the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

So here's an ongoing story, particularly with unfolding circumstances even at present, and there is quite a lot of stuff coming from all sorts of angles, so bear with me.

It's not really easy to say when it all starts. In one way it starts for me just about one year ago, when I first came across the main subject of this discussion, which depending on who you ask goes back about 5-10 years on the internet, or many more, thousdands even, in the world, or other worlds, or what have you.

And that's the problem, who really knows? Nobody apparently.

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Anonymous Coward
User ID: 71184961
01/06/2016 07:05 PM
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So all the nobotards and nobody wannabes are actually nobody's gang stalkers because they RV and spy on him.


Is nobody gangstalking all of them feeding them something addictive then feeding on them when they come back.





A snake eating its tail?
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

Maybe its a symbiotic relationship. The nobody infuses them with a measure of power so he wont be the only weirdo like himself.

Wait, imbues power....did I just describe the :beast:

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848


Anonymous Coward
User ID: 71175743
01/06/2016 07:05 PM
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You're right, it is pointless, forget everything
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71175743

These threads are pointless, all talk no show...
 Quoting: Iset

I know. On the other site when people would make claims and stuff I'd ask them to demonstrate something and noone would.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71175743

There will be no demonstrations for the purpose of providing "proof" for the purpose of providing proof.

See? That is circular. There is no point, to that.

If you believe you are the proof and purpose then work with the higher and lower to become a midwayer for the Universe.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71135279

I'm half joking, they got me on goofball mode
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 71184961
01/06/2016 07:06 PM
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Anonymous Coward
User ID: 71135279
United States
01/06/2016 07:08 PM
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No one is the "One" unless everyone around him or her agrees to that.

That's the point of "nobody".

Nobody doesn't claim they are the one. Everyone usually thinks they are.

Nobody becomes one by being supported by the people, you see, that just doesn't happen any more once the "leaders" are picked for the people.

Nobody can claim they are the One because nothing happens.

Nobody can hide that they are the One while still proclaiming it.

That is the nature of a paradoxical Universe.

I see some people here, after many years, believed the nobody memes were about being tortured or being contacted by higher dimensions or being the one to save them all.

This is only in spirit.

The True immortal bodies here that know that are the source for the growth.

The meme-based mind control is responsible for the delays as per the technical systems. Anyone elses delays are their own duties and responsibilities. But information is monitored and controlled.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 71175743
01/06/2016 07:08 PM
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You're right, it is pointless, forget everything
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71175743

These threads are pointless, all talk no show...
 Quoting: Iset

I know. On the other site when people would make claims and stuff I'd ask them to demonstrate something and noone would.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71175743

That site was ridiculous with that nobody shit. I mean it was bad.
 Quoting: Iset

Thats why I smashed it.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 71091590
01/06/2016 07:09 PM
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Might as well give it up already, you seek information from someone who just enjoys fucking with your heads, someone who doesn't care if he looks stupid as long as he's deceiving you. You know what is written.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71184876

Maybe because all of you are godless ignorant pieces of shit who run away with some crumbs as soon as you get them? You can be a good person you still have a wicked heart. Stuck in false teachings and refuse to listen. Your uncircumsized hearts is your downfall eachtime you open your eyes. Not my fault not any of you can remain unbiased and honest with yourselves. Enjoy the troll.

User ID: 58059507
01/06/2016 07:09 PM

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We could simplify this.

Everyone who thinks they are the nobody simply say so. Don't be a Bitch. Well make a list and put you against the other claimants. An obvious authentic should emerge
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 71135279
United States
01/06/2016 07:09 PM
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SEe, another way to interpret the meme is to believe that everyone is talking about either a made up character that is filled with all the right qualities.

Or they are talking about some prophesied "people's messiah" that has worked his way into the solar system in order to awaken Earth.

All is possible and all is happening, but where there is distraction and incongruence, there is external influence and manipulation.

Material worship.

User ID: 58059507
01/06/2016 07:10 PM

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We could simplify this.

Everyone who thinks they are the nobody simply say so. Don't be a Bitch. Well make a list and put you against the other claimants. An obvious authentic should emerge
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 71135279
United States
01/06/2016 07:12 PM
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We could simplify this.

Everyone who thinks they are the nobody simply say so. Don't be a Bitch. Well make a list and put you against the other claimants. An obvious authentic should emerge
 Quoting: Facts>feelings

The entire internet is a list being made and constructed by the various intelligent ones who are monitoring you.

The only thing making a list in this type of thread would do is tell you who isn't here.

That is the nature of the carefully constructed higher-dimensional thought-form that exists in many different areas of space time at once, you cannot define it locally, based on purely local variables. It gets lost in translation.

Thus, the only thing that can be done is to convert and divert attention away from the purpose of true spiritual awakening and play mind games involving data mining, multiple-role players, contact initiation points, provoking aggression and reactions, insults and lower modal capabilities.
~Guardians of the Gates~

User ID: 51956293
United States
01/06/2016 07:13 PM

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We could simplify this.

Everyone who thinks they are the nobody simply say so. Don't be a Bitch. Well make a list and put you against the other claimants. An obvious authentic should emerge
 Quoting: Facts>feelings

I like that idea :)

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 71175743
01/06/2016 07:13 PM
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No one is the "One" unless everyone around him or her agrees to that.

That's the point of "nobody".

Nobody doesn't claim they are the one. Everyone usually thinks they are.

Nobody becomes one by being supported by the people, you see, that just doesn't happen any more once the "leaders" are picked for the people.

Nobody can claim they are the One because nothing happens.

Nobody can hide that they are the One while still proclaiming it.

That is the nature of a paradoxical Universe.

I see some people here, after many years, believed the nobody memes were about being tortured or being contacted by higher dimensions or being the one to save them all.

This is only in spirit.

The True immortal bodies here that know that are the source for the growth.

The meme-based mind control is responsible for the delays as per the technical systems. Anyone elses delays are their own duties and responsibilities. But information is monitored and controlled.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71135279

I'd corroborate but I have to get goofball out
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 71135279
United States
01/06/2016 07:14 PM
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Lol...Nah, I have a funny feeling he loves everyone no matter how nasty people have treated him in life. I mean think about it... if he hated people that much he would just make himself an unaware victim of his environment just like the bulk of mankind. Probably would prefer to just sit there and watch the world burn if that was the case.

He probably showers everyday though. He wouldnt want people to think anything bad of him seen as he is so aware of everything on such a big scale. Im picking hygene is important to this dude.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

Of course, the whole point is for them to get you to think like them, so they can assume the role of them thinking like you and essentially replacing you.

They ran out of genetic mixtures for this, so it has to be done manually.

He has great powers, just like they do.

They get their powers from being tortured and "imbued", he gets it because the sun and Earth mate in order to produce his aura.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71135279

1) Yes, but the the same concept works in another way, for something else, which is largely the point of this

2) Mostly, hence measures that revolve around more integration, which is a lot more than genetics, all of which has been gradually addressed

3) Short answer yes
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71175743

1) Technology has already been invented and applied based on the previous resistance tactics that were detected during the operations. You'll have to step your game up.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 71135279
United States
01/06/2016 07:15 PM
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No one is the "One" unless everyone around him or her agrees to that.

That's the point of "nobody".

Nobody doesn't claim they are the one. Everyone usually thinks they are.

Nobody becomes one by being supported by the people, you see, that just doesn't happen any more once the "leaders" are picked for the people.

Nobody can claim they are the One because nothing happens.

Nobody can hide that they are the One while still proclaiming it.

That is the nature of a paradoxical Universe.

I see some people here, after many years, believed the nobody memes were about being tortured or being contacted by higher dimensions or being the one to save them all.

This is only in spirit.

The True immortal bodies here that know that are the source for the growth.

The meme-based mind control is responsible for the delays as per the technical systems. Anyone elses delays are their own duties and responsibilities. But information is monitored and controlled.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71135279

I'd corroborate but I have to get goofball out
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71175743

You are only in one state, of constantly changing masks and forms.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 71135279
United States
01/06/2016 07:15 PM
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We could simplify this.

Everyone who thinks they are the nobody simply say so. Don't be a Bitch. Well make a list and put you against the other claimants. An obvious authentic should emerge
 Quoting: Facts>feelings

I like that idea :)

 Quoting: Iset

Don't b e so greedy or lower your standards.

Wouldn't you be much happier with the keys to your own divinity?

Or would you rather watch them scrounge and fight with each othER?
~Guardians of the Gates~

User ID: 51956293
United States
01/06/2016 07:15 PM

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You guys really think there are people monitoring these threads?

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 71135279
United States
01/06/2016 07:16 PM
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 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71175743

And there is a whole side of infinity t hat actually does.

Simply a very large wardrobe of ever changing masks and robes. The mirrors are incidental.
User ID: 887229
United States
01/06/2016 07:16 PM
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We could simplify this.

Everyone who thinks they are the nobody simply say so. Don't be a Bitch. Well make a list and put you against the other claimants. An obvious authentic should emerge
 Quoting: Facts>feelings

The entire internet is a list being made and constructed by the various intelligent ones who are monitoring you.

The only thing making a list in this type of thread would do is tell you who isn't here.

That is the nature of the carefully constructed higher-dimensional thought-form that exists in many different areas of space time at once, you cannot define it locally, based on purely local variables. It gets lost in translation.

Thus, the only thing that can be done is to convert and divert attention away from the purpose of true spiritual awakening and play mind games involving data mining, multiple-role players, contact initiation points, provoking aggression and reactions, insults and lower modal capabilities.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71135279

Would not a documented list of who is not who be universally useful to them and us?

Why be afraid?

Let the claimants have their stage and sink or swim on their own merits.

So far this is up to page 10 from that thread, I thought I had all the pages up to 31, out of something like 35 or so, but I now see 11 and some others are missing. Not sure what happened, probably didn't save correctly at the time, but at least the most important points are already posted. I can continue with what's still available

a comment I left, and in case it won't get posted there, repost here:

I resent you selectively reposting this troll thread, possibly made a shill theselves, as the remainder to my "legacy" at GMG. If you were present there, especially towards its end, you would have been exposed to the harassment, stalking and general antagonism in which the administrators were complicit if not directly involved. This culminated in a scandal that went unanswered and unaddressed. I did my part to battle the trolling and corruption up to the sites closure, as well as expose it after. It's only because of my general reclusiveness and focus on other areas of my life that inhibit the vocality of me doing so. I think anyone who was there or who has familiarity with its parent site and administrators, understands the situation enough without me elaborating too much. I ask that you take this down or at least write a thorough condemnation of the site's activities, as it represents more shillness than I ever could, especially given that I am completely on the opposite end and perhaps the most independent being in all of the CT realm.

As it happened, the GMG closure was swept under the rug completely. The sucide note is by now regarded as a hoax and at least one individual has claimed to be the purveyor of such, though it was implied it was a group effort of some kind. A reboot of the forum was made very briefly and ended basically the same day when anonymous posters threatened to exposure the malfeasances of the site's administrator, who has since departed from the CT forums world to pursue fetish modeling. Some regulars formed a new forum, Ice Cream On Mars, which offers a lot of the same fluff GMG had and a lot less CT oriented material. It is basically an insular group and does a lot to be unappealing to prospective registered members whom they've been unable to attract on a significant level. While some have speculated the original GMG closure to be Nobody thread related, that theory is as swept under the rug as any other topic related to GMG, and both GMG and ICOM are bannable topics at GLP. Following the closure of GMG where Nobody threads have been redirected to and propagated, they were for a time spawning up again at GLP, only to be deleted especally en masse on one given evening the date of which might be still be found in the Illuminati Kingship thread. Since then threads have again been deleted, and there is a seeming tendency to consolidate flow of discussion to a small number of sanctioned threads which again have fallen into stagnation and usual mentalist revelry. While I could throw in some of the deleted material on here, it's not really a priority to do so right now as I'm not sure what it would change.

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