the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

So here's an ongoing story, particularly with unfolding circumstances even at present, and there is quite a lot of stuff coming from all sorts of angles, so bear with me.

It's not really easy to say when it all starts. In one way it starts for me just about one year ago, when I first came across the main subject of this discussion, which depending on who you ask goes back about 5-10 years on the internet, or many more, thousdands even, in the world, or other worlds, or what have you.

And that's the problem, who really knows? Nobody apparently.

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Anonymous Coward (OP)
User ID: 68720848
United States
01/06/2016 02:51 AM
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But you'll start preaching and talking about your ass.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 70931701
01/06/2016 02:54 AM
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hey thats not bad. That is actually pretty good. Kudos to a decent description of this guy.

Personally i think "they" knew he was coming. Probably watched him his whole life. Who "they" are and what their connections are ...he may still

not totally know. But he knows that they know it doesn't really matter. I heard this nobody character is quite the mono-theist. One set of rules.
 Quoting: Just sayin.... 70332221

Well he played by any other set he would be bound by rules that are not his. How could he win at that game. I mean...Thoughts = Creation of reality don't they. If his thoughts were based on rules he perceived that were not his own (just like everyone else) how could he be victorious ?

Yeah i reckon they knew his arrival. Probably used their bloody "Smoking Mirrors" but it's my opinion that he knows that they watch his every move. He would have to im sure. Especially if he is that advanced when it comes to awareness and intuition etc. Perhaps it is the fact that he is aware of them in grand detail and denies all acceptance of what they are up to that keeps him safe and untouchable.

That whole thing of free will and acceptance of disclosure (even if it's subliminal) might just be real. What I mean is perhaps the fact he knows/can sense their every trick and immediately realizes/sees/senses it then counters it by letting them know via thought return that he knows but does not consent or agree would mean they would have to step over the line and break the rules which they are not able to do from what i have heard.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

All he cares about is awakening and his lady.

He doesn't really know who or what he or they are. He doesn't really care.

He does know there is a battle between two forces. But they are irrelevant. He wonders if they see the unseen, the ones who serve the one true creator.

For when it awakens it will sound a quake through the world, freezing this pathetic little war in its tracks.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 50470977

Awakening yes I would agree with that but lady....Mmmmm no. Probably realizes that in this incarnation he just has to get done what he is here to do. Anyone who is consumed and as dedicated as him has perhaps already destroyed what love he had as his attention surely would have been focused almost 24/7 on the job at hand.

Not many women/wifes who are not awake to what he says he is going to do and was born for would endure that for too long lol. Think about it. A husband who you know cares more about some crazy idea he has of preserving his species than her !!!! Recipe for relationship disater if you ask me.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

Very true.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 70931701
01/06/2016 02:55 AM
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But you'll start preaching and talking about your ass.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848 everyone else can...but no sunshine for me?
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 46705080
01/06/2016 02:55 AM
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You people are such an menace.
He will do this, he would do that, He wants this, he wants that.. Gossip, slander, Bullshit I mean where and when does it end?

Clueless people you are, but nevertheless greatly annoying.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 49845998
United States
01/06/2016 02:55 AM
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So all the nobotards and nobody wannabes are actually nobody's gang stalkers because they RV and spy on him.


Is nobody gangstalking all of them feeding them something addictive then feeding on them when they come back.





A snake eating its tail?
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

Maybe its a symbiotic relationship. The nobody infuses them with a measure of power so he wont be the only weirdo like himself.

Wait, imbues power....did I just describe the :beast:

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

You gotta analyze this properly based on what everyone thinks he is here to do. Would someone who is incarnated to do something everyone else only thinks about but then goes back to what they were doing actually have those kind of floors. Sure he may have had times where his being so pre occupied with his purpose caused people to brand him as wierd but isnt he supposed to seriously not give a fuck about the trivial emotions of those who dont recognize what he's up to ? Dont you think that this person would be so utterly consumed by what is about to happen that those thought would never enter into his head.

But I do agree that he likely makes the PTB insane. It's probably his only reward lol. Apart from still being here !
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

I will say this, RV is dead on the money.
Anonymous Coward (OP)
User ID: 68720848
United States
01/06/2016 02:55 AM
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hey thats not bad. That is actually pretty good. Kudos to a decent description of this guy.

Personally i think "they" knew he was coming. Probably watched him his whole life. Who "they" are and what their connections are ...he may still not totally know. But he knows that they know it doesn't really matter. I heard this nobody character is quite the mono-theist. One set of rules.
 Quoting: Just sayin.... 70332221

Well he played by any other set he would be bound by rules that are not his. How could he win at that game. I mean...Thoughts = Creation of reality don't they. If his thoughts were based on rules he perceived that were not his own (just like everyone else) how could he be victorious ?

Yeah i reckon they knew his arrival. Probably used their bloody "Smoking Mirrors" but it's my opinion that he knows that they watch his every move. He would have to im sure. Especially if he is that advanced when it comes to awareness and intuition etc. Perhaps it is the fact that he is aware of them in grand detail and denies all acceptance of what they are up to that keeps him safe and untouchable.

That whole thing of free will and acceptance of disclosure (even if it's subliminal) might just be real. What I mean is perhaps the fact he knows/can sense their every trick and immediately realizes/sees/senses it then counters it by letting them know via thought return that he knows but does not consent or agree would mean they would have to step over the line and break the rules which they are not able to do from what i have heard.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

All he cares about is awakening and his lady.

He doesn't really know who or what he or they are. He doesn't really care.

He does know there is a battle between two forces. But they are irrelevant. He wonders if they see the unseen, the ones who serve the one true creator.

For when it awakens it will sound a quake through the world, freezing this pathetic little war in its tracks.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 50470977

Awakening yes I would agree with that but lady....Mmmmm no. Probably realizes that in this incarnation he just has to get done what he is here to do. Anyone who is consumed and as dedicated as him has perhaps already destroyed what love he had as his attention surely would have been focused almost 24/7 on the job at hand.

Not many women/wifes who are not awake to what he says he is going to do and was born for would endure that for too long lol. Think about it. A husband who you know cares more about some crazy idea he has of preserving his species than her !!!! Recipe for relationship disater if you ask me.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

He only needs a lady as down as he is. If such a thing exists. She's gonna have to want to experience everything with him.not keep him for easy thing for any woman.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 46705080
01/06/2016 02:58 AM
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Well he played by any other set he would be bound by rules that are not his. How could he win at that game. I mean...Thoughts = Creation of reality don't they. If his thoughts were based on rules he perceived that were not his own (just like everyone else) how could he be victorious ?

Yeah i reckon they knew his arrival. Probably used their bloody "Smoking Mirrors" but it's my opinion that he knows that they watch his every move. He would have to im sure. Especially if he is that advanced when it comes to awareness and intuition etc. Perhaps it is the fact that he is aware of them in grand detail and denies all acceptance of what they are up to that keeps him safe and untouchable.

That whole thing of free will and acceptance of disclosure (even if it's subliminal) might just be real. What I mean is perhaps the fact he knows/can sense their every trick and immediately realizes/sees/senses it then counters it by letting them know via thought return that he knows but does not consent or agree would mean they would have to step over the line and break the rules which they are not able to do from what i have heard.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

All he cares about is awakening and his lady.

He doesn't really know who or what he or they are. He doesn't really care.

He does know there is a battle between two forces. But they are irrelevant. He wonders if they see the unseen, the ones who serve the one true creator.

For when it awakens it will sound a quake through the world, freezing this pathetic little war in its tracks.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 50470977

Awakening yes I would agree with that but lady....Mmmmm no. Probably realizes that in this incarnation he just has to get done what he is here to do. Anyone who is consumed and as dedicated as him has perhaps already destroyed what love he had as his attention surely would have been focused almost 24/7 on the job at hand.

Not many women/wifes who are not awake to what he says he is going to do and was born for would endure that for too long lol. Think about it. A husband who you know cares more about some crazy idea he has of preserving his species than her !!!! Recipe for relationship disater if you ask me.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

He only needs a lady as down as he is. If such a thing exists. She's gonna have to want to experience everything with him.not keep him for easy thing for any woman.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

'Murican ladies are worst brags in the world.Aussie are second..

No thanx.
Anonymous Coward (OP)
User ID: 68720848
United States
01/06/2016 02:58 AM
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But you'll start preaching and talking about your ass.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848 everyone else can...but no sunshine for me?
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 70931701

1dunno1 It's weird.

Yeshua will smite the evil and is the one true and only god!

I just sharted. It was hot and burned a little.

See? Weird.
Anonymous Coward (OP)
User ID: 68720848
United States
01/06/2016 03:00 AM
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All he cares about is awakening and his lady.

He doesn't really know who or what he or they are. He doesn't really care.

He does know there is a battle between two forces. But they are irrelevant. He wonders if they see the unseen, the ones who serve the one true creator.

For when it awakens it will sound a quake through the world, freezing this pathetic little war in its tracks.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 50470977

Awakening yes I would agree with that but lady....Mmmmm no. Probably realizes that in this incarnation he just has to get done what he is here to do. Anyone who is consumed and as dedicated as him has perhaps already destroyed what love he had as his attention surely would have been focused almost 24/7 on the job at hand.

Not many women/wifes who are not awake to what he says he is going to do and was born for would endure that for too long lol. Think about it. A husband who you know cares more about some crazy idea he has of preserving his species than her !!!! Recipe for relationship disater if you ask me.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

He only needs a lady as down as he is. If such a thing exists. She's gonna have to want to experience everything with him.not keep him for easy thing for any woman.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

'Murican ladies are worst brags in the world.Aussie are second..

No thanx.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 46705080

South American? Something fun? Bolivian maybe
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 70931701
01/06/2016 03:02 AM
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But you'll start preaching and talking about your ass.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848 everyone else can...but no sunshine for me?
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 70931701

1dunno1 It's weird.

Yeshua will smite the evil and is the one true and only god!

I just sharted. It was hot and burned a little.

See? Weird.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

Got it. Not enough about you. Alright, have fun.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 71180168
United Kingdom
01/06/2016 03:03 AM
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Threads dead.

Delete op

Ban things
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

I think you might be onto something here.
Not with the delete, oh no, I mean with the dual polarity wielding weirdo.

You uncle intel or what bro..
 Quoting: Davo'sLittleSomething

Duel wielding would infer a fractured persona, each persona attuning to its relevant frequency.
Certain information, is viral.
Imagine the things one would go through to fracture the persona!
Anonymous Coward (OP)
User ID: 68720848
United States
01/06/2016 03:04 AM
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But you'll start preaching and talking about your ass.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848 everyone else can...but no sunshine for me?
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 70931701

1dunno1 It's weird.

Yeshua will smite the evil and is the one true and only god!

I just sharted. It was hot and burned a little.

See? Weird.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

Got it. Not enough about you. Alright, have fun.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 70931701 Too much about Jesus mixed with flatulence .

I thought I made it pretty clear. Just expand your repertoire. Or pick one or the other.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 71122482
New Zealand
01/06/2016 03:05 AM
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Well he played by any other set he would be bound by rules that are not his. How could he win at that game. I mean...Thoughts = Creation of reality don't they. If his thoughts were based on rules he perceived that were not his own (just like everyone else) how could he be victorious ?

Yeah i reckon they knew his arrival. Probably used their bloody "Smoking Mirrors" but it's my opinion that he knows that they watch his every move. He would have to im sure. Especially if he is that advanced when it comes to awareness and intuition etc. Perhaps it is the fact that he is aware of them in grand detail and denies all acceptance of what they are up to that keeps him safe and untouchable.

That whole thing of free will and acceptance of disclosure (even if it's subliminal) might just be real. What I mean is perhaps the fact he knows/can sense their every trick and immediately realizes/sees/senses it then counters it by letting them know via thought return that he knows but does not consent or agree would mean they would have to step over the line and break the rules which they are not able to do from what i have heard.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

All he cares about is awakening and his lady.

He doesn't really know who or what he or they are. He doesn't really care.

He does know there is a battle between two forces. But they are irrelevant. He wonders if they see the unseen, the ones who serve the one true creator.

For when it awakens it will sound a quake through the world, freezing this pathetic little war in its tracks.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 50470977

Awakening yes I would agree with that but lady....Mmmmm no. Probably realizes that in this incarnation he just has to get done what he is here to do. Anyone who is consumed and as dedicated as him has perhaps already destroyed what love he had as his attention surely would have been focused almost 24/7 on the job at hand.

Not many women/wifes who are not awake to what he says he is going to do and was born for would endure that for too long lol. Think about it. A husband who you know cares more about some crazy idea he has of preserving his species than her !!!! Recipe for relationship disater if you ask me.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

He only needs a lady as down as he is. If such a thing exists. She's gonna have to want to experience everything with him.not keep him for easy thing for any woman.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

My guess someone on a mission like this is actually OK alone and happier than most lol. If you think about being in love, especially with "The One" who is perfect, lets you do what you doing, supports and is just as inthusiastic you would be so helplessly consumed by love and admiration of that person you would almost drop the ball !

My assumption for what it's worth is that "He knows if he drops the ball this time everything is fucked and it's game over for everyone" Including her !

Kinda makes sense dont you think :)
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 70931701
01/06/2016 03:08 AM
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... everyone else can...but no sunshine for me?
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 70931701

1dunno1 It's weird.

Yeshua will smite the evil and is the one true and only god!

I just sharted. It was hot and burned a little.

See? Weird.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

Got it. Not enough about you. Alright, have fun.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 70931701 Too much about Jesus mixed with flatulence .

I thought I made it pretty clear. Just expand your repertoire. Or pick one or the other.

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

Hey fuck're not as smart as you pretend to be..and I'm not Nick. I already told you that...if you would just pay attention.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 46705080
01/06/2016 03:09 AM
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How old is this song?

And you are still bragging.?

One has to give you credit for persistence... but as there is no result, persistence is turning in to pure foolishness.

Into this.

Anonymous Coward (OP)
User ID: 68720848
United States
01/06/2016 03:09 AM
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All he cares about is awakening and his lady.

He doesn't really know who or what he or they are. He doesn't really care.

He does know there is a battle between two forces. But they are irrelevant. He wonders if they see the unseen, the ones who serve the one true creator.

For when it awakens it will sound a quake through the world, freezing this pathetic little war in its tracks.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 50470977

Awakening yes I would agree with that but lady....Mmmmm no. Probably realizes that in this incarnation he just has to get done what he is here to do. Anyone who is consumed and as dedicated as him has perhaps already destroyed what love he had as his attention surely would have been focused almost 24/7 on the job at hand.

Not many women/wifes who are not awake to what he says he is going to do and was born for would endure that for too long lol. Think about it. A husband who you know cares more about some crazy idea he has of preserving his species than her !!!! Recipe for relationship disater if you ask me.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

He only needs a lady as down as he is. If such a thing exists. She's gonna have to want to experience everything with him.not keep him for easy thing for any woman.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

My guess someone on a mission like this is actually OK alone and happier than most lol. If you think about being in love, especially with "The One" who is perfect, lets you do what you doing, supports and is just as inthusiastic you would be so helplessly consumed by love and admiration of that person you would almost drop the ball !

My assumption for what it's worth is that "He knows if he drops the ball this time everything is fucked and it's game over for everyone" Including her !

Kinda makes sense dont you think :)
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

Sure. We are talking magic and destinies here too though. If one is tied to his destiny then she has to fit somehow..
So all I can see working is one whose focus is inline with his. Even if for a different reason.
Anonymous Coward (OP)
User ID: 68720848
United States
01/06/2016 03:10 AM
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1dunno1 It's weird.

Yeshua will smite the evil and is the one true and only god!

I just sharted. It was hot and burned a little.

See? Weird.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

Got it. Not enough about you. Alright, have fun.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 70931701 Too much about Jesus mixed with flatulence .

I thought I made it pretty clear. Just expand your repertoire. Or pick one or the other.

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

Hey fuck're not as smart as you pretend to be..and I'm not Nick. I already told you that...if you would just pay attention.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 70931701

Ate you sure I'm not? The only one angry in here is you.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 70931701
01/06/2016 03:15 AM
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All he cares about is awakening and his lady.

He doesn't really know who or what he or they are. He doesn't really care.

He does know there is a battle between two forces. But they are
irrelevant. He wonders if they see the unseen, the ones who serve the one true creator.

For when it awakens it will sound a quake through the world, freezing this pathetic little war in its tracks.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 50470977

Awakening yes I would agree with that but lady....Mmmmm no. Probably realizes that in this incarnation he just has to get done what he is here to do. Anyone who is consumed and as dedicated as him has perhaps already destroyed what love he had as his attention surely would have been focused almost 24/7 on the job at hand.

Not many women/wifes who are not awake to what he says he is going to do and was born for would endure that for too long lol. Think about it. A husband who you know cares more about some crazy idea he has of
preserving his species than her !!!! Recipe for relationship disater if you ask me.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

He only needs a lady as down as he is. If such a thing exists. She's gonna have to want to experience everything with him.not keep him for easy thing for any woman.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

My guess someone on a mission like this is actually OK alone and happier than most lol. If you think about being in love, especially with "The One" who is perfect, lets you do what you doing, supports and is just as inthusiastic you would be so helplessly consumed by love and admiration of that person you would almost drop the ball !

My assumption for what it's worth is that "He knows if he drops the ball this time everything is fucked and it's game over for everyone" Including
her !

Kinda makes sense dont you think :)
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

Hey...who's alone when we have all you guys right!

But leads to family. Family leads to commitment. Commitment leads to loss. What a great world and scenario .
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 70931701
01/06/2016 03:19 AM
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Got it. Not enough about you. Alright, have fun.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 70931701 Too much about Jesus mixed with flatulence .

I thought I made it pretty clear. Just expand your repertoire. Or pick one or the other.

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

Hey fuck're not as smart as you pretend to be..and I'm not Nick. I already told you that...if you would just pay attention.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 70931701

Ate you sure I'm not? The only one angry in here is you.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848 have no fucking idea how angry I am. That won't change..not here. And yes, I'm sure.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 71180308
01/06/2016 03:22 AM
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they are called bragging rights for a reason

if you want a show pony go to the circus
Master of Disguise

User ID: 53570866
01/06/2016 03:22 AM

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Threads dead.

Delete op

Ban things
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

I think you might be onto something here.
Not with the delete, oh no, I mean with the dual polarity wielding weirdo.

You uncle intel or what bro..
 Quoting: Davo'sLittleSomething

Duel wielding would infer a fractured persona, each persona attuning to its relevant frequency.
Certain information, is viral.
Imagine the things one would go through to fracture the persona!
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71180168

It probably wouldn't be fun, no.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 70931701
01/06/2016 03:23 AM
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they are called bragging rights for a reason

if you want a show pony go to the circus
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71180308

What are you going on about?
I'm perfectly fine with my night mare...keep your fucking pony.
Just Sayin....
User ID: 70332221
United States
01/06/2016 03:25 AM
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By far the most interesting concept on the internet today. maybe the most interesting concept of the modern age.

The nobody : )
Anonymous Coward (OP)
User ID: 68720848
United States
01/06/2016 03:25 AM
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... Too much about Jesus mixed with flatulence .

I thought I made it pretty clear. Just expand your repertoire. Or pick one or the other.

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

Hey fuck're not as smart as you pretend to be..and I'm not Nick. I already told you that...if you would just pay attention.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 70931701

Ate you sure I'm not? The only one angry in here is you.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848 have no fucking idea how angry I am. That won't change..not here. And yes, I'm sure.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 70931701

Awwwwe, our first tough guy. It's adorable. Yip away mighty Chihuahua of keyboards. Tell us of your strengths and prowess and kills with tiny gnashing teeth. So that we may all feast our eyes on its impotent raging glory in the morning.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 71122482
New Zealand
01/06/2016 03:27 AM
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Awakening yes I would agree with that but lady....Mmmmm no. Probably realizes that in this incarnation he just has to get done what he is here to do. Anyone who is consumed and as dedicated as him has perhaps already destroyed what love he had as his attention surely would have been focused almost 24/7 on the job at hand.

Not many women/wifes who are not awake to what he says he is going to do and was born for would endure that for too long lol. Think about it. A husband who you know cares more about some crazy idea he has of preserving his species than her !!!! Recipe for relationship disater if you ask me.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

He only needs a lady as down as he is. If such a thing exists. She's gonna have to want to experience everything with him.not keep him for easy thing for any woman.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

My guess someone on a mission like this is actually OK alone and happier than most lol. If you think about being in love, especially with "The One" who is perfect, lets you do what you doing, supports and is just as inthusiastic you would be so helplessly consumed by love and admiration of that person you would almost drop the ball !

My assumption for what it's worth is that "He knows if he drops the ball this time everything is fucked and it's game over for everyone" Including her !

Kinda makes sense dont you think :)
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

Sure. We are talking magic and destinies here too though. If one is tied to his destiny then she has to fit somehow..
So all I can see working is one whose focus is inline with his. Even if for a different reason.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

Good point. I agree with what your saying but why the perception everyone needs to be attached to someone to be complete themselves ?

When you have a clear understanding of life and yourself and realize that you are born whole no matter what you really dont need the love of another to feel complete.

Yes it's nice to be in love, it's what we are trained to seek but sometimes you just cant afford a distraction like that which to someone like him would simply be an extra when he may already feel complete anyway.

Someone like him who has such a serious role to play if he can pull it off would not allow themselves a personal luxury like that in a time like this.

Also, they may not be able to touch him but what kind of distraction could the PTB cause by going after/targeting his soulmate ?
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 24707358
01/06/2016 03:29 AM
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If he finds her, he will be consumed by his darkest fears. It's better that he flees reality and becomes a settler. It's the world's only hope! hf
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 71180308
01/06/2016 03:30 AM
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He only needs a lady as down as he is. If such a thing exists. She's gonna have to want to experience everything with him.not keep him for easy thing for any woman.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

My guess someone on a mission like this is actually OK alone and happier than most lol. If you think about being in love, especially with "The One" who is perfect, lets you do what you doing, supports and is just as inthusiastic you would be so helplessly consumed by love and admiration of that person you would almost drop the ball !

My assumption for what it's worth is that "He knows if he drops the ball this time everything is fucked and it's game over for everyone" Including her !

Kinda makes sense dont you think :)
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

Sure. We are talking magic and destinies here too though. If one is tied to his destiny then she has to fit somehow..
So all I can see working is one whose focus is inline with his. Even if for a different reason.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

Good point. I agree with what your saying but why the perception everyone needs to be attached to someone to be complete themselves ?

When you have a clear understanding of life and yourself and realize that you are born whole no matter what you really dont need the love of another to feel complete.

Yes it's nice to be in love, it's what we are trained to seek but sometimes you just cant afford a distraction like that which to someone like him would simply be an extra when he may already feel complete anyway.

Someone like him who has such a serious role to play if he can pull it off would not allow themselves a personal luxury like that in a time like this.

Also, they may not be able to touch him but what kind of distraction could the PTB cause by going after/targeting his soulmate ?
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

good train of thought, continue...
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 70931701
01/06/2016 03:31 AM
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Hey fuck're not as smart as you pretend to be..and I'm not Nick. I already told you that...if you would just pay attention.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 70931701

Ate you sure I'm not? The only one angry in here is you.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848 have no fucking idea how angry I am. That won't change..not here. And yes, I'm sure.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 70931701

Awwwwe, our first tough guy. It's adorable. Yip away mighty Chihuahua of keyboards. Tell us of your strengths and prowess and kills with tiny gnashing teeth. So that we may all feast our eyes on its impotent raging glory in the morning.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

Some say so...but I'm more interested in Peter pan...and I just love tinker bell. Pan was hooks heart. He lost he got angry...but deep down he just wants to love. But that doesn't mean he can't be mean.

And you're a dick face.
Anonymous Coward (OP)
User ID: 68720848
United States
01/06/2016 03:33 AM
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He only needs a lady as down as he is. If such a thing exists. She's gonna have to want to experience everything with him.not keep him for easy thing for any woman.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

My guess someone on a mission like this is actually OK alone and happier than most lol. If you think about being in love, especially with "The One" who is perfect, lets you do what you doing, supports and is just as inthusiastic you would be so helplessly consumed by love and admiration of that person you would almost drop the ball !

My assumption for what it's worth is that "He knows if he drops the ball this time everything is fucked and it's game over for everyone" Including her !

Kinda makes sense dont you think :)
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

Sure. We are talking magic and destinies here too though. If one is tied to his destiny then she has to fit somehow..
So all I can see working is one whose focus is inline with his. Even if for a different reason.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

Good point. I agree with what your saying but why the perception everyone needs to be attached to someone to be complete themselves ?

When you have a clear understanding of life and yourself and realize that you are born whole no matter what you really dont need the love of another to feel complete.

Yes it's nice to be in love, it's what we are trained to seek but sometimes you just cant afford a distraction like that which to someone like him would simply be an extra when he may already feel complete anyway.

Someone like him who has such a serious role to play if he can pull it off would not allow themselves a personal luxury like that in a time like this.

Also, they may not be able to touch him but what kind of distraction could the PTB cause by going after/targeting his soulmate ?
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

Well I guess my point was I dont think it would be his choice. He's a fool of the universe. What energies are needed he will deal with and adapt and overcome any obstacles they present. Even a woman. The most beautiful andgreatest of all creations distractions.

So really I just assume a woman may he required because she might. So I try to imagine her. You may be right and there isn't one.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 71122482
New Zealand
01/06/2016 03:34 AM
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If he finds her, he will be consumed by his darkest fears. It's better that he flees reality and becomes a settler. It's the world's only hope! hf
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 24707358

Wise words indeed applause
Anonymous Coward (OP)
User ID: 68720848
United States
01/06/2016 03:35 AM
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Ate you sure I'm not? The only one angry in here is you.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848 have no fucking idea how angry I am. That won't change..not here. And yes, I'm sure.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 70931701

Awwwwe, our first tough guy. It's adorable. Yip away mighty Chihuahua of keyboards. Tell us of your strengths and prowess and kills with tiny gnashing teeth. So that we may all feast our eyes on its impotent raging glory in the morning.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

Some say so...but I'm more interested in Peter pan...and I just love tinker bell. Pan was hooks heart. He lost he got angry...but deep down he just wants to love. But that doesn't mean he can't be mean.

And you're a dick face.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 70931701

Simmer down nick. You'll settle into something more universal. Stay positive sport.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 55872927
United States
01/06/2016 03:41 AM
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Never seen such a disgusting thread
Shill promotes manwhoring and woman slavery. Have fun in your stinking world shitfaces. yak
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 66432267
United States
01/06/2016 03:46 AM
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Infectious creatures. Suck eachothers infectious dicks full of prulent matter.



Listening any man means polluting yourself.

Pollute eachother and leave women out of equation disgusting aliens.


Anonymous Coward (OP)
User ID: 68720848
United States
01/06/2016 03:49 AM
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Oh my
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 70931701
01/06/2016 03:50 AM
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... have no fucking idea how angry I am. That won't change..not
here. And yes, I'm sure.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 70931701

Awwwwe, our first tough guy. It's adorable. Yip away mighty Chihuahua of keyboards. Tell us of your strengths and prowess and kills with tiny gnashing teeth. So that we may all feast our eyes on its impotent raging glory in the morning.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

Some say so...but I'm more interested in Peter pan...and I just love tinker bell. Pan was hooks heart. He lost he got angry...but deep down he just wants to love. But that doesn't mean he can't be mean.

And you're a dick face.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 70931701

Simmer down nick. You'll settle into something more universal. Stay positive sport.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

I ain't mad...and I ain't Nick. I knew I called it right. See ya around.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 71122482
New Zealand
01/06/2016 03:50 AM
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My guess someone on a mission like this is actually OK alone and happier than most lol. If you think about being in love, especially with "The One" who is perfect, lets you do what you doing, supports and is just as inthusiastic you would be so helplessly consumed by love and admiration of that person you would almost drop the ball !

My assumption for what it's worth is that "He knows if he drops the ball this time everything is fucked and it's game over for everyone" Including her !

Kinda makes sense dont you think :)
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

Sure. We are talking magic and destinies here too though. If one is tied to his destiny then she has to fit somehow..
So all I can see working is one whose focus is inline with his. Even if for a different reason.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

Good point. I agree with what your saying but why the perception everyone needs to be attached to someone to be complete themselves ?

When you have a clear understanding of life and yourself and realize that you are born whole no matter what you really dont need the love of another to feel complete.

Yes it's nice to be in love, it's what we are trained to seek but sometimes you just cant afford a distraction like that which to someone like him would simply be an extra when he may already feel complete anyway.

Someone like him who has such a serious role to play if he can pull it off would not allow themselves a personal luxury like that in a time like this.

Also, they may not be able to touch him but what kind of distraction could the PTB cause by going after/targeting his soulmate ?
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71122482

Well I guess my point was I dont think it would be his choice. He's a fool of the universe. What energies are needed he will deal with and adapt and overcome any obstacles they present. Even a woman. The most beautiful andgreatest of all creations distractions.

So really I just assume a woman may he required because she might. So I try to imagine her. You may be right and there isn't one.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

I reckon someone like him is in control of his choices. Chances are it's what got him to this point in time. 100% on the adapting to energies situation though. He would almost have to operate like that and morph around the situations/challenges he is faced with them without giving his attention or using the typical judgement flaw of the society programmed "Self" to determine his next move. Someone like him probably destroyed their "Self" to ensure that never happens. Hence why he is fabled to be different and think differently to most of his fellow species.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 71122482
New Zealand
01/06/2016 03:53 AM
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4 pages OP !!! Bet you never thought that this was going to happen when you posted this thread just for shits and giggles lol.
Anonymous Coward (OP)
User ID: 68720848
United States
01/06/2016 03:54 AM
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Awwwwe, our first tough guy. It's adorable. Yip away mighty Chihuahua of keyboards. Tell us of your strengths and prowess and kills with tiny gnashing teeth. So that we may all feast our eyes on its impotent raging glory in the morning.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

Some say so...but I'm more interested in Peter pan...and I just love tinker bell. Pan was hooks heart. He lost he got angry...but deep down he just wants to love. But that doesn't mean he can't be mean.

And you're a dick face.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 70931701

Simmer down nick. You'll settle into something more universal. Stay positive sport.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68720848

I ain't mad...and I ain't Nick. I knew I called it right. See ya around.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 70931701

Ser ya around Nicky

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