the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

What is "good" and "right" and "just" is determined by the public, not by an imaginary "god" on their behalf, but by the people themselves. This is why, if a deed is seen as "evil" and "wrong" and "unjust," its perpetrators usually seek to censor it from the "light" of public scrutiny.

This "hot light" of the "public eye" burns off one's regrets and guilt, and leaves only pride and the craving for more exposure. Being "crucified in media" by jealous, unoriginal critics is the shameful hazing ritual initiating one into the "public arena" of celebrity. Those who persevere beyond that down this path are shameless, and almost every single one of them (from rich entertainers and elected representatives to the lowliest paid public official) is a liar.

What is "wrong" can even be made to seem "right" by using a long, aggressive campaign to spin, reword and rewrite history - by confusing the definitions for the words "good" and "evil" with one another, by "dumbing down" standardized eduction and by replacing more widely varied vocabulary words with "newspeak" euphemisms, acronyms and neologisms.

Because of this the majority of the public can become "evil," "wrong" and "unjust" through propaganda-conditioning even if they were, previously, "good" and "right" and "just," however, the opposite of this remains equally possible, that: through the same methods the majority can be "switched" back and forth between being "right" and being "wrong." Therefore, it is not the opinions of the "majority" of one's peers that should dictate one's choices, but it is also best that the masses be informed about present history by those who are making it.

In this manner, "transparently" full disclosure by any "public figure" is necessary for the population to assess their qualifications as a public representative and / or "role model." Without such complete honesty, however, Democracy fails; the economy becomes counterfeit and the society's goals determined in "shady, back-room meetings" behind doors closed to the public.

what is "good" and "right" and "just" is most easily attained alone, and is much more difficult to achieve (almost, but not quite, impossible) in social interactions. However, because of this, when an "evil" and "wrong" and "unjust" event occurs, it is always involving more than one person, and therefore always best diffused by exposure to the maximum number of other people possible - not for the benefit of the crowd, nor so they can participate (they SHOULD not); in short, if someone (or some group) wrongs you, the best recourse for reprisal and rectification and for "equal," "fair" and "balanced" results is to yell it as loud as you can from the highest hill. This is a simple enough premise, and is the cornerstone for all properly called "Democratic" discourse. To expose "evil," "wrong" and "injustice," it is necessary to be "free and open" about oneself, but if one attempts this prior to "knowing themselves," the result could cost them their soul (their unique electromagnetic aura).

What is "good" and "right" and "just" belongs, thus, in the sphere of one's own personal space, and what is "evil" and "wrong" and "unjust" is what threatens or harms this property of existence. Because the likelihood of being involved in an event that is "evil" and "wrong" and "unjust" is impossible when alone, and only becomes possible when one is interacting with others, then interacting with others should be considered "unwise," however necessary. There is more than a 60/40 probability of any relationship one establishes "going south" eventually, be it immediately or later. As the modern saying dictates, "on a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero." Prior to our own deaths we will make and lose many friends, because that is how human society survives. Therefore, render the "evil," the "wrong" and the "unjust" to the public forum, where all such disputes rightly belong, and render the "good," the "right" and the "just" to one's own personal space and private ideas, where, likewise, such trans-mundane, transcendent trance belongs. One can no more successfully exclude oneself from all public relations than one can fully impart their own idea of "good" and "right" and "just" to a majority that has been conditioned to believe the opposite term applies.

So, what IS "good," what IS "right," what IS "just"? These are abstract ideas, and what is "best" is perceiving these objectively, being able to apprehend, contemplate and comprehend these ideas as if they were like solid objects - despite the fact that they are not. Nowhere in solid, material reality exists an object that can be pointed at and labeled an ultimate "good," or an inalienable "right," or an indisputably "just" event. In all real examples one can imagine there is a flaw of imperfection inherent within each being solely due to its materiality in itself being subject to time, prone to entropy and thus temporary. Therefore, the best we can hope to achieve during our own brief lifetimes is to (at least attempt to) grasp and harness these sort of abstract ideals in the most useful way to achieve ends that will prove to be the most beneficial to all, holistically - all people, all life, even all reality. However, we cannot conduct these chords into harmony until we have attained interior calm silence; we cannot say we "understand" these ideas of "good" and "evil" or "right" and "wrong" until and / or unless we examine them as though they were legitimately objective things in themselves; we cannot juggle these ideas if our own stance amongst ourselves is already imbalanced. So what is "good" and what is "evil"?

Close your eyes and imagine before you what is "good." Imagine reaching out and touching it, and holding onto this concept as though it were a "real" thing. Describe this concept to yourself, as one might describe a sunset to their blind lover while walking along a beach. What IS "good" to you, and for you? What is it LIKE? What are its traits and its attributes? What are its tones, its feelings, its hidden secrets and their tendencies over time? What is this thing that people think about and imagine into existence, recognizing it in their legal lexicons as "good"? What is it about this idea that makes it "good"? How does one determine quality within an imaginary idea? One can only weigh such an abstract concept against another of its own kind.

If "evil" is having a "need," then "good" is having a "need" met, "better" is having no "need" at all, and "best" is providing for the "needs" of others (the best way of doing which is to show them these same three options). In a symbiotic circular system, two organisms can sustain one another equitably, such that both satisfy one another's hunger with their own flesh. Such a sort of system is "need" within the material realm. "Need" feeds on "need" in such a system, that is, one "need" feeds on another, so while one hand is giving, the other hand is taking away. This cycle can perpetuate itself with tremendous quantities of energy over very long spans of time - it is at least as old as the origin of microbial life in the earth-sea era. Such a cycle is a shadow, in 3-dimensional space, of a shape in 4-dimensional space, and this shadow is a cycle in time - the difference between 3-dimensional space (comprised of all solid, material objects) and 4-dimensional space (comprised of the "hyper-shape" equivalents of these shapes). So, even this abstract concept of "need" has a FORM, a SHAPE, and can be envisioned as an OBJECT: the symbol of the ouroboros: an isomorphic loop; a cycle over time.

Modesty deserves flattery. Humanity, modestly speaking, is a paradox-riddled species. In potential, humanity is more powerful than even God. However, in reality, 99.99% of our population of over 7 billion people alive now will be forgotten about by our history books due to their humility. Were the laborers, the young, the average and the common not so humble, they, and not the murderers, liars and thieves among us could rule the world.

if you extend this line of thinking to its logical conclusion, then by exposing the efforts of everyday workers as being the truly more useful and more necessary function in society than its governorship by homicidal psychopaths, you elevate the ordinary tradespeople and render irrelevant the psychotic "ruling elite." "We, the people," are NEITHER with the neoconservatives, NOR with the terrorists. We have the power, and neither nor both of them combined do. But we choose to use our unlimited possible abilities to accomplish nothing of value to ourselves, and to trade our daily labor for only enough food to survive. Instead of each maximizing their own potential, each is made to serve the rest by being forced to do unoriginal work they do not enjoy. Instead of a species of "gods on earth," humanity has compromised on being a species embodying mediocrity and shamefulness about this.

Self-effacement and genuine humility are truly spiritual traits, and expressed by morality as a necessary prerequisite for ethics. In my own life, I admire and seek to emulate the role of the "butler" or "helpful host" and to treat everyone I meet equally as a "guest" when in my presence. Personally, I strongly believe in the efficacy of civility for the functioning of civilization as we enjoy it now. Without "politeness" and "manners" humans are revealed as being more brutal and savage than even other apes. Nevertheless, if one is TOO generous, one becomes submissive to evil forces that are willing to thanklessly exploit our energies until we expire. Being a "good" person, the majority of our species may agree, may needfully involve being "kind," "forgiving" and "gregarious" - however these traits, if taken TOO far, allow and even evoke their opposite attributes. Sniveling servility and groveling placation evokes disrespect and even disgust. It's an ironic paradox, to be sure.

Something to consider about the influence of youth-markets on culture:
people who were in their teens in the 1920's are in their 100's today.
people who were in their teens in the 1930's are in their 90's today.
people who were in their teens in the 1940's are in their 80's today.
people who were in their teens in the 1950's are in their 70's today.
people who were in their teens in the 1960's are in their 60's today.
people who were in their teens in the 1970's are in their 50's today.
people who were in their teens in the 1980's are in their 40's today.
people who were in their teens in the 1990's are in their 30's today.
people who were teens in the first decade of 2000 are in their 20's now.
people who were born after 9-11 are in their teens now.
The "Roaring 20's" came to an end. The "Great Depression" came to an end. "World War 2" came to an end. The "Red Scare" came to an end. The "Hippy" movement came to an end. "Generation X" came to an end. "Reagan-omics" came to an end. "Grunge" came to an end. "Nationalism" opposing "terrorism" came to an end. So, too, will modern "Neo-Fascism" come to and end. Everything changes with the passage of time.

in order to "repeat the mistakes of the past," one need only idealize and desire to remake the world when they come to and are in power into their own reflection of how they perceived the world when they were younger. You cannot go back to the innocence of youth by advocating either conservative nor progressive political policies. That route leads one directly into a circle, and following this circle leads one away from the better goal of attaining "peace at the center."

Understanding the combination of this motive of human nature - simply put "nostalgia" - with the culture that existed around a given generation during their youth yields deep insight into the lifestyles even of strangers we may only see peripherally in our own day to day lives.

Because the "youth market" sector of the economy provide the most liquid earnings of fiat currency to corporations - providing a nearly one to one ratio of "disposable income" to their parent's annual "gross earnings" - the youth literally control the entire society, just as a hinge depends on its lynchpin, or an arch its keystone. I have long attempted to point out that simple boycotts, if advocated across the entire "youth market" of western civilization can not only bring a line of products to a halt, but, in theory, redirect the entire philosophical line of thinking prevailing in the board-meetings of corporate CEOs. Insofar as, throughout the ancient world, it became established that "fortune favors the bold," at no previous time has the potential (though as of yet largely unharnessed) "buying power" of the "youth market" been so immense in its ability to exercise authority. Calling for a "strike," a "boycott," an "embargo," etc. involving any single nation or corporation, such as occasionally the hacker-group "Anonymous" has, would be devastatingly effective if backed up financially by even only the teenage kids of all middle-class suburban Americans. Think about that.

One's nostalgia in senility is equivalent to the amount of regret one feels in their maturity over "missed opportunities" in, and the wasted potential of, their youth. Blindness to our full potential for power when young is the greatest trick the "programming" of western civilization has played on our species.

In short, the economic "theories" of Karl Marx and the economics observations of Mises, even the realization of Keynesian counterfeiting, can only be accomplished nowadays by the youth (those under 20), and not by the so-called "middle" and / or "working" class(es), who have abdicated their own financial rights to the government by allowing taxation, and who can only barely, by now, even afford to pay for their own families to eat. So long as the parents of the household provide their children with more of their own incomes than they keep for themselves - due to "liberal guilt," feelings of personal economic inadequacy and competition against their neighbors fostered from youth into adulthood - then kids will remain the dominant "buying power" in not only household micro-economics, but in market-driven macro-economics as well.

The most effective method of harnessing the "youth market" is music. Iconic popular radio-played tunes over the last 50 years have almost entirely determined the political and economic beliefs of the generations raised listening to them. The great resource for repetition, the radio, has proved a far more effective method for mass-hypnosis and mass mind-control than any form of subcutaneous implanted receiver antenna ever could. "Turn on, tune in and drop out" was Dr. Leary's advice to kids, and they listened, as kids always do, and with additional reverence when sages speak in simply worded wisdom.

Many modern, lower middle-class caucasian Americans (fighting to maintain their relevancy as a dwindling demographic - though who were once unified as "we, the people," and accomplished great good) have as their only example of "Sharia Law" the dictatorship of Saudi Arabia which, actually, is opposed by Al-Assad of Syria and was opposed by Ahmadinejad of Iran, Hussein of Iraq and Gaddafi in Libya. The neo-conservatives in US politics have used the US military and CIA to merc or otherwise oust anyone in the middle-east who has opposed Saudi Arabia because Saudi Arabia controls the most major port for shipping oil in the Persian Gulf, and because Salman of the House of Saud, the royal rulers of Saudi Arabia, are trading partners allied with the neo-conservative politicians' privately-owned oil and energy corporations (such as Dick Cheney's Halliburton and George HW Bush's Carlylse Group). The FBI identified the nation the majority of the 9-11 hijackers were from was Saudi Arabia, and Usama Bin Laden himself, head of Al Quieda that was blamed for the US attacks, was a cousin and "black sheep" of the Saudi royal family. Al Queida had evolved from the Mujahadeen, an irregular army armed and trained by the US CIA under Brezinski. Likewise, ISIS or ISL were armed and trained by the US DHS represented by McCain and consist (I would imagine) primarily of off-duty employees of Blackwater and other "private" security agencies and other hired "crisis actors." The notion of "radicalized Islam" is a creation of western propaganda in itself, no more a threat than "Islamo-fascism," because neither exist in reality. In reality, Israel is a zionist military occupation of Palestine, and anyone who disagrees with its legitimacy as a "State" is considered a "terrorist." In America we have concentration camps (not only military prisons for "detainees" like camp X-Ray in "Gitmo" but in privately owned prisons as well) where not only captured "enemy combatants" but their family members, including children, are tortured, and to insure none of the lower middle-class here question the legitimacy of this, we have cameras surveilling us at every street corner and our "meta-data" is mined and stored by the NSA for our "safety" and "national security." Modern "islamaphobia" now is no different from "anti-Semitism" during the NAZI Third Reich in Germany. Racism against Arabs is not any different now than racism against Africans during the era of the American slave-trade. "Racial profiling," by the TSA or by the KKK, is backwards, bigotry and prejudice. No one who considers themselves educated should buy into such debunked philosophies. Eugenics, based on phrenology and theosophy, and the "neo-conservative" (NAZI) US politicians who endorse it, funded on "fiat" (counterfeit) currency created by their cronies at the Federal Reserve, are morally bankrupt, degenerate, unethical and corrupt, and should not have been allowed a place in this new millennium to establish their "Project for a New American Century." They are the real enemies of the American lower middle-class, the Palestinians and Muslim Arabs, as well as anyone who isn't themselves. They fly the flag of the "skull and bones" of piracy, because they have renounced any law that would stand in their own way. They are a sworn conspiracy of criminals and war profiteers, and it is they who deserve to be in prisons and detention camps.

In the final days, it is written, a "Second Coming" as a "Wicked Priest" (vengeful asura) of the "Messiah" (a world-savior who will arise to embody western civilization's meta-mind or collective unconsciousness awakening - our unifying "christ consciousness") will fight side-by-side with "Al-Madhi," the "Matreiya" or the "Righteous Teacher" (benevolent diva) from the Orient, and they will unite to conquer (lit. "cast down") the leader of the "Black Flag Army" from Indo-China threatening Europe, called "Mabus," "Iblis," "Shayteen" or "Terminens" - seen as the "Whore of Babylon's" policies atop the ancient city of 7 "horns" (hills) and 10 "crowns" (flamines) - Rome. When this occurs, it is written, there will be "snakes in the skies" and the dead will be "born again."

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