the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

on the "shape-shifting reptilian" question

what causes shape-shifting?
who shape-shifts reptilian, and why?
are there other species of shape-shifters?
the reptilian morphology and world-view:
why do the reptilians covet gold?

what causes shape-shifting?

Shape-shifting is caused by the cellular structures of a person's body breaking down their usual forms as the "junk" codons inside their molecular strands of DNA become active, and the re-assembling into forms dictated by the specific codons that were activated. This can be accomplished at will or on accident, and can occur temporarily or constantly.

Shape-shifts occur perpetually on a cellular-level once the "junk" DNA has begun to become active. However, for those who do (accidentally), or who can (at will), shape-shift, the visual appearance of this disability usually ends very quickly. In short, for those in whom it can be seen, as well as for many in whom it cannot be seen, RNA mutation-recoding is always occuring; however for those who can show this process on their exterior epidermis, their ability to do so only lasts a short while.

The number-one cause of the perpetual mutation breakdown of a person's genetic structures is exposrue to time-travel technology, particularly to machines that act as particle-accelerators speeding space up faster than the speed of light through fiber-optics. The most common example of this type is the "ring array" used in CERN's hardon collider, and in most "flying disc" shaped inter-stellar crafts. If a person passes through this "ring array," they manifest the mutation of genetic-breakdown into spontaneous mutated forms.

who shape-shifts reptilian, and why?

The people who we most often see manifesting the shape-shifting disability are, now, the only people on earth who have been directly exposed to such time-travel technologies, ie. the economic and political elite who have seen the wrecked, extra-terrestrial "flying-discs" impounded by their national militaries. For the most part, the people who have worked longest with these wrecked craft have become so mutated by their exposure to them, they are not even allowed in public, let alone to act as a representative figure.

Among those who manifest the specifically reptilian trait in their shape-shifting disability are the highest-ranking figures of the Bilderberg Group, the Bohemian Grove club, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, etc. These represent the heads of state, finances, military, industry and media of many different nations, all alinged for the sole purpose of attaining their own decided goals. In short, these groups now represent the people attempting to establish a single, global government.

It is no mere fortunate coincidence these "world leaders" are all reptilian shape-shifters. Those among them who have been exposed to the wrecked "ring array" flying-discs suffer from cellular destabilisation, ie. shape-shifting. However there are more then merely the ones who manifest the shape-shifting symptom that belong to this group, but they are no less "reptilian" than the others who wear their heritage on their faces.

The group of the rich and politically powerful comprise the faction of this group that can shape-shift, but the remainder of their loyal devotees are just as cold-blooded fear-mongering vampiric scavengers as their chosen public figures. The vast majority of the reptilians do not shape-shift, and appear human at all times.

The only way to distinguish these blue-blooded homo-saurians is by their philosophical belief system. If they desire to rule the world, if they admire those they believe do so, and if they believe the world will end unless these same people ever lose power, and if they believe the end of the world is an imminant result of human stupidity, they are reptilians.

Most reptilians have adopted the concept of the "second-coming of Jesus" from the religion of Christianity as a means of harvesting fear from those around them about the immediate threat of the world ending. Thus, many people who believe in the "second-coming of Jesus" are attempting to exploit the religion based around the figure of Jesus, so-called Christianity, by heightening millennarian eschatology.

It should be noted, however, that any religious extremist - from a suicide bomber in Israel, to a UFO-cult leader, to a 2012-alarmist Mayanologist, not only the "second-coming" Christians - fits the profile of the reptilians, even if they don't shape-shift.

are there other species of shape-shifters?

There are other species of cellular morphological mutation than the one that causes the appearance of a person's visage to shape-shift reptilian. It is only the people who have been exposed to time-travel technology that shape-shift (for the vastly larger part of the time), and among them it is only the ones who are millennarian eschatologists who manifest specifically reptilian features.

Other species of shape-shifters include any and all of the plant and animal biological life-forms on this planet. For example, expsoing a plant to time-travel technology, or any species of animal, would result in a similar breakdown and mutation of cellular-morphology. The shape taken by each type of plant, or each species of animal, would be unique not only based on its genus or species, but on its personal genetic lineage, its historical "tree" of ancestry, such that the genes active in their own family would determine the manner of their own mutations.

Now, just as the nature of a mutation taken by any individual is unique to them, based on their own prior genetic structure, so too can any so-mutated biological life-form mutate its morphology to resemble traits of any other. Plants and animals evolve in their capacity for communication, although many devolve into degenerate hybrid forms as well - mutations that are contrary to the existing growth-pattern of their own natural branch on the tree of life. Likewise, people that exhibit this mutation can either evolve into higher forms of intelligence, whose change is in auric energy alone, or devolve into lesser, plant and / or animal forms.

In short, there are limitlessly more species of shape-shifting mutants between species than there can ever be specific different types of species living at any time.

the reptilian morphology and world-view:

Because the genetic trait exhibited by the shape-shifters among the highest-level planning bodies and round-tables of the rich and powerful is reptilian - in point of fact, a devolution as well as a dis-ability caused by mutation - we can ascertain they belong to the same group of people who, though they do not, would also, shape-shift into reptilians. This entire group of people, the religious-extremists and loyal political-party slaves as well as their mutant leaders in elite planning bodies, can be considered a reptilian-type sub-species of humanity. They are devolving from the human form into a more biologically primitive and less cellularly advanced morphology of being than the human being is now. This process of de-evolution is nascent in them now, so they appear human still, however over a duration of many millennia (or sooner, given advances in bio-tech), they will be the ancestors of a devolved off-shoot of human evolution that resembles reptilian humanoids.

The reason for these people to be on this de-evolutionary course in their genetic mutation is simple: conditioning over the aeons. By retreating from the creative-logical thinking-ego of the fore-brain they have gradually, over the hundreds and thousands of generations their families have been alive, re-oriented their self-aware perception into the hind-brain, which is limited in its capacities for choice-making to the sensory-awareness level of the most highly developed lizard's brain. Because the reptiles of our planet have evolved only the brain-structures that the modern human posesses in only the hind-portion of our own brains, we call the hind-brains of human beings reptilian. The reptilian nature is oriented outward moreso than inward, reacting to its environment rather than thinking how to communicate, and dorsally along an axis of approach (love) or retreat (fear or hate). Thus, this most basic level of thought is primal to all people, but only those who have been conditioned to do so have developed this nervous complex into a philosophical religious belief-system, and only among them are there a few who can actually shape-shift to show this retrograde trait visibly.

why do the reptilians covet gold?

The reptilian shape-shifters of today are using the ancient Sumerian myths of the Annunaki (aliens) and the Biblical mention of the Nefilim (half-breed giants) to perpetuate their agenda, however because both of these are myths, neither is meant to be interpreted literally, as the reptilians believe. The reptilians consider themselves the Nefilim, and the greys of today the reptilians believe are the real Annunaki. However, the greys are only reptilians who have used, more than merely seen or been exposed to, time-travel technology. The greys, in short, are reptilians who have travelled through time from now into the future and returned. They are fully mutated forms of the reptilian species the shape-shifters of today are partially.

The reptilians covet gold to give to the greys. This relationship is described, albeit in severely veiled form, in Sumerian myths by explaining the alien-god Annunaki required the gold from earth to return with their home-planet Nibiru to patch its atmosphere. Of course, because such a use for solid-mineral gold is useless and would be impossible, we must decipher the real meaning of this myth about the atmosphere of Nibiru. If the Annunaki of then are assumed to represent the greys now, and the reptilians now alike the Nefilim of then, then the greys desire gold from the reptilians to return with into the future to repair something there later.

This mythology-based explanation is sufficient for the modern reptilians, who serve the greys more out of fear than understanding. However, the real explanation for why the reptilians harvest the gold of earth is not the reason the greys give them as their explanation. The real reason is for the greys to be able to physically time-travel. In so far as our entire economy here on planet earth has grown to revolve around the fixed-rate "value" of the precious metals commodity industry, if the greys had come down to the Sumerians and explained they needed peacock feathers, then the entire economy of earth would be based right now on peacock feathers.

Consider the secret of metallurgical "alchemy": gold, silver and other platinum-group metals can be transformed into super-conductors that can be sped up to faster than the speed of light. Through near sun-surface temperature heating over a prolonged duration, gold can be reduced to a luminous ash, so-called "white powder" or "monoatomic gold." It is "mono-atomic" not because it does not molecularly bond at the level of electrons, but because the electron's shell-level has been "orbitally re-arranged," meaning the path taken by each electron ceases to be random, and becomes fixed. When electricity is applied to "white powder gold" or other "orbitally re-arranged monoatomic elements" (ORMEs), they can maintain the pattern of a pulse of electricity indefinitely, until effected by another direct current. In other words, they become "super-condutors," capable of preserving any encoded message in a pattern of electrons, and doing so indefinitely, possibly forever. When enough electricity is applied to ORMEs they disappear in a bright flash without trace, because they have travelled faster than light and "imploded" into "a higher dimension."

Also consider the concept that ORMEs can be bonded to DNA. Not only can the bonding of a metallic element to the ends of genome strands, at the so-called "telomeres," act to prevent genetic-breakdown and thus to prolong cellular longevity, ie. to end a being's ageing process, but if such small "mono-atomic" molecules of gold were bonded along the genome strand, as well as only at its ends, it would effectively create an additional, super-conductive metal strand, bonded to the genome in a "triple-helix." In theory, this would allow a person to control the super-conductive nature of the ORME with their minds, and thus for a person to be able to biologically time-travel.

Jonathan Barlow Gee
Tallahassee, Florida
January 6, 2010.
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on recognising the reptilians:

you don't have to be a reptilian yourself to see them as they truly are. However, during the end-times scenarios they've been running on the Gaia-grid (the so-called "morphogeneic field" of ley-lines on earth), using sub-conscious radio signals since Reagan, all the reptilians undercover acting as humans now will shape-shift and there will be revealed to be a very large (possibly in the billions) population of them here on earth living with us. Thus, the ability to recognise the reptilians uses the hind-brain, and so can make one more alike the repitlians, in their excessive paranoia and obsessions with blood and sex, over a long enough period of time.

on the reptilian humanoid sub-species:

the reptilians of today are a de-evolution from humanity, which reached its peak as a species in 2000AD. The reptilians are one of the first de-evolutionary sub-species to devolve from us, and have been around in some form all along, however buried in the so-called "genetic memory." From 2000 to 2008 they pretty much ran this place. They are one of two sub-species to devolve from us. The other is much less common now, but will eventually over-run the reptilians. These are the so-called "bugs." William Burroughs, that mugwump, was part reptilian and part bug. GHWB is a bug. Dick Cheney is a bug. Kafka was a bug.

The reason these twin species are devolving from humanity now, and often right before our very eyes, is that the flesh of man, like a lizard's skin, will atrophy, and like an insect metamorphosise into new forms. Thus, these oldest genetic traits, in reverse order in our historical unearthing of them, reappear now within the DNA mutations of modern time-travellers. In the future, once time-travel is more common, the bugs and reptiles will go to war in the heavens between 2012 and Atlantis, and this will split their universal hell-dimension from our own worldline, in which there will be no Apocalyptic end of days (yet). The reptilians will win by evolving into the "birds," a further form of mutation of our initial humanoid DNA. The bugs will be reduced to their junky slaves. This will not be called the war of the "birds" and the "bugs" though, it will be considered a peaceful revolution, in both dimensions, by sentient AI. Beyond this, other sub-species evolve as well, but they are the stuff of the far future, and need not be considered here.

where are they from, originally, and will they ever all go back there?

They themselves claim to have come here from another star-sytem through a dimension splitting device. However this is a lie. In truth, they are from our own present and near future, are short-term time-jumpers and shape-shifters, and only go along on few trips through the time-tech. This brings out their inherent junk-genetic traits and changes their forms. If I told you Dick Cheney was going back in time on the weekends to, say, ancient Egypt, you would doubt it. But if I said, instead, Cheney was day-dreaming about his own past in an empire he ruled, alike the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt, you would agree. The brain is the hard-ware, the mind the soft-ware. Run the program, crunch the numbers, read the results yourself. If you don't believe it check it again: Once you seen time-travel once, you can do it in the mind whenever you want to afterwards. It's just that, whenever you do it, while you're doing it, you transform into a reptilian, or a bug or whatever suits you. Time travel using the mind alone is possible, but only in an ethereal body, and not in a body of flesh. The ones who are dedicated time-jumpers have already long out-evolved their repitlian servitors. The reptilians de-evolved. The greys, or professional time-travellers, have evolved further. But they are from the heaven-dimension and the hell-dimension both, so we will speak of them again another time.

The reptilians' are from a future in the hell-dimension alone. They thrive like a den of vipers for 1000 years in one form or another. But nowhere, nowhere, has any reptilian ever set foot in the heavenly Atlantis. They have corrupted the legends of Sumeria, but they cannot fuck with the technology of the mind, once unleashed, and harnessed, to accomplish monumental feats of will power. That is why they can't enter Eden. Because they are guarded against it by Raziel, the angel with the flaming sword. Raziel who art Enoch, who went back in time.

PEACE! Jah Ras Tafari! PEACE!
- Jon
reptlians / "neo-Sethians": human beings who believe in the imminant end of the earth who want to participate in bringing it about. They believe in the "second-coming" of Jesus now, just as 2000 years ago the same group believed Jesus was the "second-coming" of Seth. The reason they are "reptilian" is that this group will de-evolve into a sub-species of humanity over the next 1000 years or more. In other words, 2000 years ago, they worshipped Seth, now they worship John of Patmos, and in another 2000 years they will have devolved into lizards. Calling someone a reptilian doesn't make them any less a human being. They are considered reptilians whether they ever exhibit the appearance of it or not, if they fit the definition given here for the "neo-Sethians."

shape-shifters: The people who shape-shift are exhibiting a genetic mutation break-down. This can occur for some naturally, but for most it occurs due to their exposure to time-travel, and to time-travel technology. Seeing people shape-shift does not occur often. To see it, they must exhibit the trait, and you must see it, not only physically, but also psychically. This means in the form of a deja-vu, a double-take, etc. which triggers a sense that you have just witnessed something paranormal. Shape-shifting can be captured on film, video and digital media. It occurs at a very fast rate, does not last long, and flutters in an irregular pattern, such that any regular-rate film or video recording device will not be able to capture the full event of the shift. The best way to capture a shape-shift event on film or video is to cover it in "bullet-time" form many angles simultaneously. However, since it usually occurs either when the person who can exhibit it is cornered and nervous or is otherwise surprised out of their normal routine, and otherwise does not occur, it is difficult to capture it occuring at random.

bugs / trantaloids: Another future sub-species of humanity is even further de-evolved than the reptilians. They are the insectoids, meaning their future physiological morphology exhibits the traits of various different kinds of insect. The insects are diametrically opposed enemies of the reptilians. They are, however, beginning to work with one another, albeit the insects in the lead, and that covertly. The insects are the night-manifestation of the reptilian day-side. In short, we mammals may consider the reptilian idealogy of fear and retreat evil, but beyond and behind even this is the deeper evil of the hive-mind of the trantaloid bugs. By manipulating a hemispherical diametrical opposition (ie. day vs. night aspects), one landmass may prosper while another fails, one landmass may be more democratic, one more totalitaritarian, one may be warmer, the other colder, one light, one dark, and likewise the sub-species mutants of the two hemispheres will be different in appearance and philosophy as well. Take heed, though, that while now the bugs and reptiles rule this archetypal psychic plane, later the reptiles will evolve into the "Quetzal" and the last bugs be dethroned by new mammals.

greys: The greys are human beings that have stepped outside of the flow of entropic time for some prolonged period of time. These are legitimate time-travellers, who can use their own psyche to project a disc-craft capable of travelling through space and time. They exhibit the psychic-morphology of amneionic foeti to someone outside their "circle" or disc-craft while they are time-travelling in it, however this is only due to the fact they are using their own energy-aura as alike a foetus' womb, to project their own mental essence onto the interior surface of it as it surrounds them. They appear as "greys" either while in their craft, or while using their mind to project energy onto the environment around them, but the rest of the time they appear like the rest of us, or like mutated reptilians or insects. They can step outside of time, though, which means that, though they may apepar human, they are ultimately above humanity insofar as they can use their psychic power to manifest reality.

aliens / EBEs: There has only been one legitimate alien alive on this planet. One was EBE1, who died here. The other was EBE2 who came to collect his remains, and stayed for some time working with the US DOD to manage a trip of humans to the planet of these aliens' origin. Twelve people left, ten returned, one had died while away, and another decided to stay there. This planet is reached through hyper-space, that is, by going beyond or outside spacetime. While the greys MAY BE human in origin, and simply able to travel through time, EBE1 and 2 claimed to be FROM this planet, which is reached using the same form of technology used by the "greys" to step outside of time. It is possible to travel through space and time, thus the location of this planet is not only somewhere else than earth in outerspace, it might exist at some other point in time as well, either in our own past, or even in the future.

time-travel: We are always travelling one-way in time, from past-to-future, for our own individual biological-clock. However beyond this form of existence, which really only extends as far as to the surface of our planet, inside its gravity well, it is also common to travel through time from a position above this as well; using the method of measuring time as mapped onto the spherical surface of our own planet, we are able to travel faster than the speed of the planet's rotation in either the same, or the opposite, direction of its rotation. This means, every time you get into a car and drive, or get into an airplane and fly, east or west any distance at all, you are travelling "outside" of time physically, even if you do not psychically realise it. The result of time-travel is, thus, on our personal genetics governing our own biological clock. This is why shape-shifters appear as sub-species, rather than more highly mentally adapted beings: because they are de-evolutions to prior forms of species present in our own DNA. The genetic breakdown caused by time-travel is due to it accelerating our natural biological clock, thus shortening our lives, but only on a genetic level, and thus causing our genes to break down into earlier forms of animal species.

- Jon
"If reptilians were real, why isn't there any evidence of them shape-shfting caught on tape?" Well, I'm glad I asked, because there is plenty of it, but like UFOs, remains obscure or outright discredited in main-stream scientific media, relegated to pop-fiction.

Here is a playlist I've compiled of only a few of the videos on youtube available showing "reptilians shapeshifting." All of the people in this playlist are famous.

However, there are two specific cases of "shape-shifting caught on tape" from this playlist that I believe deserve a closer examination. These two both show the "shape-shift" in EXACTLY the way I have described it occuring throughout this thread, and for EXACTLY the same reasons. When reptilians' minds day-dream, their assumed "human" form drifts, and their true form becomes visible.

Jenna Bush

In this interview, Jenna's face repeatedly assumes its true, reptilian form, then when the camera cuts away and cuts back, she appears "human" again. However, the longer she talks, the more her genetic mutations begin to lose their holographic cover. I want to note, again, that this effect is ONLY a video-effect, insofar as it appears on camera, but not to the naked eye. It is NOT, however, intentional video-fakery (as with the "wescam" black-choppers on 9-11). This anomoly of Jenna's appearance can be explained in only one way.

Bob Marley

In this interview, Bob's face repeatedly assumes its true, reptilian form also, with the exact same visual effect occuring to him as we just saw displayed by Jenna Bush. Again, this effect is captured on video, although this, likewise, cannot be attributed to "video-fakery," because this interview occured over two decades prior to the interview with Jenna and was captured, rather than on live video, on video-tape. The proof this "shape-shifting" is an effect visible on video ONLY is that the reactions to it by the reporter interviewing Bob in person, and those interviewing Jenna by tele-conference, differ markedly.

Now, here is a more important question than "Where is the evidence?" - the question: "Who are really reptilians?" This answer will shock you even more.

Everyone rich and famous has begun to evolve into a reptilian. Why? Because they have, as I have been saying, direct exposure to the "time-travel" technology. Well, what exactly IS this "time-travel" technology? Any car or airplane can act as a time-travel machine, and thus the more you travel by vehicle, the more your genes degenerate into those of a reptilian. Now, I can very easily prove that assertion - that being that: "time-travel tech includes all modern planes, trains and automobiles." Here is a diagram depicting the one simple mathematical fact requisite to understand "time-travel" ::

If on earth, rotating from east toward west, it takes less "time" to travel from east to west than from west to east. This is "micro-cosmic" time-travel.

Therefore, the more you travel, the more your genes devolve. Then, if you are captured on video unprepared, your image will appear to "shape-shift." If you shape-shift into a "reptilian" it is because, again as I have been saying throughout this thread, because you are a "neo-Sethian," ie. a believer in the present-tense "second coming" of "Christ." This explains, consicely and accurately, why "shape-shifting" occurs to the rich and famous, how it can be recorded on video, and why certain "shape-shifters" appear "reptilian."

Now, to pose the penultimate question again: "HOW DO I KNOW ALL THIS?" and imply the Ultimate Truth: "AM I A REPTILIAN?" is a question you must ask not about yourself from anyone who brings knowledge of this topic, but instead, ask them if they themselves are reptilian shape-shifters. So... Ask Me.

- Jon

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