the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

QBLH is meta-math, meta-geometry and meta-physics.

How is QBLH meta-math? Math extends only so far; in math there is one right answer, all other possibilities are wrong. However, in ha QBLH, this rule does not apply. Instead, applying ancient gematria, numerology, "mathemagic" and cryptography as the "art" of math addends aesthetic elegance as "mathematics for its own sake" which strict observance of scholastic maths alone cannot admit. Thus A -> B = math; A -> C = QBLH.

How is QBLH meta-geometry? Geometry, unlike pure mathematics, can embrace the abstract and, indeed, must, for geometry is applied to the abstract to infer and impute a logical substructure. However, geometry has proven slow to catch up with the manifold variety of topographies provided by the abstract space of nature. Thus, ha QBLH is meta-geometry that focuses on studying the most those patterns which occur most often in nature, in order to divine the meaning of the frequency of their repetition. Thus, A -> C = geometry; A -> B = QBLH.

How is QBLH meta-physics? Physics is the study of possible motions of material objects and measurable forces of energy. But there are, obviously, as should be admitted by any physicist, motions possible one place but not in another, material objects of one nature here comparable to those of another nature elsewhere, as well as forces of energy beyond our ability to measure that are even already occurring to us here and now. Thus, the "theoretical" explanations for the forces of physics we cannot yet scientifically explain qualify as meta-physics, and ha QBLH, by including multi-dimensional constructs produced by "recreational maths" and "hyperspatial" geometries, offers theories that can account for the cause of these forces. Thus, A -> B = physics; B -> C = QBLH.

physics is symbolized in modern free masonic craft working tools by the right-angled straight-edge; geometry in this context as the masonic emblematic letter "G;" and mathematics is symbolized likewise in these settings as the compass that acts as a force from a dimension above the plane measured by the square to impose cyclical or arc-length spin to otherwise perfectly straight trajectories.

thus, the masonic "square and compass" is symbolic of the enlightenment-era, though pre-deist, concept of God as the "great geometer," also called "Christ Pantocrater" or "ruler over all." Therefore, the "G" in the center of this symbol has come, over time, to have the double meaning of "geometry" and "God," for as the symbol is itself a symbol of geometry - the working craft tools for making measures - so too is geometry a symbol for intelligent design and proof for the existence of god.

the masonic "square under compass" as a symbol of both "geometry" and "god" dates back, in free masonic legend, to the burial of a cubic stone in a 9 chamber deep vault prior to the deluge by the Hebrew patriarch Enoch, which was said to have contained the "true name of god" inscribed on a triangle on its top. However, this symbol has been co-opted by the Jesuit / anti-Masonic infiltrators of free masonry, who the commoner call nowadays the "illuminati," as an inspiration for their own symbol of the unfinished pyramid with the eye of providence atop. The outline of the shape of the Masonic craft tools of geometry was pilfered and redesigned into the unfinished pyramid, and the eye of providence placed on top in a triangle to symbolize "god" as overseer of the great work.

if it follows: from enlightenment-era depictions of God as great geometer in a triangular halo and Christ pantocrator holding a compass above a globe; then: that the next logical conclusion one should deduct from this series of steps and line of thinking would be deism and skeptical, atheist and open-minded agnostic scientific materialism, as we saw followed the enlightenment-era in the form of deistic scientific clubs such as the Royal Society of London, which had assembled previously as the "Invisible College" under Robert Boyle. The acceptance of even the idea of atheism being possible had been suppressed by the Catholic Papacy across Europe throughout the dark ages. However, if we allow for this possibility, it naturally allows for itself to be tested and weighed and proved or disproved by the understood rules and laws applicable to weights and measures (e.g. math, geometry and physics). Thus, the pre-consideration of a free-mason that they must be a brother "theist" is a Jesuit suggestion into what can, should, and will ultimately, be an order accepting of ALL philosophical dispositions.

In brief, it is possible to study math, geometry and physics without the prerequisite of belief in theism, because these things do not overwhelm the senses and cause externalized projections of interior fears to manifest in a hallucination of deity as divine judgment by the entirety of the cosmos. However, the study of "meta-math," "meta-geometry" and "meta-physics," the substance of ha QBLH, extend beyond the senses we usually exercise in everyday existence. Thus, it has been (though unnecessarily so) confined to theist cults to convey the "secret wisdom" of "esoteric mysticism." They have done this since the original proto-cities, and their prevalence as centers for specialized education in certain "arcane" crafts is as old a profession as temple prostitution.

nevertheless, the monopoly on the information comprising the study of ha QBLH by theists, while having grossly over-estimated the number of adherents to the various faiths - most of whom attend the ritual but practice no moral ethic when even only inconvenienced, has also served to discredit the factual accuracy of theism as a premise. If there were a god, would he not have returned already before now to punish all of his own believers for being the lowest form of hypocrites on the food-chain? Yet, assuming the premise instead that there is no god, can any amount of wishing for and blind belief in a thing that cannot exist cause it to come true and become being a real thing? Can "the power of faith" MAKE an idea "true," even if it is factually inaccurate? Such absurdities should not even pose rational hurdles to the common mind, yet have proven impediments that take generations in the crossing. The more people are given the freedom to study math, geometry and physics in an atheism-friendly scholastic environment, the more likely they are to be able to apply the tools of ha QBLH - meta-math, meta-geometry, and meta-physics - to understanding the forces of physics we cannot yet without having to assert about them any theistic premise.

theism has been the greatest burden on our species' genius. had we never been shackled to the notion in the first place, we would have developed what we think of as "modern" technologies at a much earlier, literally globally cooler temperature era, and thus would have applied them in very different ways than those which we use them for today. Instead of only one among each generation bearing the full burden of knowledge of "godlessness" as true reality, if all were allowed, or even encouraged, to develop on their own without ever needing to ponder on "the fear of god," would we not now already be living in what we still can only imagine as a utopian "city on a hill," a "christian-opolis," a "new jerusalem" or a "7th heaven"?

the manner theism attaches itself to the neck of individual genius is by confusing the mind's definitions for which is superior between their idealized concepts of "ethics" and "morals." The majority, who are doubtless brainwashed into apathy by their repetition of what amount for themselves to meaningless religious rituals, would defend that "morals" supersede "ethics," but think about the substance denoted by each word, and consider which is more quantitative, more equal, more fair, more just, more impartial, more balanced: is it "ethics" or is it "morals"? Ethics is quantitive, equal, fair, just, impartial, balanced. It is defined by these attributes. But what is "morality"? Can it be defined by any of these traits? Has morality ever proven quantitative, equal, fair, just, impartial or balanced?

However, if the study of ha QBLH is practiced as openly by atheists as it has traditionally been practiced, and even then only in secret societies or pagan cults, by theists, and the results proving or disproving the necessary presence of a deity, "god," "intelligent designer" etc. in the cosmological creation and subsequent quantum formation of our cosmos, that are discovered by these competing opposite ideologies are compared for public consideration, then obviously the proofs against the existence of god outnumber and outweigh the proof for the existence of god. According to monotheist scripture, god speaks only to the chosen few, ignoring the majority of the masses, and usually only to instruct these "chosen few" to "lead the masses" as god then next commands. If you consider "god" as a hallucination which, by faith, has been conjured into a powerful ghost, then is he not more alike the villain he supposedly opposes, but whom, in actuality, he commands?

the consideration of "is there possibly no real god, but that humanity by attempting to invent one for itself, instead unleashed a dangerous demon?" brings us up to date with the beginning of the preceding aeon to now, when Yeshua walked the earth and taught coptic gnosticism. However, the terroristic state-performed religious ritual sacrifice of this same pacifist philosopher subsequently so petrified all agnostics and atheists to stick their own necks out for their beliefs, that the theist Catholic Papacy conquered Europe and spread its dominant philosophical "morals" to America, and to the "west" in general.

since ha QBLH - as meta-math, meta-geometry and meta-physics - can be used as a method to provide evidence either for or against the existence of the theistic premise, then its study can only advance both causes, and should be encouraged by both parties. While "theist QBLH" is the substance of many cults and orders nowadays, ranging from Rosicrucianism to Golden Dawn to OTO groups, as well as York and Scottish Rite Masons, the premise of "atheist QBLH" continues to be suppressed and excluded. Approaching ha QBLH as a purely material scientific field, to be studied and explored, but preserved ecologically, and, in turn, applied to the material sciences of mechanical and electronic device engineering, SHOULD be actively pursued, but I have found the impact of such a group (or groups) to be negligent on the "theist" cults, if even present at all. If the Order of Set, Norse Viking cults, the Church of Satan and all the adherents of Ayn Rand were lumped into one life-raft, they would quickly be crushed by the titanic cruise-liner carrying all the theists who consider their pagan, pantheist, unconventional nonconformism and atheist beliefs historically irrelevant.

however, using ha QBLH to disprove theism is as much a waste of time as has proven to be humanity's willingness to entertain the theist idea. If you can dispose of the "idea of god" in your own mind, and exist without any need for it, your immunity from it does not grant you the ability to successfully impart this ideology into anybody else's mind(s). Thus, an evangelical atheist does as much to discredit atheism as evangelical theists do to discredit theism. As such, atheists have traditionally sought a "two-state solution" where "integration" among themselves and theists was granted. They could peacefully co-exist together, and simply not discuss their differing beliefs, or, if so, in the context of friendship. Yet this has never been allowed, and even agnostics have eventually been punished by the theistic blood-lust. Therefore, seeking peaceful coexistence with theists has proven, at best, difficult for atheists and agnostics - and not due to the fault of the atheists and agnostics. The premise of theism has so overwhelmingly possessed the popular psyche of our species that to question it in public in many geographic locations on our globe can, legally, result in your public execution. Theism is false, a lie, a hallucination infused on belief, a blind faith in a non-existent ghost-king, but those who believe in it will defend it unto the death.

instead of seeking either to prove or disprove theism, what we should all be focusing on doing is studying ha QBLH and applying its principles and precepts to our considerations, meditations, rituals and routines.

usefulness in employment of theism or atheism arguments is not the best application for knowledge of ha QBLH.

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