the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

0 Zen
1 Tao
2 polarities
2 parents
3 dimensions of space
3 phases of matter (solid, liquid, vapor)
3 sides of a triangle
4 elements
4 cardinal directions
4 seasons of a year
4 sides of a square
5 fingers per hand
5 toes per foot
5 appendages to the torso
5 sides of a pentagon
5 points of a pentagram
6 directions in 3-dimensions
6 sides of a cube
6 fundamental questions
6 days of creation
6 branches of a menorah
6 points of a hexagram
7 chakras
7 visible planets
7 gods of Mt. Olympus
7 archon angels
7 days of a week
7 seals of revelation
7 venal sins

numbers govern reality. therefore, knowing the nature of numbers - their traits and what they mean, their relationships with one another under the laws of arithmetic, their applications to real objects as so-called "geometry," etc. - allows us insight into how reality is ordered and maintained. It is said that "knowledge is power," but this only applies to certain types of knowledge, if at all. Knowledge of math gives us "power over" numbers: the ability to manipulate and control them more easily. In the same way a naturally talented mathematician approaches math, I, as a skilled author, approach writing, and to me, letters forming words forming sentences flow as easily as, to a skilled mathematician, flow variables into ratios and equations. But knowledge of letters gives one less "power over" writing than does knowledge of numbers give one "power over" math. And, moreover, writing is less potent than math both in social and natural contexts. In site of a new inspiration, words fail. But math remains able to describe all that exists in material reality, and able to exist without any influence or invention by the divine. In society, "math is power" over economics, the most influential of all humanity's social-sciences. In nature, "math is power" over sums of substances, and thus the ability to ration and hypothesize about these sums regardless of the presence or absence of their substance in one's immediate environment.

it has been said, "without order there would be chaos." In the realm of ideals, where logic and the laws of mathematics govern variables no more than symbolic of real, material substances, this is true. If there were no "laws" of arithmetic, then 2 + 2 could just as easily = 5 as = 4. However, in human society, this statement does not hold true. This is because of the difference between "natural" and "artificial" (or "man-made") laws being that "natural" laws exist whether or not we believe in them, whereas "artificial" laws exist only insofar as we believe them to do so. For example, the arithmetic law, governing equations such as 2 + 2 = 4, is NOT dependent on our agreement to accept our perception of it. If we are looking at one pile of two stones and a second pile of two stones and we combine them, there will be "4" stones in 1 pile whether we choose to call this sum "4" or "5" or "6" or "7," or by any other verbal term. On the other hand, the "justice system" can only be maintained through mandatory taxation because, without taxation being "the law," no one would agree to preserve the "justice system" as it exists now. This disagreement against the present system may have the illusory appearance of "anarchy" being "chaotic" on the surface, but in human affairs (as in all nature) everything is only temporary, and eventually a replacement system (or systems) would be built up instead of the present model. While disobeying "natural" laws (such as those of mathematics) is, in truth, self-destructively insane, quite the opposite holds true of "artificial" laws - it is impossible to not break them, and obeying them seems impossibly insane. The difference may be summed up simply by example of a "red / green" traffic signal. It is a "natural" law that the light be EITHER "red" OR "green," but it is an "artificial" law that we "stop" when we see it is "red" or "go" when it appears to be "green."

All is one: Light, Love, Life, Liberty, Law - these are all one in the 5th dimension of ylem, the source in hyperspace for the tachyon light that shines through 4th-spatial dimensional meta-forms to cast their shadows down into the 3rd dimension of space as patterns and cycles over time. Such is the "most high" heaven: the realm beyond one planck-distance per one planck-time when the 4 universal elemental forces coalesce again into one. The mind can perceive this realm because thoughts can occur faster than light-speed. It is therefore possible that (some) thoughts have a sub-quantum, faster-than-light origin. If this is the case, even in potential, then it follows logically that some ideas (inspiration) are occurring to us from a "better" possible future, while others (distractions) are leading us away from this. Because of the cursed law of irony above all human affairs, there remain more "distractions" than "inspirations" overall. The goal of our daily lives should be to maximize our inspirations in order to best pursue a course toward a better future. Therefore it is best to promulgate the goal of peace.

Peace is calm, quiet and a prerequisite for usefully productive creativity. Peace preserves life and postpones death, disease, decrepitude and decay. Peace is the key that unlocks the experience of universal unity, of oneness with all, and of forgiveness, acceptance and love for others and self as one. Peace is soft, sweet and kind as the petals of a flower or the kiss of a virgin. Peace, once attained, is forever after desired. Peace is the ultimate blessing.

the heart, blood drunk, craves the passion of war. only the brain, working to its fullest capacity for intellect, can hope to save the whole being's life from being plunged into the hellfire that the heart would blindly pursue.

life is not only a different experience for each, with different events causing different personal philosophies as effects, it is entirely unique to everyone individually. No two people will live the same life; no two people will ever be exactly the same. Peace.

a design that has no known borders is not necessarily infinite, and although humanity's evolution has not yet (it may seem) peaked and begun to "roll back" on itself like a cresting wave breaking on a "finite" shoreline, it yet may do so one day.

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