the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
topic: Illuminism 101D
title: the Future for Illuminist Luciferian-Satanism
author: Jonathan Barlow Gee
organisation: the Pythagorean Order of Death (POD)
location: Tallahassee, Florida, USA
date: 5-1-2012
If we establish that logic and morality are not realities, but our own mental choice in each moment, we will have successfully applied "illuminism" to erode the foundations for the existence of monotheist religion. Monotheism, unlike pantheism, constitutes a single ediface of institutionalised religion. There are many synagogues, denominational churches and mosques. But there is only One monotheist God, and if we disprove the necessary existence of this, by removing "moral logic" as an argument for mental imagination being counted as part of solid, material reality, then not one, not some nor many, but ALL monotheist religious insitutions fall. That, in short, accomplishes the goal of so-called "Illuminism," foundation of the Roman flamine "Catholic" Christian religion. The role of the Popes has been, all along, to prove the non-existence of God, as part of their pledge to uphold the will of "Christ" for "His Church," for the existence of "Christ" as a "Son of God" (let alone a "Church" to embody the "Holy Ghost" to complete the Catholic "Trinity") disproves the concept of a singular monotheist God. "Illuminism" is the true form of "Christianity," insofar as both seek to disprove the existence of God and thus to topple the monotheist religion by eroding its insitutions. If we establish, further, that this is and has been the goal of a small group of less than 100 immoral atheists alive at any time - the so-called "illuminist conspiracy," a literal embodiment of the illuminist concept of a "Synagogue of Satan" - then we may posit they themselves might not believe in "Satan," but that, by their actively evil deeds, they are willing to deliver mankind into the total self-destruction and moral-abnegation that is implied as the opposite of monotheism. Thus, whether or not they themselves are "Luciferian Satanists," per se, is irrelevant beside the fact they are, even now as I am writing these words, attempting to consolidate to themselves the power over masses of their equals once possesed by Pharaohs and Caesars. This group of immoral atheists is aligning themselves, using fiat capitalism rather than production of a commodity or service, to rule over the rest of our species by replacing the concept of monotheism with their own appointment of a global dictator. This dictator, regardless of whether considered "good" or "evil" by arbitrary moral logic, would be, to the illuminist "religion," the equivalent of "God" to monotheism; thus, "Christ" would be replaced by "Lucifer," and "God" by a living global dictator as "Satan," the true ruler over earth.
The better question than "what is good?" is "what is relativity?" To understand that what is "good for one" is not the same as what is "good for another," let alone what would be "best for all," one must first understand that no matter to what one assigns attributes of "good" or "evil," one cannot have one without the other; thus, no matter how much "good" or "evil" there is in the universe, because these concepts are ex post facto effects of physical reality and because these concepts are "relative" to one another - thus we can postulate that, not only is everything in physical reality relative to everything else in all quantities of any quality, but perhaps, because "good" and "evil" are also relative, but are ideals, then everything in the mental realm might be "relative" as well. Thus, "relativity" would be a common denominator of both physical, material reality and our super-imposed mental idealisms. So, we can begin by the postulate: "EVERYTHING IS RELATIVE," and expand on this to prove or disprove it by comparing the relativities between reality and ideals.
Solid material reality and the realm of mental ideals are relative to one another. "Good" and "evil" are relative to one another, in the realm of mental idealism, thus the same way as are apples and oranges in material reality. You can compare quantities of apples and oranges, contrast their qualities, etc. You can use them to symbolise units of "good" or "evil" karma if you like. However, ultimately, as real as the apples and oranges are, "good" and "evil" are only ideals. You can compare and contrast apples and oranges on the level of material reality, alike how you can "good" and "evil" in the mind, but this does not make the mental realm real, only "relative" to reality. For example, say the apple is alike the idea of "evil," and the orange alike the idea of "good." This actually subtracts from the real value of the apple and orange both, dividing their real use into a part that is super-imposed mental ideal. This implication of positive value disguising an actual deficiet in real worth is the sole promise of the mental realm of ideal. Because reality pre-exists the mind, as solid matter pre-existed the evolution of biological life, the real value is in the solid material object itself, and not in the super-imposed mental ideals we project onto it with our minds.
Once we realise that the mind is the pivotal fulcrum point, the bottle-necking hour-glass between the apex of idealism and nadir or reality, its actual use is defined: not as a mental-projector that shines idealist-light through a focal-lens at a blank-wall of external-reality to show a motion-picture, a shadow-puppet show; the mind is used to absorb matter into it and to convert it into the mental realm - the mind exists to create new ideals. When was the last time a "new ideal" was imagined? How long has it been considered dangerous to use our full imaginations? How long has it been tacitly illegal to dream aloud?
In the previous essays we defined morality as a subjective variable. It exists only in the realm of the mind as an ideal, but cannot effectively be super-imposed onto reality in such a way as to benefit anything by it doing so. Morality is, thus, a failed ideal. "Realism" arises to replace failed ideals, and from its scythe now drips the blood of "logical positivism," the concept - futily optimistic - that morality can be proven using a series of events in reality over time. Using cause and effect to prove the natural existence of an otherwise inert force upon matter is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You cannot pick up a club of wood and kill a person who disagrees with you just to prove to them that solid material reality agrees with you even if they personally do not. They will miss your point, being as how they will be dead. You can prove the existence of material reality this way, at least to yourself, but you cannot prove the supremacy to it of the mental realm of ideals through any active deed you can imagine, let alone perform in reality. Just as there is no actual "karmic unit" of "good" or "evil" anywhere in material reality, so too can no active deed prove their existence through cause and effect. Ideas don't exist; ideals are not reality.
If we define morality as an ideal, but define ideals as relative to reality, we can further identify morality as a failed ideal. If this is the case, as it appears it is - for morality promising balance offers none in fact - then what "higher ideal" should replace morality? If "illuminism" disproves "monotheism" as an ideal itself, and if mono-theism is the singular pinnacle capable of topping even the binary dualism of "good" and "evil," then truly the entire mental realm is in jeapordy of proving a complete and total waste of time and energy.
Thus, identifying "morality" as a "failed ideal," we begin our final inquiry into the topic of "illuminist Luciferian-Satanism," to find a true ideal, a "good moral" that we can identify, that we can share and compare to other real objects, and that can be substituted for the failed morality of monotheism. If monotheism's anti-thesis for the "good God" is the "evil Satan," then perhaps the first place we should look for an answer to the quest for a "higher moral ideal" would be to seek the opposite of what monotheism has defined it as.
If "good" and "evil" are relative in the way that apples and oranges are, then we may imagine apples and oranges in a pure empty void, devoid entirely of gravity or other meanings. They exist, but are without "relative" referentiality to anything else. Such are the apple and the orange "things in themselves," and so thus are "good" and "evil" forms of objective "things in themselves." Good and Evil are objects in the mental vacuum alike apples and oranges would be if they were to be compared while floating in the depths of outer-space.
Thus, the question of "what is a better ideal than morality" is answered, objectively, quite simply by the void itself. "NOTHINGNESS is supreme to the monotheist single deity concept in the mind, as well as to the relativity between moral ideals and objects in material reality." It is not the addition of the monotheist "God" concept to the binary dualism of "good" and "evil" to form the "Catholic" dialectic "Trinity" that solves the answer of a more useful back-drop to the equation at hand. It is the abnegation of the entire system.
Thus, the "law of one" at the capstone of monotheism, built in turn ontop of the pantheist cornerstone of the "laws of men," itself in turn serves as the cornerstone to the atheist "law of none," whose capstone is, in turn, an infinite zero. This "law of none" expressed as "infinite zero" is the solution to the equation of what may better supercede "morality" as an ideal. Some have expressed it as "anarchy" or the "law" of "do what thou wilt," expressed in Greek as "Thelema." This "one law of no laws" has been the sole belief adhered to by the immoral atheists who invented "illuminist Luciferian-Satanism" as a counter-point to "Judeao-Christian-Muslim" monotheism.
The usefullness of "infinite zero" is simple and limitless: behind everything, there is nothingness. It is the furthest limit we have or ever can reach, providing zero resistance and an infinitely retreating horizon, incrementally acquiescing to our advancements along our borders of knowledge and greed. Nature, itself, is seen as being the ultimate drawing board upon which we have traced out our structures of "morality" as idealised castles in the sands of time. Nature, which returns all to its most basic elements given enough time, is said to obey no higher laws, but to be the very mechanism by which its own, interior, "natural laws" are enforced. Whenever we see a coincidence occur, we imagine it brief proof of a higher guiding ideal, however this ocassional glimpses into our own imaginations made real in truth disprove just that. Nature's femininity, for example, implies to mankinds' minds the existence of some counter-point masculine force. We imagine "God the father," or "father time," etc. never realising that it is we ourselves who are filling that role and playing that part ourselves by doing so.
Thus, the only more effective solution than applying "infinite zero" to our own limitations by "natural law" is applying it to the existence of reality itself. Just as the mental realm of ideals may be disproven using objective realism, so too can the realm of material reality be disproven to exist using solipsism. "Solopsism" is the ontology of the same philosophy that "nihilism" is the religious moral code. Again, immoral atheists have embraced these both since, perhaps, before the origin of our own species.
If the "law of none" preceded the existence of the "law of one," the discovery of the monotheist ideal of a "one true god," then how can best hope to return the world to this simpler, more idyllic stage of a veritable "Garden of Eden," a natural paradise on earth? We cannot. We have progressed down a long, dead-end path from which there is no, nor can there be any, return. Our species is as much doomed to extinction prior to our exhausting our futile clinging to the useless monotheist concept of moral logic as each of us alive now is doomed to die sooner or later someday as well. Thus, there's no hope for our species, and the best we can hope for is to leave some traces of clues, some small sampling of evidence, of our present existence to future species that might one day find and study our remains as today we do the dinosaurs. If we have any remains of hope at all for moral logic's proving the existence of an ideally "good" God, it lies with animals and aliens, and not in our own hands anymore.
The world chews us up and spits us out, both as individual people and as a species. Nature has been abused by us long enough, and is no longer willing to suffer our species existence. The simple fact is that we have broken "natural law" by super-imposing our mental "ideals" and thus diminishing the real usefulness of solid material objects in natural reality. Because of this, we SHOULD abandon absolutely ALL hope entirely, and simply make due with finding a superior form of idealism in nihilist, atheist solipsism. However, it is unlikely our species will be capable of achieving this goal, aside from perhaps less than one hundred of us alive at any given time in history, and so it falls on these remaining few to suffer the hopeless and thankless, sad and futile fate of knowing and carrying the burden of our entire species destiny: death.
When the dead can be cloned, and inanimate flesh made to live again, there can no longer be the super-imposition of binary dualist moral idealism as a "natural law" proving the existence of the monotheist concept of "God." This is because cloning, ie. "resurrecting the dead," is forbidden in scriptures as being the "last straw," so to speak, in sealing the demise of past species. It is believed that, because the "giants" cloned our species into existence, for example, the Biblical flood was sent to destroy them all, and it was only by a sub-atomically narrow margin our own species even managed to survive it as well. Thus, now that we are at the cusp of this form of a scientific breakthrough, we are staring down the "last straw" separating our own species from our prior definition of "God" itself. If we "become God," usually "God" gets very upset about it, and the result is total global extinction.
Total global extinctions happen frequently and on a regular schedule, corresponding with one species dominance on a planet and with the peak of that planet's star's sunspot cycle. The more heat the star bakes the planet in, the more full of hot air are the minds of whatever is the most advanced species on that planet. The lofty ideals of long lost species can only nowadays be imagined by examining their fossil remnants. Reptiles grew larger over the many millennia they evolved as the dominant species on earth, and thus their form of "logical morality" was to "idealise" size. This was, of course, their downfall, insofar as when their environmental conditions were suddenly changed by a comet colliding with earth, they were forced to shrink and to bio-diversify their families of species. As the earth's global environment changed, reptiles grew smaller and more agile, and have since adopted many traits developed during the dinosaur-era first by mammals. As mammals, our own species has small size and agility, and furthermore, as monkies, our species of mammal further evolved thumbs and upright walking.
Dinosaurs were a silly species from the point of view of our own. Likewise, our own species will appear as much a useless and futile dead-end stem on the branching tree of evolution from a point as far ahead into our own future now as we are now from the dinosaurs in our past. In the future, dinosaurs will be replaced by dino-hominids, and it will be our fossilised blood, turned to tar and oil, that will be used as fuel to power their strange machines.
I am wagering the future will belong to two forms of animal-factions, who will evolve from the wild and from the tame forms of animals alive at this time now. In the wild animal faction there are "birds" and "bugs," ever at war as polar extreme opposites, the "good" and the "evil" of the untamed air. In the tame animal faction there are "dogs" and "cats," who have achieved peace but who remain divided along class lines the usefulness of which has expired.
It is easy enough to see all this, if one but lets go of their ego. The ego is the temporal-lock, the conceptual framework within and behind the physical reality that surrounds one's living body. Your mind is where and when your body thinks it is right now only because it is stuck to it like a fly in a spider's cob-web. Until the body dies, there's no escape for the mind from it. Thus, the mind cannot ever truly hope to succeed in realising anything it can imagine as an ideal, as in "bringing the gift of fire" or "drawing down the moon" as it were. Everything we touch is tainted by our inner-wills, and everything we invent takes on a new life of its own once we are done creating it. New ideas share themselves, and if you hold onto one too long, it will no longer be as "good," because someone else will have already tried it by then.
Thus, the best idea is to embrace the futility of all ideals, and to expand upon the logical amoralism of atheist solipsism. This means that the "ego" or "time-lock" one has for themselves in their mind, their "self-definition" itself and their faculty thereof, should be abnegated, and the use of it as a link between the mental and material realms of ideals or reality be abolished. To accomplish this, one is best to begin by using logic to reduce morality, then to using this form of reduced morality, hindered by logic, to disprove the physical existence of "God." There is no "good," no "evil," no "God" or "Satan," there is only oneself surrounded by their own infnite cosmos.
Each of us is the core of our own cosmos. We can each try to bring down our ideals and make them real. But the more we try, the more we will be depleting the top sands of the hour-glass to add to the sands in the bottom half of it. Call it erosion, drainage, entropy, decay, Thoth or whatever you like: it is the ruler of the cosmos, and our ego is only visiting this realm temporarily. If one's own mind could fully expand to encompass, define and control the entire real cosmos, one would realise they themselves are the one true God over their own entire universe, of which they are the core, and which may overlap other core-God's centralised universal spheres as well. But then, if we are all "Gods," there is no such thing as a "one true God" possible.
Logic is preposterously useless at solving this problem, because if there is no "God," there is no logical justification for our own existence, let alone the solely mental existence of our man-made idealism-machine called "logic." Using logic to disprove God's existence is exactly like using a gun to shoot off your own toe. Anyone who pursues this line of reasoning deserves to bleed out.
However, it is apparently necessary for some nowadays to at least TRY to "break the godspell" that controls their otherwise more creative minds by limiting their "free" time. People honestly believe as much that there is hope for our species as they do in the factual existence of "God." It does not matter that no "god" by definition of "alien biological being" fits the defintion of being the "One True God" over the whole universe; it only matters that, all else regardless, no such "One True God" over the whole universe can nor does exist in reality. Thus, it is just as futile to resist the logic that disproves our own usefulness to an arbitrary and hostile reality as it is to advocate it. In truth, only solipsism defines the true condition of reality from anyone's mind's perspective, because such is the same amount of beleif reality has in the contents of anyone's mind.
God hates human-kind. It is simple to see this fact, as only our own species' minds is tortured in this way by the issue of mortality. We imagine moral logic and use this imagined ideal to super-impose the concepts of "good," of "evil," and of "God" and "Satan." This argument is a waste of our minds and time. In truth, only solipsism is an accurate description of reality.
Solipsism is the belief, proven in fact, that nothing is real and that nothing real actually exists. There is simply a vast empty void of outer-space, undistrubed with any sub-atomic motion by the stirrings of any gravitational breeze. Nothingness exists, and it is all that exists. We are not "brains on shelves." There are no "shelves." There are no "brains." There is no "us." There is only nothingness, and we are simply imagining the rest. The law of gravity is true, as if in a dream, because we imagine it to be so. The law of entropy and decay over time is true, as if by cause and effect, because we believe it to be so; we see it occuring here or there, then we imagine it must always everywhere, and so everything began and continues to decay to this day. We imagine a "God" and so, for each of us, one exists; but each imagines a different "God" and so infinite "Gods" CAN exist.
Infinite "Gods" CAN exist only because in truth, NOTHINGNESS ALONE EXISTS. Logically-moralist nihilism, objective-rational atheism and blind faith in total solipsism are the three stages of "illuminist Luciferian-Satanism" ascended only by some 70 or so people per generation. If you can embrace these as "higher ideals" than "failed morality," you could be among these ruling elites as well, however the likelihood they would allow anyone new to enter their folds by this point, so close to our species' planned extinction, is unlikely to the nth degree of extremism.
We will all die. Our bodies will die, and our minds become ghosts. Our species will die and our ghosts become Gods. This planet will die and our Gods will become souls, free to roam anywhere in the cosmos and time. This cosmos will die and all our individual souls will evaporate into the thinner density of the omni-spirit, the monotheist ideal of "God." That "God" will die, and the cosmos will be reborn "under new management." Then eventually, the idea of all existence itself will have worn so thread-bare against the back-drop of a black curtain of Nothingness that it will simply whisp away like cob-webs in the breezes, becoming another forgotten memory in the schizophrenic mind of a non-existent God, the ego of the cosmos.
Therefore, there is no "Christ," there is only "illuminism" logically disproving morality. There is no "God," there is only "Luciferianism" in the form of reality disproving the usefulness and ultimately the existence of moral idealism. There is nothingness; the opposite of the monotheist "God" is "Satan," defined as the philosophy of solipsism incarnated in anyone's active deeds. If "God" was imagined to bring "good" causes into effect, then solipsism, by realising there is no reality, thus disproves cause and effect, which, though liberating of the mind, is futile for any use in bringing "good" into being by our own active deeds. If we embrace solipsism, we embrace inactivity. Insofar as inactivity is neutral it is not "all good," and thus is more partially "evil."
What is "evil" in reality? Ultimately, nothing. Therefore, nothingness is sole king-God in the religion of solipsism. This defines the condition of the mind within each of us that faces the binary moral choices in our immediate future at all times. Inside the mind of each of us, which mind empowers us over natural reality alike we imagine the monotheist God above the whole cosmos, there is the ideal of solipsism, the belief that, because reality is malleable and obedient, pliable to our demands, etc. that therefore it does not exist, but our mind does. This is false. Neither the solid material reality, nor the interior mental ideal realm, exists. They are mutual fictions, each imagining the other. A symbiosis of non-existent mind and non-existent nature combine to form the wheel of suffering, the "yin yang," of polar extreme opposites within the totality of solipsism's cosmology. Nothing exists, nothing is real, nothing is ideal. All is Nothingness.
What does it mean that "God is dead"? It means the idea of a monotheist cosmic omni-sentience has expired in its usefulness to our species. In truth, there never was a God. We should not feel betrayed by this. It is not "God's" fault that He does not exist. It's mankinds' fault for pretending He did. We should never have embarked down the road of theism in general as a species, and it will result in our eventual extinction as such. Arguing over the moral logical attributes of "God," we will kill ourselves all off, and soon. This is only depressing because we were promised "God" and have been given "hell on earth" instead. Of course this offends our moral sense of fairness, justice, rightness and all those sorts of concepts. Ethics and morality are logical, we have asserted as much as a species; does that amount to nothing? Yes, ultimately, everything we do will be reduced to silt in space, until even space itself evaporates into more etheral dimensions.
Ultimately, the only proveably true fact we can assert using our minds is the non-existence of reality. We can prove reality is superior to the metal realm by killing - such is the sole "moral" motive for any war. We can prove likewise reality is inferior to the ideal realm by suicide as a species. Ultimately, we cannot add benefit to reality by our minds, we cannot project our moral logic onto reality in any beneficial way, and we should, and eventually will, as a species, simply give up and accept the defeat of our ancient attempt to justify our own mistakes. Existence is a mistake. Life itself is a mistake. We should not have been born. When we were conceived, we began to dream this reality into being. When we were born it was complete. Now, we live within it like a foetus floating in the womb, dreaming of the world beyond death. Soon, we will die regardless, and all our dreams will be forgotten.
We are lied to and told we are promised a choice. But there's no choice. The choice between "good" and "evil" is the choice between rotten apples or rotten oranges. Either way, they will be rotten; such is their condition in being real. We may choose apples or oranges in reality, and "good" or "evil" in ideal, but in reality, there is no ideal, and in idealism, no reality at all.
There is no God, no good or evil, no right or wrong, no right or left, no night or day, no up, down, inward, outward; there is no mind and no reality, no solid object exists and neither does any imagined mental ideal. You can't manifest an apple out of an orange, nor vice versa, and trying will probably only make the entire universe collapse in upon you like an imploding balloon of smoke in the airlessness of outer-space. There is no heaven, hell, life, death, earth nor cosmos; there is no your mind, no my mind, there is no our mind, no natural mind. There is no mind at all, no reality exists and you and I are not even real. I am not real, and I am not really telling you this, because you are not real either. None of this is actually happening, because reality is a loop that conserves both chaos and order equally, such that everything is constantly changeing, but so that nothing ever permanently changes over time. Ultimately, reality is an ocean and we are making waves in it that, when they finally "go around," will "come back around" to sink us.
There is nothing. Nothing is real. Nothing exists. There is nothing more to say beyond this. Ultimately, this is not the extent of "illuminist Luciferian-Satanism" alone. It's the final conclusion to all forms of life and reality as a whole. You can deny it, but denying it does not mean it is not true.
You will not believe any of this. You, my student, will forget all that I have argued out using moral logic and human reasoning. You will go back to watching tv and eating microwave meals. You are already aware of the futility of your own existence, and do not need to have your nose rubbed in it to prove the non-existence of God, of morality, logic and ultimately everything else we like to assume is real as well.
If nothing exists and evil is caused by any activity we attempt, we have become "freed" from the "godspell" only to be en-chained in our own regrets.
PEACE. - Jon
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