the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
I really enjoyed the Money Masters and that movie was what first got me interested in "Voodoo Economics". I'm unsure whether gold/silver standard is the answer but finding stability is the solution I am sure.
Aloha Jayce,
you should watch more Ron Paul. He won me over to the hard-money concept; personally I haven't read any Von Mises / Austrian school of economics; I just know about the argument from resources shown to me by Ron Paul. He has presented lectures on the History of Hard Money, done countless interviews and college lectures about the concepts of the "free market" (as well as opposing it to such "regulation" by the "independent" central bank owners as we have now), and presented many speeches before congress and conducted countless hearings in the financial committees in congress. His speeches and lectures present alot of historical info, and his congressional hearings (though only thus far succeeding in a partial Fed audit) aim to impliment competing metallic currency. This guy is going to be the next US President, so it's not like he's some "enlightment therapist" online with shady credentials making occultish claims. His opinion matters, and his policies, so far as I can understand them, having studied his proposed first-term budget, will help the "global financial crisis."
I can argue against ANY backwards concept, like "fair markets" or "e-currency" or "positive money" or anything the idiots in the NWO can imagine. I'd rather discuss a more viable future, though. For example, I can say about the argument between "fair" and "free" markets, free markets will outlast fair ones, and about "e-currency" that it implies zero-accountability as synonimous with public-transparency, which is pure status-quo here and now, and about "positive money" that the Fed woud agree, they'd also love to lend at negative interest rates. Those are not "apolitical" nor "centrist" ideas, they're just incorrect. As I say, I could spend all day and night pointing out inaccuracies in what other people say, especially online, but that is a big waste of time. I would rather find similarities and augment those.
So, to that end, let me present my argument for why we should be following Ron Paul's financial beliefs, and then we can see on which parts you agree, and then work to expand those and shrink the areas where you still disagree. Firstly, you're not in the USA. This means you have an excuse to not see the US Presidency as being as important as it is now. You can't vote for them, but they make policy that can land you in gitmo. We are all defacto slaves in the American Empire. So, their "figure-head" dictator (kinda like the "king" of the country, the "chairman" of the party, and the speaker of the commons, all rolled into one) can make or break the future of all earth right now. They've got all the guns, so talking them into NOT using them is objective ONE. Getting them to lay their power down is objective two; which returns us to my original question: HOW DO YOU PURGE GLOBALISTS WITHOUT IMPLIMENTING GLOBALISM?
Peace. - Jon
Just lost a long post in response. My PC is becoming increasingly faulty and prone to switching itel foff at inopportune moments,
For the most part I agree with what you are saying. I like Paul my issue is with the Corporatocracy and their ability to corrupt.
Please watch this video from Alan Watts and give me your opinion. I have a youtube channel under Raistlin505 if you'd like to subscribe. There are some videos by Ron Paul on there as well as a host of music and documentaries.
Peace be the journey Irie
aloha Jayce,
I couldn't find your youtube channel by googling for it by that name on youtube itself. Please just link me, feel free to do so here or by PM. I would very much like to see your channel.
I am not enjoying this Allen Watt video, because he is asserting, as I am trying to show you the wrong of in our parallel discussion on the "POD star" thread under the "general discussion" forum here on POD.ning, that "dualism" DOES exist. Much better to assume, believe and act on it NOT being real, because the outcomes are more optimistic. He's mixing pure economics jargon in for effect, but he's still making the same basic false assumption as the "conspirators" in the "NWO": that people are stupid, life is suffering, death a preferable escape, etc. If you ADMIT this is possibly true, you fail to reach the minds to whom such pessimistic negativity is pure anathema. Their minds, for they are the most serene and calm, most widely wise and understanding of all they encompass, should be a preferable target audience over people who tune into "Faux" TV news media. In my own writing, when I am serious about what I'm saying, I try to speak to that level of depth.
PEACE! - Jon
Watt may not have nailed it but I think some of what he speaks about is going in the right direction. I take your point though and given time I'd like to be making my own videos on my own point of view. The Duality and separation is an illusion, all is interconnected so all is one. I am a pure optimist though I try and be pragmatic to balance myself. I want to be working on visions for the future and in terms of economics I am studying Social Capitalism of the Relationship and the Resource Based Economies.
Once people realize that one man's wealth is anothers debt I hope people will start to understand that they don't need half the shit they think. Illumination is more about stripping away than it is about more and more acquisitions. I want to provide for my daughter and I want stimulating books to read but I'm not tied to these thoughts. I live each day as it comes and just try and put into the world what I feel. I am really excited to be alive and to be connected with a great many interesting people. I've also tried to cultivate a sense of courage in myself. It is not fearlessness but real courage is knowing that something else is more important. That is why I have been trying to support Positive Money but I am not a mindless follower of their dogma. I just see it as the most effective means of getting banking reform in this country and the world. It may not be the spark that causes the blaze of change and I am not precious about whether it is or isn't just like I respect your views and am not offended by where we don't agree. Conflict is good as I see it because it is honest and through the coming together there is opportunity for a genuine synthesis.
One of the first great philosophers that really resonated with me was the work of Heraclitus and I have carried tenets of his philosophy with me. What I was reading at those early stages seems to have ingrained itself and this is why I appreciate the symbol of fire and also the flow and flux of change. His philosophy may not have been perfect but I've found it useful. There is a wave of fire entering our system at present and in the future. This solar wind is the fires of change as I see it and the way to make the most out of it is to temper that with reason and the cooling properties associated with the divine feminine. Separateness and reduction is a tool used by the Patriarchal establishment to keep us at war with ourselves and each other and not aiming at the real enemy. The sacred feminine is about wholeness and holarchy but how can you awaken people to that mindset without to some degree using mysticism? How can we conquer greed without making people understand that the planet or rather the human systems that inhabit it are flawed and benefit only a small group as the rest of us are increasingly marginalized?
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