the Pythagorean Order of Death

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Comment by Jonathan Barlow Gee on February 6, 2012 at 1:11pm

To begin our consideration of Extra Sensory Perception, we introduce this depiction 

of a "closed network" for a single person, whom we will call a "psychic system." In 

this closed network model, we see that there is a central psyche, the ego, depicted in 

black, surrounded by any number (here 8 are used) of their closest friends, family, 

lovers, bosses, peers and enemies, depicted in red. Beyond these are another layer of 

people, further peripherary to the central ego, who may or may not know one 

another, who may or may not share some of the same close friends or enemies as the 

ego, and who may or may not also know the central ego as more distant 

acquaintences. In this "closed net" model, we see the third layer depicted as  16 blue 

figures around the outside of the diagram. 

This closed network represents the mode of the subconscious mind of any individual 

person or "psychic system." They are peripherally aware of all the connections 

between their closer and more distant friends and enemies, however rarely it occurs 

to the central ego that this entire network is designed to be able to continue to 

function in the central ego's absence. Our friends, close and far, and enemies, 

likewise surrounding us on all sides, just hidden, would experience as smooth a 

transition as possible should the central ego connecting them all be removed. This is 

the core essence of this closed network model. 

The type of "psychic system" that functions in the "closed network" model will, 

likewise, have a closed set of emotional and behavioural perameters as well. In this 

diagram, colour-coded according to the 7-colour spectrum, we depict a model that 

functions at a right-angle or inward from the centre of the model of the "closed 

network" we examined before. The "closed network" represents surrounding facets 

reflecting aspects of the central ego, while the colours here represent the ego's 

capacity to communicate through overcoming its internal emotional reactions to 

these exterior stimuli.


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