the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

Here is Helena Blavatsky seated beside Morya, who had yet not at that time ascended, Kuthumi, her personal spiritual guide, and St. Germain, who had ascended after his last incarnation as Sir Francis Bacon, "who really wrote the Shakespeare material."

context: Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 7:19 pm

Concerning the Secret Chiefs of the Order.. I can tell you nothing. I know not even their earthly names. I know them only by certain secret mottos. I have but very rarely seen them in the physical body; and on such rare ocassions the rendevous was made astrally by them. They met me in the flesh at the time and place appointed beforehand. For my part I believe them to be human and living on this earth; but possessing terrible superhuman powers.

- SL MacGregor Mathers

context: Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 7:30 am

Two of the Masonic co-founders of the Golden Dawn.

Crowley in the garb of Osiris used during Golden Dawn rituals.

it was Aleister Crowley, while celebrating the Birth ritual of the New Aeon (prematurely to the death ritual of the old aeon), who foresaw the necessity of initiating the second-coming movement of christianity.

context: Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 2:50 pm

Aleister Crowley in his Masonic regalia as the OHO of the OTO.

During the modern era the Order of Death was reformed from Masonry into the Illuminism of the Golden Dawn. During this time the first IHO was Mathers and the first OHO Crowley.

context: Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 7:30 am



the Sleep Walkers and the neo-Sethians

The next known OHO was William Seward Burroughs. It is believed that he became OHO soon after Crowley became IHO.

Here is the first neo-Sethian OHO to make himself publically known,
The name he used to identify his guild or ilk was "MUGWUMPS" (wikilink).

Although never discussed publically during Burroughs' own lifetime, the use of the tapes can now be openly admitted. Thus, over Burroughs' own voice in the recording low in the mix are the sounds that Burroughs himself was hearing in his own ears while speaking. The findings of this research reveals that the left ear audio usually dictated immediately prior to Burroughs repeating it word for word along with the performance of the reading Burroughs was doing. In the right ear it seemed to be the same dictation, that is, delivered in the same cadence, only trailing the other by a second or two, lagging behind so as to provide Burroughs a window through which to dictate the text aloud. the voices on the recording other than Burroughs are not his own. The leading voice has neither Burroughs' lilting Southern cadence nor his nasal tone of voice. The lagging voice is usually drowned out by Burroughs dictation over it.

Here you can listen to the vocal doubling effect for yourself:

Upon Crowley's death, Burroughs ascended to become the IHO, and Jim Morrison became the OHO. Burroughs converted to neo-Sethianism shortly after his ascension to IHO, and it is believed that by the time Morrison became OHO he was already a neo-Sethian.

Here is the first neo-Sethian IHO, Jim Morisson, the "Lizard King."

Here are the modern day versions of the "Righteous Teacher"
and the "Wicked Priest" as prophesised by the gnostic Dead Sea scrolls.
Both advocate a return to the pre-neo Sethian ways of the Order.

"For my death, which they think happened, (happened) to them in their error and blindness, since they nailed their man unto their death...It was another, their father, who drank the gall and the vinegar; it was not I. They struck me with the reed; it was another, Simon, who bore the cross on his shoulder. I[t] was another upon Whom they placed the crown of thorns...And I was laughing at their ignorance."

- source: - general resource:

the latter-modern day neo-Sethian IHO and OHO of the Order of Death.

During this time, the popular faces of the order were George W. Bush and Ariel Sharon, however the two most powerful people behind the scenes were really Dick Cheney and Laura Bush, both of whom are even more neo-Sethian than their puppet-dictators George W. Bush and Ariel Sharon.

context: Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005, 9:57 am

Laura Bush does not change facial expressions.

context: Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006, 1:27 am

the night of the 2000 election coup, a massive psychic battle was
fought on the astral plane between "gangsta" rapper Busta Rhymes
and future first-lady Laura Bush. At stake: the control or freedom of the future.

context: Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 3:54 am

Laura Bush as the insidious serpent tongueing President Daddy's ear.

context: Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 2:56 am

Former President Daddy breaks down during a live newscast to
reveal the bug intelligence behind the neo-Sethian seprentine movement.

Former President HW suddenly fell under the inexplicable sensation that the teleprompter read "sob uncontrollably"

context: Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 7:22 pm

The BUGS roam in droves; they¹ve almost conquered the city through simple infiltration. The bugs look like us except for some characteristics which they cannot conceal. - Jon Gee


"our" president is:: 2:1 a "meat puppet," not a "puppet dictator," nor a "puppet master." If you disagree, log in and vote now: discuss this on the forums.

08-15-2007: is Dick Cheney aligning himself with GHWB through Laura?

in 2008, the CFR and Bilderberg Group appointed Barrack Hussein Obama II "president" of the United States and he became the de facto OHO.
- source:
It has recently been revealed that Obama is, himself, the cloned mummy of Pharaoh Ahkhenaten.
- source:

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OHO's and IHO's of the POD, from +1900 YP until the present, May 12, +2008 YP:

1900 - 2000 (+YP)

OHO: Levi
IHO: Blavatsky
Blavatsky understood the need to confront the millennialist Christian mythos, however she believed a gentler approach wise, softening the impact on the collective psyche before the zero-hour by exchangeing "western" notions, like the Trinity and transubstantiation, into more "eastern" concepts, like the "Ascended Masters" and "Christ Consciousness." Levi, however, apparently did not share her view of this, and while he helped on her tarot (later called the "Rider-Waite" deck), he kept quiet, biding his time and concealing his own leanings toward devil worship as a revolutionary methodology to confront the coming Apocalypse head-on.

OHO: Mathers
IHO: Levi
Once Levi assumed control of the Order he immediately established the Golden Dawn by forging papers, attributed to Anna Sprengel, on ritual work and leaking them to Mathers, his apprentice. Mathers was a devoted follower of Levi and saw great good coming from the study of evil. To this end, he largely immersed himself in studying grimoires, and left the managing of the Golden Dawn be done largely by Florrence Farr and Israel Regardie.

OHO: Crowley
IHO: Mathers
Mathers chose as his own disciple Alesiter Crowley, who would sue Mathers over the content of one of his grimoire translations, and go on to become what contemporary tabloids labeled, "the wickest man in the world." The psychic battle between Farr and Crowley could be seen as precipitating WWII in its wake; Crowley's relationship with Regardie, whom he made his secretary, was much friendlier than with Waite, a contemporary of Mathers. Waite sided with Blavatsky on the need to "soften" the blow of the cataclysm of Christianity to come. Crowley, however, did not.

OHO: Burroughs
IHO: Crowley
Crowley eventually became addicted to heroin and, later in life, retired to Boleskine. Meanwhile, his ardent disciple, William Seward Burroughs, was re-tracing Crowley's steps through Tangiers during the Vision and Voice workings, and developing quite a nasty heroin habit himself. Burroughs' early masterworks, "Naked Lunch," "Junky," Exterminator," "The Job," etc. and his middle-gems, "Wild Boys," "Ticket that Exploded," "Nova Express," "Interzone," etc., and his later jewels, "My Education," "Cities of the Red Night," "Place of Dead Roads," etc. are all to be studied fastidiously as works of chaos panic, exactly what Levi had foreseen, and exactly what Blavatsky sought strongly to avoid. But this was only the beginning.

OHO: Morrison
IHO: Burroughs
While Burroughs began to turn away from traditional ritual work, his own apprentice, Jim Morrison, emersed himself in it. His stage performances were intended to induce a trance-state in the entire audience, with Jim as shaman. This fact is well documented, however it was only meant to puncture the petty tyrannies of past dogmatic divisions between originally unified causes. Jim wanted to combine the appearance of the devil with the action of the christ. It is not that he was "ahead of his time" nor even "too late," but both are true insofar as Jim used controlled chaos to bend and warp time itself.

OHO: Busta
IHO: Burroughs
It is speculated that Burroughs initiated several different people to the position of OHO following Jim's "last" death, in Guyana (as Jim Jones), before his signal completely decohered. The most apt pupil at the time of Burrough's death, in 1997, was also most likely to succeed Burroughs as IHO. This candidate was Busta Rhymes, former 5%er and student of Rastafarianism. It appeared likely the psychci revolution would go off without a hitch. There was very little warning (to most) of what would come next. There was no sudden "undertow" of psychic current to foretell.

2000 - 5/5/2008 (+YP)

IHO: Ariel
After staging the 2000 presidential elections, the neo-Sethian coup-de-tat within the POD was declared concluded by 9-11. The agenda of war for oil, fighting foreign "terrorists" was ensured (at least "temporarily") and the PNAC, Carlysle Group, Halliburton, CFR, Blackwater and Trilateral Commission believed their Orwellian oligarchy stead-fast.

OHO: Laura
Following the death of Ariel Sharon, GWB briefly served as IHO with his wife, Laura Bush, making most of the command decisions for their family, and thus taking up most of GWB's time and mind, while he, unsuccessfully, attempted to ram doomed legislation through a majority opposition-party controlled Senate and Congress. The alliance between the Israeli Likud party and the neo-cons in Washington DC, forged between Mossad and the CIA, began to appear unsteady. It appeared as though the neo-con party would suffer from internal schisms. Meanwhile, Dick Cheney allied himself to GHWB, GWB's father, via Laura Bush, in secret from GWB.

OHO: Dick
IHO: Laura
In early 2007, Laura Bush was finally officially declared IHO, following several occult activities involving aligning her daughters with papal interests. She had already been aware (since 2000) of much more about the occult nature of the neo-Sethian / neo-con conspiracy than she had let on. Her role in this elaborate global coup-de-tat is akin to that of Emperor Palpatine in the Star Wars movies, and eventually she will be betrayed by Dick Cheney, who she has allowed to be taken on as her confidant and chief ruling secretary, the OHO of the POD.

OHO's and IHO's of the POD, from +2000 YP until the present, January, 25th, +2009 YP:

2000 - 2006 (+YP)
IHO: Ariel

After staging the 2000 presidential elections, the neo-Sethian coup-de-tat within the POD was declared concluded by 9-11. The agenda of war for oil, fighting foreign "terrorists" was ensured (at least "temporarily") and the PNAC, Carlysle Group, Halliburton, CFR, Blackwater and Trilateral Commission believed their Orwellian oligarchy stead-fast.

2006-2007 (+YP)
OHO: Laura

Following the death of Ariel Sharon, GWB briefly served as IHO with his wife, Laura Bush, making most of the command decisions for their family, and thus taking up most of GWB's time and mind, while he, unsuccessfully, attempted to ram doomed legislation through a majority opposition-party controlled Senate and Congress. The alliance between the Israeli Likud party and the neo-cons in Washington DC, forged between Mossad and the CIA, began to appear unsteady. It appeared as though the neo-con party would suffer from internal schisms. Meanwhile, Dick Cheney allied himself to GHWB, GWB's father, via Laura Bush, in secret from GWB.

2007-2008 (+YP)
OHO: Dick
IHO: Laura

In early 2007, Laura Bush was finally officially declared IHO, following several occult activities involving aligning her daughters with papal interests. She had already been aware (since 2000) of much more about the occult nature of the neo-Sethian / neo-con conspiracy than she had let on. Her role in this elaborate global coup-de-tat is akin to that of Emperor Palpatine in the Star Wars movies, and eventually she will be betrayed by Dick Cheney, who she has allowed to be taken on as her confidant and chief ruling secretary, the OHO of the POD.

2008-2009 (+YP)
OHO: Obama

In a coup-de-tat within a coup-de-tat, the neo-Sethians have seemingly divided against one another, with the former President's father, also a former US President, George Herbert Walker Bush (GHWB) being revealed behind the insectile mask of Dick Cheney in the final moments of GWB's Presidency. This image came to W. in a dream, and this dream the US saw on-screen thanks to Oliver Stone. GHWB sent Cheney as an infiltrator into GWB's neo-con inner-circle to sabotage GWB's presidency with a doomed war. The "final confrontation" between W. and his "Poppy" is portrayed in Oliver Stone's satirical comedic masterpiece. The final betrayal of "Emperor Palpatine" (Laura Bush) by "Darth Vader" (Dick Cheney), is portrayed in George Lucas' Star Wars film "Return of the Jedi." Meanwhile, OHO Obama is just a "puppet of the people" however controlled by GHWB insofar as having to clean up the mess his son made.

There is a lot of supposition that Obama is the Antichrist, if he is I believe he has been specifically chosen because he fitted some of the criteria and was willing to be moulded. I've collected research on the UM forum regarding various prophecies connecting Obama. I am unsure about the veracity of the Akhenaten claim but who the heck knows? I do recall seeing him on a trip to Egypt and he found a picture carved in stone of a figure looking very much like him but in a completely comic sense. It did tickle me at the time lol. 


As much as Obama could be the AC there is also a growing acknowledgement of how Princes Charles and William also match the criterion. For example the coat of arms they use do include the various beasts mentioned in Revelations. 


Hmm, the serpent is such an ancient symbol we can't really say it is evil but it has become so entwined with evil and deception. This is wrong imo and the root of many of our problems. For example in many of the ancient mysteries the serpent was used to symbolize wisdom and immortality among other things. 


However, I do like the comparison between the elite and reptilians because they have the hind brain element but in a cosmic sense this may not be exclusively true. The 'reptilian' people may be one group of entities that exist within and without this reality. In ancient history the serpent people were revered as the Nagas and within other cultures across the globe, in more of an abstract sense the serpent represented cycles, transformation and sexual energy to name but a few. 


Therefore I have found myself ideologically defending the serpent because it reinforces the Patricentric complex of left-brain constructed society. The "Cheshires" is a good interpretation of the elite because they can be ruthless and are true carnivores. Dogs are omnivores and this shows in character because dogs can be trained. 


Cold blooded creatures are more transcendent of emotion but symbolically they can be good or bad depending on your perspective. Is it a coincidence that the New Age was to some extent supplemented by serpent handling cults? Is this where the reptilian side of our nature was observed and then became a thought form of itself? 


My own research has led me to conclude that there was a significant development in 1717 when a force was released on the world and it was this that developed into the elite monopolizing banking and using occult methods to entrance the world from observing their own divinity. Interestingly Ophiolatreia did have a resurgence after this time but it was no longer guarded by honourable mysts. Instead the keepers themselves had succumbed to the ego and failed to protect the world from the malevolent forces. 


Rather than malevolent serpents I propose that what lies behind the invisible hand is in fact the Four Wyrms or parasites. They are the Entrancer, the Binder, the Devourer and the Colon. They are the prey of the Horsemen Avatars whom must be awoken to lead the hunt and bring some fire to the bleak landscape parts of the astral realms have become. I put this down to the life of the earth being sapped away by these parasites and there must be a thorough purging of corruption within the ranks of the mysts. 


Lovin' the images though. That is something to get people startled and thinking. 


Some links:


This is helping explain some of the story Absolute Convergence and I will continue to work on it and share snippets that assist the overall picture. 

Aloha Mork42,


I'd like to comment here about your concept of the "serpent" and its symbolic role in mythic histories. First, though, let me clear up a couple points to help distinguish the "neo-Sethians" from the traditional concept of the "serpent" as a mythic symbol. First: the neo-Sethians believe now, as did the Sethites at the time of Jesus, one aeon ago, that there will be a "second coming." For Sethites, Jesus was the "second coming" of Seth (first mortal son of Adam and Eve). Now, 2000 years later, for the "neo-Sethians," they believe there will be a "second coming" of Jesus. This millennarian cult is not run by people who honestly believe that, but they use that concept to rule the minds of anyone foolish enough to do so. Second: the "neo-Sethians" are only associated with reptilian species because of their appearance. I have written a longer description of this process (here: ), but for brevity's sake, here allow me to sum it up thus: those who shape-shift due so because they have time-travelled (ie. due to temporal "jet-lag" as they travel between time-zones), and can only appear as they truly are to users of some natural drugs and through ocassional technical glitches in recording media. The "neo-Sethians" appear to shape-shift into reptilians because their beliefs determine their evolutionary future, which is what "shape-shifting" reveals; thus the "neo-Sethians" are a "reptilian" in appearance, future sub-species of human beings; likewise, their leaders shape-shift into "insectoids," and both these will, by ~3000 AD, have evolved into the "Blanking Quetzal" anegls and the "info-junky" cyborg Bug factions I describe in my "Cheshire Sam" sci-fi novels.


As such, the "neo-Sethian" faction as I describe them do include, but should not be thought of as being limited solely to influence from within by, modern Satanists (including LaVey's CoS, Acquino's ToS, and ostensibly the "Finders" ring of child-porn kidnappers run by the CIA as well) and modern Molech-worshippers (the Bilderberg Group, who vacation at Bohemian Grove to worship an effigy of Lilith and practise mock-human sacrifice). The "litmus test" for belonging to the "neo-Sethian" mind-set is whether one believes these are the "end-times" or not. If they do, and use this belief to rationalise the exception of their criminal behaviours, they are "neo-Sethians." This includes Tim Lahey, no less so than Anton LaVey. Everyone from Dan Brown to George Bush Junior who has benefitted from the modern doomsday scenario is guilty of this corrupt and doomed belief. Mostly, these are adherents to the "Bavarian Illuminati" (not the "Perfectabilists" originally conceived by Weishaupt), OTO-members (usually original members who do not hold OTO rank anymore, but who form a circle of confidants within high positions of political and economic power) and the rich elites of the modern NWO. As I say, they themselves may believe or not it is the "Apocalypse," but they all act in tandem to ensure the doomsday scenario is carried off without a hitch. Their plan is combines all the "modern gospels" of "conspiracy theory," from the Protocols, to Silent Weapons, to BlueBeam, to Montauk and beyond. Here are some more resources about their beliefs: (included there is actually also a pdf copy of "~GOD~" I forgot I'd uploaded; please feel free to dl the ebook; it's the one that includes my "Apocalypse of AHDVNHAY" story, which I'd said in the "Enochian History" section here might be similar to your own story, Mork42).


Now, to return to the concept of the "serpent" as a symbol of pure "evil," or, contrary-wise, as a symbol of the temptation toward self-improvement, forbidden to blind slaves of the dead monotheist concept of a Father "God," both are commonly applied to the serpent species, however neither is particularly innate to the actual species of snakes. Snakes are just animals, not smarter or stupider than any other animal (including "humans," although some might argue we have lost our nascent, animal instincts for telepathy to speech and mis-communication, sacrificing our role in the animal kingdom), and no more "good" or "evil" inherently than a tree, a stone, or the air. Despite this fact, I agree strongly with you that this particular animal neighbor of ours on earth gets a peculiarly bad reputation in the monotheist myths. This has alot to do with it being used as a symbol for occultation of information, that is, a conspiracy of silence. In the myths, the serpent is used as, obviously, a moral metaphor. However, we are left with no explanation as to what exactly it "symbolises" in the text itself, and so it remains open to pure conjecture (in much the same way money is meant to symbolise value, even while posessing no intrinsic usefulness of its own). Thus, not only is "Genesis" a poem, not meant to be taken literally, but it is one without inherent reference to any real facts at all. The serpent symbol in Genesis is a symbol for the omission of other, more pertinent and, more importantly, much more purely scientific "metaphysics" (first causes); whenever this symbol appears, it is like a long black smear blotting out more accurate descriptions of universal cosmology. Thus, those who follow the symbol become the mind-slaves of those who posess the "secret" knowledge, which, in truth, includes everything OTHER THAN the symbolic serpent in itself. The serpent is, thus, a tool used to conceal a the truth of its being fictional and irrelevant itself, but more importantly, to imply our "secret" overlords posess superior knowledge to the rest of us "chattle." Of course, the true knowledge of most "metaphysics" of cosmology has been entirely forgotten by the modern rich elites in their quest to consolidate the most masses of mind-slaves. Only their use of the serpent as a symbol remains.


For example, as I am sure you know, Mork42, the meaning of the character of "Satan" has gone through many changes throughout the history of its use in religious-fictions (ie. "myths"). At first, the Jews (like Job and Isaiah) saw "Satan" as like a legal litigator, an aggressive lawyer (lit. "adversary") who read out your list of sins before God in the perpetual trial of your soul. Later, the concept of "Satan" was associated with the Rosh-Hoshanna "scape-goat," who was beaten then released into the desert to bear on its back the figurative sins of the whole nation of Israel. By the time of the life of Jesus, "Satan" was considered alike the planet Venus, which rose before dawn as the "morning star" (shaher), and set after dusk as the "evening star" (shalem). Thus the saying of Jesus in Luke, "oh how thou art fallen, oh Lucifer, star of the morning," appeared first in Isaiah, yet was later perverted into the concept of "Wormwood" in the Apocalypse of John. By the time the early Roman Catholics attempted to stamp out Gnostic Manicheanism, "Satan" was part of the infernal trinity (Satan, Maloch, Lucifer) that counter-posed the Holy Trinity (Father-God, Sun-Christ, Mother-Church). By the era of the Inquisition, the Roman Catholic Papacy realised the "Albeginsian heresy" that "Satan" was really the Gnostic demi-urge (Samael or Ialdabaoth), who created this cosmos, and whose twin-heads were named "YHVH" (meaning "good") and "Elohim" (meaning "evil"), was not confined to the Middle-East, but was shared by all the pre-Roman Europeans as well. The Roman Catholic Papacy, following the failed Inquisition to burn all "non-believers" of their dogma at the stake, resorted to the creation of an "Army of Jesus" (the Jesuits), some of whom were entrusted the task of infiltrating Protestantism to discredit it from within. These Jesuits (from Weishaupt through modern-day "Episcopalians" like George Bush Junior) have all attempted to associate a Catholic (negative) interpretation of the "serpent symbol," while simultaneously associating this symbol with all forms of free-thought and movements espousing individualism. How prevalent are the false-beliefs, begun by Papal Bull, that Free Masons worship Lucifer, or that Templar Knights worshipped "Baphomet," or that Jesus was even real? Many modern Gnostics continue to call the Roman Catholic Papacy the office of the "Anti-Christ," just as John of Patmos originally labeled Nero Caesar the "great beast." If there really were a single, discorporeal sentient-entity that secretly controls all world-events, and is leading humanity (against our will) toward the brink of global desctruction, it's come a long way from the times when it was conceived as an angellic attorney and was first called "Satan" by Job.


Hope this message fires off your neurons, Mork42. PEACE! - Jon

Not half... There are, as usual many things that set my synapses aflame. Bluebeam, Montauk, Lavey and Aquino being a few. Aquino used to be an avatar I used on another site and I've reseached the ToS and the Trapezoid more than I have CoS but I've happened across a number of modern mysteries that are only really explainable if we accept that the elite take the occult extremely seriously and are indeed working towards a preconceived plan to assume total control. However, the way I believe they intend to do this is cause so much fear and separation that we will beg them to save us by initiating us into their schools thinking they are absolute. 


My story is the tale of the alternative to the Neo-Sethians but you make some great points that bring things to my mind immediately.


In researching Satan  I came to similar conclusions to you but because I wanted the story to be at least in part original, I have added my own take. There are most likely four or five characters who could be associated with the Devil. 


1) Geb/Kothar/Azazel - Many other times but essentially he was the basis of the scapegoat because he was responsible for much of the war of expansion of the  Bronze Age as he released the secrets of metals without being sure the souls were mature enough to show restraint. 

2) Set/Yamm/Shiva - Rex Mundi and Lord of Chaos. He is effectively like a prison warden who assumes the role of Death and is the carrier of souls to the Otherworld, whereby they are kept until the moment of convergence when all doors are opened. He has thus been attempting to rehabilitate the inhabitants of the hollow earth to renounce violence and excesses of pleasure in order to assist humanity in their evolution. He has some noble characteristics but was punished originally for his selfishness and lust. He is equated with Ashmodai and was involved in a love triangle between Azazel and Apiro Kore or Little Lilith. 

3) Anzu/Shu'en - Was a rogue of the Elohim who betrayed his clan and sided with Kanites to prevent an elven holocaust but he was unsuccessful and became obsessed with blood sacrifices of South America. 

4) Osiris/Ialdobaoth - Ausar along with Set were among the five candidates of dragon genes to receive the initiations and ascend. Ausar was the son of Marduk, son of Enki so was arguably 'more divine' than the others but he was emotionally crippled and was dominated by his left-brain and his hormones. He became the most ego ravaged king of all the Atlanteans as Nimrod and although he was assisted by others they eventually locked him in the Abyss in a certain portion of the Heavens so he was unable to continue to amass power over creation. 

5) Nergal/Hades - Behind Ausar whispering in his ear was agents of Nergal, the true ruler of the Underworld and his consort Ereshkigal. They are to be equated Asmodeus and Lilith the older.Nergal has three faces of ego, pride and entropy and through these three he seeks to collapse the system and create his own cosmos of putrification and disorder. He is like the ultimate mad professor or socrcer, kind of like Flagg on steroids. 


My story will cover the first three in succession and try and redeem those archetypes of craftsmen, judge/councillor and rebel king/explorer. 


I very much appreciate what I've read of your work on Atlantis and Lemuria as these are also topics I have tried to research and integrate. Also glad you mentioned Jesuits as I have read some of Phelps' Vatican Assassins and found much of it does ring true. There was also an article I read on Pope John Paull II and his trapezoid shaped coffin.


Probably the biggest point of divergence in our two views are in that I associate the Sethians with the forces in place to conserve the cyclic nature and to bring about evolution. They are the Hidden Directorate associated with Set and they are careful to avoid discovery. I believe the Ascended Masters were an initiative by Belial or Skanda the son of Set/Shiva to open the occult up to the world as the time of a new age began to dawn. It is a fascinating area but one I am no expert on obviously. My intuition is that it was not all that it appeared to be. 


The reason being that Skanda had allied himself to Set's enemy Ausar who seeks return to this world and is aided by Isis (Gwyn Ap Nudd) and Horus (the Four Wyrms) in milking humanity of enough psychic energy to direct towards a portal and open a gateway through a magickal working on a global scale orchestrated like a Hollywood movie. 


So many sites I have found venerate the trinity of Isis, Osiris and Horus and although I see some positive meanings to them as an allegory I also sense they are a reinforcer of the Patricentricity. The serpent may well be the symbol that lends power to the neo-Sethians because it makes the 'chattle' feel ignorant but all I think one needs to do is think of the fire serpent and the cosmic serpent and one can then be freed from the bonds of convention and aspire to God-hood as Phanes reborn from the sacred union.


I hope I have not lost you. To clarify the serpent is a symbol going back to the days of Lemuria and perhaps before. It was carried into the Aeon of the Bull by the Kain or Enki of the Kanites but during the Aeon of the Ram, the truth was [perverted as alliances were made to rewrite history and veil the mytseries that Geb/Azazel had revealed to the unworthy. Now the unworthy had the secrets they intended to make use of them and keep them from those noble enough to use them for the good of all.

Aloha Mork42,


All of that sounds very exciting, even if it is all fiction. I have long ago stopped believing the "evolution" of our species toward a more "spiritual" form, or that it can be guided toward such by "extra-dimensional" or otherwise invisible and discorporeal sentient entities, be they called "EBEs" or "God." In fact, I do not believe in any of the myths I've spent my life researching. They contain traces of ancient theories, which can be distilled to find some scientific facts, but otherwise are simply fantasy novels about fictional characters. For example, despite the barrier of languages based on opposed alphabets, not to mention their distances apart, consider that Vedic Indus, Sumero-Akkadian Tigris-Euphrates and Egyptian Nile river cultures all worshipped a pantheon comprised of essentially identical hierarchies of essentially correspondent archetypal characteristic traits.


The Vedic trimurti (Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva) was equivalent to the Sumero-Akkadian "Nibiruin" Annunaki (Anu, Enki and Enlil), as well as to the Egyptian Ogdoad (Anu + Nuit, Osiris + Isis, Horus, Set-Typhon and Thoth + Nepthys). When Moses wrote the Torah, he pencilled this triune concept into it as "IS-RA-EL," meaning the union into one nation-state of the adherents of the Isiatic, Atenist and Amoun cultists. Likewise, when Pythagoras penned the "Emerald Tablet" ascribed to "Hermes Trismegestus," he described this trinity by comparing them to the chemical elements of salt (coagulation), sulfur (evaporation) and mercury (dissolution). The same concept of such a dialectic was adopted by the Roman Catholic Papacy, who enforced the dominance of their own interpretation of the triplicity-symbol (Father-God, Sun-Christ and Mother-Church) over all the others. The European covens this forged feminised the concept into "daughter-sistser-mother" or, rather, "virgin, maiden and crone." Then, Free Masonry was codefied and adopted the "antient and accepted" rites as a 3 degree Blue Lodge system of initiation. This concept of a thesis-antithesis-synthesis concept, designed by Hegel, was endorsed by Karl Marx as a model for comprehending man's social history as class-conflict - "the proletariat" (the poor, newly industrialised serfs), "the bourgeoisie" (the individualistic and libertarian middle-class) and the "owners of the means of production" or simply "capitalists" (the rich elites or NWO). By the time the 20th century AD rolled around, this concept was broken down into the "problem-reaction-solution" model for global propaganda-control by the elitist NWO cabal. Now, in the very early 21st century, already the concept of computer-programming language based on quantum-uncertainity in probabilistic switch-gates in atom-sized nanites running "quantum computing" has ignited the buzz of "trinary" replacing the modern "binary" programming code. Of course, the original anthropomorphism of the triplicity-archetype remains in theatrical dramas, such as the characters in the "Matrix" movies - Morpheus, Neo and Trinity; or such as the love-triangle between the characters in the "Blair Witch Project."


Now, having given this example, my point is to attend to the fact that, even though this "triple-archetype" concept DOES, in physical reality, indeed exist, none of the names, titles, anthropomorphic attributes, physical traits, regalia or descriptions of these three concepts in one will finally and fully encapsulate, describe and define them in their entirety. All names and traits of it are merely, themselves, metaphors for this triple-archetype concept. In short, none of the above traits attributed to this triple-archetype are real, from the first pantheons of Gods to the most recent characters in films. There is no single sentient entity that causes by its thinking, nor controls by its choices, the full truth and fate of this archetypeal concept. Pythagoras was wise to study it by assigning to it only it's simplest sum: the number 3. The triple-archetype is universal, but not because it is a self-aware omni-mind over the whole cosmos. It is universal because it is a means to categorise existence based on the three states of the passage of time: Past - Present and Future. Hence, "Hermes Trismegestus" (Thrice Greatest Thoth) is venerated because someone, so long ago their real life's events have been forgotten and remain today lost in a deep concealment of lies, compared the triple-archetype of time to space, and found the correlation between the 6 cardinal directions of space and the twin directions (+ / -) out from zero on a time-line.


Attributing fictional traits and characteristics to ordinary phenomenon of natural reality DOES build these causes-events-outcomes up into a God-like status, but only over the minds of those who practise doing so. To one whose mind is free of any and all fictional beliefs (for ultimately, only fictions require faith, while reality itself remains indifferent to discoveries), only the logically intuitive remains. Imbuing dead-matter with all one's belief and faith cannot animate it and give it free will. So long as you know that, then no fiction you write, even about the "Gods," can harm you. But if you forget that reality consists solely of natural science, you will come to believe your own illusory lies yourself; nothing is more dangerous to one's mental sovereignty than this. It is one thing to say, as a joke, that President Obama is a clone of Ahkhenaten's mummy. It is another to really believe it to be true.


I am not, by any stretch of the imagination, arguing in favour of absolute conceptual relativism, where nothing has inherent meaning and our perceptions alone define the entirety of our reality, either. I am simply saying I no longer believe in anything I cannot prove to be factually accurate to the satisfaction of my own mind. For example, tachyons, the "theoretical" faster-than-light particles ARE real, despite not yet having been produced by lab experiment; thus, I KNOW tachyons to be a factually accurate aspect of solid, material reality in our cosmos and on earth. I do not simply "believe" in them, as could be argued by those who replace blind-faith for common sense, in the same way a religious person might "believe" in God their whole life without ever finding one shred of evidenciary proof to justify their irrational belief. "Belief," by this criteria, applies to anything one thinks that contradicts what is factually accurate in the material cosmic reality. On the other hand, "Knowledge" is then expanded to include what is verifiably obvious to all, yet denied by the vocal few who seek to speak for the entirety of the silent "masses."


The "neo-Sethians," to return to the original point, are those who falsely believe in a "second coming" of a world-saviour, when in truth no single "world-saviour" does now, nor ever will, nor can, exist. The teachings of all great religious leaders are in agreement: the individual is their own God; but those who have built armies of obedient followers by twisting this original religious message into "forgiveness of sins" or "salvation from hell" or any other form of false promise remain atheistic nihillists who believe their lack of beliefs makes them smarter and thus superior to those who do believe in their lies. This is, of course, itself untrue. The "neo-Sethians," the modern rich elites, are neither smarter than nor superior to anyone else now or ever alive. They may lack "belief," but they also lack true "knowledge" about anything of real importance to anyone. For example, Rick and Tawnie Shipley, founders of the "IOBB1" ( bulletin board) taught me a valuable lesson about leaders who consolidate power by hoarding secrets: they are only concealing one true fact, the fact that they know nothing, and are themselves nothing but merely idiotic fools.


In short, all I mean to say is this: believe whatever you like about the so-called "neo-Sethian" group of people, they are real, and their agenda exists irregardless of and entirely indifferent to your beliefs about them, whether in favour or opposition to them. Their plan is ancient, but is neither secret, sacred, nor pre-ordained to succeed. In the end, the liars are only fooling themselves, and easily seen by us all through to their fool's core beneath their invisible cloak of lies. Even if only at the last possible second, Good Will Win.


PEACE! - Jon

Thanks Jon I agree entirely. My views go through a prism of imagination and I find by making them more abstract and unreal I can attach my own symbolism to them of the message I am trying to convey or what I observe in reality. I do not "believe" in any of my creations though I have a healthy respect for the otherworld. 


On the unexplained-mysteries forum, my signature is "I believe no thing, I am an a Man-Sion under construction. I know what my heart feels and what my mind understands." That sums me up I suppose but numerologically I am a 7 trying to become a #1. It is going alright. 


Admittedly in the early days of of seeking I was less able to discern fact from fiction but over a few years I built up a detector for bull shit so I can happily read it but also filter it for useful information. I have found this process has developed a feeling of intuition and discernment and I find words or phrases will pop into my head and a search will then lead to some productivity. 


As much as is possible I try and understand balance and processes. I have written bits and pieces on the grail hallows and how they correspond with the four states of matter and as you say there are three ingredients or processes for alchemy. These two numbers 3 and four are the start of something as I can see from reading some of your articles. 


I too identify twelve and seven as important and I've found some good articles in the past explaining them. A while ago I was more immersed in reading about Tripartite Goddess and the symbolism of threes in all sorts of places. The sistrum of Egypt, the Trivula of Shiva/Poseidon and the three phases of the moon. 


I've also contemplated triunary or ternary data and my interpretation links it with Apophis/Abraxas in that I is Isis and O is Osiris and we have the secret word IAO. What I found a little strange and it was probably this  anomoly that made me pay attention. 'I' is masculine and 'O' is feminine but they are reversed with their corresponding archetypes. 'A' is a point of convergence, It retains symmetry and it is the Alpha, the Absolute but it is the transcendence of duality and achievment of non-duality.


One of the worlds biggest problems is creating a devil when there is none. Abrahamism demonizes the serpent and the feminine and this is the start of the trouble. This creates a duality and the masculine seeks to dominate what is deemed different, separate and lesser. Thus we have four thousand years of mankind chasing itself around in the name of righteousness projecting fear and loathing onto others and casting them in a dim light. This perceived darkness becomes associated with evil and men fear it. When they are afraid they are easier to control.


What we should  do is respect duality because it is through duality that we get form, texture and contrast. through the opposition the weak is conditioned to be strong. Everything will naturally move back to a point of union and balance if allowed to do so but it is time that humanity is concerned with so we are impatient for the natural processes and we seek to have utter mastery over nature. 


This is a bad move and is what Plato meant by Hubris. The other lesson of the Atlantis saga is to learn to endure, suffer and through it we will grow beyond ourselves. 


My other point is that I do not see evil as a state throughout the cosmos. The cosmic order of spirit is without evil because it is immaterial. Because it is immaterial there is no attachment and light passes through it. However, when we have a material substance the transience is no longer there. The light can no longer penetrate but now the matter is attached to the earth through the shadow. It is light plus matter that creates evil but it is interesting that to live is to experience evil and it is the reflection and the devil is the reflection of lived. So if one is looking to defeat the devil they need only reflect on their own shadow and if they wish to commune with God, then to look within themselves. 


Although I am trying to write fiction I do have other aspirations but damn Kronos is unlikely to let me finish. My philosophical system was developed only this year. I call it Spircordeiosophy or Spircorism and it revolves around the Phi ratio, implicated order and breath as the connecting point of life and mind through the symbol of the breath. 


The idea is to deconstruct old modes of thought and develop more fluid systems of pyscho-spiritual development influence by universal wisdom, mystery and noesis. Importantly I have followed the words of Krishnamurti and decided on no official leaders. The emphasis is rather on the cosmos, nature and self and always trying to use mental imagery to complement words. Kairos Kosmos

Aloha, Mork42,


I am glad we are of like mind on so many levels. I practise deep pranayamic breath-work, and once had the dis-pleasureable experience of studying under Stan Grof, a student of CG Jung - whom you'd mentioned in the Enochian History thread as someone you admired. Other than that I have never had any real "Masters" who have taught me anything; everything I know I learned for myself.


My own philosophy is not something I have fully formed yet. Most of my lectures and books are regurgiatations in cliff's notes format of much more copious compendiums I've studied on various subjects as source works. I have devoted much of my attention toward entertainment by reading ancient myths about metaphysics (once "first causes," now called "cosmology"). I do not fully believe in any of them, nor adhere to any one over all the others as my faith. I consider their conceptual models for the moment of creation and compare them to modern scientific models for the same. The result is two-fold: 1) my lectures on theoretical physics, 4-d spatial forms, the various schools of mysticism and on ancient historical evidence provided by myths and archaeology comprising, on the one hand, my copious contribution of conclusions based on my comparisons between all these; and 2) the conjectural, purely theoretical, semi- or entirely fictional side of my works, which includes the ideal "Atlantean Democracy" style of a global gov't based on ideal #-theory, my sci-fi novels in the "Cheshire Sam" series, and the dates in the "Ordo Historia" document of the POD. In the fictional, there is equally mixed aspects of the sources I have studied and my own conclusions on what I like or dislike about them.


I'm pleased to hear you intentionally base your own personal philosophy partially on the concepts surrounding "Phi." Phi is also something I know something about. If you're interested, you could check out the page on my site where I discuss the Phi spiral and compare it to the "Pi" spiral, or spira mirabillis, here: Again, in Atlantean Democracy, the "Way of the Dead" is a gold-brick paved road in the shape of a combined "Phi / Pi" spiral.


In the model of "Atlantean Society" I designed for the POD, the 5 primary buildings of the global capitol city are structured according to the forms of the 5 "Platonic" (regular rhombic) solids. The Papal tetrahedron, the Bank octahedron, the Temple Isocahedron, the Church cube and the Senate dodecahedron occur outward from the centre along the "Avenue of the Dead," itself a "phi /pi" spiral that braids together a golden brick-paved roadway and a channeled river.




Obviously, the "fictional" or purely conjectural aspects of my work I tend to break into two types or categories, too: 1) the "good" or better world-line, which consists of the "Atlantean" and "Enochian" material; and 2) the "evil" or worse world-line, consisting of the "Cheshire Sam" sci-fi stories, which are set in a dystopian future following a "neo-Sethian" conspiracy and the earth being struck by the asteroid Apophis99942. All the "evil" and dystopian literature I write consists of a purely fictitious, purely imaginary world-line I consider a "hell dimension" sub-level of our own, regular reality. All the "good" or idealist, utopian literature I write consists of a possible, partially imaginary and partially solidly real, similar parallel time-stream, only this one can be figuratively thought of as on a third level, apart from our own and the lesser or lower, worse time-stream or "hell dimension." Alot of my writing lately has been about the con- and di-vergeance of these "heaven" and "hell" dimensional time-streams with our own between the 7 planetary alignment of May 5th, 2000 and the solar-galactic core alignment of December 21, 2012. Between these two celestial events, entirely beyond our control, we, the populations of species on this planet, are presently undergoing a time of psychic-limbo inside a form of 4d cocoon. You can, if interested, read more about my theories regarding these topics on this POD.ning site, here:


I believe the difference between these twin parallel dimensional "world-lines" to be similar to the relationship in a biological being's sensations of its own physically interior organs to that between the heart and the brain. When the brain guides the heart, then the world-line diverges into the better or "heaven" dimensional world-line. When the heart guides the brain, then the world-line begins to degenerate until, psychically, you end up in the parallel "hell" dimensional world time-line.


I'd be curious to hear your thoughts about these subjects, and about how any of them might relate to your own models and forms of constructing your fictional "prism" worlds from the point of view of your personal philosophy. As I say, I am still in the process of constructing my own, at least while I am alive on this planet, and while I hope (perhaps only selfishly or for self-centred reasons) the world will benefit from my contributions, and that this moral lesson will be able to be translated to anyone who would like to be able to listen to and learn from my works, but I also realise I will also die sooner or later, and that my time on this planet, as depressing as it is for me sometimes, is a truly a blessing from God.


I wish you PEACE! - Jon

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