the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
From the Theophysics site I really liked this:
The elements are Fire, Water, Air and Earth, all 4 of which derive from a single creating Spirit.
Between them, and in their interplay, the 4 basic elements reveal a comprehensive inventory of possibilities. They explain the four ways that God - the creative force - is omnipresent in Creation. The tetragrammaton offers possibilities that vastly surpass binary logic.
The elements are symbols expressing the fundamental forces in Nature, and tell how human mind indivisibly bound to « spiritual realms ». The sorcerers of Mesoamerica spent years in contemplation. They particularly focused their attention on observing - and then considering - how human beings are interacting with the consciousness-at-large, the mainstream.
They are laid out in a 4 x 4 grid wherein the creating Light molds 12 basic windows of perception in a complex relationship with individual human brains.
Everything in the universe - including the human persona - can be examined as elemental magic. Tetragrammaton is a map telling how angels get to Heaven.
FIRE is the creative urge - Consciousness. WATER is our emotional impulses and their (energy-in-motion) power of attraction - Biology. AIR is the element meaning abstract alchemy, discourse and communication that result from intellect. FIRE + WATER = AIR - Mind - so then EARTH is the symbol showing how the creative urge embodied can attract elements, transforms them into ideas and projects them in a material world - i.e. Paradise regained.
That creative movement across the ages is recorded in the Astrological sky where Fire and Air signs are more naturally extroverted, optimistic, active, freedom oriented and focused on “out there”. While Earth and Water signs are naturally more introverted, pessimistic, passive, insecure, home oriented and focused on “in here”.
Most of us are a blend of those elements but others have them heavily stacked one way or another.
Astrology's 3 modes are called FIXED, MUTABLE and CARDINAL and they show how we act out our urges in the world. They represent our most basic response mechanisms to face life.
Similarly, the mind has 3 apprenticeships modes: We receive information from life, we process that information and we store it to later draw wisdom from. How we do it? What cognitive mode we'll use distinguishes us.
We'll be kinesthetic, auditive, visual - all 3 - but individuals favor certain modes of cognition for certain tasks more than they will others.
The cardinal mode planets show direct expression and they favor STALKERS of information - kinesthetics involved with physical action. They have leadership ability and strength.
Fixed mode planets in a chart show aspects of the DREAMER mind - i.e. auditives and deep thinkers of possibility. Dreamers are comfortable with their intellect - consistent, persistent, with signs of endurance and stubbornness.
The mutable mode planets in a chart will show the mind of SEERS of opportunity. They are visuals who blend their personal vision with creative malleability, forethought, debate and wisdom.
The following are examples of the way those modes might manifest in a mind.
Cardinal signs: When many planets in those house are active, you are able to choose a direction and go your own way in life. You are stronger than most people and this gives you a natural desire for leadership. Be aware, or you'll act impulsively and this can be either a strength or a detriment... depending on your intent.
Fixed signs: If you have 20% of your planets in the fixed mode, you don't have as much stick-to-itiveness as most people. Still, if circumstances require it, you can put forth great amounts of energy in a controlled way, and patiently wait for new opportunities to act present themselves.
Mutable signs: If you have 30% of your chart in the mutable mode, adjustment to new circumstances is relatively easy for you. Part of your nature is very stimulated by change. You like to think about experiences so as to accommodate any new information that occurs. This is not your only way of being but a favorite mode of operation that can be reactive.
There's a creative management system at work in the center of the chaos. Big Bang is a result of the process but as you know, Light is first and faster. That explosive beginning called Big Bang is preceded by Light and a creating Intent.
God is hidden where no man can find Him... say the wise. But God hides where 12 men (or women) can easily find Him if they look WITHIN. At the center of ALL, we find HUNAB KU: God outpouring into black hole and inpouring as CREATIVE LIGHT, or PURE INTELLIGENCE. Then that soundwave hits with a big bang... and all the rest.
That INTELLIGENCE interacts with nervous systems, organizing minds.
At the center of each noosphere, Light can be perceived as magical forces - as limitless oscillations of vibrating energy (l.o.v.e.) contained in a theophysics. God's creative Ørder has pre-determined that the ideal way to manage HIS 12 windows of perception into the world is with plane geometry, from the square at the center of a DODECAHEDRON. From there, gravity exposes a hierarchy of intelligence arranged along planes of consciousness.
Dodecahedron and its squared circle.
Quantum more efficient than the hierarchical management system exposed in the pyramid form, the DODECAHEDRON gives a perceiver instant access to 12 pentaplanes of information that open unto infinity.
The Dodecahedron is a universal platonic, an ideal form, and it allows 12 individuals to open portals through hyperspace. See how Cubic management systems can correct the whole Earth destiny.
Infinity is then centered in a plane square (philosophy's squared-circle) which is divided into a 4 x 4 grid called the sacred Tetragrammaton.
The grid shows God's universal Mind as a creative whole... cosmos - as 16 separate pieces chaos.
The Magicians of Old understood how the « individual mind » is indivisibly linked to a higher creating Intelligence.
They evolved a language to explain how there might be billions of human brains on Earth, they only have 12 ways to connect to the creative Source and only 4 ways of becoming aware of its POWER.
We are - individually - spheres of Light connected to the Source of Light and we are being acted on by external and internal forces. We should see ourselves as amorphous energy fields containing biological forms. Our sphere will react to 4 elemental functions - the Ancients called FIRE, WATER, AIR & EARTH - by animating 3 specific modes of functioning - they said were called STALKING, DREAMING & SEEING, people can become magic BEINGS.
I've found the Olmecs to be a fascinating and mysterious culture and one that I connect to an Atlantean culture. Evidence is sketchy but there are arguments that connecting the language and style of art with the Mande of West Africa and the symbols are common to elsewhere.
The way I see it all the myths and histories of ancient cultures often interact and though we may deny it because of lack of evidence, I would suggest there exists enough evidence to raise serious down over the orthodox and reductionist views of history.
The cultures of America or Meru-ka are fascinating for their architecture and use of sacred geometry and archaeoacoustics. This should be evidence that they advanced on different lines of technology and science to us but that they were a sophisticated people who appear to have laid the ground work for the Mayan Calendar.
Since I began reading about the Tzolkin and other calendars I was pretty stunned. In particular because of a correspondence in the date that three specific calendars began. The Mayan and Egyptian calendars began on August 13th 3113 BCE and this is also the date given for the death of Krishna. As I tend to use coincidences as markers this got me to look further and it turns out there is some fascinating theories out there regarding this period of time.
The Great Burner may be something in reality and to be honest, my intuition for a number of years has been tingling regarding a plasma cloud or neutron star existing beyond the Kuiper Belt.
With technology accelerating as it is, the world could become such an exciting place but it is seemingly our consciousness that holds us back.
In your models of the temples and initiations, I absolutely love the rotating floor plans. Truly an incredible idea and stylishly realized I must say. It is these ideas of vibrations, oscillating, revolving and transforming matter and mind through the processes that most cultures share in some way because they are mirroring the passage of the heavens. As above so below....
Here is a youtube channel I've followed and found is more based in science than most theories out there. Personally, I am inclined to lean towards plasma universe cosmology along with harmony of the spheres and I think this guy brings the key issues together quite well.
Aloha Mork42 (Jayce),
First let me specify that nothing in any of my own literature that I have written myself so far about "Atlantean Democracy" or the "Lemurian Church-Bank," etc. is based on, quotes from or borrows any inspiration from any prior movement's position on the concepts of "Atlantis" or "Lemuria." To be honest, that's not 100% true. Aside from "Egyptian Masonry" being borrowed, obviously, from the sources implied by its name, there are only three obvious references to other schools of thought influencing the constiutions of Atlantis and the charter of the first church-bank of Lemuria. The first two occur in the Atlantean Constitutions: one mentions the "Law of One," and one quotes Crowley's statement "Do What Thou Wilt," etc. The third occurs in the Lemurian church-bank charter: it cites the Protocols. The only works to have seriously inlfuenced my thinking about "Atlantis" per se are the "Lost Book of Enki" for the oldest historical texts and a work called "The Atlantis Bueprint" by Collin Wilson and Rand Flem-Ath. This began my basing the geographical context for designing the capitol city of Atlantis in Anarctica. I imagined what the Australopithocenes who'd lived there would have wanted to have as their own ideal form of government, and that is where my designs for "Atlantean Democracy" started off.
Secondly, although I do not speak on behalf of every member of this group personally, I do have some strongly negative opinions about certain authors and videographers in the "New Age" field and genre. Most of them I consider about "knee high" to a "neo-Sethian," since some "neo-Sethians" even I admire (Jim Morisson, William Burroughs, Crowley). But there are others who I consider out-right con-artists and liars. For example, I do not like Madame HPB, and many, Many, MANY other "New Agers" would disagree with me about it, but I think every word she ever wrote is pure bullshit. Same with Ayn Rand, and I hope you won't think that I am being sexist because of that, or even anti-Russian. When I say I don't like David Wilcock, I mean I do not like him, and I would consider him about "knee high" to someone who is honestly evil, like Derren Brown. Being a self-hating mammalian mini mouse is not better than being a self-centered reptilian snake in the grass. Pretty much anyone who presents their statements as being partially obvious truths and partially obvious lies, but who does not specify which are which, and who has a large fan-base who believe that, without exception, absolutely everything that person said or says is Gospel, or Absolute Truth, etc. I believe is full of bullshit. Personally, I'd prefer to talk about "Mugwumps" or the "Serpent King" or things people can at least admit are fictional than talk about "terrorism" or "conspiracy theories" or "Theosophy" or "Catholicism," etc.
However, when I write, I will speak about any topic I know anything about, to the full and most honest extent of my knowledge on it, and with only the caveat I might learn more or different data later. I try not to include value judgments where none are due, ie. in the context of stating simple facts, or in the context of an essay on philosophy, for example; but I do have strong (often negative) opinions, and I am very honest about which parts of my writings are meant to be fictions. For example, it is easy to observe the difference in language and applications of terms between my novels and my physics textbooks. Unlike, for example, L Ron Hubbard fanatics, ie. Scientologists, who believe in both his novels and his "Dianetics" philosophical musings, I can honetsly say that my novels are placed in one potential future reality (ie. post-transhumanist cyberpunk), but that they are meant only as fictional possibilities of what could occur later here on earth. All of my writings dealing with the interpretations of myths have also attempted to exclude the concept of alien intervention, as is plainly stated as true in all the earliest original myths, in my ultimate asessments of historical facts. If I can explain the same story as occuring on earth as they explained using space-travel between planets, then I will tell the story as I can see it my way, and we will see which eventually proves true once historical evidence is dug up by archaeologists. The concept of "aliens" does not bother me in the way it does some people. Whether we "know for sure" in our own life-times or not, other species have lived, do live, and will continue to live, throughout all inhabitable space.
Which brings me back to the comment I made about Hoagland being "on the right track" toward realising the concept I mentioned, but which I didn't mean to imply as being "of the belief already that" the concept I mentioned was / is true. If Hoagland were an old hound dog, barking up a tree at a cornered frightened fox, then the notion of Blavatsky's Theosophical "7 Rays" as expressed by the 7 neighboring planets to us in our solar system would be Hoagland's fox. I don't disagree it is possible for us to find artificially constructed structures on neighboring planets, but I do not see these as evidence of ancient, now long extinct, lost civilisations of old. These are merely door-ways at intersections between a dimensional time-line where one world is inhabited and a parallel dimensional time-line where the next world over is inhabited instead. In short, there is a world of inhabitants living on Mars right now. There is a world of inhabitants living right now on Venus. There is a world of inhabitants living right now on our own earth's moon. These are divided from us by a distance in both space AND time. Our present moment and their present moment are simply off-set by a small amount.
In any event, I have rambled off-topic too long. To address your interests in my concepts of "cosmogeny" and "the basis of consciousness," after checking out your links, I can only recommend you read some of the source material I have found in books, that I believe you may have mentioned yourself having been exposed to somewhat elsewhere, that being the primary texts of ha QBLH, such as "Sefer Yetzirah" (but no less so "777"), as well as others I don't mean to harp on, but are worth mentioning again, such as Aliester Crowley's "Liber Legis" - containing the 1 "Law" of ultimate liberation: "Do What Thou Wilt." I've, obviously, read more than these as well, but these form the corner and key-stones of my entire bibliographical background. To be blunt, I believe entirely in nobody else's "cosmogeny" who has gone before me, and thus I assert as the "basis of" my entire reality, my own "consciousness."
Well, time to go, so, peace out to you, wherever you are, and hope to hear from you soon. - Jon
Hi Jon, yes I am with you entirely. It is much better to identify and speculate on potentials rather than certainties. Trying to come up with an objective system is impossible so the best we can hope for is diverse and imaginative subjective systems. Yours should be a shining example but there are more but often they are much more convicned by teir own subjective perceptions to see beyond them. I can see with you that is not true.
Like you I am suspicious of Wilcock and there are some that I cannot abide and others that I have indifference towards. Always I will try and discern for myself the ideas that hold merit and not make prejudgements. Take Blavatsky for example, she talks a lot of shit about the root races and because of the context she was writing it was plainly wrong but someone like yourself could come along, reinterpret and salvage the concept by giving it a modern perspective.
The two HPB concepts that do resonate with me are the Mundane Egg and the Fohat but only in a loosely symbolic sense that relates to the wonders of the unseen, unformed world of spirit and mind.
I really liked this:
These are merely door-ways at intersections between a dimensional time-line where one world is inhabited and a parallel dimensional time-line where the next world over is inhabited instead. In short, there is a world of inhabitants living on Mars right now. There is a world of inhabitants living right now on Venus. There is a world of inhabitants living right now on our own earth's moon. These are divided from us by a distance in both space AND time. Our present moment and their present moment are simply off-set by a small amount.
This is what I have been trying to integrate. Much of the speculative research into stargates already exists and quantum tunnelling to some extent may add to this. It was reading about Montauk and some synchronicities relating to that which drove me to look at Crowley and the LAM entities in detail. From speaking with people who claim to have experienced abductions and reading about the Embryonic Archons I think they may exist as one way of interpreting it.
The Seven Rays is an interesting concept but a bit too simplistic. I find it most useful to think in terms of the Law of Octaves and all that associated with the Harmony of the Spheres and in that video I think I sent you, the author talks about the solar system almost as if it is an instrument or that is my interpretation at least. Thus I was left wondering if it is important that the earth is in tune and if the earthgrid and noousphere respond to the changes that are occuring not just on earth but in the entire region of space that our system occupies.
What do you think could explain the hexagram auroras on Saturn for example? It would appear that there is some for of cosmic cymatics at play and if this is true then consciousness may be the key component.
On one of the facebook walls of the Illuminati they have been discussing the concept of Nothing or Zero and I wonder if you have any thoughts on the topic? I found this article which expressed some of my views effectively.
The site is interesting and I do think that chaos magick as being similar to shamanism can be effective. I know not how or why but my intuition suggests and the reading I've done supports that sigils and servitors are important but I'm wondering if you could explain how magick can be performed?
Is it language, consciousness the otherworld or spirit which takes primacy? Or does it come more down to will, intention and ritual? How can it be explained in anyway that relates to science?
Aloha Jayce,
As you say, and rightly, I do try not to come across overly "Objective" nor "Subjective" in any of my writings. My style or tone of voice in most of my writings is too dry for my own tastes, but it is what the subject matter calls for all too often. In short, to retain an "objective" / scientific point of view on "subjective" subject-matters like "magick," "mysticism" and "metaphysics," which are what my specialities, it is needful that, for the most part, I remove my own opinions and lift my own skeptical suspicions and simply let my writing flow forth.
Again, also, allow me to thank you for being so inquisitive about such interesting topics in which I have some learning and experience. To be asked my opinions and suspicions about modern "magick" and "secret societies" is somewhat of an honour considering how rare and pleasing it is for me. Honestly, as I say, I can only tender out what I have learned from studies, and try to remove my own point of view from the equation as much as possible, but, as I say (and mean!) I am flattered and happy to answer any and all questions. So, if you will allow me to now, let me get to your 6 in the above message:
What do you think could explain the hexagram auroras on Saturn for example?
Honestly, I have no idea. It seems to me it is likely related to the ECS of earth, where it is implied that the chakra-like "karmic centers" (including all ancient megaliths) are natural locations corresponding to a naturally occuring geometric pattern in the earth's "auric" EM-field (or "soul"). If this "geometric pattern" (technically a "truncated cuboctahedron") is a natural EM-field phenomenon on earth, and not induced by man-made technology, then other planets would have a similar sort of static shape as a skeletal structure. If it seems we have not noticed this before, it could be because it relates to the sunspot cycle, which influences our perceptions themselves (thoughts are preceded and caused by tachyons). If the local star of a planetary system is increasing its number of sunspots (as ours was from 1999-2010), then it would cause additional auraric radiation to become visible in pre-existing, but otherwise invisible, EM-patterns around the poles of all the planets in its system. This, of course, likewise precipitates ice age cycle changes and EM-pole reversals occuring system-wide, including not only moons and planets of a star, but even all stars in a galaxy, and even between two galaxies at once. But then, there has not been enough data accumulated to be able to predict when such could occur.
the concept of Nothing or Zero and I wonder if you have any thoughts on the topic?
Zen is Nothing. None. It does not exist, because it cannot exist, because it is un-existence in itself. What can reverse the relentless pull of gravity toward black-holes? Yet there are tachyons in the gas jets of black holes in spiral galaxies. So, if "Zen" is the Great Destoryer, the Great Burner, etc. then "Tao" is its dialectical opposite. So, if "Zen" means "Zero," and "Null" means "Nothing," then "Tao" means "the path" or "way" and implies also "Taro" meaning the "Royal Road." If "Zen" is "Null" then "Tao" must be, in the "Binary" language of "Basic" and of statistical probabilities, "One." So, if there is One, it must surround and conceal Zero, alike a squared circle at "one" on 4 intersecting number-lines surrounds the central, "Zero-Point" of the graph's origin. And, if One contains Zero, then all similar "ones" along the chart must also equally "contain zero." Insofar as "zero" can contain "infinity" (all possible such "ones"), then each "one" must also be able to contain "infinity" or "all." Thus, we find arithmetic fractals of fractions, exponential gnomons of decimals and "chaotic" strange-attractors in the spaces between the integers on the graph of "real" numbers. Each "one" is, thus, "three" layered: At the inner-most core: "All;" surrounded, in its midst, by "Zen;" in turn encased within an external membrane, "One." Mathematics, thus, at its Pythagorean core, expresses the solution to the question: "What is the Soul?" most easily: "All In One" is three layers, a "shell," an "umbra" and a "yoke," as is the soul: an "aura" surrounding the 7 "chakras" animated by the "mind."
how magick can be performed?
"Magick," as it is traditionally defined, is the same result attained using "Psi" (mental energy) to harness "ZPE" (limitless free anti-gravity) to "manifest" (co-create reality) either by simple telekinetic acts, using invisible "servitors," or by literal "manifestation," the ability to make matter appear out of nothingness using only one's own mind alone. Telekinesis is a "parlor trick" compared to the "miracle" of manifestation, yet both are potential capacities "Psi" can apply "ZPE" to use. To paraphrase Frazer, "what people call magic is often only unrecognised use of a new form of science." This seems ubiquitous across the history of our species. Personally, I don't believe in "magick" nor do I think it exists.
Is it language, consciousness the otherworld or spirit which takes primacy?
According to my own definition it would be "mind," and could all be defined in terms of "ESP" concepts. Thus, "Psi" and "ZPE" are one and the same, because "all is one" / "one is zero" and thus "zero surrounds, penetrates and permeates the all at the level of the all-in-one." The line drawn, for the most part by everyone alive today, between the "psychic" and the "phenomenal" realms is based on self-centric notions about time. If we believe in or want for ourselves any given form of future, we CAN end up living in just exactly what we've imagined for ourselves, if we TRY. Thus, "theoretically," we can plot graphs of "imaginary" and "irrational" numbers to correspond to the "unpredictable" statistical "chaos" inherent in attempting to predict the future. In short, we can phase out the noise, delineate a most likely outcome, and act in accordance relative to that prediction, and even attempt to cause it occur. For example, if "psi" and "ZPE" are one and the same, which they are in reality, then there is no line between them that occurs specifically to distinguish where our "inner" mind stops and all other "outer" minds begin. This means, all minds exist, do so solely because they are in denial of the fact that, individually, they do not exist. So, likewise, if the "past-present-future" timeline is all already one, unified sequence of pre-determined events, then there must be not only dimensionally "parallel" possible time-lines, but also a temporal force pushing opposite the regular entropic flow of all such possible parallel-dimensional "time-lines" in a "future-present-past" direction. This energy-field or psychic-medium force is the "mind" of God, and all matter will break down into this superluminal form of energy over a long enough period of time.
Or does it come more down to will, intention and ritual?
Comparing "invocation" to "evocation," the answer to your question would be absolutely "yes," one (invocation) deals more with "language, consciousness, the otherworld and spirit," while the other (evocation) deals more with "will, intention and ritual." "Magickal invocation" occurs when one draws forth from interior to themselves any intention to accomplish some specific goal, using "magick" as an intervening mechanism. "Magickal evocation" occurs when one draws down and inward toward themselves from the energy-field of the universe surrounding them in their environment. Thus, if you move units of thermal energy away from you, you are "invoking" and if you are moving thermal units toward you "evoking." Thus, "invocation" is alike high pressure and heat and "evocation" like low pressure and cold.
How can it be explained in anyway that relates to science?
Essentially, it can't. It's called "magick" because it is not yet understood by "science." Once "science" can explain "magick" in "anyway that relates to science," as you put it, then it ceases being "magick" and becomes, simply, part of accepted "science." Well, anyway, hope I've provided some thought-provoking, mentally stimulating answers to your 6 excellent and exemplary questions, Jayce. I'll let you go now, but again allow me to thank you for posting questions. I love helping other people find answers to their questions. PEACE! - Jon
Sincere gratitude Jon. They were exactly the sort of well thought out answers I was hoping for. With the last question I should have know the answer really because the root of science is scire 'to know' and this is exactly where the important issue arises.
Science is generally knowing through experimentation, the scientific method and having replicable findings. This method used for magick would be extremely dangerous for all so my thought is that within magick there is this variable chaos that makes it entirely unpredictable but in the law of the cosmos there is no such thing as absolute certainity so the magickian or shaman is one who works to develop the chaos and merest probability in to something that has genuine potential for manifestation under the rights circumstances.
This underlies alchemy in relation to spiritual as well as spiritual alchemy but the same could be true of chaos magickians, shamans, Druids or Sadhus, monks and anybody else who seeks to work with cosmos to continue the story within the extended realms of possibilities. Time and again it is the 'knowing' that is identified as the important factor and this is knowledge beyond belief and more related to intuition and the heart brain connecting with the right hemisphere to engage the left and activate the pineal gland. This somehow interacts with the great web of being and non-being I imagine to give the mind the power to manifest.
This sacred knowledge is beyond my grasp and I do not even seek it but to know it is there, to be respected and protected is enough. I am not just speaking for myself but a whole lot of men and women on facebook and elsewhere who appear to show the typical signs of awakening kundalini. I am not talking in the new age sense of the word either but the actual science of biology and consciousness that is increasingly accepting the existence of the subtle body.
Now quite a few things you discuss, particularly the PSI-PHI point is reminiscent of a discussion I was reading on the Ancient Order of the Illuminati facebook page. It could very well be you and if so well done, I appreciate it very much but if it is not I recommend you read it. If you detest facebook and would rather avoid I'd happily paste you the text or invite the author here to converse.
The reason I mention it is because you mention Zero and Nothing and this is the topic of the writings but you do seem to have taken it to the next level and for that I am extremely grateful. More than ever I feel in the flow of the Tao and actively trying to do my part as the facilitator and communicator.
My knowledge and understanding may be sketchy because it is largely gathered through intuitive web research and discernment of what is the most interesting and reasonable explanations or theories.
Aloha Jayce,
yeah, I'm not able to access any facebook platform based pages now, because recently I deleted my own facebook account and now I can't log in to view any of the pages they host. Long story short, if you would like to excercise either or both options B or C on that front, please, as always, feel free to do whatever you'd want. Reposting someone else's texts you admire is admirable itself, and I would be pleased to be introduced to anyone or their works whom you do admire, or whom you think I could benefit by knowing, and possibly even learn from. As a possibly entertaining marginal note, I pissed off some guy once on facebook who was a friend of a friend. I commented on my friend's page, and his friend went nuts on me, because what I commented was to premise the essentially obvious statement, "zen means zero." It would be amusing if it turned out the person on facebook maintaining the "Ancient Order of the Illuminati" were or knew the friend of my friend whom I pissed off that one time.
On a straight internet research tip, I've found wikipedia to be a highly beneficial social-tool, but more importantly personally to be a highly effective learning tool. If anyone says, "you don't know shit about shit, nyer," to you on a forum, you can just go read about it on wikipedia before coming back to post any comment as an answer. If you use wikipedia to defend yourself, thus, you end up learning about topics determined for you by the crowd. This is generally how I use it, however occassionally I also have the pleasure of free time in which to deep search some topic on wikipedia. My friend in real life manges to spend a great deal of his time researching encyclopedias, both online and off, for general absorption of their content as a means of improving his overall knowledge base. I envy him that, a little bit, but with the caveat to this end that "information in encyclopediae changes over time," meaning that, as old encylopedia book collections needed revision and update annually, so too now is wikipedia updated perpetually, and its community of data-collectors and text-coding information-updaters are, to my own personal experience, quite an exclusive and limited intellegentsia elite. Most of the data on wiki is seived through a pro-CIA filter.
Anyway, glad I helped you find some reasonably stimulating answers for your questions, and please feel at absolute liberty to ask me anything any time. I do love questions. PEACE! - Jon
Yes, I do know how you feel. I've been on the Unexplained-Mysteries forum for almost two years and I've had some ups and downs. Wiki has indeed been an invaluable source but the standard there particularly on the Ancient Mysteries board was pseudo-scholarly and I at least had to attempt to go beyond wiki and try and familiarize myself with journals and more academic resources.
In the end I pissed them off by posting too many good old sources that supported my point of view and they couldn't break from the established theories. Usually I was arguing a case for strong Matriarchal cultures in Africa, Europe and Asia that survived by being integrated into mystery religions. Perhaps Matriarchal is incorrect because it is much more balanced but it is contrary to the Patriarchal city states and religions that did grow up after.
Little mysteries like Orellana, Col. Fawcett and the good ol' crystal skulls had some of the experienced debunkers floundering. Fortunately there were some amiable people there from whom I could learn quite a lot and it defnitely helped me to retain a healthy skepticism and how to research for some decent material online by scratching the surface and perservering.
Sadly I have some friends of the female gender who have received serious bullying and victimization on forums for doing little more than presenting an opinion with scientific evidence supporting it. It turns out you can't be a woman and do that because it threatens the faith and masculinity of those guys. You'll be pleased to hear I mentioned to her about the Atlantean Democracy and that they are genderless. She wasn't quite thrilled because she would prefer people to be accept regardless of gender without having to conceal the truth but she did appreciate the sentiment as a woman that there are people who do consider the sexes as equally capable. A true meritocracy does have to operate beyond conventional groupings and look at merits of individuals themselves.
Any way, I did hear wiki had a CIA filter and also that facebook was COINTELPRO. So you are best out of there. I will probe the author a little further and drop in Zen being Zero if I can and see how he reacts before I am too open. Loudermilk is his name and I don't know him until he presented this theory.
I guess one of the things the LM forum is attempting to do is to become an educational resource and we are developing our own wiki. This is to complement the community and the projects we are trying to work on but there was a recent split. A group of guys calling themselves the Crucible have gone alone and are seeking the same goals. I hope that some of them might find their way here in time but it is amazing how many young people are intuitively being drawn to the mysteries in all the many forms.
Here is the blog and I'll post the first part of the theory below.
Pythagorean Interpretation of M-Theory
The laws of science relate, overwhelmingly, to the physical universe. The EPR paradox and Bell's theorem give the first scientific glimpse of the interface between mind and matter. In the future, a new science of this extraordinary interface will emerge. In the far future, physics (the science of the dimensional universe) and metaphysics (the science of the dimensionless universe) will come to be seen as one. (Illumination prefers the term "transcendental physics" rather than "metaphysics".)
In one mind - that of God - physics and transcendental physics are already one.
The Armageddon Conspiracy’s ‘The Strangest Truth’
I do not claim to be an expert at anything other than trying to connect the dots, as such I am more of a jack-of-all-trades, or polymath, instead of a narrow-field PhD. This appears to have been one of the points of the ancient mystery religions: to create polymaths that saw a sacred relationship weaving the ancient seven sciences into a cosmology. Is this not the opposite of today’s academic standard of knowing an extreme amount of information upon such a narrow field of vision? I found the Armageddon Conspiracy early and had exchanged a few emails when it was in its infancy. I was already writing a ‘Bible’ for a science-based religion when I encountered AC, which I was writing to be just a metaphor, that would be subject to change on better evidence or better metaphors. I am still in process of creating a new religion’s perpetually malleable ‘dogma’. This interpretation of M-theory was what I intuited while reading Brian Greene’s The Elegant Universe, and it has developed further in the years that have followed. I offer this as an antithesis to the r=>0 theory expressed on the AC website. I trust it will be appreciated for what it is: the evolutionary dialectic at work.
Obviously, if there are any books authored by the ancient master I have not been privy to them, but to what I knew of Pythagoras’ world view in 1999 when I first read about string/M-theory I intuited it was a modern, secular interpretation of the Harmony of the Spheres, that left out the spirit and consciousness. To the best of my gnosis, zero would be a foreign concept to a true Pythagorean. Am I the only one that has ever had the thought experiment about trying to explain the very concept of ‘nothing’ to a Gene-I-Us of the highest degree, like Pythagorus, Socrates or Hypatia, before the idea was generally believed, let alone trying to persuade the Egyptian Hierophants that built all those monuments of its truth? According to my memory of school and NASA’s grade school video (, it - 0 - began in India, around 600 of the common era, and was brought west by the Arabs. Zero as a word is Arabic in origin, and was one of early Islam’s ‘gifts’ to the west. As the NASA video states, zero was invented by man and that invention allows the creation of negative numbers. The critical question of reality then is: just because a human can invent something on paper, does that automatically make it part of nature’s reality? What math can be observed in nature, for their must lie the answer for the math of the universe; that is a value that will always retain some value.
If we accept the Gnostic position that the god of Abraham was the Demiurge, or Satan, and that Islam is a scourge to the evolution of man towards godhood, then why would Gnostic Illuminatus reject Pythagorean mathematics to embrace one of the most evil ‘spells’ ever cast to cloud the minds of man? As the AC explain the difference between the Infinite (Abraham’s god) which automatically makes the believer equal zero, why would anyone aspiring to become infinite (evolve into God) ever want to embrace the very idea of zero and the negatives that follow, especially as the Omega Point of evolution? That would mean you could be even further separated from the divine than just a master-slave dialectic; instead of being worth nothing to the infinite worth of a god, you could find yourself separated more because somehow you have taken a path further from the true god. How much more separated from the divine can we be but in the physical world our senses tell us exists outside the container of those sense instruments? Is living in NYC, the US seat of greed, taking you a negative distance from divinity? I might concur if we called ourselves zero to the Omega Point being NFN8T and that any path: secular or religious, that was leading mankind further astray from consciously evolving into illumination would be the negative. That would be the only place in ‘nature’ zero and negatives could exist, but it would still be setting a conscious interpretation on something that may not be noticeable in any other species instead of examining life for what mathematical patterns that are observable. They say they prefer ‘transcendental physics’ yet they offer no inherent mathematical transcendence and that is what I am going to offer.
Once the very idea of zero was accepted, it, like most anything, was utilized to suit the agenda of the OWO whom had accepted its merit because this idea was accepted in the age of mass illiteracy. The OWO had probably not found a more effective ‘sleight of hand’ as the perfect mechanism to enslave the masses since the advents of Christianity and Islam at such a basic level of the accepted ‘game rules’. Zero and negative numbers became the ways and means to perfect the ‘voluntary’ slavery of humanity - psychologically making people think they have no inherent value - worth zero, or even better (for the OWO) get them into debt so they will be less than zero: slaves! What if? Just what if, the very concept of ‘zero’ came directly from the Demiurgos and his Archons as the final deceit necessary to entrench the power of the OWO even further by using it to erase any idea of there being an inherent value in the rest of the world not born into these ancient ‘privileged’ families? Is there a single other idea that has caused as much damage today as the very idea of debt, which logically descends from the manmade negative numbers? Does anything else signify the lure of celebrity culture than for someone to think their lives are worthless to the roles their favorites play? Is it a surprise that even NASA says zero came from the home of one of the greatest evils against mankind - India - with the unquestioned, insanely inhumanely evil caste system? Is it not obvious how the archons that influenced the creation of the caste system would need both zero and negatives? Is that not how the two lowest classes would be mathematically viewed? And then it was delivered to the West as one of the first influences of a jihadist cave religion demanding complete submission of intellect - a religion where the devout are worthless in comparison to whom they submit making the infidel the negatives worthy of death. Has the mass acceptance of this concept been to further our evolution towards godhood, or has it shackled our potential by how the very concept has been used as a psychological weapon of the OWO? If it is truly time to revalue all values, isn’t it time to revalue the impact of the very idea of the valueless? If we truly must shatter everything about that cave religion is about (and its siblings), would we have no ‘zero’ in our vernacular because its etymology is Arabic in origin?
If, indeed as my logic indicates, that zero and the negatives it creates are directly from the Archons, will adapting them into a dialectic cosmology ever lead us to enlightenment? Does Illumination lie in an imaginary dimension or a transcendent one? Once a man accepts he is zero, while the OWO are the infinite, he is willing to become a negative number by accepting debt on the dream he can become one of them. In the same way as AC explained why that master/slave dialectic between an infinite god and humanity being the zeros, is it not logical to see zero (and negatives) as a tool of the deceiver? Is it not the same tactic? My etymology dictionary tells me to see Cipher in its entry under Zero. For Cipher it states that cipher descended from the Arabic sifr which meant empty, hence zero in English. The only words related to cipher are either relating to deciphering, or ciphering and zero. Under Transcendence it tells to see the final paragraph of Ascend where one finds it coming from the Latin ‘to raise oneself beyond’.
One thing I have found wisdom in my etymology dictionary is to construct a sentence with all the related words (in bold italic). Here is one for Ascend: “The OWOs greatest scandal to insure descendance is to slander with condescension those who are willing to scale the transcendence into ascension.” The ancient mysteries also taught the sciences of grammar and rhetoric, shouldn’t a careful consideration of language be incorporated into a true Theory of Everything? By playing the above game with words all sharing the same etymology I notice a science to language construction. In a defense of a modern interpretation of the Harmony of the Spheres the vibrations of spoken words will have no choice but be examined. Will the vibrations of the words that we must decipher that were ciphered into zero be better than defeating the slanderous scandal of descension to scale upwards in our ascent into transcendence? Will zero ever yield God? The very nature of the syntax describing specific numbers is not by accident because nothing is accidental in mathematics, nor language, nor the language of mathematics.
The mathematical definition of zero is illogical, too. Yes, as the denominator approaches infinity, the ratio will approach an insignificant amount, but the numerator will always be 1. I am only 1 out 7+ billion humans on Earth. For all practical mathematics, that ratio is determined to be zero; the Plank value is essentially ‘nothing’ or ‘zero’, but yet look at how exciting reality is there for the observer. Yet, I still am a finite example of an ‘infinite’ species. If we colonized all of inhabitable space and grew to an infinite number of humans, the ego of persona would still reject being considered zero. There is no ‘I’ in zero, but every human zero, and the negatives in debt or outcasts in India, still have their individual identities. Do they have an inherent worth? In India, is not the concept of karma based on the idea of debt as the driving force behind incarnating as opposed to gnosticism which says you incarnate to achieve illumination?
Instead of trying to divide, treat it as a story problem: what do you get when you take the inverse of infinity? How can the inverse of infinity be anything other than a finite piece? Finite/Infinite yields 1/in because the ‘finites’ cancel out. The ‘in’verse of the ‘in’finite cancel out leaving the finite (and only one) verse. We are individuals, but yet part of the divine. The ‘I’ is the finite of the infinity of ‘God’. Just because a mind can conceive something does not make nature do what humans think. We can impose our will on nature but that does not mean we can change nature’s laws. Our binary computer codes are not as complex as the genetic code that uses no zeroes. The inverse of an infinite universe can only be 1, or a finite number - Abraxas, the one true God, the ‘I’ we all identify as being the interpreter of the reality we experience. Practical uses aside, it is illogical to believe in a natural zero, but, especially for graphing, computing and cartography, zero and negatives serve a great purpose in expressing nature in communicable ways. Newton’s formulas can send the Voyagers out of our solar system, but only because they were not propelled at speeds approaching light because then we would have needed to use Einstein’s equations instead of Newton’s. Just because something can yield practical results in the abstract does not mean it is more than just a metaphor created by an observer that influences the observation or accurate for all relative view. Just because 0 is used in the binary language of computers does not make nature talk in binary. Mother nature speaks in vibrating spirals
The other thing to first address about zero is that AC invested a whole lot of effort and words to describe nothing. Please do not think I am quibbling over semantics, but there sure is a whole lot of something in the nothing (zero) of r=0 and a TOE should include everything, including semantics, should it not? Maybe being the E instead of I in my NTP is the difference, but of all the things described as existing in the zero dimension, I just cannot see how, in the long-term defining all that as nothing (for is there a difference between zero and nothing?) will not be psychologically damaging to any intellect accepting it. Just as science tries to separate itself from consciousness and have a conscience, these words all share a common etymology so the latter two must be incorporated into a living science. The idea of One = Unity (Abraxas) being everything AC defines as r=0 appears the better agreement between the philosophy, semantics, math, and science of defining ‘god’ to my processing of the data. I have no problem accepting, as the NASA video shows, the idea of 0 being O as in the Origin of a coordinate grid. But, that is a manmade metaphor to describe reality and not reality itself. The map is not the territory. Zero as a reflection point to establish a coordinate system is logical, but not fundamental, nor observable, to the spiraling of the observable universe. Would we ever call the leaf stem that is the line of reflection zero? But we could apply a coordinate grid over a maple leaf and measure exactly how mathematically precise the symmetry of nature truly is for that one leaf just as Greenwich Meridian and the Equator are not truly zero, or nothing, but a system of logic imposed upon paper to interpret nature by conscious beings. Conscious beings create a science to justify their conscience.
Another reason why defining the foundation from one instead of zero is Nature’s (or the demiuge, if you prefer) approximation of the perfect math of Abraxas. The true ϕ spiral is an infinite fractal , but Fibonacci recognized how everything alive approximates the Golden Mean starting from a finite beginning of 1. This deviation and approximation from the truly transcendent NFN8T is the math of this world. The realm attributed as r=0 is the infinitely transcendent ϕ, while r>0 is the approximation that Fibonacci recognized. The approximation of NFN8 ϕ is how the descending into matter after the divine suicide from the transcendental realm mathematically occurred. We may very well make it impossible to consciously evolve enough for mass illumination of humanity to occur if the formula for achieving it is impossible to solve. How will the r>0 ever become, at the end of evolution, r=0? How will that NFN8T ever equal nothing? Once the physical merges with the zero, isn’t it suppose to remain as such until Abraxas gets bored with the zero realm and results back to another divine suicide? How does the cosmological solution represented on AC, in terms of the Genesis Singularity and the Divine Suicide get from being equal to zero to being greater and back again?
I offer as an antithesis this equation:
R= ϕ; r= 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,22 …
R⇔r or R⇒r⇒R=∞
The capital R = everything the AC describes as being ‘nothing’ (r=0).
The little r = everything the AC describe as being greater than zero (r>0).
They both yield the other. R will eventually yield r via the divine suicide, which will eventually become indistinguishable from R by the evolutionary dialectic of intelligent DNA evolving back into God in an eternal feedback loop. The disharmony from the true transcendence creates a universe to evolve back into harmony with the transcendent.
R is the final destination of r, but there is a vast chasm between those realms in the beginning. The difference of having an infinite recursive beginning (ϕ = (1-√5)/2 - which is geometrical in origin) and having the starting place be 1 and 1 is as extreme as the difference between what lies in R and what lies in r. Not only have I mathematically separated the realm of Abraxas from the material existence our senses convince us is outside us, but I have shown how there is not any other Omega Point possible but to return to where there is no observable difference between the realms - where the approximation is no longer distinguishable from the transcendent NFN8T. It takes several turns of this spiral in nature to achieve a close approximation. It starts as opposite to the infinite recursive as possible, with a finite ‘1’, but it will evolve back to that divinely irrational number. If I can begin to rationally explain some irrational numbers, and I can present a positive, philosophical, mathematical, scientific cosmology that has no other place it can evolve towards but a return to harmony with its source, that requires no zeros, negatives, nor imaginary numbers or dimensions, would that convince anyone of its merit? What if I define the dimensions of M-theory? Is the concept of zero too entrenched as a control mechanism over the minds of man that a return to a world where it does not exist is impossible? Ancient minds had the thesis that there was no zero; its antithesis arose. Has is completely been synthesized, yet? Would mass illumination be more probable if it were rejected?
Scientists don’t always follow through with updating their views on the world by the most accurate data. Just like it is difficult for one of the believers of Abraham’s god to question what they have invested their heart and soul into for so long, sometimes before a scientific idea becomes commonly accepted it takes a generation of those who could not yield their life’s work to accept that data to die. Disproved concepts go extinct more than people admit their life’s work was wrong. I know every time I have had the programming of my youth shattered it sends shocks to my system. This is one of the reasons illumination is not for everyone. My path has not been easy nor always fun, but I would not change it. As a code ciphered on the back cover of Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol says: “All great truths began as heresies.” Scientists and philosophers can be just as protective of their belief systems as followers of religions.
Aloha Jayce,
As always, thanks for your post. It was, to say the least, an entertaining read. I am a little curious as to the author, because of how you worded it; I am unclear if you wrote it all, or if any of it is a block-quote from another author, where it begins. Aside from this, I have no difficulty in comprehending the meaning of the terms the author is using, except for "NFN8T" which I have no idea what it means. As far as their premise that "zero does not exist in reality," or that "the number zero was invented solely to enslave humanity," I can neither endorse nor disapprove of such notions, because to myself I see no relevance in them at all. Likewise, the questions that were raised I can answer all of easily, but I do not believe the author could say the same, nor that they would want to hear anyone's reasonable answers. They seem to have posed all their questions solely rehttorically. I can't answer rehtorical questions, not because they have "zero" answers, but because they have zero "right" answers. They're not "bad" questions, just mainly irrelevant. Consider the significance to a sun-flower of a baby writing a thousand cries essay about how it deserves the lollipop hung over its head in the cradle and you will see my point quite clearly. Anyway, sorry if this review seems short or too blunt. I can't really think of much else to say about it right now though. Maybe I will come to back later with more. We'll just have to wait and see. LOL! Peace! - Jon
Hi Jon, my apologies I only sent you the first part. The rest will follow.
These eight numbers all have importance placed upon them by numerologists and occultists following in Pythagorean tradition. I am going to postulate how the demiurge used those 8 numbers to manifest the physical world, which will finish in my reasoning for a rational interpretation for what mathematical principle accounts for ∏, and how that is related to reincarnation. How did physical reality manifest from R= ϕ? Most people do not think about it, but there are two opposite definitions of ‘1’ and both seem to be reflected in the monad. 1 was considered an androgyne, or both masculine and feminine. The universe and the individual. The macrocosm and the microcosm. It does indeed indicate a finite amount, but the idea of the ‘uni’-verse is not modern. Can there ever be a product of 1 if finite parts unify? If we all began from the Divine Suicide and will all end in becoming the true god at the end of our dialectic evolution, then we would not be inaccurate in saying that becoming ‘1’ is the opposite of the finite 1. Is this not the definition of a singularity? Where ‘everything’ has been compressed into a single ‘point’. The first 1 in the Fibonacci Sequence is what was the divine spark of ϕ that has been imprisoned in matter. So from the 1 of the NFN8, our next 1 is that of the finite: 1 photon of light, 1 human, etc… The two ones are the NFN8 and the finite: the macro and microcosms. But, as above so below. They are intimately related.
Of course, these two definitions of 1 create 2, or duality. But, every time there is a duality on one dimension, it is seen as a trinity on another. Just like if you were to ask me to ‘call it in the air’ as you went to flip a coin, I would answer that it was a coin and be correct every time. Heads and tails is a duality, but they are just opposite extremes of yet a third thing. Is it + or -? Neither, it is a battery. Is it male or female? Niether, it is a human. The dialectic dictates that every duality, every polarization, will yield a synthesis - 3 - a trinity.
The first number considered odd (the monad is alpha and omega), 3 also is equilibrium. 3 is synthesis. Its keywords are peace, justice, friendship, virtue, temperance and piety. It represents wisdom. It represents time being tri-fold: past, present and future. Composed of unity (the Pythagorean monad) and duality made the 3 a sacred trinity. The triangle encases the tetractys. The Christian trinity of the ethereal monad to impregnate the duad and yield a virgin birth that completes a trinity.
5 = air, earth, water, fire and ether (4 = the four elements, 5 can mean all five elements or just the ether specifically): 5 fingers, five senses. The connection between the macro and microcosms, union of odd and even. A symbol for nature, but also for the hierophant and all beings, superior and inferior as a divine pentagram. Some keywords associated with the properties of five are marriage, alternation, reconciliation, sound, immortality and Providence. And the Discordian Law of Fives also apply, of course.
The 8, the ogdoad, is obviously related to the octave. A cube has 8 corners. It relates back to the monad by being divided by two three times (8/2=4 4/2=2 2/2=1). It completes the seven notes, but vibrates in proportion to the original note (or returns to monad in a harmonic sense). Associated with Elusian Mysteries in Greece; it is still possible to see its shape originate in the entwined snakes of the caduceus. Dr Leary’s 8-circuit model of consciousness is, of course, the same division into the four terrestrial circuits and the four post-terrestrial circuits. 8 has always been a sacred number, associated with it are these keywords: law, love, prudence and counsel.
13 = Jesus and the 12 disciples, the Sun and the 12 constellations. 6 is the number of man and 7 is divine perfection, combined they yield 13: illumination, the seven steps to climb the six rungs of Jacob’s Ladder and achieve perfection. Cabalistically, it equals 4 (1+3=4). Which also brings in the properties of perfection associated with the tretad like being an intellectual having an emergent order and encircling the world. 4 is the last line of the tetractys, as well as symbolizing earth, air, water and fire.
22 = Major Tarot Trumps, Leaves of the Book of Thoth, Letters in ancient Hebrew. The same relation to three octaves as 8 is to one octave. In the Tarot Trumps, the 22nd card can either be 21: The World, or the unnumbered Fool. The importance here is that 22 can be either The Fool or The World: illumination - the Fool reincarnates out of necessity, if you achieve illumination it can be a choice. You, the newly enlightened, can either collapse into a circle or continue in your spiral to return to the realm of god. It shares the same cabalistic 4 as did the 13 (2+2=4). But, maybe these principles of the four do not have to be sympathetic? Maybe those energies can be brought into dissonance where dissonance is revealed in the collapsing back into oneself of singularities, like the one that created the physical world our senses tell us we inhabit. If one were to find the Harmony of the Spheres between the identical properties of the 4 shared between the 13 and 22, then maybe the physical realm disappears as you cross the Fourier Transform back into the realm of Divine Light: ϕ?
Because of the disharmony of the ‘octave’ of the first eight in that famous sequence, I am going to posit that it is no coincident that the ancient ratio to calculate ∏ can be found using the Fibonacci Sequence. Because this is a theory for everything, I will also have to get a little involved in transcendental physics. As an expert of nothing, but an interest in everything, I delegate the details to the INTJs to figure out so I can follow the next thought and project. What if the experiments have been done with the scientific method that verify M-theory if only M-theory would apply consciousness inside their multi-dimensional framework? This was what Pythagoras seemed to do with his Harmony of the Spheres; what if the double-slit experiment, if properly understood, turned out to be describing how a resonance of harmonies (which, as we shall see will be defined as different dimensions we consciously process) influences anything perceived as out of phase with the wave as a particle, but for light to be in phase with the other vibrating dimensions it would appear as a wave. Before we move much further, we need to discuss a fundament element of reality that is either unique or misunderstood. Without discussing the reality of plasma being a fourth state of matter, are we so sure that light is without multiple stages of materially existing? What would make light so special that it would not have liquid and solid stages, if we took a photon in space as being the gas phase: hence why nothing can break the speed of light what would be its other states? Except for the ionized photons that compose a cosmic plasma that would explain non-locality and entanglement, what would be its liquid and solid forms? These ionized photons in the plasma field would be nonlocal and entangled in nature: vibrating photons all harmoniously vibrating faster than the normal photons in the gaseous state of space.
Light: the only game in town
In as many ways in as many corners of the world, light has been used to describe the truth of the soul. Even the relationship between sol and soul may be of import, but if we understand the ancient science of the divine light trapped in the physical with a new view to current science we may have found our panacea. As this NASA report says: “The secret to this self-sufficiency is that green or purple photosynthesizing organisms generate their own source of life from the energy in light.” ( Will will have no choice but apply a transcendental physics description to the significance of that NASA study, but it is of the utmost import to grasp that plants have their own DNA code. However, plants, take photons of light to break apart the molecular bond of carbon dioxide and the energy released from that conversion is what creates the nourishment and growth of the plant. The DNA of plants take an increase of energy of receiving and collecting photons of light to break down a molecular bond to feed themselves. Just as DNA has evolved to take the byproduct of that energy exchange, oxygen, and use more energy from photons to break the oxygen back from its molecule do being a dioxide with carbon. The color of visible light that is involved in that process is green. The DNA expressing photosynthesis is perceived in the spectrum of green. I postulate that light, indeed, obeys these four states of matter.
We have already mentioned light in space being the gaseous form, with particles of ionization being the nonlocal plasma of the realm AC says r=0 that would answer the EPR paradox. The ionized light would be plasma. So what, then, would be the solid and liquid forms of light? The sun appears to be the container that ‘evaporates’ the light into space, so would not stars be the containers of liquid light that evaporates it off into space? Then what would the solid form of light be? DNA is the answer. DNA, is the matrix that has encompassed all living light. Is not this the most up-to-date scientific theory of the ancient mysteries? We will eventually return to how the difference between the realms comes from finding the irrational number of gravity or reincarnation, ∏, can be summarized in the 22 and how it keeps the first seven numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence from continuing its spiral growth.
DNA via a simple viral code has survived space via being sneezed onto a lens exposed to the vacuum of space. DNA can have simple code or highly complex. DNA has created periods of evolution leading towards creating brains capable of vibrating in harmony with the non-physical realms of the divine light: Abraxas - ϕ. DNA is the intelligence of the evolving God. We have DNA in common with every form of life as we know it. Since everything material is the incarceration of the divine light, DNA appears to be the jailer, communicating with the RNA ‘parole board’. Francis Crick not only helped discover DNA, but he also developed the cosmology of panspermia. If DNA is solid light, this helps further the thesis of intelligently directed intention panspermia. DNA, as light, gets sucked into a gravity well that pressurizes the gas, or plasma even, into its frozen, or solid form. The DNA code that creates all life as we know it and are related from a little to a lot, was captured in Earth’s gravity well billions of years ago and has tried to get back off world ever since - the teleology of evolution.
Like ‘zero’ was a concept from the archons, thinking that DNA, or the divine light trapped inside, cannot communicate is a false belief. Is this not what is really happening on natural sacraments? Are the voices and ideas that can be experienced from specific neuro-activating chemicals cellular communication between the psilocybin, for instance, and your brain be examples of DNA to DNA communication? Especially with ayahuasca, could the intelligent entities encountered be the intelligence residing in the DNA strands of the natural elements that comprise the brew be communicating their intelligence in the only way that the DNA of the human brain can interpret it? If we accept, at least for the thought experiment, my postulation that the divine light is imprisoned inside the double-helix spiral of DNA (or that it is DNA that is that divine spark of the NFN8 ϕ imprisoned in the cell), then at the level of imprisonment the intelligences trapped could communicate - between cells. Certain sacraments help you access your higher self because you provide the brain necessary to interact with the vegetative or fungal intelligence’s higher self. Since every intelligence is evolving to become Abraxas, wouldn’t my higher self, be the same as the higher self for any imprisoned intelligence? Are not plants still reaching towards the light, although they have a more permanent umbilical cord to our host Plan-It: the Earth, with their roots? Mushrooms grow to the stars and the moon, but plants chase the sun’s rays. But yet, especially with the amanita musacaria mushroom, is the out-of-body experience attributable to certain sacraments again - just the imprisoned divine intelligence in that fungal DNA trying to communicate where the common intelligence of divine light desires to return? I am not suggesting that plants are more intelligent, but that does not mean they do not have a wisdom to share with those that are willing to communicate by a ‘consummation’ of the relationship: consuming the intelligent, post-terrestrial sacraments.
I have said much, but very little, thus far, scientific enough to satisfy the INTJs; however, nothing usually satisfies their skepticism except for what catches their enthusiasm. It has been essential to express a different starting point, first, before it would be prudent to discuss M-theory; otherwise, you would never have a chance of grasping the simplistic elegant points I am attempting to address. String Theory began as an attempt to create a TOE, a theory of everything, because physics had come to an impasse in the 20th Century. What one considers to be everything will dictate the type of theory of everything one would have to present. In my questioning of ‘reality’ I have determined that some well accepted ideas are never questioned because, like your parents’ religion people accept what has been accepted prior to your life by society and family without question. If the god of Abraham deserves serious questioning, why would it be folly to question if zero exists in nature? The Equator and Greenwich Meridians are CONSIDERED to be zero, but they, obviously, are not nothing. My epitaph shall read, “If you don’t question everything, you will know nothing and believe anything.” As you can see, I have even questioned nothing in my questioning of everything.
Newton’s formulas still worked well enough to send man to the moon as well as Voyagers 1 & 2, but Einstein showed that at speeds approaching the speed of light, Newton’s formulas won’t do you any good. Cosmologists, as confirmed by astronomers, know Einstein’s formulas for the large, massive, or fast - the math of the macrocosm, can accurately solve and predict things like the bending of light by gravity observed during solar eclipses. However, the science of the macrocosm: Relativity, cannot be describing the same universe as that of the microcosm: Quantum Mechanics. Although Quantum Mechanics has become as an accurate, if not more so, predictor of the reality of the world at the minute level of the quanta, as Einstein’s formulas work for the world of galaxies, neither one can be a TOE. In theoretical places such as black holes, where both systems of interpretation must be used, the answers become nonsensical. Neither Relativity nor QM can be accurate of the universe, but they both are as accurate as Newton’s laws are to calculate a mortar’s parabolic path. And ask the dead from that mortar round if the equation to kill him wasn’t accurate enough for his Relative view? String theory tries to bridge this chasm, but, so long as theoretical physics denies consciousness from their equations, they will never find what they seek. This is where the r=>0 equation presents its merit because it not only accounts for the fringes of heretical physics today (and over a century of attempts to scientifically investigate psi - ψ - see Dean Radin The Conscious Universe or Entangled Minds), but allows for more heresies to come forth in the future in a continuing evolution.
Smaller than the quanta, which is at the Plank’s Number small - vibrate strings that compose reality. Is this what Pythagoras meant with the Harmony of the Spheres? He is reputed to be able to calm the enraged with the playing of a specific scale. Musical marches are music to make the docile ready to march into battle. Jerry Garcia’s file in the FBI, according to Jim Keith, said that he was not a problem in stirring up protests, the Deadheads left a show with less angst than they had before (still true through the end in 1995). The ancient Greek philosophers attributed different attitudinal properties to different musical scales, and they were aware of string instruments. From that information, you would think Pythagoras would embrace the possibilities of proving his Harmony of the Spheres. However, String Theory is not perfect, but it still could evolve. It may have already demonstrated its ability to evolve itself better than any other attempt of a TOE by morphing into M-theory.
One of its weaknesses is that no one has posited a realistic way to scientifically test it to determine whether or not it can accurately make predictions that are experimentally verifiable. String theorist Brain Greene admits that it might take centuries until man would be able to build a piece of technology to prove or disprove String Theory, if ever. Another is that it calls for more dimensions to reality than we think we observe. When you are done reading, you will have to determine for yourself if I have presented logic in defining these dimensions to where a type more suited to designing scientific studies (not my ENTP) could not be inspired (hello INTs). Is my definition the simplest to satisfy Occam? If by using R= ϕ; r= 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,22 … and R⇔r, (R⇒r⇒R=∞) as a foundation from which to explain how each vibrating string could be observed, and that, not only defines the extra dimensions but also account for quantum non-locality and entanglement, would the hardcore INTJ that has never questioned how they would try to explain the concept of Zero to any of the ancient Greeks, especially Pythagoras himself, actually complete the task of questioning everything they believe? Am I the only person that has thought about how I could counter all of Socrates questions if I tried to inform him of the very concept of zero or nothing? Or, would they scoff their INTJ skepticism because I would be violating Ayn Rand’s axiom of the ‘is of identity’? Is not that the same logic Jehovah defined himself to Moses? Is “I am that I am” or “I am who I am” any different than the Objectivist’s ‘is of identity’ axiom? To this ENTP they are the same, but maybe true to my type I am making a connection others can’t see?
(There is no greater sign of ignorance than the ‘is of identity’: A = A. The INTJ, in particular, like the false idol specifically to keep their type from acknowledging any other world other than the objective, scientific materialistic was even possible - Ayn Rand, has a contempt for dictionaries. The prominence of the logic and reason they place on math and science is neglected by them when it comes to definitions and language. To define a term, you are never suppose to use the term in its own definition. Even as bad as public schools are in the US, unless you were a star athlete, you would not pass a vocabulary exam if you defined each word by the very word. In algebra you always begin with defining your variables, not as the very letter itself, but as the piece of information you are trying to solve. The final product of a proof is not the root cause of what is being proven. You solve for x, and then you prove that what you found for x is correct. The answer of a proof should always be equivalent to A=A, but that is not the first part of the problem that first defined and then solved what A represented. Rand and her followers, although exuding contempt for common people, succumb to the least common denominators of definitions. My Webster’s Ninth Collegiate has the second definition for altruism be a sacrifice for the survival of the species. Both Rands plebeian definition of altruism and her simple axiom defy the logic of the laws of communication: the ‘is of identity’ is in contradiction to the reason, and logic, behind not defining something by that very something. There might be a rebuttal that rejects this thesis as a violation of 0=0 - how dare I question its validity! But, at least AC did not define 0 as 0, because they know better than to base anything off such a break from the logic and rules of communication. How does the ‘is of identity’ differ from ‘I am who I am’ Moses heard? The laws of language are less prone to antitheses than math or science. Languages evolve, but the rules and laws remain true throughout that evolution.)
In 1999, when I first read The Elegant Universe, when I encountered the Calabi-Yau multi-dimensional spheres, I saw in the exhibits a possible mathematical solution for, not only the folds of the human brain, but how MRI scans show that the neurons are firing in a non-localized fashion. When I reread it several years ago, not only could I see a geometrical representation of the human brain, but also the same geometry that goes into entwining a six-foot long strand of DNA inside every cell of our bodies. By adding an eleventh dimension to the five competing String Theories, it became obvious that they were all describing the same thing from 5 different positions like five blind people surrounding an elephant and describing what they think it is. So, there might be two ways to prove M-theory - to those that are suited by their personalities to pursue: does either DNA or the human brain meet the definition of any of the 10,000 or so Calabi-Yau spheres? If either, or both, met with a theoretical geometry for coiling those extra-dimensions, would that just be coincidental, or proof? Would the odds against chance matter if two of those thousands geometrically define DNA and brains, then the question would be if it was chance that it could have been any other way? As Brian Greene discusses this 11th Dimension as one being the one where the Heterotic-E string, a two-dimensional membrane, cannot vibrate. This new dimension “that is locked within the structure of the ‘strings’ themselves … Now we see that this is but an approximation to an eleven-dimension universe containing two-dimensional membranes.” (p310 The Elegant Universe)
M-theory, then, is composed of the three spatial dimensions we know, woven with a fourth dimension of time, leaving us seven to define where one, by being locked in the string’s structure is impervious to a two-dimension membrane. Now to define these dimensions that are eluding scientists. As a three-dimensional graph depicts two dimensions are perpendicular, but the z-axis appears at a 45-degree angle to symbolize a right angle to the original right angle. Life, again, is our exemplar and teacher of how these dimensions appear. Eyes and ears are perpendicular to each other. The nostrils appear much like the z-axis on paper to the x and y of ears and eyes and could rightly be thought of as the right angle to the plane of sight and sound. Although the orifice of taste faces parallel with the orifices of sight, the taste buds themselves are again at a right angle to the opening, as well as sight, sound and scent. Finally is it really wrong to think that the only other dimension that could be perpendicular to all the others is the sense of touch is perpendicular to the outside dimensions? We know that visible light and audible sound are just different frequencies. Can we be so sure that scent, taste and touch are not other frequencies? What if they were all just different octaves? How many different dimensions is a rose vibrating through? Where exactly does the scent of a rose reside? Scent is a common sense for mobile life, can we be so sure that it is not a property of the electro-magnetic spectrum like visible light and audible noise? Applying the five senses to the seven curled-up dimensions leaves two to define. One of these has to be the dimension that is locked in the structure of the strings that is impervious to the vibrations of a two-dimension membrane.
The reason there were five competing 10 dimensional string theories, was that no one was taking the observer into account. The role of consciousness was excluded. That was the missing dimension, the ‘I’ of individual ego, at the very structure of the strings themselves. Since this is an universal concept at the very level of the structure of strings, it indicates the universal identity of the ‘I’ of individual consciousness, as well as why your ‘I’ is just as valid as mine. Is it the difference between my E and the I of AC’s NTPs that this is about? They, as the introverts, are truly seeking the scientific answers external to them, while I, as the extrovert, am seeking those answers internally? (There may be much wisdom in that thought.) I will be using several quotes from Timothy Leary, PhD, as we proceed and will start with this one from Design for Dying. After discussing the simulacrum , Dr John Lilly’s deprivation tanks, self-reference and feedback loops he addresses the self as an interacting fractal with this: “I, as a person, am similar to you. Yet the juxtaposition of us and millions of others into a fractally organized system results in the apparent complexity of the system as a whole. The interconnectedness of the world as it appears to humans in certain mystical and pharmacological states comes from a direct appreciation of its fractal nature. It’s particularly amusing that nearly every LSD user who is shown visual representations of moving fractals exclaims over his or her astonished recognition: ‘That’s what I see.’”
The mathematics that will create the new paradigm are not abstract concepts like negative and imaginary numbers, but in describing the transcendental numbers and fractal patters that exist in both the micro- and the macrocosm. This eleventh dimension describes the idea of self by being a structure built into the other strings; is there a better gnostic interpretation of the divine spark imprisoned in a material world? And before I can get back to explain the descent (as opposing transcendence) of ∏ by the Fibonacci Sequence, I will also fit those eleven dimensions into Dr Leary’s 8-circuit model of consciousness. He was always a scientist, first, which allowed for replicating his data as has been done by Johns Hopkins and UCLA, and was always well-read on many aspects of cutting-edge science and math, but he was more a mix of Socrates and Bruno in an age where he could only be imprisoned for his ideas and not killed. Not only was he well-versed on the cutting edges of the sciences, but was also well-traveled as a free man - let alone as an escapee fugitive, but well versed in the occult sciences as well. Traveling will always be more educational, at least to my ENTP, than anything - including a journey into the mind, which would be a close second. A trip into the mind while traveling - good luck seeing the world the same as before!
Declaring the eleventh dimension as the definition of self-identity leaves me yet with one more to declare. The dimension in the structure is impervious to a two-dimensional vibration: the duality of consciousness that separates ‘me’ from ‘you’, the inside and outside of the consciousness that defines self individually. Self-identity is part of the recursive spirals and fractals, when it chooses to vibrate in relation to ϕ instead of its approximation, it vibrates that polarity into a synthesis. Can an INT design a scientific study to test this because I will get bored with the details and move on to the next idea as a typical ENTP fault?
So, to reiterate, the 11 dimensions are:
The math of reality is defined by the curled-up double helix of DNA and the vibrations it detects, as well as the visible use of approximating the NFN8 ϕ. To fit these eleven dimensions into the 8-circuit model will require defining the Fourier Transform as the human bio-computer. Because ‘self’ is a fractal pattern, there really is just one organism experiencing space-time materiality with many types of processors to experience the vibrations interpreted as the complete fabric of sensuous existence. At the moment of enlightenment, consciousness shifts across the Fourier Transform of a physical body ‘self’ consciousness, but of a consciousness where space-time is internalized while the five senses have now been externalized and individual ego is nonexistent.
Applying this interpretation upon the measuring device for the macrocosm, man, we have the seven ductless glands, represented by the rainbow body chakra system with six of these radio transmitters inside the body: the crown, the halo, the nimbus, the Fourier Transform, is above the head. If we are to locate where an eighth would be located, would it logically be above the crown, or does the crown/nimbus/halo represent the completion of the octave? Logic would dictate it is below us, connecting us through space-time as the polar opposite from our connection on the other side of the Fourier Transform? The polar connections should well be thought of as opposite ends of a torus circulating the same variables for vibration. Our subconscious would collective create the reality we interpret every day tying us all together like a common umbilical cord of the external reality the “I” interprets as external. We are linked in a fractal spiral of vibrations of the belief in identity that under the right substances, used under wise conditions, DNA communication can happen between different versions of the DNA program. We share more DNA with some things than others, but the spiraling elements composing the DNA code will always have a little, even if it is just molecules, in common. Consummation of sacraments is not the only way to achieve some of these effects; however, it is the best scientific tool to experience replicable states yogis devote decades to accomplish. Research now proves Dr Leary correct with his work at Harvard about helping terminal cancer patients face death as well as create long-lasting psychological benefit and spiritual states of import to the volunteers.
The more we are connected via the umbilicus of physical matter, the further our vibrations are away from where we could be connected at the crown where we would be vibrating in harmony with the NFN8 ϕ instead of vibrating in harmony with the Fibonacci Sequence. This is that two dimensional brane, as above so below, the spiritual connection via the Fourier Transform above the head and the space-time below the dimension sensor machine of man. There are six internal vibrations, the sense of identity and the five senses. The two opposing forces that connect us all, has one above and below, as the Hermetic axiom dictates. The spiritual connection on the other side of the Fourier Transform above the head, and the physical world created by a ‘sequential’ disharmony from the NFN8 ϕ. Illumination is the crossing back and forth at will. And I will mathematically define illumination as the determinate to controlling the 22 to continue to 35 instead of finding some 7 to divide by in a circuitous recursive of incarnations represented in the circular, gravitationalesque pull of ∏.
To apply the dichotomy of brain hemispheres to these eight circuits of 11 dimensions: the left hemisphere interprets survival in the umbilicus of ‘man’ to space-time and is obsessed with the dimensions of space-time survivability. These were Dr Leary’s terrestrial circuits. I say they represent the vibrations of disharmony. When humanity finally, en masse, reaches a hundredth monkey syndrome of ‘tuning in’ to the NFN8 ϕ the right hemisphere can, eventually, become as enmeshed in the post-terrestrial umbilicus of harmony with the NFN8 ϕ on the other side of the Fourier Transform known as the esoteric crown chakra. This is the secret to the mystique and new age talk about how love can change the world. It explains, when people don’t just take the first sentence out of context, the explanation to Crowley’s Commandment: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law. Love under will.” This is not hedonistic free love, but intentionally tuning from the disharmony of the Fibonacci Sequence into the NFN8 ϕ of, what the AC has defined as, r=0 while I define it as R= ϕ. The external dimensions below us, connecting us to physical reality is truly our umbilical cord, if we learn to vibrate what, in the chakra system is the heart, in the endocrine system would be the thymus, in the visible spectrum would be green, then we could earn our way towards the enlightenment of crossing the Fourier Transform at will. Once we truly anchor our base vibration with, what the ancient Egyptian would call the ‘wisdom of the heart’, or are thinking with our hearts and feeling with our heads, then we begin the transcending climb of ascension and can sever the umbilicus to external matter. It is far more alluring to be in the terrestrial labyrinth of physical reality, that of the ecstasy of orgasm, than to follow Ariadne’s Thread back to Circuit 8 consciousness: that of complete harmony with the NFN8 ϕ - the polar opposite end of the torus of vibrations that anchor the terrestrial circuit in terrestrial survival mode of fuck, fight or flight- the path of gnosis and illumination. Love for lack of a better meme if understood in relation to the microcosmic sense interpreter detector’s placement can change the world, but not via orgasm and lust. Conscious energy can tune into the higher realms like you can change radio stations, by leaving one frequency and tuning in on another. Once enough have permanently tuned in to anchor their ‘I’ in the post-terrestrial anchor of the thymus, or heart chakra, being their foundation for consciously raising their own vibrations back to being in harmony with trancendent illumination, as opposed to being in harmony with the NFN8 ϕ’s physically incarnate approximation.
I will follow Dr Leary and describe this, not as new age but as Psi-Phi ( ψ-ϕ), for my equations of the NFN8 ϕ include the scientific heresy of ψ, just like ψ is included in r=0 of the Illuminati of AC. A TOE should include everything, should it not? A scientific definition for occult, fringe, and mainstream scientists. The biggest heretics to the establishment are always the ones to pay the closest attention to what makes them heretics: usually a desire to liberate the people from the grasp of slavery of the OWO.
If any reader is unfamiliar with the heretical Dr Timothy Leary’s 8 circuit model, you can study it here:
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