole individuals but recognizes these are the progenitors of DNA which has survived only. 


Anyway, I'm not sure but the lines I've been thinking of is that Homo Sapiens became dominant after the Toba eruption, which may be Mt Meru. Conciousness started to speed up at this time because of cosmic rays and environmental challenges meant we needed to adapt to survive. The serpent worship in Botswana dates to 70,000 BCE so I've tried to use this as a fixed point. It could have been influenced by Anunnaki from Antarctica because relatively speaking the distance is achievable. 


I am then inclined to think that the Serpent in Eden however was Neanderthal and that Kain was a Neanderthal-Homo-Sapien hybrid but I would like to include Austropilithicus because I do recall that the Sumerians had an incredibly diverse phylogeny. There were Australoids, Armenoids and Mongoloids and I like you find it interesting that the area of Palestine became the focus of so much. There is evidence of a flood hitting this area around 6000 BCE because of a stone circle at Atlit Yam carbon dated but 6,000 years before that there were also a people called the Natufians who were practising ritual burial and shamanism. They revered birds and may be connected to the previous cultures of Gobekli Tepe who either intentionally buried their temples or this occurred in a flood or eruption but it does seem to have been done by humans. 


The reason I think Kain may have been Neanderthal is because of the red haired gene and the way this has passed through humanity but historically the 'red haired' have been successful in getting around but have also found themselves persecuted. Not sure if you know of the Red Paint People but I'm sure you have read about the red haired ones from Rapanui as well as other legends from around the world attributing supernatural powers to this bunch. It my thinking that the Neanderthal or Dargon blood may have had a distinct advantage in that they had a more developed right hemisphere and frontal lobe that allowed them to affect reality through consciousness. The archetype of Lilith and the witches throughout the ages are often depicted with red hair and even to this day "gingers" are made to feel alienated.


Not sure about Ibrahim being Imhotep as I'd not read that before but I have read other theories. I like the one that argues he was a resident of the IVC and was forced to migrate west after the system of dams was sabotaged and the culture went into decline. There is also fairly good reason to suppose that the Hebrews may have evolved out of the Apiru/SaGaz or Habiru which may make them nomads who rose up under Sargon and spread into Egypt. 


Velikovsky also had some theories on Exodus and it seems to me that it may have been referring to the previous passage of the Great Burner near to our solar system. I don't however think Akhenaten need be Moses as their are others who may fit the criteria but it seems like the story was allegory taken from syncretism of Sumerian/Akkadian stories like that of Sargon. If we go back 3,600 years we do get 1551 BCE which is approximate enough to have related to Exodus imo. 


In trying to understand the Hebrews and Phoenicians I have studied the Ugarit pantheon and find they may offer some clues as to what was going down. My interpetation is that rather than being Monotheistic it was actually Henotheistic and it was Yamm in the defeat of Baal who became Yahweh or the son of El.


The reason I asked the question I did was because one of the proposed origins for the name Phoenician relates to Par Hanok or father Enoch. Enoch and the Phoenicians I identify with building, sailing and the mysteries of the Chaldeans but I also think they were the transmitters of wisdom and secret lore around the world. They may well have had alliances with the Tribe of Dan and also the Trojans, taking both to Britain. 


Egypt and Scythians on the other hand share some similarities but seem to have moved to Britain later with the Sons of Miletus and settled in the north. We end up with two language families in the Goedelic and the Brythonic and if ne was so inclined the symbols can be traced down into the Scottish and York rites at a glance. However, having not studied them in any great detail I expected this to be an invalid generalization. 


I'm wondering what you think about the Ugyhuir (spelling?) and the tribes of Central Asia and how they fit in. The Tocharians have proved something of an enigma and the Tarim Basin is one place identified as potentially experiencing a mass flood.


I am glad you mentioned the Dekans of Egypt because I had half forgotten that system. In what documents do you explain about the Atlantean Democracy and Lemurian Chruch Bank and how the I Ching and other oracles emerged out of the? 

Furthermore, who do you suppose built the megalithic structures and for what purpose? I am a of the view that they formed part of an ancient grid that channelled energy around the world as it was required and offered some respite from periods of climatic turbulence. Dragons being such a key part of world mythology I believe to be linked but it is possible that through currents of energy and vortices that movement between this world and others may in fact be possible. 


Dragons may also have originated from comets, astral phenomena or floods or alternatively it could refer to beings of a serpentine or human nature.


Some more links you may enjoy!


The archetypal figure of Hermes, Enoch and Thoth to me fits as being related to the master builders and standing stones were attributed to Hermes. Of all the deities I find him as being the one linked to harmony of vibrations. The Biblical Enoch was a descendant of Seth but when it comes to the Neo-Sethians my view is that they are Archons who need the people to believe and to separate from one another so there is war, animosity and through this division we are easier to control. 


Rather than being attributed to Seth, it is Osiris and Horus who I see as being the modern day Archons but in all I have read I do seem to be in the minority on that one. 

Aloha Mork42 (Jayce),


Please allow me to thank you for your fastidious efforts posting links. I admit I haven't managed to hit up every single one of them that you've posted so far already, so this will be a big extra weight in my to-do box for the morning. If my friend comes over in the afternoon I might not even get them done by the time I would next be able to respond, later tonight. And, the "law of irony" being as universally generalisable as it is, he just called me on the phone to say he's coming over, so I can only type this reply now until he gets here, and he lives about 10 - 15 min's away.


So, onto some direct points, first, followed by direct answers, second:


1) In the POD's interpretation of mythological metaphor, the Antarctican-originating Australopthicus (Adam) bred with the N.African originating Cromagnons (Eve) in the area of the Keberan caves. Their progeny species were: 1) the Clovis or "grooved ware" people (also called the blue-skinned Vedic-era "Aryans," the trans-Meditteranean "Indo-Europeans," the red-haired "Chinese mummies," the "Lemurians" of "Mu," the builders of Yonaguni and the erecters of the stone heads on Easter Island, the long-skulls of Ica near Nasca in Peru, etc.) who were Cain. 2) the Neanderthals, who lived for a while but who were ultimately out-bred by the more rapid gestation and ageing cycles of homo-sapiens and Clovis, and who were, ultimately, killed off for their too-mild nature, alike the Biblical Abel. 3) the modern homo-sapiens (from Seth, third son of Adam and Eve, to Enoch, to Noah, to to Abraham, to Moses, to Jesus, etc.) who eventually spread out from the meditteranean region with the Keberan caves central to their culture.


OOPS. My friend just pulled up. GtG. Peace, Jayce, I will try to reply with more later. - Jon

Thanks for that Jon. That makes a lot more sense now I have it. The Kebaran Caves were used by the Natufians so at least I was near the mark on one point, 


The Australopthicus could have been Adam or possibly the Serpent in the story of Eden allegorically speaking. Although I've managed to source some good information on the Archons from a Gnostic viewpoint at long last.


I know I've given you a lot of links but honestly don't feel pressured to read any/all of them. Just an offering of links with the hope common interests might arise from them. Alternatively just check them out at your leisure. 


If you do have the time, this one is worth a read but you may already know about the Embryonic and Drakonic Archons and the Madlebrot Set as it relates. May explain my fascination with spirals and fractals.


In The Inner Reaches of Outer Space, Campbell shows how the image of Kundalini, the "serpent power," appears in world art from the Indus Valley circa 2300 BCE and continues right across the spectrum of ancient cultures, well down into the Common Era. As late at the 16th century, golden thalers in Germany (Campbell, Fig. 8) showed the Crucifixion on one face and a serpent draped over the cross on the other.


At that late date, Christ would have been identified with Kundalini — without an inkling of why, however — but to Gnostics the snake on the cross was a cancellation of the saving power attributed to crucifixion (i.e., the glorification of suffering as a redemptive force). Arousal of Kundalini produces ecstacy, triggers superconsciousness, opens the occult faculties, and releases waves of healing energy that flush physiological and hormonal secretions through the body.

As the mythical serpent guarding the Tree of Knowledge in Genesis, Kundalini was "the messenger of salvation" for Gnostics. In a complete reversal of the usual reading of the Fall, Gnostics regarded the serpent as a spiritual ally to primal humanity,

"the first to attempt to release mankind from bondage to an unknowing god who had identified himself with the Absolute and thus blocked the way to the tree of eternal life."

(Campbell , p. 78)

The "unknowing god" who falsely identified himself with the Absolute is of course Yaldabaoth, alias Jehovah.

Gnostics taught that nous, the spiritual intelligence endowed in humanity, could be blocked by the Archons. This occurs through Archontic intrusion (subject of the forthcoming companion essay, How We Are Deviated), involving a kind of subliminal invasion at the level of thought and language (i.e., mental syntax). But nous could be reinforced through accessing the power of Kundalini, an ecstatic current that normally rests dormant in the human body. 


Be well




Aloha Jayce, I'm back for a moment,


I will address your direct questions with some direct answers now:


 In what documents do you explain about the Atlantean Democracy and Lemurian Chruch Bank and how the I Ching and other oracles emerged out of them?


the complete and current Constitutions of Atlantean Democracy can currently be found in pdf form for free download here:


the Lemurian Church-Bank charter, explaining the use of the ECS to monitor PSI access of ZPE is in pdf form free here:


a pdf version of the document explaining the Atlantean calendar can be found for free download here:


and the pages on my own site about the Atlantean calendar also go into greater depth as well:


the "ordo historia" document can be found for free download online here:


Please enjoy all these documents. The only fictions in them describe the future, and may yet still ring true for some.


Furthermore, who do you suppose built the megalithic structures and for what purpose?


The "Clovis" or "grooved ware" people, I believe, began the process of erecting megalithic monumental structures across the world. This was during an era when earlier emigrants of Antarctican Atlantis, the original Annunaki Australopithocenes from "Niburu" inhabited all the coastal areas of the entire continental mass, which was still connected between N/E.Asia and N.W.America by the Beringian land bridge, between S/E.Asia and Oceania/Antarctica by the land-bridge of "Mu" or "Lemuria." There is evidence that, at the time the first emigrants of Antarctica into the Keberan caves on the Meditteranean coasts, Antarctica was also connected to S.America and the S.tip fo Africa. However, by the time of the "Lemurian" or second-wave of Australopithocene emigrants from Antarctica, the so-called "IGIGI" or "Nefilim," the coasts were all settled already, and so the scientific teachings of the Nefilim spread quickly to the Clovis coastal cultures. The Nefilim instructed the Clovis in the erection of the earliest stone megalithic monuments. These include, but are not limited to, the European "menheirs," the Meditteranean "Herms," the pyramids (from Yonaguni to Tenochtitlan), the "henges" (from stone-henge to the partially submerged temples in Spain) the "stone-heads," (from Easter Island to the Olmec), the geoglyphs (from Nasca to Britain's strong-man), not to mention the crystal skulls (mainly from S. America), the elongated skulls (from S.America and Egypt), the art of burial and mummification (practised ritually since at least 8,000 years ago), etc. etc. etc.


The Nefilim were degenerate Antarctican Australopithocenes. They gave the Clovis ALL their sacred science. So it is written, "the sons of God came in unto them, and took for themselves the wives of men." This means, simply put, that the Clovis or Cainanites, under the tuteledge of the Nefilim, a second wave of immigrant Australopithocenes from Antarctica, infused to become a single culture. The Nefilim gave them "all their sacred sciences" and the Clovis people erected their edifices the world over, from Katul-Hayuk to the Maldive islands.


The human species, on the other hand, gestated and aged faster, lived a shorter natural life-span, and died younger than the Nefilim and Clovis hybrids. 5 kings reigned in the Sumero-Babylonian King's List "before the flood swept over" (including Ziasudra or Utnapishtim, the king of Shurupuk at that time). There were, in Genesis of the Bible, 5 generations of Cainites born between Cain and Lamech. Their life-spans, however, relate to the aeons spanned by the so-named Kingdoms, and do not mean the literal life-spans in years of the person of any of these species themselves. In the same amount of time as these 5 Caninite / Nefilim kings reigned in "Edom" (in caves to the northeast of Eden) several more human kingdoms had risen and fallen, and between Seth and Lamech, some 8 generations of human dynasties could be said to have passed in the same span of time as the 5 of the Caininite / Nefilim. Here is an explicit diagram of my own design tracing these relationships graphically:



Here we see plainly that Enos, human heir of Seth, founded the first city, called "Enoch" (built to the east of Eden), "Agade" (capitol city of Nibiru), and "Atlantis" (continental Antarctica). The city Enoch was named after Enos. Then, 8 kingdoms of humanity and 5 of the Clovis-Lemurian hybrids later, Enoch, the hybrid son of a Clovis long-skull and of a human woman, was named after the city. Enoch / Agade / Atlantis stood as the capitol of Antarctica / Nibiru / Atlantis from at least 14,000 years ago. It became submerged by water and eventually frozen over by glaciers beginning some 12,000 years ago, and was totally in ruins by 8,000 years ago. The migration of "Annunaki" Australopithocenes occured earlier, between 14,000 and 12,000 years ago, but the final Lemurian "Nefilim" invasion did not end until around 10,000 years ago.


Since this time, the Nefilim Australopithocenes fully interbred with the Clovis, who have, since then, fully interbred with humans. The only humans remaining originally descended of pure breed from only Australopithocenes and Cromagnons, by the time of the flood of Mesopotamia were the immediate family of Noah / Ziasudra / Uthnapishtim (the messiah of the flood era, perhaps as much as some 2,000 years before Abraham left Ur). Noah / Ziasudra / Utnapishtim was the grandson of Enoch the Clovis / Human, and for the generations between Enoch and Noah, the family lineage of pure blood descent from australopithocenes and cromagnons was already beginning to be dilluted. Enoch (as Enki) would come back like the ghost of Hamlet's father in the Shakespeare drama to warn Noah / Ziasudra / Utnapishtim to build a big boat. Enoch himself had begun construction on a deep underground tomb below the location of the later First and Second Temples of the Hebrews in Judea, beneath the modern day Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa mosque.


It was during this era, between the original Annunaki wave of immigrants into the Keberan cave area from Antarctica by boat (some 14,000 years ago) and the second wave of Nefilim immigrants across the Lemurian land-bridge into Asia (some 10,000 years ago) that the monumental stone megaliths across the whole globe of planet earth were erected, and they were most likely done so using Clovis hominids as slave labour conscripted to use advanced scientific technology by the Lemurian Nefilim. I do not think most (if any) of the Clovis knew why they were being built, even though they were the ones who were really building them. It is possible, in fact in my mind most likely also, that the Lemurian Nefilim ex-Antarctican long-skull Australopithocenes knew why they were ordering the Clovis to build them either. Atlantis / Nibiru under Enoch / Agade was long since finished by the time the Great Pyramids of Giza were built in Egypt, let alone by when the "Way of the Dead" was aligned along the pyramids of Tenochtitlan. In point of fact, even the last Nefilim Lemurian long-skull Australopithocene-Clovis hybrid descendends had died off by the height of the Aztec Empire under Tezcatlipoca.


Personally, as I understand it, all the ancient megaliths were erected and aligned relative to one another according to a grid (with the Giza, Egypt pyramids at the intersection point of the horizontal, latitudinal equator line and the vertical, longitudinal prime meridien line) that had, at its locations for the north and south poles, different places on the globe of earth than we have right now for either our modern geoegraphic or electromganetic axis' ends. This indicates there was, in addition to a change in the location of our modern magnetic pole from its past location, but also a change in our geographcial north pole. This implies pole-drift, but not necessarily catastrophic crustal displacement during a sudden pole-shift. If we date the end of the Lemurian epoch to around 12,000 years before now, we can confirm the positions of the geographic north pole was in the Canadian Hudson bay area, and the S. Pole off the coast of Antarctica, for a good long period of that time. In short, I do not think the Lemurian degenerate Australopithocenes nor the enslaved Clovis "giants" knew why they were building these structures, but I believe they were guided to do so by a plan that was devised originally by the first Annunaki Australopithocenes from Antarctica to arrive and begin to breed with Cromagnons in the Keberan cave region.


The "Annunaki" (the original pure-bred, very long-lived Australopithocene immigrants to Gaza from Antarctica) could fore-see their own species becoming extinct by cross-breeding with their offspring species' gene-pools, the human and Clovis. So the elder Annunaki laid a trap for the younger "Nefilim" (the later, purely Australopithocenes to breed with Clovis, as well as the still later hybrid offspring species of these Australopthocene and Clovis, the so-called "giants" who have since fully interbred with humans). There were three elder leaders' cults and three younger leaders' cults active then. The elders were the cults of Enki, Enlil and Anu. The younger cults were of Ishtar / Isis / Inanna / Kali of Vedic Hindu India, of Ra-Marduk in Babylonian occupied Egypt and Gaza, and of Viracocha-Kukulkan-Tezcatlipoca in S. and central America. The Annunaki drew the Nefilim into a war, with the Neflim caught between humans loyal to the Annunaki in the middle-eastern Levant and Clovis on the coasts of every continent. Needless to say, the eldest Annunaki were right, and as they predicted by now both they, the Nefilim Lemurian long-skulls, and the Clovis hybrid species are extinct, and only the pure-blood homo-sapien and human / Clovis hybrid species exist. Homo-sapien "blue bloods" are blood-type "rhesus monkey gene negative," while Clovis cross-breeds are "rhesus monkey gene positive." The rhesus monkey was indigenous to the same regions as the modern Lemur, ie. Oceania's many islands, which were once the land-bridge of Lemuria.


The construction of the world-wide megalithic monumental structures was like the "arms race" during the recent US-Soviet "Cold War" which led up to the Area 51 "arms show" that was 9-11, only it was a race to construct a megalithic exo-skeletal frame-work surrounding the surface of the entire planet earth, and it was participated in by the Nefilim and Clovis, to bankrupt them in opposition to and according to the plans of their elder Annunaki brethren. So the Clovis built the megaliths at the behest of the Lemurian Nefilim, who did so to please and eventually to be sacrificed by their elder Annunaki masters. But did even the original Annunaki Australopithocenes of Antarctica to arrive in Keberan Gaza foresee their use and its need? The megalithic monuments combine as "karmic centers" to comprise earth's truncated cuboctahedronal shaped "Enochian Communications System" - an artificial electro-magnetic exo-skeleton within earth's natural schumann-resonance frequency electromagnetic field, its ionospheric aura. Some use this system to read minds, some to stop time, some for evil, others for good, etc. but there it is. The megaliths are the terrestrial components of the "ECS" and equivalent for our planet to the 7 chakras of the normal human bodily physical form.


Well, my friend is about to get back again, so I will close this up for now. Hope this has provoked you to challenge your own dogmatic beliefs and accept the factual truth that no myth is real, nor does any one attempt succeed to encompass all there is to be said about all we have even only just learned about recently, let alone all there is to be said about all there is that can be ever be known by anyone overall. Well, peace for now! - Jon

Indeed it does. I'm glad of the way you have tied the earthgrid into the ECS and the seven chakras. All the information is of a very high standard and fits together with what I know now you have filled in the many blanks. I'll never have a complete picture and believe me when I say that is not what I am aiming for. Instead I am looking for a story that has the message that needs telling. 


Because of this I will endeavour to put twists where I can to give more meaning. Stories need to have conflict and duality as well as suspense but in the case of human history it is arguably the Archons and the Phosters that have more relevance. Your historical perspective is comprehensively thought out and engaging and above all it is feasible. I will have to venture beyond that, combining fantasy and scifi but I'd still ask a few more questions if I may. 


Of the Anunnaki who came to Gaza, you mention Anu, Enki and Enlil but I have tried to integrate the story of Alalu and Anu his cup bearer. Sitchin may have been the source so whether this is true I do not know but it adds some flavour when we have Enki marrying the daughter of Alalu. There is definitely factions within the Anunnaki from a reading of the sources and Enki is generally more sympathetic towards mankind. 


I have Enki sided with the Nefilim along with some of the other Anunnaki from the Enlil clan because as I've said previously, I intend for the really malovelent forces to surround Nergal and Osiris/Horus. Many of the others will be misguided and enslave humanity through their own imperfection or the revealing of knowledge. But ultimately they will be required to save Gaia itself from the consuming forces of the Archons and worse. 


This is all total fiction but I then have the twist of the elder Anunnaki cults dying off to be replaced by Monotheism and Set is ousted from Egypt and moves East to become Shiva but retains a presence in the Med as Poseidon or Typhon. The reason for this is to link Egypt with the East and this seemed like the best way to do it but from 3000 BCE the bloodlines seem to become mingled by my reckoning. 


Would you care to explain any of the further descendants and what they represent? Noah/Ziusudra and his sons for example or the Tribes of Israel. Eber as well the originator of the Hebrew name arguably is an enigmatic figure for me. I'm just trying to get a picture so a duality can continue. 


I'd describe it as the Archons/Imperialists/Cultists and the Phosters/Monists/Panentheists. The first is seeking to distort and separate for ones own ends and this descends from Enlil, Nergal and Osiris in my view but you could equally say Jehovah, Jove or Zeus I suppose and this is where I believe the cult of Marduk over took the older cults and allowed Osiris to rise to the position of Grand Archon (Nimrod) with the aid of Nergal and how Set and the 72 conspirators had to end his reign of terror. 


By your system I believe Osiris would have been son of Marduk an Anunnaki and a human descended from Cush so I assume he would be Nefilim of sorts but perhaps an Anakim or Gibborim would be more accurate. 


It certainly has got my juices flowing but I hope I am not out of line with any thing I am suggesting. My intention is to get a more complete picture and take my thoughts in new directions but the idea remains to deconstruct the power of Patriarchy and Archon control and I figure the best way to do this is to empower chaos and the sacred feminine but one battle at a time if you know what I mean. 


Really fascinating stuff thank you so much!!



Aloha Jayce,


As always, I will answer your specific questions specifically first:


Would you care to explain any of the further descendants and what they represent?


Sure. Following the 2,000 year aeonic holiday cycle, from Enos to Noah, from Noah to Abraham, from Abraham to Moses, and from Moses to Jesus, and of course from Jesus until the here and now, we count back beginning from 10,000 years ago. From 10,000 to 8,000 years ago, we have the origins for the legends about Atlantis and Lemuria, pre-deluvial utopia, under the Annunaki. From 8,000 to 6,000 years ago, we have the post-deluge world, the erection of the Tower of Babel and the confusion of the tongues, the destruction of Soddom and Gahmorrha, and the entrance of Abraham into Egypt from Ur via the Sinai, under the earliest human monotheists to worship Galzu, the "god" worshipped by the Nibiruin Annunaki themselves. From 6,000 to 4,000 years ago, monotheism took hold throughout the equatorial river-lands, and the dominant archetypal "Archon" or 1 of the 12 masks worn by Ialdabaoth was Marduk, Nefilim war-God. From 4,000 to 2,000 years ago, the image of the war-god began to pacify, and in Jesus name Marduk's Inquisitors invaded the Aztec jungles once cultivated and cultured by the Nefilim brother of Marduk, the one called Hermes Trismegestus, called Pacal Votan and Thoth. But the pacifist seed had been planted within the war-god monotheism of the Nefilim Marduk, and though the last remnants of Thoth's brotherhood's instructed pantheists were incorporated into the monotheist dogma less than 1,500 years ago, there is as much doubt in Marduk-Ra as Nefilim "Son of the Sun" as there remains expectation for a pro-Hermetic resurgeance of occult mysteries, especially since it has now been around 2,000 years since the lifetime of the last aeonic "Messiah." The dogma of Pythagoras regarding reincarnation is the lynch-pin around which this hinge pivots. In 2000,7 planets aligned in Taurus and in 2012 the sun will align with galactic core. Every 2000 years, the system reboots itself. There is a 7 planetary alignment as a warning, then the sun and galactic core align and the effects have been, according to the Mayan-Aztecs, the 4 elemental destructions described in their Bible, the Popul-Vuh, as being a seasonally cyclical recurring event that repeats about every 6,000 years. These last 5 aeons, from 10,000 years ago until now, have each ended with the destruction or downfall of the planet's contemporary dominant species or social paradigm. None of this means anything to the survival of the average "man on the street," so nobody really keeps track of or cares about things like this these days.


Noah/Ziusudra and his sons for example


According to Biblical legends Noah had 5 sons, who would go on to breed out and become the 5 common racial stereo-types of classical racial classification: 1) Caucasoid (indo-european), 2) Negro (aboriginal tribes), 3) Mongoloid (tan skinned S.east Asians and native Americans), 4) Asiatic (light tan skinned orientals and islanders), and 5) Semitic (modern Arabic Palestinians). Blavatsky's "Theosophy" tells us there were, besides the 5 "sons of Noah" given as metaphors for these 5 racial profiles, additionally two other "root-races," which have since died out. Her terms for these additional two races? "Atlantean" and "Lemurian" of course. However, as I hope I've tried well enough to describe, the "Atlantean" and "Lemurian" are no more "racial" gene-pools than any of the rest of Blavatsky's racist nonsense. The "Lemurians" were a migrating wave of immigrants fleeing Antarctica across Australia into S/E. Asia. They interbred with the Clovis, who eventually interbred with humans, and now here we are. Likewise, the "Atlanteans" were only an earlier migrating wave of the same proto-hominid sub-species emanating from the same original location: Antarctica. These were not other "races" of humans, they were another species of sentient hominid, our own species' prior ancestors. As I understand it, the concept of focusing on "race" is often provokative, but rarely useful. I don't know much more about the 5 sons of Noah / Ziasudra / Utnapishtim than besides they are said to have been the originators of the races of our species. Sorry if this is only sufficient to pique your curiosity then leave you wanting more. That was never my intention.


or the Tribes of Israel.


The 12 sons of Jacob-Israel, or the 12 Tribes of Israel, are listed twice in the OT of the Bible, so it is difficult to know which order they should be listed in when comparing them to other sets with the same number traits, such as the 12 signs of the zodiac. Thus, either Reuben (as listed first in Exodus) or Judah (as listed first in Numbers) might correspond to the zodiac sign Aries. Likewise, Simeon / Isaachar = Taurus; Levi / Zebulon = Gemini; Judah / Reuben = Cancer; Issachar / Simeon = Leo; Zebulon / Gad = Virgo;  Benjamin / Ephraim = Libra; Dan / Manesseh = Scorpio, Naftali / Benjamin = Saggitarius; Gad / Dan = Capricorn; Asher / Asher = Aquarius; and Joseph / Naftali = Pisces. Notice only "Asher" for Auarius is the same in the order of both lists. Symbollically speaking, the 12 signs of the zodiac, the 12 tribes of Israel, the 12 Gnostic Archons, the 12 Shiite Imams, and the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ are all one and the same symbol-system. You can align them all the same way as I just did between the 12 tribes and the 12 zodiac signs. When you apply this method to these other religious systems of symbolic meaning, it is easiest to use the 12 zodiac signs as the common-key to translate them all relatively to. When one does this one can assemble a diagram similar to this one, also of my own design, based on assigning attributes to the basic 12 traits set and the base-7 set:



The 12 names in black are Annunaki, in blue Gnostic Archons, in green the Tribes of Israel and in red the Apostles of Christ. The 7 names black are Nefilim, in blue Gnostic Powers, in green generations of Cain, and in red the 7 first Christian churches. The order of all the arranged attributes in these designs is entirely my own, and may bear revision for the sake of improvement upon by others later. In short, don't take any of these diagrams as the end-all, be-all absolute final word of truth on anything. I made them all myself, and I am, inherently, only one flawed human being. My opinion on these matters means very little from the point of view of history, but my knowledge is enough to allow me to, at least I hope, comment relatively intelligently. Of course, I hope also these answers have solved some questions, but might have opened the door for more. Please, for the sake of my answers being as direct as possible, ask anything you'd like to learn more about as specifically as you can. I do not know every single thing, but I do know quite a lot. Hope you're enjoying this dialogue. PEACE! - Jon

Aloha Jon, 

 I will be starting to publish my story starting early January computer permitting. It will work as I have said previously. 

The Prologue is the story of Dr. Daron, following a wise man's instruction and dowsing along electromagnetic currents until he discovers a stone circle in the heart of Africa. He is then witness to incredible events and manages to get a message of what he has witnessed out into the greater world. It will be the first encounter with Pindar, who you may be familiar with from some Icke and Credo Mutwa writings. I don;t buy what they are selling but I thought it had enough resonance to create something more original. I came up with the Four Wyrms. I seem to remember writing about them to you but I cannot find where I posted that. Any idea because the four specifications have since alluded me somewhat? 

The first scene is then Enki and Thoth visiting Marduk for his wedding to a human from the Cush tribe. There is an incident where the Igigi come and kidnap the other women and take them. We get the impression they are shining ones or Anunnaki etc. but they are known to themselves as the En-Ka-In. They are based in Kemet and other areas dotted around but have lost much of their influence outside of the Nile Valley. There rivals in Sumer, the Elohim are making relations difficult and there is a threat of war snuffing both clans out because there technology is advanced and illegal weapons have been used. 

Patriarchy has already been seeded but the Goddesses still hold much power. There are just a few hopes that good can still come of the situation. Thoth is one of them and as I'm sure I've said the story takes off when the Five are chosen to go through the trials of initiation to become shining ones themselves.  It is about balancing power with responsibility and finding ways for there to be sustainable progress. I will be trying to convey Gnosticism, mythology and ancient alien theories in new metaphysical ways. 

This will then be juxtaposed by the modern day timeline where the character really does not want to open his eye to the reality but is forced to or simply consider himself insane. There i no such thing as simple insanity and he is actually far from that and maybe that is why he has been chosen for this role. He will not be a Messiah character in anyway though he will be repairing damage caused by the Ransom. It will be a sin for salvation story that hopefully is an entertaining and alternative portrayal of a fantasy but in it will be contained allegories and experiences people may find beneficial to themselves. 

It will be original and though it will draw on Sitchin, yourself and others I would not dream of any form of plagiarism. I have enough original content and though it may not be as sophisticated as yours, I hope it will serve to illustrate the negative aspects of Patriarchy and how the Holarchy has been intentionally veiled to divide and conquer humanity and keep us as slaves in the best ways possible by making us believe we are free and the people in control are acting in our interest. 

My ideas will be close to yours on the concept of soul vampires and sleepwalkers but maybe we will have greater opportunities to explore them. I'm a bit torn in the sense I don;t want to give too much of the story away but I would like to focus on Thoth/Enoch just a little. I have him pinned as having incarnated in the Balkans and making a home in Bosnia before he travels to Mt. Hermon and ascends with the Igigi and his soul father Enki/P'tah. So I am talking 6th millennium BCE at this point and following that there is a great war that takes place in Elfheim, which is their natural homeland or a mentally constructed portion of the Abyss, in which their souls could exist. The 'dirty' weapons caused the female Elfin to become sterile so these beings that could live between 1,000 and 100,000 years  are faced with dying out. The problem is that the old ones are coming to the end of their life cycle and will be ascending well beyond these realms to return to Source and the most senior from both sides are plagued by human failings of greed and corruption by the physical. 

I would like to ask a metaphysical question; do you think Atlantis existed in this world or another and do you think the likes of Thoth have lived a continuous existence of knowing since then? Or does death mean these beings are reborn only to discover their higher nature as they develop. For some it may be early for others it may take longer but with Enoch I have the sense that he was Thoth and died in a cataclysm of some kind in the distance past but was then reborn as Enoch before remembering and taking the name Thoth once more. My story has lots of little things like that which are there to be perceived beneath the surface but most people are satisfied with the most obvious rendering that myth offers them. I am not so I never take something as is whether it be from Apocrypha or mythology, even conspiracies. Nothing is as it is being made out. It may be part of the truth but there is a special unseen way that it fits together in my mind. That is how an original story of this kind should be I just have to believe in my ability to bring such a story to life. 

Aloha Jayce,

No myths are true, but all contain certain characters and events in common. These, although lied about in the myths, are the most probable events to have occured, and the people most likely to have been alive and most influential, just prior to the beginning of now-known recorded history. For example, it is a lie that the "God" concept we know of now began its mental germination when an alien EBE inseminated one of our hominid ancestors. That is foolish. The "Nibiruins" may have been more or less "godless" compared to us today, but they were neither "Gods" themselves, nor even alien EBEs. "Nibiru" is Sumerian for the same concept described in the Bible as the city of Enoch, or in Greek as the city of Atlantis. Agade, the capitol of "Nibiru," was "Enoch," was "Atlantis," etc. Now, this dove-tails nicely into answering your specific questions, so let me go ahead and do that now:

do you think Atlantis existed in this world or another

I believe very firmly that "Atlantis" / "Enoch" / "Agade," etc. was a real city on this planet, inhabited by our species' last ancestors prior to the final floods in Mesopotamia, some 8,000 - 6,000 years ago. This is, however, only a belief, and, for the moment, holds less "water" with most people than the fanciful sci-fi's of Hubbard or Sitchin. People want to believe they are special among the species of this planet. People want to think of anywhere besides earth as their rightful home. Jospeh Smith, L Ron Hubbard, Zecharia Sitchin et al. prey on these sensitivities, but do not provide true solutions to them. Fictions are lies. There is no truth in myths. For example, "Atlantis" / "Enoch" / "Agade" was in Antarctica, before it was frozen at the end of the last north-hemisphere ice-age. At this time, our species and cromagnons were cave-people, but prior to then, the sentient-hominid species of australopithicus had lived in an unfrozen Antarctica. It was they, and not alien EBEs from another planet called "Nibiru," who are our species true ancestors. No one discusses that though. Instead of telling us the truth, myths have (since Sumeria, for I believe Sitchin's source-work, the "Lost Book of Enki," to be an authentically Sumerian bible) lied to us about everything from who we are to why we are here. I describe what I "believe" to be the most likely true origins for all the ancient myths in my work "ordo historia" for the POD. The only lies in it are the dates.

do you think the likes of Thoth have lived a continuous existence of knowing since then?

I don't personally believe in "metempsychosis," the Pythagorean concept Buddhists based their notions of reincarnation partially on also, but Jesus did. The fact Jesus was a Gnostic and believed in reincarnation is an important belief right now; it deserves to be popularised not only because it is a historical fact, but because it will topple the psychic-empire of the "Universal" Christian Church, the cathechism of which refutes as heresy the belief in reincarnation. Because the Pope has lied, all along, about the true beliefs of Jesus, on whose person the Pope's office backs up its authority, the Christian religion will fall and become entirely Gnostic. THAT is an important event, caused by the turn of the 2nd millennium. It can't be otherwise, so the better to work within it. However, as I say, the fact Jesus believed in reincarnation does not mean I have to. I have claimed (on ATS forums) to be the "reincarnation of Jesus Christ," but there explained it as synonimous with achieving "Christ consciousness" and the mental self-awareness of "past lives" in the form of collective memories. Personally, I believe if we don't use our souls while alive, we will lose them when we die.

PEACE! - Jon

It is interesting that Joseph Campbell said that "myths are the dreams of the collective constantly renewed". I really like that idea and while I believe they contain much allegory there may also be a sense of projection with them. The Matrix or Lost may serve as contemporary myths but so to may conspiracy theories. The question is how close to the truth are they? I think it is possible that consciousness descended into matter from a higher point and the potential for alternative pains of consciousness is fascinating but unverifiable so to use it, caution is required. I agree that many of the myths contain elements that are archetypal. 

I find the idea of Nibiru fascinating not because it could refer to Planet X but because it does translated as "place of the crossing". This concept is so important to the Hebrews and probably the Akkadians and Sumerians before them. There is evidence of quite a few floods in pre-history but for the purposes of my story I will be taking as Earth being that which "crosses over" or "passesover". The rough date for Exodus, which I take to be partially allegorical is 1551 BCE and this is 3,600 years in the past. If we go back another 3,600 years we get to 5151 BCE and this is where I am dating the Great Flood of Utnapishtim and it being the Black Sea and the Levante that suffered most from flood. Mesopatamia for the next 2,000 years or so and North Africa with increasing desertification. Perhaps there was some subtle change in the pole placement and this caused climate change but there are really so many possibilities and being spot on is not my intention. I just want to tell a story different to others. Many, many people I speak with online are lured in by the concept of Ausar, Aset and Heru, so I'd ask your opinions on them too. For me they represent imperialism, which has its place in aiding progress but is not the great mysteries that most seem to think, at least not exclusively. Instead they are a part of what is to come but that they may actually be more in line with the Archons than the Phosters.

Basically that periodically in these cycles Earth passes through the Photon Belt, which I am seeing as being similar to your Great Burner notion. This I will be tying in to the Hopi Prophecies and the Plasma or Electric Universe theories. 

I'm really not sure if a place like Atlantis exited or if it is pure allegory. It does correspond with some laws of mathematics but there are links with Thera, the Black Sea, North Africa, Spartel Isle and as you say Antartica. I will be trying to weave all of these possibilities into the story but simultaneously I would like to be writing non-fictional articles on Squidoo outlining my views and the need for reason to conquer the fear. It is through our fear that the Archons are able to tap into our R-Complex and drain us imo and this is one area where hopefully our works will overlap and both offer something of real value. 

I have read in various places that Jesus reincarnated as Apollonius of Tyana, any thoughts on this?

What is your view on the Crystal Skulls? This is another important them of Absolute Convergence and I'm curious if I could add to what I already have. 

I totally agree on your point on Gnosticism and that is something I'd like to reveal or at least draw attention to. Some of the work by JOhn Lash, I find to be truly excellent. Very rational and helpful to our current situation.

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