the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

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Shemsu Hor were long lived but not immortal beings. They were of the flesh and extended their lives through vampirism of the auras of human beings. Despite the extra cranial capacity, the increased volume is attached to the hind brain rather than the fore brain. This makes them far more likely to be controlled by testosterone and therefore aggressive or aroused. 


Even though they may claim to be all powerful, people descended from this line are inferior because they lack one crucial element in their body. That is magnetite and allows true humans to create strong fields. The Shemsu Hor have an alternative element that is unable to naturally open mirco-tubules in their imagination. They must ingest substances containing magnetite and use blood rituals to use the height of their powers but when they do they are able to feed on the auras of all sleepers. This was informed to me by one of the Corvus Cantos but if I am in error, please correct my inaccuracies. 

Par Hanok was Musaeus of Atlantis and developed language and mathematics in the 6th millenia BCE by my reckoning though he may have lived before under another name. 


Probably the single most significant figure spanning a broad collection of cultural traditions and mysteries. 

Aloha Mork42. I'm Jon Gee, proprietor of the POD, so please allow me to be the first to welcome you here and to join in a discussion. Although, I must admit, I am unfamiliar with some of the terms per se you've used, I am well versed enough to know to what and whom you are referring. I also have to admit to not having heard of the use of magnetite as a conductor for psychic vampirism. Also, I am not aware of the "Corvus Cantos" group you speak of, but I would be curious to learn more, especially regarding the sources for their historical data which, as you've stated it here, is new to me. The primary historical document of the POD is "ordohist" in the 4shared POD ebooks pdf list in the upper right of every page on this site. I wrote it myself, and although it does have internal continuity, it is not meant to be read as 100% literal facts. So far, for that matter, as literal historical data goes, very little (if any of real value) has yet been dug up from below the silt deposit layer left by the Mesopotamian flood sometime around 8,000 years ago. Have you watched my video series "the Atlantis Code"? It deals with all of the archaeologically excavated pre-flood evidence known now (it was made in 2010 so it is still essentially current) as well as the anthropologies of the Mayan and Sumerian cultures, who preserve historical records dating to before then also. I hope you enjoy reading and viewing the info on this site, but remember, nothing here, nor in anyone else's group, can contain the entirety of all true facts. There is always more to learn. PEACE! - Jon

Oooh! You have me intrigued Jon, Aloha, mind if I ask how this came to be as a site? It is most impressive, you must have done a mountain of research. I have researched along similar lines but no doubt we have arrived at slightly different conclusions. 

The human form is an antenna for electromagnetic and psychic energy. The human heart is the greatest producer of EM but the brain does also. In the pineal gland there is a high quantity of magnetite and this can act as a piezoelectric oscillator tapping into different layers of perception and being. 


In my astral encounters, I find myself battling against vampiric lifeforms associated with Gwyn Ap Nudd. I know she is an impostor and not who he/she says. The Coruvs Cantor are a race of beings in the Abyss who care for our minds if we awaken in the sea of souls. 


I have not watched your videos but I intend on reading more of your work and would very much like to see your videos. 

Aloha Mork42, my apologies for the brief delay in my reply. I hope you will find my responses helpful; also, please feel free to say or ask anything you want to; I have, as you intuit, studied these arts for some time, almost, in fact now that I think about it, 20 years; I will respect all of your communications.


As I'd said, most of your concepts are familiar to me, just not all of your terms and titles, save only a few. One of these was the fact about magnetite forming in the pineal gland. So I went and researched it, and found some very interesting data. The first papers that dealt with this topic, albeit peripherally, were published in 1999 by Schultheiss-Grassi and Dobson, with follow-up research in a paper by Lohmann & Johnsen from 2000. Since that time, the works' findings (if not the original papers themselves) were repeated in published textbook format by Edmund Baeuerlein on pages 107 - 118 of his 2004 work, "Biomineralization: progress in biology, molecular biology and application," which can be found in ebook form on google books here:


According to this research, the appearance of biogenic magnetite in the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve occurs, at least, in homing pigeons and rainbow trout, however even between only these two species tested, the magnetic properties of the magnetite crystals in these two species differed greatly. The premise of the research, as you may already know, is to determine the use of biomineralised magnetite in assisting the migratory patterns of birds and fish.


I have to admit, also, to never having heard the term "piezolectric oscillator" before, and I am afraid I don't know exactly what that is. I would be curious to learn more about this concept from you, if you have the time, but I haven't researched it yet independently myself. I decided to start with pineal magnetite and then post, since I felt I'd spent too much time before replying already.


I will also admit that, at least by that name, I am unfamiliar with the "Corvus Cantor" or with "Gwyn Ap Nudd." Are they, perhaps, in any way similar to the concepts of the "dwellers on the threshhold" described by magick-artist Austin Spare? I have a page about these "beings in the Abyss" on my site: If this link proves irrelevant to your experiences with these concepts, please forgive my misunderstanding. I have also written a work called, "the tree of death and the qliphoth," which might also deal with some of these same concepts (or might not). I sell it on my website, but it was easy enough to find a free copy posted on another "ning" site, "goatofmendes.ning": Please feel free to download and read it, and to let me know directly what you think of my own work.


If you are, as you say, honestly interested in checking out my videos, most are lectures, and rather dull, but if, as I also suspect, your own "research along similar lines" to my "mountain of research" touches on Enochian Magick, you might be interested in checking out my latest music video:



I'm about to run out of space in this reply, so I'll type up another in a moment to answer your first question about "how this came to be as a site." BRB. Peace! - Jon

there was, although it is now discontinued, a forum on the site, "". I found that site by researching the entry on "the Bavarian Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt" on a Canadian Freemasonry site. They were listed as a modern branch, and were supposedly operated out of my own hometown, Tallahassee, Florida, US. The site is (or was at the time) operated by a couple who live in my town named Richard and Tawnie Shipley. I never got to meet them, and was eventually banned from their site's forums, but before I was I made alot of good friends on their site. After I left and all my posts there were deleted (I later republished them, and they are available free, here: ), I stayed in touch with most of the people I met on the original I-O Bulletin Board (IOBB1). I created a forum on my own site (the IOBB2, found here, but no longer open to join: ), and continued graduating people through the IO degrees for a while. The 7th and highest degree, GrandMaster, required one to complete a "personal project" that would benefit the IO as it was defined on Rick and Tawnie's site. When I quit, the other Masters on the forum all quit with me, and to become official, even if unrecognised, GM's of the IO, we began the project of making a "reformed IO." Five of us worked on the project, with me doing most of the initial designing of the degree system. One of the other founders and I got into a fight over whether or not members should have to swear a "death-oath" to our "Order." I said, hell no, so he quit. His name is Nillson Aime, and you can find his parallel group on yahoo, here: The gorup the remianing original GMs of the IOBB1 and I formed was the POD. This was in 2006-7, and since then the POD material has been rehosted on several different sites along the way until it has, entirely, wound up here. All the POD material is complete and current here, so please feel free to browse around and enjoy reading and viewing it. The only additions I made to the original material I wrote in 07 (which is the entirety of the POD short version, found free here: ), is excerpts from some of my other books as "suggested reading material" for each degree (the content of the POD long, found free here: ). I hope this brings you up to speed, and please feel free to ask anything else you feel like. All the POD material here is open to discussion, and there are no oaths of secrecy required anywhere throughout. PEACE! - Jon

I may have more questions about your second reply another time but space-time as it is, I better make this short. 


The two most common animal totems in the various mysteries ancient and contemporary are birds and the snake. Both are ancient but it seems like birds became the symbol for ascension and soul retrieval. Going back to Anatolia and Gobekli tepe there are possible references to the Cygnus constellation and in the nearby Natufian culture we have found evidence of ancient shamanism revering birds. 


The next time there is a strong appearance of birds is in Sumer and Egypt. I have familiarized myself with the work of Sitchin but I have found it to be in error on many details but did assist in the early stages of my quest in giving the mass of intuitions I received from knowledge on comparative mythologies. 


I think that the man Enoch lived around the Chalcolithic near Mt. Hermon but as far as the Balkans. He was Niggishzida or Thoth and he was the son of Enki and Ereshkigal who was kidnapped and taken to the underworld of Irkalla by Nergal. 


So he was unique in a sense, the grand hope if you like between the K'nites/Sethites and the Elohim holding a dual lineage. At some time before the flood of the Black Sea and Atlit Yam of the 6th millenium I believe Enoch received the final initiation into the mysteries and was charged with protecting humanity but also to stimulate its evolution. 


The Anunnaki or Elves of the two clans were suffering and unable to reproduce so they needed to interbreed with humans and hence we had the Fall of the Nephilim who were a combination of Egregores and the bloodline of Kain and Seth. 


I am writing a novel (all too slowly) that tells this story over four books. The first being Towers that starts with Enki and Enoch going to the Lower Nile for the wedding of Marduk and Sarpanit (Isis). 


As you might imagine having a project like this has good and bad elements. It provides a useful schemata in which to input new data but it may also lead to me coming to irregular conclusions and interpretations. 


I agree entirely about AOS, they are all guardinas of the Abyss or entities in the Void but Gwyn Ap Nudd is a thought-form descended from Isis that veils the true nature of Nun, Neith and Maat. I would happily discuss this sort of thing all day but I will endeavour to familiarize myself as much as possible with your material to find some common areas for discussion. 


I am excited to be hear your thoughts on matters and have your materials to learn from. I am in total compliance with your mode of thinking regarding death oaths and things of that nature and am trying to integrate this view into a system of psycho-spiritual development that is transparent and nurturing. To new acquaintances through the informa-sphere of the web.





I meant to say more on magnetite but that will have to keep. Some links.


I used the example recently of the Thalamus being likened unto a record player with the pineal gland acting as the spinning record and the pituitary gland as the stylus/needle. When vibrating at the right frequency I believe they can tap into the otherworld. It is literally the Gate of God or the Gate of Nun, Khepher.

Aloha again, Mork42,


Firstly, thank you very much for those links to, from what I can tell, more recent research than I had been able to find about pineal magnetite. Your metaphor about the portions of the sub-cerebral parts of the mid-brain is interesting, to say the least, and I will definitely take it into consideration. Based on my own research, I have come to find each portion of the brain works together with all the others, such that all are equally essential, and none more significant than the others. The pineal gland, since at least the era of DesCartes, has fascinated the European and western-cultured mind. However, I feel the mysticism attributed to this one organ has been at the expense of the others. For example, the thalami transmit signals from the CNS (central nervous system) to the cerebrum and from the cerebrum to the CNS. They do this "holographically," meaning they both work together to synch the dual-hemispherical cerebrum to the spinal CNS. Their method is also "digital," such that they pass on new information, but not old, like the way some pixels in a moving picture will change between "digitial" frames, while others do not. This form of "selective" data-processing filters out the PNS (peripheral nervous system) and autonomic functions from the communication between the brain and body, which is then shunted into the pineal-pituitary-hypothalamus sub-structures of the mid-brain. The pineal gland produces the chemical hormones to regulate the lymph system according to a "circadian rhythm" that is determined by input from the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. The hypothalamus regulates this "circadian rhyhtm" by translating the brain and CNS' neuro-transmitter electro-chemicals into a steady, pulsed rate of discharge into the pineal through the pituitary. The pituitary and hypothalamus work together to determine the rate of one's "circadian rhythm" by filtering PNS neuro-chemicals into daily, monthly, anual, and life-time cellular-regeneration cycles. The longer the cycle, the more the pituitary controls the autonomic functioning; the shorter the cycle, the more the autonomic functioning falls under the control of the hypothalamus' more direct input to the pineal. Likewise, the rest of the PNS' processing is performed through the hippocampus by regulating between the horomonal glands of the body and the neuro-chemicals of the brain. The hippocampus is, for the hind-brain, similar in function for the PNS as the thalami are for the fore-brain and the CNS. Because, in spite of all these parts necessity for the brain to even function at all, most of the very small amount of actual electro-chemical functioning inside our brains only occurs in the smallest section further forward of the fore-brain, the frontal-lobes of the cerebellum, we often forget how essential the "holistic" model is for understanding the functioning of the brain. The CNS cannot connect with the frontal lobes without the thalami, and neither can function at all without the various glands of the mid- and hind-brain controling the PNS. Although "neurogenesis" was long thought impossible, it has now been observed to occur, and to be stimulated greatly by skin-grafts and stem-cells, not to mention cannibidiols. Neuro-genesis, the growing back of damaged nerve tissue, was once thought to not occur, and it was believed that it was necessary for new neural-pathways to be formed around an area of damaged nerve-tissue. Now, it has proven possible to induce neuro-genesis to occur, not only by complex surgeries or chemical treatments, but by simple cognitive excercises involving the functions of the damaged area of the brain (for example, speech therapy, EMDR for PTSD, and balancing excercises can all induce neuro-genesis by simply excercising the nerves near to the damaged tissues. The more these nerves are excercised, the more the damaged area begins to regrow new nerves. Think about it: before 2000 "neurogenesis" was believed impossible. Yet now, it is commonly accepted as a medical fact. Truly amazing, to me, how the brain works. I have been a long-time sufferer from various forms of what society dubs "mental disorders" and I studied the workings of neurology briefly in college (before I dropped out), but even since then (1998), so much has been learned that most of what I was taught is now no longer even considered currently factual information. Indeed, there seems to be more to learn about the brain everyday. I admit, I haven't kept up as much as I should, and again, let me thank you for passing along the interesting information about magnetite in the pineal, which was certainly news to me.


Secondly, regarding the sacred reptilian / avian symbolism, you are right, it is predeluvially ancient and globally ubiquitous however I believe it signifies a parallel species' evolution to our own, from the dinosaurs to modern birds, as depicted by the visages of Tiamat and Kukulkan as "feathered serpents," or hybrids (symbolising the present) between reptilians (signifying the past) and birds (signifying the future). In my own science-fiction novels, set on one possible future earth in around 1,000 years from now, I describe 2 pairs of "animal factions." The "birds and the bees" (or the "blanks" and "bugs") on one side, and the "Cheshire" (cats) and "Cyrberians" (dogs) on the other. These are not meant as literally animals, but as de-evolutionary sub-species of our own modern form of humanity. The "bugs" depend on cyborg impants to process digital data; the "birds" are a long-lost legend, akin to the current concept of "angels;" the "Cheshire" run the society from behind private companies; while the "Cyrberians" are mindless slaves, depending on the Cheshire for their superior abilities of rational and abstract thought. This is where I see the "archetypal" concepts of the reptilian / avian symbols of the future, and in the POD's historical document, I tie these into the modern "neo-Sethians," who I associate with "reptilian" shape-shifters. By the time of the "Cheshire Sam" novels, set in around 3000AD, these "reptilian" shape-shifters have mostly de-evolved into the "bugs," and only legends remain of those few who evolved into the "Blanks." All of these illustrative, albeit fictional, correlations are helpful, but pale in comparison to the efficacy of the ECS' "Atlantean Calendar" component, the interior of the "Painted Sky" that comprises the "animal internet." All animals communicate with one another using sounds, signals and posture, and these comprise a silent, psychic language among all living beings (even, if we should choose to remember so, we ourselves as well). Just as one animal may communicate something to another, and that one to another, and so forth and so on, the entire combined intelligence of all animals' minds thus networked into one, global whole, can, in turn, easily out-think our current networked "internet" of silicone computers. While there remain terrible flaws at the ground level of data-distribution in the modern telecommunications network, due largely to "planned obsolecence" of the hardware and general unreliability of the software to work across the board, the mind of even one single-celled organism can out-wit the "genius" programming of the "smartest" computer. The estimates, thus, of robotic aritificial intelligence being likened to the level of an insect, a spider, a crab, etc. on an upward asymptote of evolution forget to take into account the importance, especially during this technological pregnancy period, of the presence of humanity itself, the "father," and our present global environment, the "mother," who conceive, carry, and will birth forth true AI, which I believe to be based on perfecting the "cyborg" mind-machine virtual-reality interface. If humanity, let alone the whole earth, were to die right now, there would be no hope for the survival or growth of true AI.


Thirdly, I should like to share with you some of my own theories that try to account for theology scientifically. Let's begin with considering the seemingly very long life-spans of the pre-deluvial Biblical Patriarchs. In the Old Testament, no less so than in the Babylonian King's List or the Rig Veda, their ages in terrestrial years range from the plural hundreds to the multiple thousands. I believe, although this remains as of yet a relatively unpopular, unheard of, or "fringe" theory, that this is due to the sharing of one name for a single family lineage until that lineage died off or was otherwise replaced by their subsequent "family" name per "generation." Thus, if we assume predeluvial homonids lived no longer than we do now, we could say that many people, all who bore the title of "Enoch," may have lived during the period alloted in texts to the life-time of only a single person. I also believe, again albeit unpopularly, that there were several settled cities prior to the Mesopotamian flood, and that it was the chief adminsitrators of these that bore the regnal family-titles. However, this scientific theory still leaves room for alot of theological speculation. For example, if the family-names were titles of rank, and the "Nefilim" (sons of Cain) lived in Edom (northeast of Eden), and the "wives of men" (the descendents of Seth) dwelt in the city of Enoch (south of Edom, east of Eden), then we could see the conflict (and cross-breeding) between the "giants" and mortal women as being a matter of one hominid species (early homo-sapiens) sharing space with another (the Neanderthals of the mid-east and Cromagnon of Europe). Thus, we could easily re-write the entire sequence of events described, metaphorically, in Genesis as involving competing sub-species of proto-humans, led by family-name titled chiefs over many millions (not merely thousands) of years. Again, in the POD's "Ordo Historia" file, I trace the origins of sentience in our proto-hominid ancestor species as far back as Ardipithecus Ramada, the so-called "Kaf Ape."


While I agree with you whole-heartedly that Sitchin's works remain unauthoritative, making a better starting-off point than a finish, I feel compelled to explain that the POD's historical document is merely a means of explaining the entirety of all now known ancient myths without involving the concepts espoused about them by previous scholars, and to, instead, attmept to relate them to known geological, archaeological and anthropological scientific evidence. For example, while there remains, as of late Sept. 2011, at least, no public proof of a race of human giants living before the flood, there is ample evidence to indicate the myths related about such a race might be meant to imply the ancients' own speculations and forms of knowledge about their own predecessor proto-hominid species. Thus, the families of man in Genesis can be precisely corresponded to the families of man in evolution, and all mythologies explained using migration theories, without the requisite (all-too popular nowadays) "New Age" need to adopt Sitchin's literalist interpretations of the Sumerian pictograms as being the final proof for "genetic interference with our early species by aliens from another planet." Again, while Sitchin's works make for great entertainment (I know alot of "New Age" hiphop emcees, personally, and love their music), they lack the scientific validity that explanations not resorting to off-world originating genetic intervention have.


I am pleased to hear you do writing of your own. I would be very honored if you would consider sending me a treatment or synopsis of the plot-outline and story-arc you have for you works. I promise not to steal or share it if you do, and I would consider it a great oppurtunity for a collaborative contribution by me to your own stream of creativity. If you prefer to keep it mum, though, that is cool too, and I totally understand about why you would, if you do, want to do so. I hope you will consider and enjoy reading the POD's "ordohist" pdf whenever you have some time. It is long, but only to be thorough. Anyway, whether I ever get to read it or not, please keep up this good work. The world needs more (and better) authors.


If you'd like I can come back to some theological concepts regarding time-travel in a subsequent response, but for now I want to close off by saying I hope this reply was quick enough, and that it stimulates some thoughts for you as well. PEACE! - Jon

I am genuinely enthralled and excited. There are literally so many things for my mind to process and so much I would discuss given the time and focus to do so. I am an advocate of Dischordianism and Extropianism and I am trying to construct a visionary model of a true cybernetic society. Some day I'd disucss this in great deal and the role of technology, AI and transhumanism involved in it. 


For this reply I will limit it to the brain and the giants. In the Pre-Diluvian and Neolithic cultures a lot of the world was probably inhabited by intelligent beings. They may not have thought as we do thinking of themselves as having a consciousness as we do but they may have been guided more by suggestion and the interactions with intelligent energies connected with all live and certain spaces. A good example of what homo-sapiens or neanderthals were capable of at this time is found in petroglyphs but also in the lion-man statue found in Germany. This item was one piece of inspiration so it is quite interesting you have the "Cheshires". Coincidentally there is a subplot relating to Carrol in my intended novel and the main character of the Phosters/Archons is the God known as Mahes or Azazel. I also identify him with the goat of Mendes and originally as Min. 


We know there were cro magnons in Europe along with other unspecific hominid types like Grimaldi man. I am also fascinated by a tribe of hominids from the Mechta-Afalou region also called Mechtoids. I think that Africa may have been Atlantis or one of them at least. From 70,000 BCE there was practice of ritual venerating the great serpent in Botswana. This I believe to be connected to the nature of rivers to weave and undulate like a serpent and also to the constellation Draco. Coincidentally around that time scientists have evidence in beryllium core ice samples that the earth was bombarded by cosmic rays at that point. I wrote about this on my one and only blog entry under blazewildfire. 


So between 70,000 to 30,000 there was a bottleneck leading to a high selection ratio meaning that many neanderthals died out or did they breed with the hominids of Cro Magnon, Mechtoid or other type. Was there so much mixing going on that it didn't really have any indication of race there was just genetics? This could have been a time comparable to Eden in a more abstract sense dislocating it from the Edon of Sumer. Africa was a much different place with Mega Chad and I believe in those hard times it is more likely that Matriarchy or a Holarchy was the state of being with it all being more harmonious. 


As we get to the Ice Age things got a lot tougher obviously and the systems that supported a vast culture began to collapse in Africa as Anatolia became the new cult centre for much of the surrounding regions. 


I think you are right about the interbreeding between Neanderthals and Homo-Sapiens and this being a route of the Nephilim myth but our view of Neanderthals is obscured by our prejudice that they were somehow inferior. They were certainly different but what they lacked in physical or mental dexterity I believe was made up for with a more highly developed frontal lobe giving them the ability to connect with nature and seemingly possess magick. This is one theory I work with but I also like to think the consciousness could have come into the mind of Neanderthals or Homo-Sapiens through their own extension of perception as they reflected on their experience of being and where it was leading.


Arguably the fall from Heaven and the story of Eden relate to the separation of the bicameral mind so where before we were operating on the hind and mid brain to work with the right hemisphere, we now woke up to our consciousness as more than just animals especially when we worked together. Realizing all of this must have been a bit of a shock but of course did not happen as Genesis tells us. From being the wise serpent it now became the tempter and whereas women had been central to culture and nature, it now became about man and the left hemispheres ability to dominate nature, women and the right brain. 


What we need to understand for the fulfilment of our destinies is that it the Krater the mystery union or sacred marriage takes place and opens the way. It is not about suppressing one side and perpetuating the duality but to transcend the duality and integrate into wholeness. This is related to what you say regarding the brain. 


If we follow history and the story we do get an intriguing and mysterious story and I think there is a lot of truth in it but what really is truth. We know very little and that is the truth. We are just scratching the service of perception and these are incredibly exciting times we live especially if we are getting bombarded with consciousness enhancing cosmic rays. This was the subject of a research project I did some time ago and the findings were that they could affect consciousness and they were mostly observed below ground. To me this was an excellent reason for so many mysteries and initiations taking place in caves, in the earth's womb. 


So much is about the birthing process and I am sure we will come back to that but it is also about dynamism, polarity and alchemy leading to the cyclic movement and motion that give the patterns of creation to keep everything in harmony. Jung did some incredible work on this and I constantly come back to his theories because I find them the most tangible and useful.


Time to share some links.

Aloha again, Mork42! You're fast on your way to becoming one of my favourite new members; if you keep up the good input, I might have to prommote you to be the POD "Pope." You're well met on the Dischordian note, my friend, though I've read enough RAW to know whenever anything sets off my "bullshit meter."


On that note, also, I'd like to share another one of my works with you, called "~GOD~," which is currently only available for sale on my own main site's ebookstore page, but which is available on my forum as well, just not in ebook form, here: Like, again, the conjectural content and definitely the dating-system of the POD's Ordo Historia document, most of the material in the "~GOD~" ebook (or at the forum-link) is meant to top out the "bullshit meter," because it is, inherently, modern fictions speculating about ancient mythologies form long lost cultures. There do remain, nevertheless, the standard basic assertions prommoted from the evidence we have on-hand at this time, used at stopping-points along the narrative path.


The second half of the "~GOD~" ebook (beginning about 2/3rd down the first page on the fourm-link) is (ahem) "inspired" writing, meaning (gurgle) free-form fiction. It relies heavily on broad generalisations based on the modern historical data, however seeks to use the characters from the myths to tell a modern story, in which I myself am, eventually, also a main character. It's as much a psychological expurgation of surplus research as anything else, and as a self-professed Jungian I hope you can appreciate the blurriness of the lines in a novel environment between facts and fictions. I consider this a VERY dangerous nether-realm, for myself - as an author, equivalent to the psychological Abyss of modern Cabalists and practitioners of ritual magick.


Well, in any event, I wanted to call it to your attention so that we could ponder over any similarities it might already have to the story-arc you are planning out for your own work (not for the sake of copying one another, but for the sake of seeking out similar original sources). The goal I am interested in obtaining by doing this would be to determine which characters, plot-points, places or props overlap in both our stories, and then to ascertain why them.


Although I consider alot of the "channeled" messages of other "inspired" writers to be comprised of an equal amount of bullshit to my own works in that genre, the notion that our own beliefs, thoughts, inspirations and ideals are actually originating from an external source to which we are all exposed simultaneously does fascinate me deeply. Can such thoughts have any other furthest point of origin than in the all-encompassing mind of God? In spite of all failed attempts at proving such by lesser intellects, I continue to hold out hope for the truth of such an assertion.


Well, in either event, it is clear that your research and my own do indeed, as you'd said initially, overlap a great deal, and that our creative products based on re-use of these materials will thus also have some similarities. I consider this a positive form of exchangeing inspirations. Thanks again for posting and your interest in learning more about the POD. Peace! - Jon

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