the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
Let it not be said that no one cared, that no one objected once it’s realized that our liberties and wealth are in jeopardy.
- Ron Paul
Ron Paul vs. the NWO
(observations and omens)
by: Jonathan Barlow Gee
Tallahassee, Florida, USA
June 7-11, 2012.
1. Ron Paul
"I'm Ron Paul and I'm the champion of Liberty, I believe in the Constitution and a limited gov't." - Ron Paul.
1.A. Who is Ron Paul?
1.A.1. what his supporters believe
1.A.2. what his detractors believe
1.B The message and the messenger
1.B.1. the perfect message: Liberty
1.B.2. the imperfect messenger
1.B.2.A. what his supporters believe
1.B.2.B. what his detractors believe
2. the NWO
"Give me control of a nation's currency, and I care not who makes its laws." - Nathan Rothschild.
2.A. Who are the NWO?
2.A.1. names of groups
2.A.2. names of individuals
2.B. the agenda of the NWO
2.B.1. the globalist map and the geopolitical terrain
2.B.2. the moral compass of the older members
2.B.2.A their in-ability to adapt to alternative ideas
2.B.2.B. their violent silencing of internal dissent
3. Ron Paul vs. the NWO
"End the Fed!" - Ron Paul.
3.A. Idealogical differences
3.A.1. Points of contention
3.A.1.A. Points of direct contention
3.A.1.B. points of potential further contention
3.B. Results of contentions
3.B.1. Results prior to 2012 election
3.B.2. potential results post-2012 election
3.B.2.A. divergeant paths in future reality
3.B.2.A.1. Romney wins the Rep nomination: Romney Vs. Obama = the NWO wins.
3.B.2.A.2. Ron Paul wins the Rep nomination: Ron Paul Vs. Obama = Liberty wins.
3.C. Potential long-term outcomes
3.C.1. Neo-feudalism under corporate monarchies polluting a collectivist dystopia.
3.C.2. Libertarian anti-taxation pro-gold re-distribution anti-corporatist utopia.
3.C.3. Most likely outcomes given historical dialectics
3.C.3.A. gradual scaling down of mega-corporations by IRS racketeering busts.
3.C.3.B. quickening plans in process for implimenting a gold-coin one-world currency.
3.C.4. Least likely outcomes given historical dialectics
3.C.4.A. the IMF suing the UN for recognition of sovereignty to impliment global martial law (worst case)
3.C.4.B. the UN being tried in the world-court for complicity in the CIA's "cold war" and post-911 crimes (best case)
3.C.4.C. Global Emperor Ron Paul
Ron Paul confirms New World Order
Ron Paul & Ralph Nader vs. the New World Order.
Ron Paul talks about the Bilderberg Group
1. Ron Paul
"I'm Ron Paul and I'm the champion of Liberty, I believe in the Constitution and a limited gov't." - Ron Paul.
1.A. Who is Ron Paul?
Having met Ron Paul in person, insofar as I was in a line to shake his hand at a book-signing he attended here in my home-town, I can speak on his character from my own personal experience. To me, he reminded me of myself in a better life, insofar as, in some ways, we were the same, and those ways, more pronounced in him, were things I would like to have been able to better develop in myself. He is, to my assesment, shy, but he has obviously, for his whole life, forced himself to be out-going. This much we share in common as a personal trait, however, which I have always failed in, and which, in his case, Ron Paul has succeeded, by conquering his shyness, and being able to speak well in public, and to relate to any individual on a personal level. He has compassion, he has resolve and inner-strength, and he has conviction that his direction is the correct one for him to be headed on. As I approached him in line to pass his book to him for his signature, I grew in admiration for him more and more, and when I got to shake his hand, I smiled and thanked him in a way I hoped would encompass my full amount of respect and the sincere depth of my gratittude for his playing the part of a positive role-model in my own life.
Ron Paul is a 12 term Republican Congressman from Klute, Texas, in the United States House of Representatives. He has written numerous books on the subjects of libertarian philosophies, the "Austrian school" of economics, and the US Constitution from the point of view of a public servant who has sworn to uphold it as his oath of office. He married Carrol, his high-school sweet-heart, and enlisted in the US Air Force at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis as a medical flight doctor. After leaving the service he worked as an Obstitrician Gynecologyst, and eventually built up his own medical practise, and has delivered over 4000 babies during his medical career. He entered politics in the mid 1970's, citing his reason for doing so as growing concerns for the "path the nation was on" following President Nixon's removal of the USDollar from the gold-standard. In the 1980's he was appointed by President Ronald Reagan to serve on the Gold Comission, tasked to investigate retooling the Federal Reserve to mint gold coin currency. In 1988, he ran against Republican nominee George Herbert Walker Bush and Democrat Michael Dukakis as a third party, Libertarian candidate for the US Presidency. He ran again for the US Presidency in 2008, this time narrowly missing garnering the nomination for the Republican party. He is currently running for the Republican nomination, to be decided this October, prior to the 2012 Presidential race between the Republican nominee and Democrat incumbant Barrak Hussein Obama, in November of this year.
Ron Paul has spent the better part of his adult life "championing the cause of liberty," that is, as he defines it, the "right of every individual, given to us by our creator." He further defines this cause by framing the intent of the US Constitutional founders' as being to "ensure our rights to personal liberty and a sound economy." Personal liberty, he goes further to say, "includes the right to our person, our privacy, what we eat and drink and put into our bodies, and should also include the right to keep the fruits of our labour." A "sound economy," Ron Paul further goes on to say, is "given in section 10:1, the Contracts Clause of the US Constitution, as being ONLY gold and silver."
Ron Paul is a rather unique figure in all of human history. He has managed to gain a massive amount of populist support from the American voting public as well as from many hundreds of thousands of international fans online, in a relatively short period of time, while denying to use his salary as a Congressman to campaign with, as well as not appealing to the support of all big name lobbying firms to campaign for him. The "brushfires of freedom" message has spread rapidly online, and during the 2008 camapign cycle it was statistically certain that, had everyone who supported Dr. Paul's candidacy for US President would have been able to vote for him, he would have won; however, at that time, most of the "fan base" for his "personality cult" was larger internationally than it was accepted in the main-stream media. The subsequent formation of the "Tea Party" movement, a diverse group of non-partisan, disgruntled voters, was largely created when Ron Paul did not win the US Presidency in 2008. Other groups, such as "Campaign for Liberty" online, "Youth for Liberty" on university campuses, and the current "phone bankers" and "money bomb" contributors for the "Restore America Now" campaign platform in Ron's present Presidential election race, have shown strong dedication to supporting Ron Paul as their sole choice for a Republican nominated candidate. The primary enemies of Ron Paul's dedicated campaign staff and his very loyal supporters world-wide have been the small, and shrinking, cabal of the NWO-owned "main-stream media." The "MSM" has a strong aversion to the incumbent, Obama, opposed "tea party" as "radical right-wing extremists," and has devoted less time to covering Paul than any other candidate, and devoted their full amount of time covering him to attempts at slandering his personality. In historical hind-sight, this will appear, as it does to many of us alive now, to be a pathetic and desperate "last ditch" attempt by the "MSM" to maintain their fading relevancy in the online, direct media era of the 21st century internet.
1.A.1. what his supporters believe
Ron Paul supporters, sometimes called "Paulites" in the MSM, are more attached to the election of Ron Paul than any constituency has been to any political candidate in the last 75 years. Even the "I Like Ike" campaign cannot be considered comparable to the "Ron Paul phenomenon," although that sort of vapid populist sloganeering was matched in 2008 by the "Obamanoids," the neo-liberal and zionist Democrat voters who elected Obama. The platform Ron Paul stands on, and which is fully supported by his constituency, be they called the "Tea Party" or "plaeo-conservatives," "libertarians" or "Austrians," etc., is, stated simply, "not just to win an election, but to change the whole course of history." Although he might not like to see himself as a "leader" of a social movement, which he defends as being comprised of individuals, many of whom don't agree with one another, the dedicated "Paulites" who have followed him and found him flawless since the lead-up to the 2008 election cycle know that he is a once in a lifetime candidate. The "Paulite" faction are loyal to the death to Ron Paul, and most of them are prepared to commit to a populist revolutionary civil war inside the United States to oust the existing federal government if Ron Paul cannot accomplish their coup for them bloodlessly using the existing system of Democracy. His supporters are not "crazy," nor "radicals," nor "extremists." They are real people, who believe in the value of the US Constitution, and who know that there is a cabal of bankers already running the federal government and the MSM that do not have the best interests of "real people," like themselves, at all in their minds or hearts.
Ron Paul's supporters are not stupid, as the MSM would love the US voters to believe. They know what the MSM knows also, but will not admit; that Ron Paul is not only "electable" (having run and won 12 times for Congress) in general, but that, in all polls against incumbent Democrat President Barrak Obama, Ron Paul wins by a wide margin. Ron Paul is the popular choice, and, unless he renounces everything he stands for and stumps for any of his "status quo" opponents, he has already clinched both the Republican party nomination for candidate as well as the general election for 45th President of the United States of America. However, knowing how much popular support there is for this man, the NWO machine has sought to rail-road his campaign beside massive, premature and non-journalistic, headlines announcing the Republican candidate nomination of Mormon former governor of Massachusettes, Mitt Romney, months prior to the republican primary election, held at the Republican National Convention, when the nominee is actually picked by all the assembled delegates. Ron Paul supporters, the so-called "Paulites," have already occupied more than enough of the "un-bound" delegate positions to land-slide Romney, as well as the rest of the other (still technically on the ballot, though no longer campaigning) "status quo" candidates right out of relevancy into the margins of the dust-bin of history. The 2012 RNC will be, so long as Ron Paul is still alive and has not been replaced by a bizarro-Ron Paul clone who looks like him but says and believes the opposite, a major historical event for freedom-loving patriots everywhere around the world.
Unfortunately, if Ron Paul is not nominated in the Republican primaries as the GOP candidate for 45th US President, there will be a LOT of VERY pissed off "real people" who will be ready, willing and able to execute a successful coup-de-tat in Ron Paul's name against the federal gov't of the USA. The problem with this line of logic is that it means we will not have Ron Paul himself involved for as long a period of time. If he is Democratically elected President of the USA, and assuming that election is honored by the NWO-appointed incumbent administration, Ron will likely live to a ripe old age many years after retiring from fixing the national economy and repealing most of the Federal Register of laws. If he loses the election, or worse, is assassinated, the mob he leads will be left leaderless, and the result will prove the NWO'ers - who believe humanity's natural state is violent anarchy - justified in enforcing their wet-dream of global martial law.
1.A.2. what his detractors believe
As already mentioned, his detractors, mainly within the "main-stream media" (MSM), call Ron Paul alot of names and accuse him of alot of basically false assertions. The most publicised criticism of him in the MSM is over "racist newsletters" which were circulated under his name during his Libertarian party run for the Presidency in 1988 against George Herbert Walker Bush. The use of "dirty tricks" by the Bush campaign is a matter of no small amount of historical record, and, although Ron Paul did not write these "racist newsletters" himself and has disavowed all contact from their author, the MSM continues to blame him personally and accuse him of being "racist," which is patently slanderous libel because it is untrue. However, there are a few other allegations raised against Ron Paul by his detractors, although they are no less untrue, nor any more maturely and logically formulated arguments. For example, the MSM loves to assail Ron Paul as "unelectable." This is of course, nonsense, because he is a 12 term elected Congressman. They compare him to Ross Perot, the third-party "Reform" candidate in the 1992 electoral cycle who ran against incumbent George HW Bush and Democrat Bill Clinton, and call him, in no uncertain terms, a "leprachaun," and the "tea party" movement he and his son, Rand Paul, helped form, the MSM has followed suit from other neo-conservatives in the federal gov't itself, calling them "political hobbits." The only (to my current knowledge) serious investigative research-journalist from outside the MSM to attack Paul's integrity, Webster Tarpley, accuses Paul of "nepitism," citing that "some 60 members of his family are on his congressional pay roll." Not only is that not a crime, but it is common practise among the existing cabal of the weallthy elites in the federal government to hire their immediate family. While Vice President of the United States, Dick Cheney appointed his own daughter to the Department of Homeland Security, a federal agency he had helped create. Even IF Ron Paul WERE a "nepitist," it would be irrelevant from the point of view of anyone alive now who thinks in a long-term historical perspective. That is about the calibre of all those charges against Paul levelled by his public detractors.
However, there are other people who have a much stronger negative opinion about Ron Paul than those who express their idiocies on tv, and these poeple are not usually seen on tv or, if they are, it is only very briefly and only in a position of extreme public authority. For example, the owners of the MSM and the chairs of the Federal Reserve Bank, not to mention many of the diplomats staffing the UN and NATO, as well as those economic beuracrats staffing NGOs like the CFR, Trilateral Commission, the IMF and World Bank. These people have almost ALL the money and could very easily have Ron Paul assassinated at any moment. They did it to Democrat President John Fitzgerald Kennedy; they tried to do it to Republican President Ronald Reagan; they could do it to the current Democrat President Barack Obama, if they thought he were going to step out of line. That is, in short, the entire essence of the wealthy elite's social authority: their ability to press a button and bomb anyone, anywhere, from a stealth drone. This is the power that Ron Paul has, religiously, attacked his entire life, and which, once he is elected president, he will hopefully reverse and overturn. However, there are ominous shadows underlying his role as the NWO's detractor, considering that they have NOT, yet, assassinated him. It allows some pie-eye'd conspiracy-theorists to question whether Ron Paul is true to his cause, or whether he is some kind of long-term plant sent to infiltrate the Democratic Republic of the USA and subvert all popular dissenters into accepting a NWO global government.
Thus, there are public detractors of Ron Paul, who assail him with empty insults and childish jibes in the MSM on TV, and then there are those who have simply been so wounded, and become so jaded, in fighting against the NWO that they actually believe Ron Paul, who is the "champion of liberty," is a plant for the elites, a straw-man set-up to fail as "controlled opposition;" and this latter group sit silent, watching Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly, waiting for their chance to vote for Mitt Romney to prove to themselves the futility of attacking a corrupt system from within.
1.B The message and the messenger
"I'm an imperfect messenger, but the message is perfect." - Ron Paul.
Ron Paul has long had a nick-name among his fellow members of the US House of Representatives and his colleagus in the Senate. His fellow Congress-people call him "Dr. No," because he has never voted to raise taxes, has never taken a paid junket, has never voted for a congressional pay-raise, and always votes according to whether the bill passes his personal muster for being in-line with the letter and spirit of the US Constitution, which has placed him in the hot-seat of being the sole "Nay" vote on numerous key-pieces of neo-con and neo-lib legislation, such as the USA-PATRIOT Act and the TSA, recent internet-related censorship bills like PIPA and SOPA, as well as on the NDAA relating to indefinate detention and drone-assassinations being applied to US citizens. Ron voted in favour of the "use of force" in reprisal against "those responsible for the attacks" of 9-11, but endorsed using the Constitutional "letters of mark and reprisal," that would have allowed the US to "merc" Bin Laden using US Navy Seal Team 6, in 2001, when UBL was still in Afghanistan. Ron voted co-sponsored the "Dodd-Frank" legislation to audit the Federal Reserve, but ultimately did not vote for his own bill when it was passed as a referendum against the big investment banks on Wall Street exhonerating blame for the "mortgage crisis" from the Federal Reserve directly.
In short, it is difficult to be the sole voice of opposition within a system, and to daily meet with the disapproval of almost all of your peers within that system, without it having any negative psychological impact on one at all. Ron Paul, although he presents a strong image of positivity, often predicts the complete economic failure of the US system, and, although he never makes public calls for such, would probably not mind seeing the majority of his colleagues hung for treason. That makes him seem a very ugly sort of person to those in the MSM who refuse to research his actual positions and policies. For example, once an open mic was left on in the White House Press Room prior to an address by then Press-Secretary Robert Gibbs, and the reporters were overheard discussing Ron Paul. One of them quipped, "only half of us would be here if Ron Paul were the President." It is no secret that, by closing 5 federal department agencies in his first year as President, Ron Paul's "Restore America Now" budget-plan does call for gradually attritioning more than 5,000 some federal government beauracrats; in short, yes, under a President Paul there would be government job lay-off's. The truth, however, is not that these closures would be to attack his political enemies, as implied by the MSM reporter's comments, but that they are necessary to reduce the size of the federal government. The simple fact is that, at present, there are too many agencies being paid by US tax dollars to provide collectively un-necessary and/or personally invasive services that impede our cultural progress as a nation of individuals. "You can't make an omlette without breaking a few eggs." The eggs to be broken, in this case, can either be some 6,000 federal employees thrown out of work and looking for a new job, or they can be the entire tax-paying population, who would be made to pay those 6,000 federal employees' salaries by quantitative easing by the Fed inflating prices across the board.
Ron shrugs off the insulting nick-name given to him by his corrupt colleagues, reminding himself frequently of his wife, Carrol's, joke about how, in Ron's case, it should be spelled Dr. "K-no-W." However, it is clear that years of being charged by pro-welfare statists and supply-side economists have done some damage to the poor man's ego, because at times in his speeches he has waxed somewhat emotional about being accused of "hating the poor." This blanket smear, leveled by reactionary provacateurs since Lenin, assaults the premise that Adam Smith's conceptual "laissez-faire" capitalism, the ideal "free-market," is responsible for the moral decay and ultimately the literal bankrupting of the American Dream itself. The argument made in defense of "capitalism" BEING the "American Dream" by Ron Paul and other Austrian economists is that the ideal "free market" form of capitalism has "never been tried," because as soon as it had been codefied as the "legal tender" law of the USA, large corporations began to form that eventually successfully lobbeyed congress to reverse the Constitutional ban on direct taxation and to create the Federal Reserve as a US central bank, a disaster the original founding fathers had debated against for decades. A "true free market," they argue, "has a gold coin currency and tough anti-racketeering and anti-counterfeting laws to break apart monopolistic corporations and fiat-loan agencies." It is, thus, a fallacy to say that "Ron Paul believes the market would regulate itself," because he believes in the use of government to enforce market-regulatory laws such as these. It is, however, as he has said, a much more difficult false-accusation for him to bear whenever it is said that "Ron Paul doesn't care about the poor."
1.B.1. the perfect message: Liberty
Ron Paul's message is simple: America became great based on the principles of individual liberty, as laid out in the founding documents of the nation - the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the USA, and the Bill of Rights and on-going Ammendments to the Constitution. He believes that, when individual liberty is maximized, there will be some people who do things we don't like, but that our own ability to seek excellence and pursue a life of virtue can allow us to lead by example, and thus allow us to pre-empt the use of force using diplomacy. Ron Paul's greatest single contribution to the narrative of the debate at this juncture in history is the simple statement: "We should apply the Golden Rule to International Relations. If we wouldn't want another nation doing it to us, we should not do it to another nation." Statements of this magnitude have earned Ron Paul the greatest amount of campaign contributions in both 2008 and now in 2012 from active duty armed-services personelle. His first executive order, he has stated, as president would be to "Bring the Troops Home." He intends to close all foreign military bases, and restation all troops within the US borders. The greatest idea Ron Paul has proposed for his budget plan to "Restore America Now" is to allow the circulation and ownership of gold and silver coins as "parallel pricing" structured, "competing currency" circulating at the same time as USDollar Federal Reserve notes. This sort of idea for not only how to attrition out current social problems, but for how to replace their causes with a better cure that will prevent the symptoms from re-occuring, is truly a feat worthy of inspiring such a broad-based social movement as we can find among Ron Paul's "Paulite" followers.
Although Ron Paul has often said, "the peace candidate always wins," he has met with great opposition in the MSM from within the GOP, where the majority of candidates backed by the Republican party are very "hawkish" pro-war personalities. For as long as he has been in Congress, which has been since the mid-1990's under then Democrat President Bill Clinton, Ron Paul has decried the "drums of war" beating to put economic sanctions on Iran, which he has long fore-warned us was the neo-con's long-term target in the Mid-east, a region where Ron Paul believes the US should not be involved at all. Regardless of his position on international relations with other soveriegn nations, be they on George W. Bush's "Axis of Evil" enemies-list or those in the EU who have been long term allies of the US and who are now suffering a Federal Reserve-caused economic crisis, Ron Paul's belief in the need to "bring our troops home" to "defend America's borders" poses a much larger challenge against the "military industrial complex" than his position of "non-interventionism" being slandered as "isolationism" in the MSM admits. In 2008, when Ron Paul was running for the Republican nomination, jounralist Benjamin Fulford interviewed John D. Rockefeller Jr. and asked him if he had ever heard of Ron Paul's platform to "end the Federal Reserve;" Rockefeller's answer was "no," he had not heard of him. It is not for any lack of historical impact his beliefs have on the facade of the "status quo" in the establishment that the rich elite planners of the NWO are ignoring the threat to their oligarchical hegemony in the form of a US President Ron Paul. The heads of the NWO's planning bodies are simply, themselves, largely isolationistic from any views outside their own. Ron Paul's message of "peace" is catastrophically fatal to the plans for a global government of the NWO that depend on wars, rumors of wars, disease, poverty and death. Re-stationing all the US Military troops currently abroad back home within the US borders will break the DOD and Pentagon's military empire, and without the threat of state-force, the coercion by rackets such as the Federal Reserve and IMF will lose all authority.
1.B.2. the imperfect messenger
Ron Paul stutters. Sometimes, while speaking out loud, he makes statements that are potentially confusing to his listeners, although which make perfect grammatic sense if read written-down. Once, Comedy Central "Daily Show" news-anchor John Stewart referred to Ron Paul as a "bit of a pen and paper guy," refering to Ron's tendency to get carried away while speaking extemporaneously, but then still be able to bring his point back around to the initial premise, even after a long interjection of additional information, using simple topical points at pivotal moments in his speech. Alot of Ron Paul's unique delivery in speaking is due to his own interior struggle to maintain his level of personal confidence in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds against him. As I mentioned before, when I met him, I instantly connected to Ron Paul's shyness, which is so obvious to me as someone who is also shy. He has long struggled to overcome his humble nature, and to become a stronger public speaker. It is this humility in his delivery that has opened the door for his detractors to accuse him of being like a "leprachaun," and to make humour of his personality, or worse, allowed them to gloss over, marginalise and ignore him altogether.
1.B.2.A. what his supporters believe
Doug Wead, a chief staffer in the "Restore America Now" 2012 Ron Paul Presidential campaign, once referred to Ron Paul as a "Ghandi-like creature." This is, indeed, how this spry, yet slender, 77 year old great grand-father appears to his "Paulite" supporters. His irreproachable adherance to his beliefs, incorruptable in the face of offers of money, fame, power, and coupled with threats of death and torture, defammation and death-threats against those he loves, has earned him, among his supporters, a deeper level of adherance in strength of hope than any politician since JFKennedy. That he chose the Republican party to base his platform of "liberatarian" ideals within is only, he often admits, "to win elections, because it is impossible to do so if you are in a third party outside the strict two-party system," and he speaks from experience, having lost as the third party "Libertarian" candidate in 1988. However, as it is quite clear in this case, often times the politician's affiliation to a political party means less to their constituents than do the personal beliefs of that politician themselves. Ron Paul not only decries the "status quo" establishment, he has proposed an alternative to it that would be preferable to everyone else who is also disenchanted with the existing system. During the earlier months of the 2012 election cycle, Ron repeatedly met MSM challenges to his credibility based on his age and health by saying he would "challenge any of the other candidates to a 10 mile bicycle ride in 100% humidity in Texas." In short, the ONLY complaint anyone who has heard Ron Paul's message can level against Ron Paul himself is that "he is too good to be true." This sort of cynical skepticism threatens us with the end of the American middle-class.
1.B.2.B. what his detractors believe
Ron Paul's detractors believe they can use him as bait, to lure out the opinions of all their potential political "enemies," and then round them up and put them into concentration camps. They, and I must specify, comprise an incredibly numerically small group of people, however, they are both serious about that threat, and capable financially of carrying it out. In short, this small cabal wish to think of Ron Paul as "controlled opposition," regardless of whether they are letting him in on their use of him as such or not. To this extent, they find him useful and allow him to go on about his daily business, unaware they are purposefully letting him live for their own nefarious reasons. His detractors, both those who plot his downfall as well as those who simply see no future for him, consider him as appealing only to a "fringe" of socially marginalised losers, the "hippy" types that President Nixon had once dubbed "radical muck-raking liberals." This, of course, is simply not the truth. The "liberty message" is not going away, and the more Ron Paul's predictions of the decay of American values the NWO incrementally imposes on the American people, the more angry everyone gets. Ultimately, the populous do not "blame the messenger," and only, as I say, a very small number of very rich people on this planet right now are even thinking how to exploit or exterminate him to their own benefit.
Ron Paul's detractors, for the most part, are elitists. They look down their noses at other people, and ultimately trust nobody. What they believe about Ron Paul is the same as they believe about his supporters, and the same they beleive about everyone: they are stupid, worthless wastes of resources and they deserve to die. You see, for as much Good as there is expressed in the "liberty message" by Ron Paul, there is at least as much Evil bottled-up inside the hearts and minds of the rich elite in the NWO.
2. the NWO
"Give me control of a nation's currency, and I care not who makes its laws." - Nathan Rothschild.
It may or may not seem hard to believe that there are people so sour in their own guts, so self-loathing and so self-absorbed in their minds, that they have come to the conclusion they are the smartest person on earth, that the world revolves entirely around them, and that everyone else alive now deserves to die when a comet crashes into the earth. Nevertheless, there are people alive right now so sour in their own guts, so self-loathing bodily and self-absorbed mentally, that they had it etched into the Georgia Guide-Stones in 5 languages that the total human population on earth needs to be reduced to around 100 million (present estimates exceed 7 billion alive now). Tuxedo "philanthropist" Ted Turner has advocated this publically, while billionaire Bill Gates has made substantial financial contributions to the World Health Organisation (WHO) to sterilise women and to spread incurable infections in third-world countries, mainly in Africa. It is no secret that even Apple-Macintosh founder Steve Jobs benefitted from stem-cell surgery performed on him in China, where stem cells are inhumanely procured through forced abortion. The essential "eugenics" agenda of the richest elite alive now is not new, nor was it when Hitler wrote of it as the "Aryan ideal" of "racial hygeine" (later called "ethnic cleansing," ie. genocide) in "Mein Kampf" during the Veimarr Republic era of hyper-inflation in Germany. The concept of "purging" the "undesirables" can be traced back to no sooner than the earliest Caesars of the Roman Empire. Prior to this time, prisoners of war were captured and made into slaves or killed. However, following the massive expansion of territories under the later Roman Republic, the earliest Caesars were, ubiquitiously, driven totally "power-mad." They invented the concept of an "enemy of the state," who could also be a citizen of the state, and who, once labeled as such a "terrorist," could be subject to random assassination. Ultimately, it doesn't matter whether you are being targetted for assassination due to your race (beit semitic Palestinian or black African) or due to your creed of beliefs (beit Muslim or Yiddish). The height of this hateful idealogy is simply put: "population reduction." If you believe the planet earth is "over-populated" with human beings, take the initiative, and kill yourself. Nevertheless, the false premise of "over-population" causing pollution that contributes to "global warming" is an alarmist battle-cry among the environmentalist scientists who benefit from government funding grants.
2.A. Who are the NWO?
You are not in the NWO if you are reading this. In point of factual process, if you are even aware that the NWO exists, you are not in the NWO. The "NWO" does not call itself that, and the members of the most financially elite planning bodies do not call themselves nor their philosophy by that term. Often times, the equally insulting slang-nomen "Illuminati" is slung at these hyper-rich scum-pigs, however this is no less inappropriate than calling Obama "my nigga" or "my homie" if you're not George Bush, King Fhad or the Pope. It would probably come as only a small shock for any current presidential candidate who, once elected, would find out they are in fact utterly powerless to dis-obey their real bosses in the NWO. Romney is nothing if not a poster-child for a NWO wannabe, and Santorum, Bachmann, Cain and Gingrich are the same. Gingrich can at least say he attended Bohemian Grove, although, in interviews, he denies it even exists, saying instead only, "some people have a very vivid imagination" when asked about it by independent journalist for "We Are Change," Luke Rudowksi. The people who are in the positions of the greatest authority over making policy choices for the movements of armies, the impositions of economic sanctions, the rerouting of food and energy-supplies, etc. are a small cabal, truly speaking a "conspiracy," who are simply super-rich and who mostly all know one another. They don't see themselves as bad people; they just see you and I and everyone else below their economic class as "bad people." The fact of this is never so apparent as when a rich elitist is questioned about a crime for which they are complicit in commanding the order for: they run away, hide their face from the camera, and often insult or assault the jounralist. They are completely consumed by their own self-loathing to such an extent they insulate themselves from all possible recrimination for their immoral choices. To say they are "psychotic" would not be exactly accurate; technically they could be diagnosed as "sociopathic schizophrenics," because, like "sociopaths," or "malignant narcissists" they understand, yet ignore, the moral register of "right" and "wrong," and because, like "schizophrenics," they exist entirely insulated inside a realm of their own delusions with no contact to any outside world. The apparent difference in social status between a full-fledged criminal pimp like Charles Manson and a full-fledged legal pimp like Domnique Strauss Khann is negligible in historical hind-sight. There is no doubt now, 2000 years later, that Caesar Nero was himself the greatest "enemy of the state" of his era. 100 years from now the fact that "Bush knocked down the towers" will be taught in elementary schools. As they say, "you should choose to be on the right side of history." The "old guard" of the richest elites, the so-called "1% of the 1%," consist of a very small number of people alive right now, and they don't subscribe to any group hierarchy, but see each other as more or less equal in defending their wealth against the "crisis of democracy." They are all completely psychotic and, in my personal opinion at least, should probably just be shot.
2.A.1. names of groups
As I say, the richest elites belong to multiple planning bodies and stearing committees and do not even keep track of the names of all of them for themselves, as was revealed when Henry Kissinger denied knowing what the Bilderberg Group was, and when British Prime Minister Tony Blair admitted he purgered himself to the House of Commons when he had testified he had never attended the Bilderberg Group conferences. For this reason, it is expedient enough to list only a few of these planning bodies and stearing committees, including both those publically known as well as those attended privately and illegally (in violation of the US Logan Act against secret collusion between US citizens and foreign diplomats), and then to study the past and present member-lists of these few groups in order to find the "big fish" amongst the school of minnows like Kissinger and Blair. Suffice it to say about all these groups that the more senior the member, the longer-term plans they are allowed to present for the group to adopt. For example, if you are a little fish like Tony Blair, you are a "yes-man" in the "war on terror," and privvy to little more intelligence on longer term projects than daily briefings by your peers in the US DOD and executive branch. If you are a little bit bigger fish, like Henry Kissinger, you may propose projects that would extend into the future to take the same amount of time to complete as you have already been a member; as far as the example of Kissinger goes, he is a rather long-term planner, slightly senior even to Zbiegnew Brzinski, author of the "Grand Chessboard," a veritable NWO geo-political bible. Kissinger's plans for the gradual phasing out of Asian communism following Nixon's visit to Mao TseTung in China are considered epic in their scope by many in this class or field, but in truth Kissinger's authority in the current hierarchy extends little beyond the tip of his own nose. Kissinger, a long-term Soviet spy who gained so much access into US policy-making during the Cold War that it essentially dissolved the "iron curtain" between Washington DC and Moscow decades before the Berlin Wall technically fell, must still bow and scrape before John D. Rockefeller Jr. or Jacob Rothschild, let alone before King Fhad or the Pope. However, as I have also said, these rich old men are all very psychologically sick. Most of them have developed peculiar anti-social predilictions due to their genetic inter-breeding and their social isolationism. It means nothing for someone of Kissinger's "status" in his field to order the napalm carpet-bombing of Cambodia, or for someone such as George Herbert Walker Bush to order the economic sanctions on Iraq leading to the deaths of over 10,000 Iraqi children, paying, as former secretary of state Madelline Albright has put it, a "price we were willing to pay."
Thus, with that caveat, here is a short-list of some of the most nerfarious well-known and lesser-known groups comprising the rich elite's NWO:
The Trilateral Commission. The Council on Foreign Relations. The Federal Reserve. The Pentagon and DOD. The Intelligence Community agencies. The Holy See and Vatican Two Council. The UN. The EU. NATO. The Bilderberg Group. The Bohemian Grove Camp. FEMA. NORAD. The IMF and World Bank. The "Coalition of the Willing" member-nations. The DHS and TSA. The Communist Party of China. Skull and Bones. The Supreme Court and past-Presidents of the USA. The NYPD.
As I have said also, everywhere you find anyone belonging to more than one of these groups, you will have found someone who has seniority to anyone belonging to only one, within the hierarchy of elders comprising the unofficial, de facto, NWO.
2.A.2. names of individuals
One "conspiracy" researcher, Fritz Sprigmeier, whose work on "mind control methods" is second only to Josef Mengele, inventor of the field, has proposed the theory that there are 13 families who own the world's wealth and control all the policy choices made by elected officials. This is a feasible theory, considering the concentration of wealth into the hands of a shrinking elite few, however the concept of wealth being held by only a very few, capitalist monarchs, so to speak, has been proliferated upon by subsequent researchers such as David Icke and Jim Marrs to elaborate on in-breeding between these families over thousands of years to account for their rare genetic traits, such as the common "blue-blood" ailment of thin-bloodedness or aenomoeia or the once held distinct "Hapsburg nose," etc. The concept that a small number of families control the vast majority of the world's riches should not be mistaken in the circles of the NWO for a system of hereditary titulary alike a national monarchy. One family can become rich in the same amount of time another can become poor, and only certain offices, such as the President, the Pope, or CEO, persist; the people who hold these offices, the Presidents, Popes and CEOs themselves, do not. I will not disavow Sprigmeir's concept of "13 ruling families" of the richest elite, although I refuse to adopt the extension of this theory proposed by Icke and Marrs and their ilk that the same "13 ruling families" are the same bloodlines of the original ruling elite in Babylon. That seems, to me at least, personally, making a mountain out of a mole-hill. On the one hand, we could easily dis-empower the rich elite by simply redefining the human concept of what constitutes "wealth" as apart from their fiat corporate empires. On the other hand, it only empowers the already rich elite needlessly moreso to imagine them being descended from the original Babylonian Emperors. In short, even if it is true, it's irrelevant in formulating a strategy toward disenfranchising them. The method to destroy the NWO is the same either way: create a new form of economy that excludes them personally.
For the purpose of excluding some of these people personally from the "new economic order," I will give the names of only a few of the most notorious criminals alive right now who, nevertheless, have thus far avoided prosecution for their war crimes and war profiteering. And don't get me wrong here either, just because I might say, "George Bush Sr. and Jr." - it doesn't necessarily mean Jr's daughters Jenna and Barb, nor if I say, "Bill and Hillary Clinton," it should be taken to extend to their daughter, Chelsea, either. The sins of the fathers are only visited onto the heads of their sons if the offspring CHOOSE that course. At any time, any of these people may choose to repent of their corrupt ways, and change the whole world. But I digress, here are some names:
John D. Rockefeller, Jr.; Jacob Rothschild; Henry Kissinger; Henry Kravis; George Bush Sr. and Jr.; Bill and Hillary Clinton; Barrack Hussein Obama; Pope Benedict XVI; King Fhad of the House of Saud; Dick Cheney; Joe Biden; Benjamin Netenyahu; Benjamin Bernanke; Domnique Strauss-Khann; Ted Turner; Bill Gates; George Soros; James Baker; Christine LaGarde; Kofi Anan; Silvio Berlusconi; Vladimir Putin; Tony Blair; Tony Hayward; Michael Bloomberg; Rupert Murdoch; Jospeh Liebermann; etc.
2.B. the agenda of the NWO
The agenda of the NWO is simple and, as I have said, re-enforced by their pyschotic insulation from reality: they want to protect their personal property, which in itself is noble and moral enough; only they believe, wrongly, however re-enforced by their psycho-social insulation from reality, that their "personal property" extends to include all the natural and labour resources of the entire planet earth. That is insanity, to say, "I own earth," but if you asked any of the above short-listed names I mentioned for their resume, that would be their chief qualification, even if only for a job "flipping burgers." These petty-tyrant, Napoleon-complex, type-A personality, tin-pot, chicken-hawk, arm-chair, hypocrites are a dime a dozen among the upper middle-class of the USA, however what distinguishes a prestigious meglo-maniac war-criminal like George Bush or Henry Kissinger from the average, upper-middle class American citizen is about a 100,000,000 dollar bank-account and a collection of at least 100,000 dead souls on their conscience they were directly responsible for murdering. Yet even the names of the richest pigs in our present society will fade out drifting away on the winds of history alike the lyrics of a popular song. Their contributions to the forwarding of the long-term agenda of the NWO globalists will be recalled as irrelevant by a decade from now. Their "personal property" will be ours again. We will inherit "their" earth, because they will die of old age.
Micro-manageing the global economy comes down to one man's job in this system. The Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank is largely responsible for setting the policies applied to the US Economy, in part due to US policy-choices, and in part in reaction to other global economic indicators, and it is, ultimately, the Fed's policies influencing the US economy that determine the day-to-day fates of all the other world currency markets, because they are all tied to the USDollar, the so-called "Federal Reserve Note," as the World-Reserve Currency. The former Chairman of the Federal Reserve was Alan Greenspan, whose mentor was Ayn Rand, author of "Atlas Shrugged," a book encouraging the so-called "owners of the means of production" to go on collective strike and self-destruct the system of indsutrialist capitalism from within. Greenspan, as Fed Chairman, oversaw the collapse of the USDollar's value during the Fed-induced "mortgage bubble" and consequent "big bank bail-out bill" endorsed, pre-election in 2008, by both the Republican Presidentical candidate John McCain and the Democrat candidate Barrack Obama. Ultimately, Greenspan blamed it on "free market capitalism," claiming he "was wrong in thinking that banking institutions would act in their own best interest to regulate themselves." The direct result of Greenspan's disasterous policies, continued by the present Fed Chair Ben Bernanke with Quantitative Easing (or QE, long held to be the first step of hyper-inflation), is the "Occupy Wall Street" movement, comprised of literally millions of newly homeless US citizens who have taken to mass demonstrations camping in tents in public parks in major cities across the USA. The demands of the "Occupiers" in this movement are few, but their placement of blame for their present situation squarely at the door-step of the big Wall-Street investment banking firms is obvious. Few solutions, such as the proposed "Soros tax" on the rich, seem capable of appeasing the insatiable appetite for justice of this brutally abused and ignored population statistic. Each "Occupier" has their own beliefs, and, unlike the "Tea Party" movement, they collectively have absolutely no loyalty to any single idealogy, even if it is against something, such as the "radicals" in the "tea party" opposing un-Consitutional direct taxation without representation. There is no hope in blaming Wall Street for the present mess, if you do not have any better method than them for cleaning up the mess they created.
2.B.1. the globalist map and the geopolitical terrain
The rich elite of the NWO would very much like us to believe they are in total control of everything. However, the presence of a given number of "free-radicals," altough allowed for within the scope of their plans, has begun increasing at a more rapid rate than their plans have time to adapt for. In other words, the "dam" has sprung too many "leaks" to keep them all "plugged." The elite, who have practised peculiar voodoo death-rituals at Skull and Bones for the last five generations or so, and who are largely students of occult teachers such as Aleister Crowley and Anton LaVey, would very much like to feign surprise at this event, however they should not be surprised, and if they are, it is surely an ominous omen for them. The presence of "free radicals" in the socio-political system today include Ron Paul, Julian Assange and Bradley Manning of "Wiki-Leaks," the "Anonymous" movement of anarchistic hackers, the citizen-journalists of "WeAreChange" and "InfoWars," the "Tea Party" and "Occupy" movements, as well as countless thousands of internet-savvy revolutionary organisers in the nations of the Middle East and north-Africa, and the thousands of Greek "austerity" protestors, not to mention the massive tens of thousands at least turn-out to the on-going protests in Montreal, Quebec (French Canada). There are, already, too numerously many organisations to represent all in a single list. Nowadays, anyone who "info-jams" on a cell-phone camera live-streaming to the internet is profiled by the NSA and NYPD as a potential "cyber-terrorist." Still, old-school "Fox News" editorialist pundits Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly try to place all the blame for the present situation on one person, who just happens to be a different person each time they broadcast, but who is never, in reality, one of the people who are actually to blame. Even CNN and MSNBC have joined Fox's strategy of blind praise for the incumbent administration and blind hate-speech directed at the incumbent administrations' opposition. Cable TV news networks are playing fiddle on the deck of the Titanic. Wolf Blitzer, John King and Anderson Cooper are no less complicit in Obama's war-crimes than have Beck and O'Reilly been since Bush Jr.'s administration's era's war-crimes, and in turn all are nothing but the modern equivalent of Josef Goebbles. As mentioned earlier, the MSM (mainly consisting now of cable tv news networks), has already become irrelevant besides the direct media of the internet.
The new role for the NWO and its rich elite is as irrelevant in the global reality they, themselves, have wrought. Dominique Strauss-Khann, recently tried for a second time on the charge of international prostitute racketerring (ie. for being a "pimp"), this time in Paris following a first arrest in NYC, and the current scandal where, while escorting US President Obama while he visited Brazil's President, several Secret Service agents were found hiring prostitutes, and the on-going hushing-up of findings that 5200 Pentagon employees were found to have viewed child pornography (I am not even making that number up) - these are all only the tip of a very large, very dark, and very ominous ice berg, called in short "the Finders." Once the child-sex slave ring run by members of Mossad, ISI, Mi-6 and the US CIA is broken, the names of every single criminal in every single office of authority in every nation everywhere around the whole earth will be exposed in their proper, criminal context. The entire NWO house-of-cards will fall to the levelling wind of their sex-crimes. In the end, we, the people, will simply go insane from the same effect (brought about by the solar flare cycle's peak this year) as has caused the destabilisation of the NWO thus far, and, as brain-dead cannibal zombies, we, the people will eat the rich.
2.B.2. the moral compass of the older members
The NWO have failed to foresee the inevitability of not only their own irrelevance, but their imminient doom and downfall as well. They will be, are now being, and will soon be completely infiltrated by, betrayal after betrayal from within. They are, afterall, just human beings, thrust, as they would prefer to see it, by fate, into the un-wanted circumstance of having to plan the world's future. It is not their fault their predecessors failed to warn them their system was bound to collapse during their tenure due to the mistakes made by previous holders of their offices, nor is it even their fault that the offices they hold, as irrelevant and meglomania-inducing as they are, even exist now in the first place. They, as human beings, do not feel like they deserve to be hung for the treasonous actions commited by their predecessors. When the long black limos with the thick black-tinted windows speed through red lights leaving the Westfield, Virginia Marriot hotel parking lot after attending the 2012 "Bilderberg Group" meeting, and when Ben Bernanke or Norman Panetta, or Henry Geithner or HIllary Clinton are called to testify before Congress in hearings open to the press, these rich elites, as human beings, feel naked shame, self-loathing and self-disgust, but they "overcome" this "shortcoming" just as one must "overcome" a "shortcoming" such as shyness - by externalising rather than internalising, and by projecting outward the outcomes we would most like to see happen. Instead of breaking down into tears of shame and confessing their guilt to the mass public, these "figure-heads" of the true to-the-letter "conspiracy" of rich elites, instead broadcast their own self-loathing onto someone else. "Blaming one's enemy for one's own worst crimes" is the most common tactic for "hiding in plain sight" employed in the arsenal of these slimey little snakes in the grass. They cling on solely for the sake of a social status that is recognised only by a shrinking group of increasingly self-loathing and unpleasant people. They are led along like lepers to the lute of anyone innovative willing to scab for their agenda; Mark Zuckerberg, creator of the now wholely NSA-operated website "facebook," sold his franchise to their spies to have a movie made about him. I can't make stuff like that up; it's too real.
The oldest and thus highest-ranking rich elites in this globalist cabal, such as John D. Rockfeller Jr., Jacob Rothschild, Henry Kissinger, George Bush Sr., etc. are absolutely un-prepared to face the future "beyond the pale," their own personal siberian tundra, a wasteland where they no longer posess any property, and have no social relevance whatsoever, no self-assumed "responsibilities," and no one to look after them. In the end of their era, the rich will be ripped into by the poor, who, seeking to devour them, will arrive only too late to discover the rich have already eaten themselves. Of course, all of this is meant to be a bit colourfully elaborate, a bit roseate and technocolour, a bit off-colour, a bit of dark-humour, to make light of our present "global economic depression." However, in truth, it is, undeniably to everyone, what they deserve. The rich elites are like the lame babes of Sparta, taken out and left to die in the wilderness. They simply have no place in a society where there is not an unlimited supply of fiat credit-backed currency. Without the Federal Reserve, and without the IMF and the ineffectual UN, and without their elder planning body and stearing committee leaders, the entire NWO plot to continue to control the global geo-political "chess board" to their own benefit will collapse into total anarchy. This has, of course, been the plot of the NWO for centuries, however the present rich elite seem to not want to uphold their end of the bargain and part with their "personal property."
2.B.2.A their in-ability to adapt to alternative ideas
The rich elites must consume and feed on the same food and chemicals as the rest of us, however, due to their age and the rate at which their chemical pollution has begun to adversly impact the entire global environment, and to contaminate all water and food supplies, as well as due to their seeding the foods market with "genetically-modified organisms" (GMOs) via their genome-patenting mega-corporation Monsanto, the eldest rich elites will not long survive this world. It has been pointed out by many researchers from "serious" scientists like Ray Kurzweil to "kook" journalists like Alex Jones that the quest for life-extension and ultimately the chalice of immortality has long gone hand-in-hand "down the prim-rose path," paved with good intentions, with racism and eugenics. This coupling of a selfish desire to prolong their own life-time with the psychosis of believing themselves to be a superior race of human beings has earned the rich elite such well deserved criticisms as being "reptilians," as worshipping "Molech," as practising ritual human sacrifice, as being closet rapists, as homosexual pedofiles and even as vampiric cannibals. I say, again, all of these accsations are well deserved because, whether or not they have commited these forms of atrocities themselves, they have directly contributed to the insanity of our present global socio-political and economic crisis creating a condition where all these atrocities are permitted to occur. The crime of war itself is rarely blamed on this small cadre of rich elite in the MSM, because the MSM are owned by the rich elite. However, outside the inner-circles of greatest personal power on this planet, the so-called "99%" of "OWS" are the wolf huffing and puffing at the door. In the citizen-journalist and internet-based direct-news media, the blame for the deaths of every soldier on all sides in all the wars of the past century rest on the heads of the rich elite running the planet's "NWO" geo-political system now. As I say, the older the rich elitist, the less likely they are to want to stray from their seniority's plots for the long-term management of foreign nations. Because seniority in this rich elite determines rank, and because the older members are the most dead-set in their own doomsday plan, the entire NWO system is doomed to fail, and is perpetually precariously poised on the precipace of complete break-down at all times. To hear CNBC commentator Jim Kramer tell it, everything is more or less SNAFU, with nothing out of the ordinary to see here, but others such as economist Peter Schiff and trends-watcher Gerald Celente, are predicting the same iminent doom and collapse of the global dollar-backed economy as implied by the advertisements for "gold investors" that air during all the commercial breaks on MSM.
Now, there can be a counter-argument made, which is raised only by an extreme minority of, admittedly very imperfect, researchers at this time. The researcher is Webster Tarpley, who has covered the "Bilderberg" meetings for over a decade and who is as often accurate as Gerald Celente in his doom and gloom predictions of socio-political trends such as the current "get money out of politics" meme. Tarpley is adamantly opposed to Ron Paul, in particular, as being the "right hand man" for Mitt Romney, whom Tarpley considers to be a shoe-in for the Republican nomination, and (again, only as implied by Tarpley's reasoning) gauranteed to lose against Democrat incumbant Obama. Tarpley refers to Paul's "hatred for the poor" as a form of hypothetical genocide, and accuses Paul of closet racism and open nepitism in his hiring practises. These are all blanket-charges, with thread-bare evidence to support them, and none hold water. However, the weakness of Tarpley's arguments should not entirely discredit the, however small, side of the argument that sees Dr. Paul as part of the system, and therefore as a puppet in the plans of the people who plot out the most long-term schemes of the NWO. Dr. Paul, Peter Schiff, Gerald Celente and Webster Tarpley all share in common with AM radio and internet broadcast "InfoWars" host Alex Jones a general forecast of "doom and gloom" for the overall path the "leaders" of the "free world" are taking us all down. Compared, however, to the apparently retarded optimism of such vapid figure-heads as Christine Lagrande of the IMF, Ban Ki-Moon of the UN, Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton of the US federal DOD, and Ben Bernanke of the US Federal Reserve, these "fringe" thinking "radicals" who predict "doom and gloom" look like Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla's moon-children.
2.B.2.B. their violent silencing of internal dissent
The policy-choice to cover-up the truth about 9-11 in the official report of the investigation committee was not made by any seated elected official. It was decided even before 9-11 was carried out by past-presdents and former heads of the CIA such as Richard Helms, George Bush Sr. and Dick Cheney. The cover-up of the truth about 9-11 has persisted now for a decade since the morning the event itself happened. There is no "truth" about 9-11 possible to be known. We, the people of the USA, are gradually coming to accept this. It is no great "mystery." The "conspiracy" did it, regardless of how you slice it or who you blames, directly or indirectly it comes back to the seated administration of the federal government of the USA at that time, eg. the George Bush Jr. administration of "neo-cons," including Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Condaleeza Rice, John Ashcroft, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld and Ari Fleischer. These people are criminals for doing 9-11, and deserve to be hung. Rove authored a paper for the "Project for a New American Century" think-tank entitled "Constant Conflict," calling for a staged "new Pearl Harbor" to "awaken the average American citizen to the very real threat we face in the 21st century from terrorism." Karl Rove is now a Fox News network anchor and appears frequently on the Bill O'Reilly show. He belongs in a cage like the "enemy combatants" being held without charge in Gitmo's "Camp X-ray."
Not only is the suppression of the truth the sole goal and role of the MSM on TV today (literally, right this second), but it has become a matter of military authority as falling under the generalised auspices of the blanket-charge of "terrorism" to tell the truth. For example, a certain Private First Class (PFC) named Bradley Manning leaked footage released online by wikileaks called "collateral murder," showing the clear-cut video evidence of US soldiers in Iraq accidentally killing an Iraqi journalist from a helicopter because they mistook his camera for a weapon. For this "security breach," PFC Bradley Manning has been imprisoned in Camp X-Ray in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, along with the other POW "enemy combatants" in the illegal "war on terror," for over 500 days straight, kept in solitary confinement much of that time, and subjected to the same treatment as the other prisoners, including the admitted practise of water-boarding. However, the current show-trials in the "kangaroo court" of ad hoc "military tribunals" established to try the Gitmo detainee POWs in the "war on terror" and PFC Manning are only a run-up to the US petitioning Australia to extradict Julian Assange, the other half of Wikileaks, to whom Manning leaked his video originally. Assange, accused but not officially charged of "sex crimes" in Sweden has been held under illegal house-arrest in Australia for the same amount of time Manning has been in Gitmo. It is an "open secret" that Secretary of State HIllary Clinton, in her recent visit to Sweden, had on the agenda the extradiction of Julian Assange to the USA for a "military tribunal" style "kangaroo court" drama. Such "saber-rattling" by these petty-tyrants of first world super-power nations is, obviously, so pathetically beneath where we should be as a species by now it's not even worthy of a troll-joke in a youtube-comments section.
3. Ron Paul vs. the NWO
"End the Fed!" - Ron Paul.
Whether Ron Paul is believed to be autonomous and outside of the NWO's grand plans or believed to be "controlled opposition" operating within the auspices of the rich elite's network of total global control, no one alive now can deny that Ron Paul represents a change to the tone of rehtoric and the vocabulary of the conversation in the MSM and among the globalist rich elite in their planning bodies and stearing committees. To resort to a gross metaphor alike those thrown up as "straw men" hollow-arguments by conspiracy-researchers and conspirators alike, Ron Paul is to the rest of the people in his financial and socio-political class alot like "Rain Man," the autsitic card-counting character played by Dustin Hoffmann. They find him so incredibly annoying they want to beat the shit out of him, and the only use they can see for him would be in gambling to fix their fiat credit based economics system, which is already a useless wreck anyway. Nevertheless, Ron Paul has 100% of the populist support to not only sweep the Republican nomination and the USA's 45th Presidency, but to lead a full-fledged revolution against the NWO if he does not win through Democracy. The only really serious question worth asking about Dr. Ron Paul is, do his citizen militias outnumber or outgun the private military contractors and ICE agents tasked by the NWO to man the FEMA camps? The answer to this is the ultimate extent of and the real bottom line below all the rest of this, which is all only icing on the surface compared to this "meat" of the "cake." The answer is yes, absolutely, 100% he does. The "tea party" can arm "Occupy" and easily overthrow the NYPD, ICE, Blackwater, etc. The targets for such a coup-de-tat would be obvious as well, and we would see the "heads of state" roll down the "marble hallways of justice" as the "great wheel" would turn in our own life-times. The only better question than CAN a real rEVOLution in Ron Paul's name be accomlished even without him is, what would it take to convince Ron Paul to lead Occupy and the Tea Party to unify if he loses the Republican nomination to Mitt Romney? The answer to that question, I cannot speak on, since I do not know it.
If it were necessary, could Ron Paul, the modern-day "Thomas Jefferson" of our era, also embody a modern "George Washington," and step up to lead a real, ultimately global revolution against the NWO? This question deserves serious pondering at this moment in history, before the Republican National Convention, where all the "bound" delegates allocated to Romney in the MSM will be declared "un-bound" and change their vote to Ron Paul. This seems like one of those historical "now or never" type moments for Ron Paul and his "Paulite" movement, among who I would definitely wish to include myself, and even though I am fully confident we will all make it through this tedious intermezzo period before the RNC itself, we are still daily dealing with oppressive MSM ignorance, police brutality and internet censorship on facebook and youtube (which recently even went so far as to cancel the account on which most of Ron Paul's videos were posted). It makes the anticipation for an event to come in the later half of this year all the greater to know that even with all that is going on now, we are still only in the calm before the storm to come.
Ron Paul himself does not seem to choose to predict outcomes in his own favour very often. He is optimistic at heart, but has a very pesimissitc and critically thinking mind. He wants to believe that, by implimenting the "Restore America Now" Budget Plan and issuing executive orders to restation all the foreign deloyed service-people in the US Military and to repeal the PATRIOT Act, he can "wave a magic wand" and correct the course of history. However, is this frail looking, septegenarian alchemical economics wizard truly capable of facing down the devil behind the NWO's master-plans? Ron Paul often quotes the Old Testament scripture of First Kings, the Book of Samuel, wherein the diaspora of Hebrews following the Exodus and conquering the Canaanites of the Palestinian Holy Land turned to their generation's High Priest and Prophet, Samuel, and weighed heavily upon him to appoint a King for them all to serve under as one people under one man; and Samuel repudiated the Hebrews and said, to the effect that, "if you have a king he will impose taxes and you will suffer all that follows under such a system." The reason Dr. Paul quotes this scripture in speeches is that it is from the tenth book of the Bible, the first chapter of that book, thus 10:1, the same as the "legal tender" stipulation in the "contracts clause" of the US Constitution. Dr. Ron Paul has delivered over 5000 newborn babies into life in this world, and he believes each of their minds began to form at the moment of conception, when their father's sperm impregnated itself into their mother's ovum. If there were any form of real religion anymore these days, Ron Paul would not just be a Saint, he would be the living Pope of it.
3.A. Idealogical differences
One could argue that everything Ron Paul has ever said might be a lie that he, personally, does not truly believe in, and which he only says to play the role of "devil's advocate" within the system of the NWO's de-facto present "global government," the US Empire. This argument, primae faciea, is absurdist because the same argument can be applied, ala DesCartes "Methodologies," to the biblical "Word of God," and thus one would arrive at applying radical doubt to the very voice that gives us reason in reality, destroying our blind faith in a supreme being by replacing the concept of "God" as a reasonable, negotiable personality with the insanity of a lunatic demon. As the golden-age Greek saying goes, "when Zeus is toppled, chaos rules and whirlwind reigns." In short, when a doctor comes to offer you medicine, you can choose whether to accept what he is offering you or not, but you should not blame the doctor for simply trying to do his job by offering it to you; the doctor is not your enemy in this case, he is trying to help - therefore, he is acting as your friend. Ron Paul is definitely on the right side of history in his words and deeds. If these alone are not enough testimony of the man's inner-most mind and heart, then let your heart be eased by this: I will vouch for him; in my personal opinion, Ron Paul IS the real deal: he truly believes in and means what he says. This should be a great relief, although, as I say also, I fear it falls on too many deaf ears as simply being preaching to the choir of the poor while being ignored by the rich elite.
Therefore, if we proceed with the assumption behind us that Ron Paul is the sole-exception to that old rule about there being not one "honest politician," then we can begin to look at some of the areas where he has already and is currently making head-way in his struggle against the NWO. Primary among these philosophical differences occurs between Dr. Ron Paul's "Libertarian" (limited gov't, maximum individual liberty) politics and "Austrian" (free market, gold coin) economics and the "Keynesian" (statist supply-side) economics and corporatist-funded "Globalist" (ala the Protocols of Zion) pollitics of the NWO. Ron Paul has repeatedly encouraged people to read economics books by authors other than those who are the only ones taught in US Universities, such as the "Austrian" school including Ludwig Von Mises, and he has given his highest recommendation to the elegantly over-simplified "on the Law," by Frederic Bastiat, from which the Libertarians draw the definition of "government" as "state violence." Some of Ron Paul's seemingly grandiose, but actually quite achievable, campaign promises have included being able to reduce the income tax rate to zero %, to make gasoline cost one dime a gallon, and to reduce the size of the Federal Register (or law-books of the US federal gov't), all within his first year in the office of President. Again, these claims may SOUND fantastical and bizarre to someone conditioned to believe we NEED to pay taxes, that gas prices will always inflate, and the gov't will always write more and more draconian laws incrementally encroaching into our every last personal private space; nevertheless, they ARE Possible, at least at this point in time, if Ron Paul wins the Republican nomination and the General Election for President of the USA.
3.A.1. Points of contention
Ron Paul's "Liberty message" could not be more opposite from the outlines for a NWO expressed in the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," the hand-book adhered to, whether admitedly or knowingly, or in secret or unawares, by all the NWO globalist rich elites today. Ron Paul's appreciation of Zionism as the movement for an Israeli state in Palestine is vastly knowledgeable, and based entirely on factual historical events; the "Protocols," on the other hand, were falsely attributed to the early Zionist movement by anti-Jewish proto-Bolsheviks in Russia while it was still Czarist. The authentic origins of the "Protocols" are not yet now known, and the identity of their original author remains a secret known to, if any, only a very small number of people alive on this planet at this time right now. On the other hand, the sources for Ron Paul's idealogical beliefs are public figures, well known and, for the most part, well recieved the world over, including the framers or "founding fathers" of the US Constitution (incl. Jefferson, Franklin and Washington, but much less so Alexander Hamilton) and the founders of the "free market" and "Austrian" schools of economics (namely Adam Smith and later Hayek, Von Mises, etc.). While the Protocols outline a methodology of hoarding gold in banks to gradually remove it from currency-circulation, Ron Paul, the framers of our nation, Adam Smith and other "free market" capitalists have all advocated to limit the size of private corporations by circulating the maximum amount of gold and silver as coined currency possible. In short, the NWO's "Protocols," dating back to no sooner than the turn of the 20th century, the earliest years of the 1900's, are actually a younger retrogressive movement against the older, more libertarian movement toward personal liberty as an inalienable human right established during the later years of the 18th century, the mid 1700's. The difference between a globalist one-man dictatorship outlined in the "Protocols" and the US Democratic Republic form of government laid out in the Declaration of Indpendence, Constitution of the USA and the Bill of Rights and additional Ammedments, is the difference between the NWO on the one-hand, and Ron Paul on the other. If you believe a global empire under a single person hegemon is preferable to the current condition of the US formed as a "Union" of "States" under a single "Federal" level of government, as far as I am concerned, you should shoot yourself now before a more Liberty-minded Patriot has to do it for you. For the most part, the minds of most "real people" are already made-up and they are unanymously dead-set against any further extension of the powers of the US Federal government. The TSA and DHS, along with all the other offices established or granetd additional authority by the USAPATRIOT Act, should be repealed. Obama should be tried for the war-crime of drone-bombing un-armed and un-aware, innocent civilians in Pakistan, no less so than should George W. Bush be tired for his crimes against humanity in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as at other "black sites" used in his "extra-ordinary rendition" program of torturing "detainee" POWs in the invasions of those sovereign nations. Ron Paul is pretty much 100% the idealogical opposite of George W. Bush, in every way that Barrack Obama is the physical opposite of W. Jr.
3.A.1.A. Points of direct contention
The question is ocassionally begged in the "MSM" regarding their non-issue of Ron Paul's "electability" if he has ever "gotten any bills passed." The pundits are quick to agree with one another that "it would be worth finding out," but they never follow up on it. In truth, Ron Paul was the original author of what became the later, imbalanced and ultimately top-heavily draconian anti-Wall Street high-risk lending regulations of the Dodd-Frank bill. When Ron Paul wrote the original framework for this legislation it was simply not called "Dodd-Frank," it was called "Audit the Fed," and, under the final passage of Dodd-Frank, a partial audit of the Federal Reserve was conducted by the GAO on-top of the regular annual in-house inventories (supposedly) conducted by the Fed within its own vaults, or rather, its own accounting ledgers. The lending practises revealed by this partial audit provided "better insight" into the high-risk international bank loans the Federal Reserve was also issuing out simultanesouly to its redistributing the federal government's income from taxes into the "big bank bail-out" of 2009 to its remaining FDIC member-insured banking subsidiaries. As it turned out in later Sub-Comittee hearings held by Ron Paul as a member of the Congressional House of Representatives, the Federal Reserve lent out over 1 Billion USDollars to European central banks in Greece, Germany, France, Spain and the Swiss Netherlands to sustain the controlled collapse of the Euro, which has begun in Greece with the massively unpopular cuts to their retirement "Austerity" programs as a means of paying down the Greek national debt to the US Federal Reserve bank. Of course, no one dares mention such things as "debt forgiveness," or "renegging on payment," and instead the finer options of complex whole-sale laws rot on the vine while only the larger, much uglier options, such as "national bankruptcy" or alternately a "run on the banks" are seen and considered by the elders of the NWO planning bodies and stearing committees. If, for example, it were assumed that multinational organisations like the UN, the EU and NATO, NGO's like the IMF and World Bank, as well as national government administrations, under nay form of political party, Democrat or Socialist or Republican or Fascist, etc. ought to all be working together for the mutual benefit of them all, rather than of only one of them at the expense of all the others. They should not be competing with one another's populations over who controls whose' natural resources. That's simply foolish, and the entire "military-indsutrail complex" is founded on that simple premise. If you see war for what it is, the eco-system's self-digestion alike a giant, hungry stomach, then you should seek to find a way to feed this emptiness rather than simply just attack it. War eats soldiers and, like a flickering candle snuffed out in a sudden gust of wind, blinks their hopeful lives out of existence in the bat of an eye-lash. War is the insatiable inversion of equally limitlessly lush natural abundance. When there is a surplus of resources for all to share, there is no competition over them leading to war. To break the strangle-hold of arm-chair industrialists and energy-barrons over the R&D testing done for and with the US DOD's deployed military forces, Ron Paul intends to simply over-ride any "nay-saying" by Generals embedded in "hot-zones" about leaving, and to, "on day one, bring all the troops home." Ron Paul WILL end the "constant conflict" begun by Karl Rove, but that dates back to even prior to Nixon's administration, with the declaration of US troop commitment to the Korean natioanl conflict under UN Resolution.
3.A.1.B. points of potential further contention
The obvious point is differing with the NWO on the issue of the use of war, which Ron Paul believes should only ever be "Constitutional," meaning, "declared by the congress, never by the executive branch." Unlike Hillary Clinton, for example, Ron Paul is not an "international affairs" bully, itching to start a fight with any Mid-East nation and to extradict Julian Assange of wikileaks and charge him with a "thought-crime" as an "enemy of the state" in the US; Ron Paul is for allowing Iran to continue developing its nuclear power plant program as well as for allowing Israel to bomb Iran's nuclear waste storage facilities as potentially weaponisable levels of uranium-enrichment, all without US involvement at all in the affairs of either nation; and when it comes to Julian Assange, Ron Paul stands beside both the right of Assange to publish the material, once-leaked, and of the internet to freely re-distribute it. The other obvious point of difference between Ron Paul and the NWO is Paul's repeated attacks on the Federal Reserve bank, not only on its myopically limited methodology of inflation of sector-bubbles by keeping interest-rates artificially low, but against the entire premise of the need for it to exist, being an investment and loans, rather than commodities and savings, bank. The insititution of the Fed itself is, to be blunt, how the rich elites fund their "black budget" R&D by laundering the govt's funds collected by the IRS from the US citizens as taxes, which, in turn, is how the rich elites continue to leach their imaginary authority off the individual citizens of the USA. The issue of whether taxation is necessary under a US federal level gov't that has been "scaled down" to solely offices justifiable by the original Constitution of the USA is a good debate; or would be if the average US citizen assumed taxation weren't mandatory, as they do, but optional, as it, in fact, is. However, besides attacking the rich elite's pro-war idealogy as well as threatening to cut off their funding at its source by petitioning the audit with the ultimate intention to end the Fed, there are further points of contention between Ron Paul and the NWO. Libertarianism, if indeed Ron Paul's philosophy, when taken to its ultimate extent, advocates the same goal in the end as Marxist Socialist Communism: an Anarchist Utopia. Now, "free-market capitalism" and a revolutionary, multi-national "dictatorship by the Proletariat" miht disagree about which road to take to get there, but they agree their destination is the same place. Thus, ultimately, Ron Paul's ideals are, in their peak, alike those of Barack Obama (a Socialist) and Mitt Romney (a Mormon) and they all believe they are doing their personal best to achieve the same end: an Anarchist utopia.
3.B. Results of contentions
Thus far, the NWO has succeeded in introducing spin onto every direct attack by Ron Paul. The 2008 election cycle came down to him "running out of money." The "Audit the Fed" bill evolved into Dodd-Frank and yielded only a partial (though nonetheless shocking) audit. The 2012 Presidential campaign is, currently, in an upheaval following mass arrests made at multiple state convention level caususes that had turned into what could only be described as "Ron Paul rallies," with so many suporters showing up that it caused the conventions to be shut down; followed immediately in the MSM by Rand Paul, Ron's son the Republican Senator from Kentucky, announcing that Ron Paul was conceding the nomination and that Rand was now supporting Mitt Romney for the Republican Presidential candidate. There has been little or no word from Ron Paul nor his immediate campaign staff on these issues in the last few days since this all occured. Gerald Celente, the trends-predictor I mentioned breifly earlier, was interviewed by AM and web "infowars" host Alex Jones on these matters and Celente replied, in brief, that Obama would win if put head to head against Romney, but that he hoped Rand Paul's endorsement does not mean that Ron Paul is completely out of the race. In truth, there has been a barrage of behind-the-scenes action on behalf of the Ron Paul campaign staff to make certain that, regardless of who else knows, the delegates sent from the States to the RNC will know that, once they are there, they are legally "un-bound" and can vote for any of the nominees, not only who their State "bound" them to vote for in their State primaries. This will make the RNC a very controversial event in the MSM, but more importantly, it could mean a very chacne for Ron Paul to win the Republican Party nomination for their candidate for President. If this occurs, there is every hope in the world that Ron Paul will win the Presidency of the US, and succeed in accomplishing his "Reform America Now" platform. However, ultimately, the cause IS greater than ANY one man alone, and so we can only keep our hope alive that such an outcome as this continues to remain possible for now.
3.B.1. Results prior to 2012 election
As I said, the "Audit the Fed" bill was watered down, but did arm Congressman Ron Paul with enough ammo to continue his attacks on their fiat counterfeit system. As mentioned during the "big bank bail out" era and, in specific, during the same lending-window as TARP (the "Toxic Asset Reposession Program") the Fed loaned between more than 10 billion USDollars to various EU-nations' central banks, which, we can say in hind-sight, pushed the loans of many of these nations up to levels requiring them to reform their national budgets, resulting in their cutting retirement funding "Austerity Programs" which, in turn, has led to the on-going riots. So, aside from Ron Paul exposing the Fed's initiating role in the "European Debt Crisis," he has been able to accomplish little in preventing it from having occured, but likewise has in no way benefitted from it having done so either. Ron Paul, perhaps alone in Washington DC, is NOT to blame for the "European Debt Crisis." He predicted it and has predicted a return to a gold based economic currency exchange method all along, and when these things inevitably occur regardless of tax-payers trusting the Fed, and when regardless of the Fed excercising all its tools to postpone them, hyper-inflation and the collapse of the dollar end up happening anyway, we should not blame Ron Paul for warning us. Ron Paul's devotion to the cause of Liberty, in truth, is inspirational to everyone; and this includes the OWS movement, the "Tea Party" movement, C4L and Y4L, WeAreChange, InfoWars, WikiLeaks, "Anonymous," and everybody else alive right now. You cannot change, you cannot reduce, you cannot subtract from, this fact. The course of history is changed by Ron Paul. But, whether the course of history will be changed for the better or not, this depends, not on Ron Paul, nor anyone on his side of the fence. It depends on the elder richest elites in the globalist NWO; because unless they surrender, then there will be global revolution, what the NWO has long prepared for in the form of "WW3."
3.B.2. potential results post-2012 election
I have often written elsewhere about the "twin dimensions" of "heaven" and "hell" beyond our own. Suffice it to say, I take it as common knowledge by now that some places at some times are better or worse than others at the same time, or even than the same place at a different time. This is due to the presence or absence of one or both of these "extra-dimensions" beyond our own. When the situation is "good," the "heaven" dimension is at play, and when things are "bad," it is the "hell" dimension that is closer at hand. These observations in themselves are obvious enough to anyone; however understanding how and why things are sometimes "good" here, other times "bad" there, etc. requires patience; it takes a long time to fully understand the cycles and patterns behind natural events. For example, in the year 1999 many people believed that the world would spontaneously end on midnight, January 1st, 2000. There was a strong superstition that the millennium date would hearken in the so-called "End of Days," prophecised by every religion ever dreamt up by humanity. It did not. Instead, on May 5th, 2000, seven planets (including earth and the moon) aligned with the sun in the constellation Taurus (the "Grand Cross"), and no earth-shattering event occured. So, in frustration that the earth did not just explode of its own accord, the NWO cabal staged the election of October 2000 by FOX News announcing the Florida vote count "too close to call" and thus forcing a protracted re-count process, afterwhich the Supreme Court simply appointed George Bush Jr. to the office of US President in spite of the re-count never being completed. Then, on Sept. 11th, 2001, they staged a "false-flag / terrorist" attack on the USA, and the rest has become indellibly blooded into the pages of history. Through this series of events, we can clearly watch the wax and wane, the rise and fall of "good" and "evil" as the "heaven" and "hell" dimensions have crossed through into our own either more or less at the various points in time. Between the 7-planetary "Grand Cross" of 5-5-2000 and the alignment of the earth, sun and galactic core (in the direction of the constellation Saggitarius) on Dec. 21st, 2012, the "heaven" and "hell" dimensions have been approaching their maximum amount of effect and influence on our own reality here on earth. From the 21st of December this year until April 15, 2029, these "heaven" and "hell" dimensions will be waning away and dimminishing their influence on this reality we experience here on earth. Finally, after April 15, 2029, they will have completely split apart due to the event of the asteroid 99942 Apophis colliding with the earth in one reality on that date.
3.B.2.A. divergeant paths in future reality
Because we can measure the cycling changes of "good" and "evil," what is called "Karma" in the orient or "Morals" in the occident, as they occur naturally effecting events in our reality on earth, "from behind the scenes," so to speak, we can make predictions about what event will follow from what event if we are presented with an initial, more or less optionally binary in nature, form of choice to start with. If, for example, we can say, "X" in reality translates to "good" in the higher dimension, or that "Y" in reality is worse or more "evil" and pulled toward the lesser dimension, within a system where realities X and Y can overlap and are not mutually exclusive, then we can formulate these out to decipher how they would each and all relate to one another over a fixed duration of time. Thus, there is "good" X and "worse" X, which is XY, and "evil" Y and "better" Y, which is YX. So, we can see that in a cycle, these proceed from one to another over a fixed duration, such that X leads to XY to YX to Y, and then back the way it came such that, from Y to YX to XY to X and then back again to Y. Now, if we say, "X and Y are not mutually exclusive," we can formulate two currents, braided into one another, such that if one begins on "X1," the other begins on "Y2" and we may assume they both re-cycle through their respective patterns at the same rate over the same fixed duration. Thus, X1 to Y1 to X1, etc. would occur simultaneously to Y2 to X2 to Y2, etc. and vice versa. Now, draw a flat time-line between these inter-twining dimensional "super-symmetric string" dimensions and, where they peak and trough, converge and diverge to and from this middle-path occur the patterns formed in our own reality as "heaven" and "hell" conflict here over time. So, let's start on May 5th, 2000, and end on Dec. 21, 2012. If X1 and Y1 at the start, then Y2 and X2 at the start, and then so forth and so on till the end.
3.B.2.A.1. Romney wins the Rep nomination: Romney Vs. Obama = the NWO wins.
The difference between "free market capitalism" and revolutionary, multi-national "Socialist Communism" is, as I say, not in terms of their goal; they both believe they are doing "good" and attempting to establish an "ideal utopia." However, again as I have said, they have different ways of getting to that goal. The tactics used by "free market capitalism" means, as Ron Paul and the "Austrian" economics school define it, include only anti-racketeering laws alone, leaving the rest of all economic business dependent only on "sound money," or a solid coin currency. The tactics used by "Socialist Communism" are far worse, and opposed to the tactics of "free market capitalism" as well. The tactics employed by "Socialist Communism" are, as already mentioned, revolution and multi-nationalism. Under Barack Hussein Obama's administration as US President, we have seen countless nations in the mid-east and Africa overthrow their netional government's officials; countless European and formerly Soviet nations declaring insolvency as their central banks call in their debt; and in the USA the formation of the homeless "Occupy" and anti-tax "Tea Party" movements. All of these activities have been met with a wet blanket response from the US President, who has been busy enough gossiping about "green energy" this and "metro-sexual marriage ammendments" that while remote-control drone-bombing them and crossing off "enemies" from his list. His presidency is defined by the looming shadow of massive tax-hikes due to the continued bottomless war-chest and the on-going legislational attempt at state / supply-side funded (federal level gov't mandated) "universal health-care," the universal joke called "Obama-care." The threat of what he may capable of during his second term is second only to the threat of a Mitt Romney Presidency. Because Mitt Romney is both a Republican and not the incumbent, he has no chance of winning against Democrat incumbent Barrak Obama, if their platforms are compared. Romney is everything bad ever said falsely about Ron Paul, incarnated: he is an un-electable racist and he hates the poor. Mitt Romney is, as has been the pattern over at least the last 7 Presidents: with Ronald Reagan (R) for 2 terms following (D) Jimmy Carter; then 8 year Bill Clinton (D) following 1-term (R) George Bush Sr.; then 1-term (D) Obama follows 2-term (R) Bush Jr. However, in this trend, Obama has the possibility to win a second term also, depending on if he has a "weak" (Carter / Bush Sr.) or a "strong" (Reagan / Clinton / Bush Jr.) voter turn-out. The NWO appointed him (he was chosen to take the Democrat nomination over current appointee to Sec. of State Hillar Clinton at the 2008 Bilderberg meeting), so the NWO may decide his fate. They would, very much, like to pit him against a weaker candidate from the other party and let him win a second term. Unfortunately, the reality of the situation is preventing them from being able to pull this sham off. The elder members of this rich elite cabal of globalists have got NO idea how, justifiably, pissed-off the "real people" of the world were after the stolen election of 2000 that led to 8 years of the autocratic and tyrannical "W." administration. We will not tolerate either a failure by our government to obey the will of the people of this nation in the 2012 election, nor will we accept the imposition onto any living body the innate evil of "martial law." If Mitt and Obama are the two candidates, then there is no "lesser evil." Both equally spell certain doomsday. Both belong to the NWO, and their plans employ only the tactics of "Socialist Communism."
3.B.2.A.2. Ron Paul wins the Rep nomination: Ron Paul Vs. Obama = Liberty wins.
A vote for Ron Paul (dead or alive, checked or written in) is a vote to say "Fuck You" to the System. The MSM made quite a bit about Obama having stolen a large portion of the pre-Y4L era Ron Paul movement's newer converts in the later months of 2008, after Ron Paul conceded, when it looked like the only options to elect for President were either Barrack Hussein Obama (Democrat) or John McCain (a war-mongering racist bigot, Republican) for who would follow the, by then, massively un-popular "W." Bush Jr. administration. Obama was clearly the "lesser of two evils" against McCain, and he would be again against Romney; however, both in 08, when I wrote Ron Paul in on the ballot, and now in 12, Ron Paul could, can and God-willing will beat Barrack Hussein Obama hands down; he does in most statistical data-sets when they're polled head-to-head, and more importantly, Ron Paul has already transformed the rehtoric of the Republican Party to a position now somewhat to the "left-wing" of Barrack Obama and the modern Zionist AIPAC-funded Democrat party that supports him. Ron Paul does not just want "peace in our time," he is, and has been for many terms now, demanding "Peace Now." That is bold and daring, and it takes brass balls too big to be busted by even Sascha Barron Cohen dressed up as Bruno; which, by the way, Ron Paul happens to have. The MSM prey around Ron Paul like vultures, and it is our fucking DUTY as The American People to tell those pricks to go fuck themselves. They are the same stuck-up snobs you didn't like in high-school, and now they run your government, own every network on tv, and broadcast their own version of "the truth" on their cable network news media channels. So, whatever happens between now and this coming November, I would urge you, whoever you are who might read this by then, to write-in Ron Paul on the ballot if you have to, alive or dead. Ron Paul is an idea we can all look up to right now, and hope, one day, to achieve even more than for the same cause.
3.C. Potential long-term outcomes
Romney, Obama and Ron Paul all believe they are doing what is "good" and "right" and "just" from their own point of view. Romney and Obama share the same point of view. Both want bigger government and more war. Romney wants to expand the wars, and Obama the welfare, but both want the government to go, "hat-in-hand" begging for that money for their programs to the Federal Reserve privately-owned US central-bank, and borrow it. They collect it back from us in taxes, but they fund their programs first. That's the way it goes. Either you think "welfare" is a lesser "evil," or you think that "war" is for the greater "good." There are no compromises on this matter in Washington DC. Both parties are backed by the big banks, who are owned and operated as FDIC-insured member-banks of the Federal Reserve system of the USA. Both parties advocate the same thing, only using different reasons to justify doing it. Either we want to kill someone, or we want to help someone, but even if the person or people "we" are killing and funding are the same (as with the gov't and the people of Pakistan being loaned aid to and drone-bombed simultaneously) their tactic is to make the gov't at all levels bigger and bigger by making up new laws and new departments, and to "pay" for it using the Federal Reserve's worthless pretend money. Then the Fed expects to be paid back for their "loan" of this counterfeit crap, and so the gov't turns around and takes the taxes out of every citizen's pay-checks. Make taxation voluntary. The only way to "get money out of politics" is to Not Pay Taxes. However, it would be wiser to follow Ron Paul's "Restore America Now" budget plan. In the first year he has attritioned out 5 federal departments, and, by re-selling the auto-industry's private-shares bought out by the federal gov't under TARP, and by allocating 100% of the first year's taxes to paying down the federal debt the US gov't owes the Federal Reserve, he will avoid cutting any of the main-line "welfare" OR "warfare" departments, and manage to balance the budget to zero debt by the end of the first year and the beginning of the second. By tax-season, 2014, you might not have to even pay taxes; all you have to do is vote Ron Paul.
3.C.1. Neo-feudalism under corporate monarchies polluting a collectivist dystopia.
Imagine a second term with Barrack Obama as US President, Joe Biden as Vice-President, and Ben Bernanke as Federal Reserve board-chairman. Imagine a first term of a Mitt Romney Presidency, with Rand Paul as Vice-President, and anyone, even Ron Paul, as Federal Reserve board-chair. Firstly, I could not imagine Ron Paul accepting that post on the grounds that, to quote myself, "if Einstein runs for president of the free world, you don't appoint him head of designing new bombs instead." A vote for either Obama, with whoever as Vice-President, OR for Mitt Romney, even if Jesus Christ himself were his running-mate as Veep, is a vote for the same thing: Goldman Sachs, a Wall Street investment mega-bank. They have donated the majority of their campaign contributions to both Obama AND Romney. Both Obama and Romney are two side of one coin, and this coin is non-refudable. If either Obama OR Romney wins, there will be a global economic down-turn the likes of which no one has ever seen before on this scale; bread lines will form in all nations as hyper-inflation makes staple goods un-affordable; revolutions will take place across the planet, in every major city there will be uprisings against the local governments; riots and looting will raze all we have worked so long to erect; massive toxic pollution will occur as the infra-structure for our fossil-fuel energy industries begin to rust, and eventually plagues will spread from lack of sanitation; new, human-targetting diseases will mutate; starvation will overtake many; some might foolishly seek shelter in the deep-underground military bases (the DUMBs), or attempt to impliment global martial law; it will be too late to save our species, and we might take the entire planet earth down with us. "If either Romney OR Obama wins," to quote Gerald Celente, "we lose."
3.C.2. Libertarian anti-taxation pro-gold re-distribution anti-corporatist utopia.
What is wealth? Wealth, most agree, is all your property, all your resources. But you wouldn't ever trade some things you own. Those are your savings, what you want to keep with you. The rest is merely fodder for the ever circulating free market. Now, among all the rest of your assets that you would be willing to trade from, wouldn't it be great if you had just one thing of, that you could trade in, instead of trading away all your collection of different goods? Well, when they ask you, at the groccery store, if you want "paper" or "plastic," and you un-thinkingly reply your preference, you should think about the question: What is Money? What works best as money? What is the difference between different forms of currency? The matter of gold is too complex to debate here, but suffice it to say there are enough planchette factories now in operation to mint enough gold coins for at least the amount of circulating paper-cash currency in the US market by tax-season, 2014. All you would need to do would be to vote Ron Paul. In a "Libertarian" form of government, the federal level would be reduced to a "small system of courts" (to quote "libertarian" Ayn Rand from the, now movie and book, "Atlas Shrugged") and their sole function on that level would be to try financial crimes as treason. Wall-Street Corporatist "racketeering," investment bank Federal Reserve "counter-feiting" and lobbyists and campaign contributor "insider trading" crimes are only a few. Besides the laws applying to "high-finance," in a Libertarian AND/OR "Socialistic Communist" utopia, there are no laws applying to anyone as individuals. ALL the economic shackles of socio-politics would shatter, and the MSM blinders be torn away. Of course, we should all know by now that this utopian vision can be brought about by only one of the two possible ways imagined for doing so; the "Socialistic Communist" strategies of revolution and multi-nationalism will result in a "dialectical compromise" methodology, a conceptual "infinitely repeating halves" scenario, whereby their goal of a utopia will never be reached, but will always retreat from their grasp like the horizon on a globe. Only by liberty, by liberation, and by liberating, of the market from the shackles of government regulations written by the rich elite for their own benefit, only then will we be able to achieve the "straight and narrow" or "middle-path" the so-called "royal road" to an Anarchist utopia.
3.C.3. Most likely outcomes given historical dialectics
GIven the NWO appointed the present incumbent US President, and thus his fate is in their hands; and given that the NWO is "Socialist Communist" in the philosophical composition of its elder members, who encourage their younger groupies to use the tactics of revolution and multi-nationalism; and given these tactics form a dialectic of incremental compromises until eventually the NWO's "collectivist" vision is realized; so given all these things, and knowing the NWO is well enough powerful to have Ron Paul killed at any moment; it is possible to plot the "most likely" scenario from the points of view of either Ron Paul winning the Presidency of the US, which would be "good," or Obama / Romney winning, which would be "worse." If Ron Paul wins, his 4 year term in office will be just as laid out in his "Restore America Now" budget plan, released in late 2011, early 2012. I recommend reading that document, if you've had the time to read all this too, because it will explain the "American Way" out of this mess we're in. On the other hand, there's the "NWO" or globalist way to do things. They will attempt to keep localising each new bankruptcy as they occur, country by country as they have in Europe; they will keep localising each new revolution as they occur, as they have country by country in the middle-east; they will keep sending SWAT police forces in to break apart "Occupy" events, in city after city, and localise the coverage in the US MSM. The "real people" are tired of the bullshit, and getting more royally pissed off with each passing second. The planet is, for all intents and purposes, a ticking time-bomb right now. It can go either way, insofar as Obama and Romney are like Lenin and Ron Paul more like Trotsky, as the "Socialist Communists" would have you know about, or you can ignore the MSM and "opt out" of ALL taxes and benefits from the federal gov't, just by voting Ron Paul.
3.C.3.A. gradual scaling down of mega-corporations by IRS racketeering busts.
Regardless of how it turns out in the General Election this November, the big investment bankers know the "hey-days" of 1980's corporate and wall-street "reaganomics," the hey-days of the 2000's George W. Bush era tax-breaks and "endless war;" the Obama "hey-days" of 2008 - 2012 when corproations, wall-street and big investment banks got a fat tax-payer funded "Bail-out," all those "hey-days" of a "Bull" (Shit) market, are over and done now; there's no going back to those days ever again now. There is simply no way to continue to spin their web of lies in the MSM beyond this coming December. The corporate special interest lobbyists are going to be purged from campaign donations by some form of new regulation regardless of which of those men are President, because it will be pushed for through the capitol-chambers, and public demand for its signing be heightened by the MSM. The "get money out of politics" meme has already been implanted into the "Occupy" movement's rehttoric directly by CNBC News anchor Dylan Ratigen in a speech he gave using the "people's mic" or "mic check" method in their first few months after OWS began in NYC. Ratigen gauranteed an assembled crowd of protestors, who all repeated his words back to him phrase by phrase as he spoke, that the "get money out of politics" message was "in the pike" and that the "NWO is nothing but wrestling" (referring to the WWF's "NWO" titled branch). Of course, he was probably just hammered after work and thought shouting at a crowd would help him blow off steam. Nevertheless, the "get money out of politics" meme has wormed its way into the OWS and even Ron Paul quote-bot rehttoric, and is being mentioned as a phrase in the MSM. This much is fact, but it may be an attempt to plant a NWO-sided "Trojan Horse" inside the OWS and "Liberty Message" rehttoric made by the Bilderberg Group who, themselves, may at this point be an abandoned "shell" group, as Japan-embedded journalist Benjamin Fulford has proposed, while the "real elites" are holding conferences elsewhere at some other time, as Fulford forwards, this June with the "White Dragon" group representing the interests of Japan and the Japanese. On March 11, 2011, a tsunami struck Japan which Fulford has long claimed to have been man-made, ordered by Obama and broadcast from HAARP, and which resulted in the on-going melt-down of the Fukushima nuclear power plant. The combination of this event, causing radioactivity levels to have risen to double their normal rate in California, USA Pacific ocean coast caught fish, while the MSM seems to have completely forgotten about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the toxic rust-red iron-rich sludge-spill in Germany. Un-containable wild-fires in arid Nevada and Arizona, USA, as well as tornadoes and hurricanes along the southern and eastern USA Atlantic coasts still capture the MSM's attention more. Ultimately, if the NWO want to allow anything to happen, it can; including their own gradual transition to a more rational policy.
3.C.3.B. quickening plans in process for implimenting a gold-coin one-world currency.
There WILL be a one-world currency; 99% of the population, including 98.5% of the OWS' "99%" AND 1/2 of the remaining "1%" of the rich elite NWO agree it is inevitable; the OWS' 98.5% don't want the one-world currency if it includes a "World Bank" to which we all pay taxes; the NWO's 0.5% want just that; but both the OWS' 98.5% AND the NWO's 0.5% believe the global economy is going to morph into a "one world currency" sooner or later, whether they are for or against it, personally. This 99% of the whole are, thus, totally disempowered in the equation and the only ones left with the balls to even discuss the issue seriously are the reamining 1%, who include 0.5% from the OWS side, comprised of "real people," and the other 1/2 of the 1% from the NWO of rich elites. So if THIS "other 1%," comprised 1/2 from OWS and 1/2 from the NWO, has done the math on their negotiations, then they will know the only feasible model for a global currency is gold coins, because paper cash and digital credit are headed toward a goal, the implant-chip, they can never reach, because their collateral resources have all been traded away and not even all their "cash" or "credit" in all their empty vaults and computer databases will buy them a loaf of bread. In short, the result of their attempting to "incrementally encroach" their technologies into the global market-place, and their other tactics of revolution-inducing "economic shock-testing," of multi-national "big bank bail-outs" and their essentially "Socialistic Communist" premise of basing global currency on fiat debt, rather than any solid commodity, prevent them from achieving their goal: they run out of money before they can fully impliment their plans. So far no economy founded on "fiat" or "counter-feit" currency has sustained even so long as the present global economy, standardised down to values in USDollars, measured as value-depriciating Federal Reserve bank-notes, redeemable in bullshit, but nothing more. Ultimately, we will have to figure out a way to use gold coins as the global currency, and this trick might not be as easy without him around as Ron Paul makes it look.
3.C.4. Least likely outcomes given historical dialectics
If Ron Paul does not win the Republican nomination, even by write-in if he has been killed by the "establishment," or his "personality cult" discredited, and Mitt Romney, even with Rand Paul, Ron Paul's son, Republican Senator from Kentucky, as his Vice-Presidential nominee, and EITHER Romney OR Obama is the next President, following 2012's election cycle, then this world will end on April 15, 2029 when Apophis strikes planet earth. Ron Paul already knows about the plans for surviving such an event, being priveledged to the daily reports of the CIA as a member of congress, and being intelligent enough to piece their plans together and make a reasonable prediction for their motives; it is unknown, by me at least, if Ron Paul is aware of the asteroid Apophis' predicted impact date in specifc, although it is known, by me at least, that this is a pretty obvious secret being kept within the "intelligence community" who are tuned into NASA, since NASA was complicit in covering the 2029 impact date up with the fake "gravitational key-hole scenario" story. Perhaps Ron Paul IS aware of this, but has simply chosen to believe NASA's false scenario and 2036 potential impact date. Either way, if he doesn't know it, or if he knows about it, but is mis-informed by his sources, the result is the same: his patience as a person has allowed him to believe there is enough time for people to prepare to deflect Apophis, or rather, to avoid "Armeggedon" and WW3 in general, to cure a global economic melt-down, etc.when many, many people would disagree with him about that. Perhaps he is only allowing himself to be used as a political pawn, in some vague hope that it will help the "Liberty Message" whose torch he carries. Or perhaps he knows we are all doomed either way, and was only trying to provide a glimmer of hope to the damned, no matter how futile doing so may be. But nevertheless, it is in the period of time between December, 2012, and February, 2013, which would be the first month of Ron Paul's presidency, that the asteroid Apophis 99942 is closest to earth and thus would be easiest to deflect from its present trajectory using a short-range probe. It is our best shot at being able to deflect it, and neither Obama nor Romney have the guts to send this mission. They would rather say, "do it later." Ron Paul alone would be busy enough working on restoring the US and hence the "trickle down" global economy, allowing us to be able to "do it later," because under Romney or Obama, that "later" would never come.
3.C.4.A. the IMF suing the UN for recognition of sovereignty to impliment gobal martial law (worst case)
The USA can, and SHOULD, but probably will not, regardless of WHO is US President next, just reneg on paying back its outrageous and imaginary debt. It can, simply, dissolve and repossess all the holdings of the Federal Reserve Bank. The Fed has fought long and hard for the "independence" clause in its charter entry in the Federal Register. It is a gov't sponsored, not owned, enterprise. This means the gov't uses the Fed as its sole-banker, but that the gov't can, effectively, fire the Fed as such, and hire any other bank to perform the Fed's duty, or even abolish the use of a central bank in the USA altogether. Ron Paul's "Restore America Now" budget plan represents almost a final chance for the gov't to abolish its debt and still be allowed to fulfill its duty and obligation in the eyes of the law, without simply declaring federal level gov't bankruptcy to the Fed, and thus passing ownership over the gov't authorities to the private owners of the US central bank. If we, the US people, do not elect Ron Paul, the result will not be lawful and will thus prove much bloodier. If the US Gov't does, as I would say it SHOULD, reneg on its debt to the Fed and dissolve the institution of a US central bank entirely, reposses its gold and distribute that as their currency, then everything will be the same in the end, but there will not be as bloody a revolution when the Fed rebels against the gov't's threat to its debt. If the federal level gov't of the US defaults on its debt, the Fed will try to collect, but they will not be successful. If the gov't pays the Fed back and then dissolves their use, the Fed will have no legal recourse to stage any coup attempt at all. The Fed sponsored the creation of the IMF and World Bank, which has served to line the US Fed's pockets on all the IMF's international "aid" loans. The IMF is to the UN what the Fed is to the USA. The G8 is to the UN Security Council what the Council on Foreign Relations is to the Federal Reserve. If the IMF is empowered by precident set in the case of the USA federal gov't vs. central bank to be allowed by the armies of the world to collect its debt, thus enslaving the peoples of the various nations to taxation, exclusively controlled by and benefitting the IMF. If the IMF is overthrown and its "loans" taken gratis by all its endentured nations, it will be due to the USA defaulting on its debt in any such way as to render impotent the Fed's authority in the USA, due exclusively to their funding the intelligence community's now-obsolete "black budget," then the world will not end in a bloody revolution nor in global martial law, and might not even end in 2029 if Apopghis' trajectory can still be deflected by a probe before then. If the IMF is somehow successful in collecting its debts from all its endentured nations, it will not matter if they allow Apophis ot hit us or not, because they will impliment global martial law, and then life will not even be worth living. On the other hand, if Ron Paul gets elected, the Fed will not have any say in its being dissolved, and thus the IMF will never be able to collect its debts by enforcing global martial law.
3.C.4.B. the UN being tried in the world-court for complicity in the CIA's "cold war" and post-911 crimes (best case)
It would be wrong to think of the role of the UN during the Cold War between the USA and then-Soviet USSR of Russia as that of referee between these global super-powers. The UN Security Council is comprised of the Allied Nations following WW2, but the Allies first act as the UN was to create the "nation" of Israel by supervising a European and American invasion and military occupation "Ashkenazi" land-grab of the Holy Lands around Jerusalem from the native, largely bedouin, Palestinian Arabic semitic inhabitants. The goal was to "make a place for the Jews." Since that time, the only role of the UN was as a super-power to juxtapose, and dissipate all organised opposition against Israel within, the "Moselm world," the so-called "Green-voting block" of the General Assembly of the UN. The "Moslem world" itself has been split into two and their civil war between Shia and Sunni compressed and heightened by the UN's Security-Council isolating these nations from foreign releif aid. Gaza, for example, was sent a "flotilla" of humanitarian supplies via the Meditteranean sea-ports of Egypt; the IDF stormed this flottilla of boats by night with helicopters and destroyed it. This act, one among thousands, was never reported as a crime to the UN's World Court. However, as I have said elsewhere, if the World Court were independent of the UN, they would try the heads of the UN's own Security Council's member-nations. If this act were to ever occur, it would usher in a new era of enlightenment and libertarianism, or literal liberty messaged liberalism. We could easily deflect Apophis, and evolve ourselves into a state of conscious super-awareness, even finally achieving contact with other sentient ESP-posessing EBEs. As I have written elsehwere, there are basically two dimensions that supercede our own which are crossing over one another now. In the future of the "worse" world-line, the IMF assumes sovereign control above the UN. In the "better" future, the UN's "Security Council" could be dissolved. It all depends on whether the US federal level gov't or the privately-owned central bank of the USA, the Federal Reserve, triumphs in the end.
3.C.4.C. Global Emperor Ron Paul
There is another possible outcome even if the USA Federal Gov't ousts their control of US popular public opinion from the Federal Reserve central bank, and that is if Ron Paul is appointed Secretary General of the UN. I don't have any personal opinions about this option at this time. In my opinion it would be a coin-toss as to whether he was able to impliment a gold-coin currency (either local to the USA as US President or globally as UN Secretary General). Ultimately, it comes down to the question of which is more important to Ron Paul personally, as a Libertarian and as the "champion of liberty": would it be better to have a sound global economy, based on gold coin currency, or would it be better to attrition out global government? As Secretary General of the UN, Ron Paul could do both, but as President of the USA, he could accomplish both on that nation's "local level," and thus allow it to "lead by example" anyway, so it would be better in the short-term for Ron Paul to be US President than in the long-term it would be if he were UN Secretary General. With Ron Paul as US President, he can work to dissipate the effect of the UN, and to dissolve its relevancy on the global "stage" of geo-political "theatre." This would prove more effective than dissolving the post and the legislature of the UN as Secretary General, but the effect it would accomplish would be nearly the same. It may appear, to some, that it would be more expedient to place Ron Paul in charge of the existing NWO than it is to allow him to accomplish its abolition from outside of its "inner-circles." In all likelhihood it would not be; and whether the coin of chance lands on heads or tails, it's still a coin. The real issue is breaking the Federal Reserve bank, abolishing central banks in general, and scaling back the practise of "savings" banks to become "investment" banks by making loans, let alone charging interest; the real issue should be implimenting a gold coin currency, and returning the people of this planet away from interference in their personal lives by the USA's federal gov't. If the "Liberty Message" is followed through on to its ultimate extension, it means a world where the laws of "society" are no longer necessary to enforce with a standing class of armed-citizens (police and military), because all of us would be allowed to carry a gun; it would be a society where everyone owned, but no one ever needed to use, a gun. There would be no laws to enforce besides those of commerce against racketeering (forming corporations, or as they were originally called "confidence artists" colluding in a "conspiracy"), against counter-feiting (creation of fiat credit to loan), against price-fixing (charging interest on loans) and against taxation (collecting debts using violence). This can be achieved with OR without Ron Paul personally, but it cannot be achieved without breaking the current NWO of elder rich elites who shape and design policy via the independent actions of the CIA, whose "black budget" is funded by the indpendent from oversight Federal Reserve. Right now, Ron Paul is simply the only public figure with the balls to stand up against the NWO.
"I personally feel that any and all career politicians are inherently corrupt, whether they started that way or not. So despite the strong possibility of his having Jesuit/Masonic connections...the very twelve years you tout as a badge of his service is actually my greatest concern."
Aloha James,
that may appear a present truism, but as I say in the introduction, Ron Paul MIGHT be the sole exception of an "honest politician;" or he might not, as you might posit. Regarding your post, I'd comment on it in itself only to point out that it's 12 "terms," of 2 years each, thus 24 years total Ron Paul has served as the Congressman representing Klute, Texas, not, as you mis-typed, 12 "years." The point you make's the same, but I wanted to clarify that tid-bit for other readers who might only skim.
Being that you are, right now, THE most thorough researcher on ALL subjects arcane, both historic and modern, I would be curious to know if you'd like to present some findings for further reference for your claim of Ron Paul's "strong possibility," as you say, of "having Jesuit/Masonic connections." I've done no research into these claims personally, so if you can start with a brief introduction to the topic for my beginner's point of view, it would be very much appreciated. Thanks, James, for your comment, time and friendship. PEACE! - Jon
"It wasn't a mistype, I really pay that little attention. Actually I greatly appreciate the correction so I don't go around making an ass outta myself. Just never cared enough to clarify and I should have before making a public comment, even though it does not change the over-all ideal of a career politician, if anything it reinforces it. That being said, I reassert that my major complaint against him is that and not the possibility of his extra-political connections. It's on my list of 'thing's to look into', but I've yet to get to it. Here are both of the two links that caused me to feel that I could not just dismiss the claims as wild accusations, thus warranting further investigation. The one that glorifies the hand gestures is suggestive I admit...but the other one shows a few things that deserve to be questioned. I also highlight that, by implying that by being a career politician he is inherently corrupt would in itself imply that the man in question has in some way been compromised....affiliations with nefarious societies that are not made public could sometimes be enough to corrupt a mans image while not proving that the individual actually agrees with nor supports the institution they have been associated with. That is however, where the saying of guilt by association came from and I personally feel that at some point if you don't stand up in opposition of injustice....then you may as well be apart of that injustice. The Jesuits preach Jesus and the Shriner's build hospitals, but that does not mean they are good organizations. Their good actions are simply Public Relations cover for their satanic worship and glorification. So in Ron's case..yes he is very, very vocal about corruption...and....he, unlike Kennedy or John Wheeler is still living a very safe and public life. In the past few years we have watched person after person fall victim to cover-up...and yet Ron never seems to be that much of a worry to those in charge."
"Cf. Gabrielle Giffords shooting and how prior to getting shot, she had filed a bill with congress to reduce their pay. Shortly after she becomes victim to a 'fanatical freak-shooting-event'. Bullshit. They needed to deliver a message to the other members of congress and she made herself their target by threatening their pay."
Aloha James,
Thank you very much for your links to further info, even though, as you admit, you might personally know only a little more than me, who knows nothing at all about anything on that topic. The sole bit of evidence from the presentations at those links in your first post I was aware of before watching was the "Masonic" (3rd degree or "Master Mason") grip given by Ron Paul to some other guest on the Bill Maher show in the summer of 2008. I had thought that a little odd at the time, however in light of his belonging to the fraternity Lambda Chi Alpha in college, as pointed out in the second link, as well as his wife Caroll being a member of the OES, it does appear likely that this was an intentional sign of Paul's personal, and moreoever, "Fraternal" respect for that colleage.
I would only argue this in rebuttal:
A petition for a license to sell "strong drink" at the Green Dragon was presented in 1714. The property had been inherited by Mehitable Cooper from her father, William Stoughton, in 1701. The Green Dragon Tavern was purchased from her son, William Cooper, by William Douglas, physician and pamphleteer, in 1743. Douglas lived in the tavern, calling it his "mansion house". After his death in 1752, the tavern passed to his sister, who sold it to the St. Andrews Lodge of Freemasons in 1766. The Freemasons used the first floor for their meeting rooms. The basement tavern was used by several secret groups and became known by historians as the "Headquarters of the Revolution". The Sons of Liberty, Boston Committee of Correspondence and the North End Caucus each met there. The Boston Tea Party was planned there and Paul Revere was sent from there to Lexington on his famous ride. In January 1788, a meeting of the mechanics and artisans of Boston passed a series of resolutions urging the importance of adopting the Federal Constitution pending at the time before a convention of delegates from around Massachusetts. The building was demolished in 1854.
- source:
The point being that the Founding Fathers were all Free Masons, and that they were well enough intentioned to have written the Declaration, Constitution and BOR. Not all men who are FreeMasons are "bad" or "evil" people just because they are FreeMasons.
As far as the shooting of congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, do you think this might be related to why Rand Paul has recently endorsed Mitt Romney, even though Ron Paul, his father, is still running against Romney for 2012 Republican nominee for Presidential candidate? Many people are calling Rand Paul's endorsement of Romney a "betrayal of the movement his father created," and it makes me wonder if someone literally put a gun to his head to make him do it. What would be your thoughts on that, your time allowing?
Thanks again for your replies and your time in reading here, James. You're a good person, and I'm glad to know you.
PEACE! - Jon
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