the Pythagorean Order of Death

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Comment by Jonathan Barlow Gee on February 6, 2012 at 1:09pm

Now, in the next model we will be examining an "open-network" model of the 

"psychic system" that can be considered psychically "awake and aware" to their 

surrounding environment, even those influences invisible to their 5 senses. Note 

well that this model is identical in essential structure to the closed-network, with one 

significantly important difference: in this model the central ego uses their 

immediate friends to increase the level of communication between its own mind and 

the minds of the others most peripheral to it. This is not direct mind-control, as we 

shall discuss the method for in a moment, however this is ubiqutous expansion of 

conscious self-awareness. Insofar as the system remains closed in overal energy- 

level, the more the central-ego ascends the scale of communication skills, the more 

the surrounding and circumferential friends, foes and strangers will be drawn 

inward and upward toward them, and become inspired by whatever their cause. The 

form of power accessable to a mind who has awakened their central-ego to an open- 

network psychic-system method can be used to read minds, which is acceptable to 

some limited extent, as well as to over-write other people's minds, and this ability 

should be studied, but not practised, avoided, not excercised, and considered an evil 

that is never necessary. That is the heart of mind-control. 

In the model for the additional levels of non-verbal communication accessable to the 

mind who has awakened to their full potential capacity by expanding their self- 

awareness to describe a more open-network for their complete psychic-system, we 

see 4 additional stages of non-verbal communication, however only three of these 

are extra-snesory, while the lowest one, marked in red, represents a condition 

wherein two minds are neither active toward nor aware about one another, and there 

is thus zero exchange of information between them at all.


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