the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

the Restoration of Atlantean Democracy (POD Mission Statement)

the Restoration of Atlantean Democracy (POD Mission Statement)

INTRO: why do all the senators wear masks?
PART 1: the coming global economy, society and government.
PART 1A: history of the globalist movement
PART 1A1: the POD "bund" order of 5 ranks
PART 1A2: the cycling out of the oldest order
PART 1A3: the cycling in of a new "world" order
PART 1B: the present gobalist agenda
PART 1B1: the Bilderberg / Bohemian "neo-Sethians"
PART 1B2: end of York (Christian) Essene order
PART 1B3: the fall of the "neo-Sethians" and rise of utopian Pythagoreanism
PART 1C: the future(s) of the "global" government
PART 1C1: the heaven-dimension of Pythagorean Atlantean Democracy
PART 1C1A: the changes from the present system to the Atlantean system
PART 1C2: the hell-dimension of neo-Sethian millennarian eschatology
PART 1C1A: the changes from the present system to the neo-Sethian system

INTRO: why do all the senators wear masks?

There are 3 "pillars" of Atlantean Law: 2 are represented by the twin "tablets of the Law," inscribed on the front with the numerical "commandments" and on the back with the proper "Kamea" sigils of the Atlantean kings. The 3rd is represented by the Senate "board" of 64 tyled squares, on which the Senate conducts all of its daily businesses.

The 23 Senators function like "playing pieces" on this "game board." The result is the original game of Senet, based partially on what has come down to us through the Golden Dawn under the name "Enochian Chess." The Atlantean game of "Democracy" was indeed much more complex than any game since, since they all originate with it, so it contained them all as well.

The 23 Senator "chess-pieces" comprise only 1 level of functionality operating on this 64-tyled "Senate-square." However for the rest of us living on their level, that is, the level of human beings, the mid-point between macrocosmic cyclical patterns (increasingly random by scale of scope) and microcosmic quantum foam (becoming increasingly cellular structured), the role of these 23 "Atlantean Senators" is argueably the most important.

The 23 Senators are all masked for the same reason Egyptian Masonry formed based on the system of five equal "lodges" in a recycling "bund" order, and to thus provide each Senator with two "alternates." In direct Democracy, murder is common, although not in either serial or mass format, as per crime or war. No, in Direct Democracy, based on an odd number system, when there can be no tied-votes, there is a very real threat of danger from personal-harm to the person who casts the tie-breaking vote from any popular or powerful faction they vote down or against.

The 32 pieces of a Chess set are easily done off with during a game of chess, with little thought to the immorality of desensitization to murder this act indoctrinates. On the other hand the names of the 7 long-lived "pre-deluvial" rulers of Kish on the Babylonian King's List did not represent literal men, but the names of the founders of political party movements. In truth, every few days, on average, another Senator would be killed in Atlantis.

PART 1: the coming global economy, society and government.

The central theme of this essay will be the divergeance between the twin realities that currently remain over-lapping, and will until +2012YP. These time-lines will re-converge again in or around +3000YP. The "heaven dimension" or better reality of these I will be refering to as "Atlantean Democracy" or the "restoration mission of the POD." The "hell dimension" or worse reality of these I will be refering to as the millennarian eschatological agenda of the "neo-Sethians."

PART 1A: history of the globalist movement

Although it is obvious the likelihood of a global government has increased in direct relation to the asymptote of human population growth over the last 100 years, the plan to establish global government has been the motivating goal of the "conspiracy" since prior to the Rothschild's esoteric empire of capital. In point of fact, the origins of the quest to restore ideal direct Democracy arose immediately from its shards as soon as Atlantean global government fell and shattered. In truth, even this event occured over a long duration, and between the height of rule by Enoch from Agade, in Antarctica called Nibiru, and the final fall of the last widest dispersion of Lemurian, coastal Cromagnon tribes-people with the Mesopatamian flood of only 8000 years ago, countless days' suns rose and fell into the endless west of night-time.

The best method of maintaining coherency throughout study of history (called by that brute Aristotle "meta-physics," meaning the study of "pre-origins") is to follow what has been called by Frazer the "Golden Bough," or elsewhere refered to as "Ariadne's thread," or the "perennial tradition." Thus, to find similarities between any two "esoteric" counter-cultural groups at different points in the entirety of recorded history, we have to compare their use of numbers in their systems of reckoning. Foremost, the importance (or lack thereof) to any group of adhering to fixed traditional sets of sums in their structural hierarchy, the so-called "chain of command," used within the group directly determines their inevitable success (or failure). This works both ways, such that groups can succeed using good number-systems, even if they advocate morally bad causes. Nevertheless, their inevitable ultimate success or failure will be predictable entirely due to the rate predicted therefore by all prior groups who have used their same number-system to construct their hierarchy and motifs.

By applying this method across history, we can reverse-engineer the current POD "bund" system from the entirety of recorded history, and follow what groups now correspond to what groups whenever before now, and thus make accurate predictions about which groups exist now will succeed and which will fail based on a comparison of the ones now to the ones then in the specific terms of their relative number-systems. The POD "bund" system this study yields is a base-5 number-system.

PART 1A1: the POD "bund" order of 5 ranks

The way the POD "bund" system functions is that, at any point in history, including the present, there can be assumed to be no more than 5 top-most prevalent groups operating relative to one another globally. These five groups are, in themselves, established thus as across all time, a historical constant. It is simply the nature of the unfolding evolution of time that these 5 groups change roles relative to one another over the durations. That there are 5 is a universal axiom. The role each plays changes every re-generative cycle. The larger the group, the longer the regenerative cycle, and so these 5 operate at a roughly Aeonic-duration (2000-year long) calendar.

In effect, the sole difference between the "Aeons" of the Gnostics and the "Seasons of the Pope" of the POD (marked by the same period of time), is that at the level of the 12, yielded from the double-7, base-14 "Seasons of the Pope," there are 7 "Archons" or "Rulers," (the 7 pre-deluvial Atlantean kings), while at this same level, relative to groups (rather than to a single group of individuals) the key digit is not 7, but 5, because there will be 5 groups, and the most powerful will always have 7 members.

PART 1A2: the cycling out of the oldest order

Due to the process of change among the relationships of the orders in the "bund" system to one another "shuffling" the 5 groups over time, there will be, about once every 2000 years or so, the formation of a new group, which will necessitate the death of an older, existing group, in order to maintain the sum of 5 groups top-most prevalent at any given time in history. The result is that, every 2000 years, the "Archons" celebrate the change of an "Aeon" as the "Equinox of the Gods" or "coming of age" ritual, where the oldest group "passes the torch" to the youngest group.

For the past 8000 years, this process has ben celebrated esoterically by occult orders that belong to the "psychic conspiracy," who share the sacred secret science as sects cowering in shadows. At the turn of every other millennium since this began, a zodiacal holiday has been ritually performed by the 7 Archons through the 5 bund groups to celebrate either an Equinox or a Solstice of the "Aeonic" seasons.

PART 1A3: the cycling in of a new "world" order

The declaration of a "New Age" on the calendar therefore can only occur consecutive to the declaration of a new, global order on two conditions: if the situation is favourable both geo-politically and calendrically. In other words, if there is a massive revoltuion in social structure or the sciences, and it does not occur in conjunction with the calendar's changeing of the Aeons, then it will not be a truly "New Age." The events between the changes in Aeons are thus less significant to history than those occuring in tune with this 2000-year cycle. It takes but a moment's glance at even only recorded history to know this.

If, however, there is a massive revolution in social thinking, and it occurs at the turn of one 2000-year long Aeon to another, it ushers out an "Old Age," and thus an "Old World" is ritualistically sacrificed in the form of a newborn, and it ushers in a "New Age" and thus a "New World" is (re)discovered, to be conquered again anew by an alien group.

PART 1B: the present gobalist agenda

In +2000YP, there was a political coup-de-tat in the strongest nation on the planet, whose role in international politics had become in just 200 years for the entire planet alike the role of Athens in the Delian League some 2,500 years prior. Equivalent to the assassination of Julius Caesar in historical importance, influence and impact, this coup-de-tat was accomplished by and to benefit "neo-Sethians" (millanarian eschatlogists). It involved controlling both parties in the political election for the highest office in the most powerful nation in the land. The result was public apathy, frustration and outcry at the injustice of the entire political system. The election was declared a tie, which met with popular support. However as a recount progressed, half grew impatient. These were the "neo-Sethians," and they stole the election by overturning the results of the recount. In +2000YP there was a political coupe-de-tat in the US, and it placed George W. Bush, the son of a spy, into the position of highest authority the world had ever seen.

After the past 9 (going on 10) years, we can all definitely agree on the result of this. George W. Bush, named after the burning effigey of Moses' God, also claimed to have invented the internet address system "www" (for "world wide web") that represents the "666" (w = the 6th letter in Hebrew alphabet) bar-code on all websites. George W. also reflects on the founding Patriot, our nations' foremost Father, George Washington, though the men are antitheses. Nostradamus' name for President Bush was "Mabus" representing him as the "May Bush" (for the 7 planet-alignment on Cinco De Mayo, 2000). It was said of George W. Bush 2000 years ago, in the book of Revelations, where unlucky 666 is compared to Roman Caesar Nero, that every 1000 years, the "Great Beast" or the "Red Dragon," that is commonly understood to mean Satan, the king of all demons, must be released from the pit of hell and "loosed upon the earth a little while." In short, George W. Bush, that "stuttering idiot" and "jealous child," that "insane cowboy," that last "great dictator," was, while he held the rank of highest authority on earth, Satan.

PART 1B1: the Bilderberg / Bohemian "neo-Sethians"

The "neo-Sethians" have ben an infamous sect of Gnosticism ever since the time of Christianity. Throughout this entire duration, and even for thousands of years prior to this, dating as early as the Mesopotamian flood at the start of known history, this group has been affiliated with the "dragon's blood." They claim to be descended from a partially-dinosaur gene-spliced monkey species contemporary to the dawn of modern mankind. This conjecture of their mythology accounts for the fact that in all art and literature depicting the "neo-Sethian" sect, they are represented by lizards.

The "neo-Sethians" represent the "youngest" or "newest" group of the perennial 5 orders in the POD "bund" hierarchy. Thus, whatever group wishes to vie for impact of their rules and role on history at any given time to become the "newest" group must confront the image of the serpent shedding its skin, and thus come to incorporate this motif somehow into its symbology and number-system.

So, when I say the "neo-Sethians" staged the +2000YP elections in the USA, I mean that the same group behind the recount fiasco was behind the events the following year on September 11. This group, despite having assumed the form of a blue-blood president of a "free" nation, was still only one group of five, and represented an upstart faction attempting to gain control for their own agenda over all.

PART 1B2: end of York (Christian) Essene order

This attempt by the neo-Sethians was specifically intended to "Aeonically" assassinate a fellow "Archon" or group-archetype. The years 1900-2000 had collectively been a ritual by the 5 "bund" groups to celebrate the change of the Aeon. The final century's festivities for the Aeon had been ushered in by a resurgeance in interest in "gnostic apcrypha" yielding the Book of Enoch, the Nag Hammadi and finally the Dead Sea scrolls. Therefore, the group that had been the "neological" group 2000 years ago ushered in the beginning of the end of their Aeon. The Essenes of Qumran, whose Gnostic doctrine worshipped Enoch and preserved the time-keeping traditions of Atlantis, have mirror-symmetry in their hierarchy and number-system to the modern York Rite Free Masons.

Insofar as Qumran was, 2000 years ago, a literal attempt to recreate the ritual roles and rules of Solomon's temple on a communal-farm, it's similarity to the "Mark Master" degrees of York Rite are no coincidence. The baptismal consecration of the Qumran Essenes has become the religion of Christianity, which is the prefered religion among the members of the York Rite of Masonry. Moreover, the astrological sciences of the Enochian Jubilee calendar used by the Essenes comprise the secret doctrine of Masonry, which then builds this ancient zodiac onto monuments consecrating certain dates and events. The Essenes were the Christian Free Masons of 2000 years ago, and the York Rite Masons are the Essenes of today, 2000 years later.

PART 1B3: the fall of the "neo-Sethians" and rise of utopian Pythagoreanism

Inevitably, the result of the power-grab by the neologial group at the turn of the Aeon results in a backlash toward support for the causes the neologists attack. In this most recent case, we find it was the Democratic ideals of the USA. The weapon used was the private bank system (the US Fed for one). The legislation itself was named the "Patriot Act" and the neo-Sethian choice for significant numerical / date systems was 9-11-2001. However, 2000 years ago, the same ritual was performed, and then the Roman neologists attacked the relgious root of monotheism in Judaism; the weapon they used was the Jewish Sanhedrin; the event was the "Passion" and the "Crucifixion;" the significant numbers were 7 (the age of Jesus in year one) and 33AD (33 = 4 + 7 + 10 + 12). The relationship of 11 to the "twin towers" is clear, as is the relationship of "9-11" to "911-Emergency." Less obvious is the relationship of the factorial table of nines to the shape of the pentagon (the floor of a dodecahedron of 12 sides). However, to those of us who understand the meanings of all these numerical-codes, the relationship of 5 to 11 is clear enough in the form of 5+2=7=11-4.

The "neo-Sethians" selected their patsy fall-guy for their crime against humanity on 9-11 carefully. Just as Hitler, the Jewish Rothschild bastard, waged the most brutal pogrom against the Jewish people of Germany, his own homeland and people, because he believed he was a Viking; so too, the video-image visage of a middle-eastern Semite was chosen for the ikon of the millennial scape-goat, Usama Bin Laden, and since the second Persian Gulf war (in Jordan, Gaza and Palestine as much as in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine) have been blamed entirely on him alone. Consider his name: "Use Samael Bin-den." His name while working for the US CIA was "Tim Osmand." To be a spook means you never existed, and you have stepped outside of historical records to manipulate the flow of time itself.

PART 1C: the future(s) of the "global" government

During the last 10 years, the "neo-Sethians" have made crystal clear their motives and objectives for their coup-de-tat in global governmental control. They are hell-bent on bringing about the End-times event, the destruction of the world, or at the least, of all humanity. In short, they are war-hawks without a cause, rebels for their own sakes, and commonly called "neo-conservatives" for slang, although tomorrow's "neo-liberals" will be worse.

For this the "neo-Sethians" have constructed secret, deep-underground military bases (DUMBs), intercontinental ballistic missiles deployed globally, massively polluted the atmosphere, and agitated wars, famine, plague and crime in every corner of the world to gain complete control of the minds of all mankind through fear. They waged a campaign of "Torture and Terror" for 10 years; but those of us whose knowledge comes from before their reign began, merely 100 years ago, we know how it will inevitably end.

When the world failed to destroy itself in 2000, the "neo-Sethians" took the initiative to attempt to destroy it themselves for the purpose of initiating the Apocalypse, and drawing down an alien saviour for them to bargain with for control over the human populations. However, despite their capacity to unite the globe (against them) they lack the power at this time to destroy the whole planet (only to decimate its surface, themselves to escpae underground). "First the globe must unite, then it can be collectively destroyed": such is the venom in a neo-Sethian's sting.

PART 1C1: the heaven-dimension of Pythagorean Atlantean Democracy

Ultimately, the "neo-Sethian" propaganda of 9-11 as a "New Pearl Harbor," justifying an "unending Crusade of atrition against invisible and, in truth, non-existent enemies," to question which is decried as mere "conspiracy theory," was entirely lies, irrelevant, and thus destined to be recalled by historians as, alike Hitler's Blitzkrieg over Europe, a "flash in the pan" of unsustainable military force. The more money is dumped into the murdering of soldiers for the cause of blind-faith in "neo-con" propaganda, which amounts, at best, to a war for oil, the deeper into their underground caves the serpents must slither to escape the wrath of their fellow humans.

Beyond the "endless war" strategy of bankrupting the US nation and breaking the morale of the other united nations, the "neo-Sethians" have zero plans for how to finish seizing power to impliment their global catastrophe and usher in their world-wide empire. The "neo-Sethians" are perpetually blind to the future as it unfolds from the cycle that defines the shape of the past.

It is this shape, its dimensions and measures, its ratios and curves, we in the POD study as the number-system ideals of Atlantean Democracy. To speak more of it at this time, prior to 2012, might only be to "cast pearls before swine," however, and so I will not reveal what is not given unto me to do so.

PART 1C1A: the changes from the present system to the Atlantean system

Changes from the present mode of local, state, federal and inter-national government would be minimal to adopt an "Atlantean Democracy" system of global government. In terms of "State" structures very little would need ammended. The largest change would be toward a fusion of all existing denominations of religion with a single form of cash and banking system. This change, although it may be drastic from the point of view of us alive now, will seem much less strange in fifty years from now, when the number-systems of Ra-MARDUK, the Archon of the Aeon prior to that from +1-2000YP, will fall and be replaced by a "new math" wherein knowledge increases exponentially as consciousness expands arithmetically. Rather than being centenniel in decimal only, we will experiment with other base-number counting-systems, as did the Mayans with their Venus-calendar, and thus the inner-most spiral expansion-pattern will be exposed to the psychic percpetions of all, and our learning curve will implode, alike the skin of a coccoon, and our spirits will emerge metastasized and metamorphosized.

The first and most difficult step of the journey of our next evolutionary mutation is freeing one's own mind from "neo-Sethian" propaganda's mind-control over one's own head. What we think, how we spend our time, while alive is all we will have to prove our worth to ourselves when we die. Therefore, the amount of our own "head-room" taken up by alien advertisers' information (ie. "neo-Sethian" propaganda) the less of a living soul we have, and the more willfully ignorant we choose to remain to our psychic-slavery to the "neo-Sethians'" doomsday agenda. As Plato once wrote an Akousmatikoi of Socrates (Pythagoras), "the unexamined life is not worth living."

This first step is the most difficult: to free one's self from mental slavery to distant forces of control over our own lives, what we think and why, how we dress and say what we say, and why, how we relate and who we choose to communicate to, and why, etc. First we must realise we choose not only which things to want and desire, but that we can choose to not want nor to desire anything for ourselves at all, and in this way we can come to be provided for by the very environment of the world around us. Following this, our ordinary routines will all break down and appear non-sensical. Sleep during the day and work at night will become as socially-acceptable as solar-slavery is now. Dietary habits will be revolutionized by new genetically spliced plants, and possibly even new genetically spliced species of animals. Even mental control over one's own circadian rhythms can not only be re-attained by any individual, as soon as they realise they are an individual, and not just a reptile, but can be used to combat these "neo-Sethian" vampires who suck the orgone Chi out of their unaware and helpless victims.

PART 1C2: the hell-dimension of neo-Sethian millennarian eschatology

The "neo-Sethians'" goals in their attempted millennial coup-de-tat were simple: destroy earth. They have, thus far, failed, and even now are diminishing in their authority and scope throughout the political sphere. However, for each and every one of this generations' members of the neological group, as for those from each generation before ours, there is a special catacomb carved out for them in Hell. Those traitors who betray the truth for lies, who betray love for blidness, who betray their souls for money, will suffer their own desired future: a horrible catastrophe will soon befall them. A massive revolution, spear-headed by a vast, international pacifist movement of populist politicians, will seek to deseat and defeat the neo-Sethians utterly. The "neo-Sethians" will flee to their DUMBs, and many millions will die. Some will survive to create the utopia described in HG Welles' "the Time Machine," although even then, Atlantean Democracy will be revived and flourish anew. The "neo-Sethians" know they will be defeated. They always knew.

In the end of the "neo-Sethian" hell on earth awaits for them a complete global thermo-nuclear war, decimating the surface of the planet and leaving them warped and twisted morgellon-infested trogladytic mutants in their DUMB snake-pits. If you are a reptilian, that is what you have to look forward to. Hell on earth will be your eternal reward, and punishment, for your own just deserts.

PART 1C1A: the changes from the present system to the neo-Sethian system

Although martial-law, leading to the nuking of the surface of the whole planet, a veritable extinction-level-event, seems like an inevitable next slip down the slippery. steeply sloping steps of a failing empire, there are other options than either headlong suicide or blind faith in pacifist obedience.

The ultimate solution to the world's problems and accomplishment of its long-standing goals of global peace, global trade, global learning and global culture, is simple: study the number-systems used by any two groups, cults of religion or sects of state. To do this is called studying "Atlantean Democracy" and is the only thing, right now, that can help to make the world better.

Therefore, instead of the "inevitable end," prepare instead for the immortal tomorrow's dawn, for it will always appear. All those crimes commited by night will be brought to the light. And when they are, the guilty will be punished and the righteous will be justifiably vyndicated.

PART 2: fundamentals of the Atlantean game of "Democracy" (coming soon!)

- Jon
Dec. 12, 2009

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