the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

a few words on slavery

Jonathan Barlow Gee

Tallahassee, Florida, USA

Feb. 18, 2012.

What is Slavery? This question makes us all, from the most racist closed-minded prejudiced bigot to the most peacenik open-minded bleeding-heart liberal, squirm. It triggers a form of excitement in the civilised mind, hearkening back to more primitive tribal hunter-gatherer times. Of course, you can only get as good an answer as you are able and willing to accept, but for the most part people prefer to avoid or mock the topic as irrelevant by modern ethical standards. "There are no slaves nowadays," is the typical end of the debate for many.

Slavery is, easily stated, the opposite of liberty. So what is liberty? Liberty means being free, that is, being fully allowed by any and all greater "powers that be," to think, talk, act and work as we choose for ourselves. Broadly, it means not having other people telling you what you have to do; more specifically, it relates to having the full amount of rights available to a citizen of the nation in which one lives. There are not different types of "liberty" sifted down to different "special interest" groups. There is only one real form of liberty: personal liberty; individual sovereignty; the right to complete self-determination.

But you can't define a concept solely by what it is not. To answer the question of what slavery is, we could easily either overly generalise or overly specify the history of its practise over the last 6,000 years or more. It is difficult to tell at exactly what moment during the "natufian spread" - between the era of the nomadic keberan cavern dwellers and the reisdents of such early proto-cities as katal Hayuk or Jericho (with a population of more than 10,000 people even a 2,000 year long aeon prior to the flood and unification of Sumero-Akkadia into Babylon) - but the tribal hierarchy based on a shaman and a chief, hunters and gatherers, etc. was transformed rapidly into the triple "oldest profession" of gold-exchange, slavery and taxation for a singular priest-king sometime between 8,000 and 6,000 years ago.

We don't know the origin for the idea of slavery any more so than we do the origin for the idea of the wheel. However, what we can say, as a broad generalisation with respect to the entire history of its practise, is that slavery can be summed up in the definition of "one person owning another person." Thus, as soon as money was invented as a means of third-object exchange for goods and services, slavery also immediately came into being due to the concept of becoming indebted to someone else for more than you can repay them.

So, essentially, we can define slavery as "one person owning another," where the original slaves were indentured servants, however obviously the prospects offered by this process of establishing an unpaid work-force, or even an army, quickly out-stripped its application being to solely the class of legal debtors.

In many parts of the "civilised" world even today, the term slavery is nearly synonimous with the practise of racism. The practise of military-conscription into a slavery arrangement was used broadly as a weapon by generations of northern caucasian mountain region, pale skinned nordic-aryan "indo-europeans," against those of all other racial ethnicities who, generally, this group identified as enemies.

But to think that racial-slavery is the sole form of slavery is to dismiss the fact its practise persists to exist even today, some 150 years after the emancipation proclamation set into law to change the ethical composure of the national citizens at that time to cease dependency on their unpaid work-force. Slavery continues to persist to this day, even though only in less publically open forms than it once did.

Kidnappings by cults and mercenaries to particpate unwillingly as silent property within a cultish black-market where pedofilia, beastiality and orgies are common activities continue un-seen, or more insidiously, even being supervised, by the ultra-secret intellgence agencies of most "civilised" nations. The formation of a secret-police class inevitably expands this form of slave trade.

Today, now that slavery is officially illegal, there persist only 3 main types of it on the underground black-market: 1) work-slaves, a class non-existent within most "civilised" nations' borders, also fall into the third and final category partially due to the concept of being under-paid for their labors. 2) sex-slaves, a class we call today "prostitutes" owned by "pimps," who sell their slaves' sexual services. 3) mind-slaves, a class so prevalent it can only be called itself the modern "main-stream." So, when we discuss slavery as it exists now, in 2012, we are discussing these three main forms of its practise that persist to this modern day.

The first category is the one we most commonly associate with the concept of slavery in "civilised" nations, because we attribute its practise as a tactic employed by racists. We abhor the idea of owning an equally spiritually endowed human being, with free will and the natural right of personal choice, in modern "civilised" nations, however the concept has essentially been concealed in the practise of "wage slavery," and continues unabated, but unseen, to this day. When someone "owes" someone money, the person they "owe" owns them if they can't recoup the loss monetarily.

The second category is the one we most commonly see happening in our present era, and yet which we have detached from the concept of slavery even more than wage-debt slavery. The sale of sex results in a class of people with venereal diseases. This expanding class will eventually yield both in-breeding and population growth due to inability to procreate outside the class. Eventually, this class will be forced to rule by shear sum of its numbers alone, and then the real flaw of the entire process is laid bare: the people who participate in this class of sexual slave-trading are mentally unfit to wisely guide mass populations. It is not really just about economics either; sex slavery trading results from an obsessive-compulsive neurotic delusion that perverts one's natural reproductive instincts and kicks their hormones into hyper-drive.

The third category is almost too broad to conceptualise. The ideal of mental freedom, the freedom to think and choose as we will, is expressly stipulated as a natural ("God-given") right in the constitutional charters of most "civilised" nations. To imagine we have each individually been tricked into being less than we could have been, in potential, had we been allowed to be by the so-called "powers that be," seems to go without saying; although to say anything more directly than this -such as to posit that there is a conspiracy, let alone a single hegemon, but an elite nevertheless, behind and benefitting from this act - is anathema conversation in most "civilised" nations. Indeed, there are wealthy people, who comprise a real elite of conspirators who form planning bodies and stearing committees to shape the fate of the world and to "play God," but these peoples' "wealth" is a facade the illusorally apparent reality of which they owe entirely to people whose minds would out-wit their own.

Views: 187

Comment by Jonathan Barlow Gee on March 26, 2012 at 10:48am

after-thoughts on

universal abolition and suffrage.

Jonathan Barlow Gee

Tallahassee, Florida, USA

Mar. 26, 2012.


It is not possible to enforce liberty. Therefore, you cannot make a law stating "all are free," without anyone ever breaking this law willingly, just as people willingly break laws everyday, simply because they disagree with the premise of laws ruling them. To be obedient to the law is, to some people, as abhorrent as being owned. This is, of course, the pivotal difference between the oppressor and the oppressed. One who recognises the legitimacy of no law over them will ultimately oppress other people, and subjugate group strength to their own will. Likewise, one who believes themselves unable to escape, paranoid at the very thought of it, as if it were a criminal idea, has no strength of will of their own to oppress anyone but themselves, and will obey any minimal legal request. Thus, the "roles" of "Master" and "Slave" are "archetypal" within humanity's "collective unconscious." Because there will always be these types of personalities, there will always be those who will break any law stating "all are free." Some will willingly oppress without regard for any consequences; others will cowardly shrink into service. These are innate genetic characteristics of our species, and have been since the era when the only life on earth were flat-worm like cnydaria in a world-wide ocean. A rudimentary mouth and anus define the basic "approach" / "retreat" mechanism we retain as the fight-or-flight instinct. Some consider this binary dualism in terms of "fear" and "love," but those who usually disregard their obligation not to harm their equals define it as "master" and "slave." To keep their "slaves" dwelling in "fear," the "master" oppresses their own ability to "love." This leads, as has been demonstrated repeatedly to inevitably result from such mind-splitting cognitively dissonant ideals, to "personality twinning," or MPD (multiple-personality disorder) as the ego attempts to "compartmentalise" its natural guilt for commiting acts of atrocious oppression of their equals. The result of this "twinning" is a highly over-inflated superiority complex, coupled with bouts of soul-shattering depression. This mentality inhabits the minds of ALL who engage in slavery, both the "master" and the "slave." The result is bi-polarity, and ultimately schizophrenic manic-depression and full-blown MPD.


The reason the human instinct wants to abolish slavery is because it is inherently abhorent to the spiritual sense of justice, fairness and equality. That reason is both noble and logical, however "realists" scoff at as a mere "ideal." To eradicate slavery, it could be argued, would not require a global law enforcing universal abolition and suffrage in a global democratic form of government; because such would not work anyway, considering some people would still participate in such relationships willingly. To eradicate the practise of willing slavery is thus unnecessary; but to eradicate the practise of un-willing slavery, it would be necessary to stipulate a global law enforcing against the use of "excessive force" between any and all individuals, as well as between any and all economic "classes" and political "parties." To end the inhuman practise of human bondage, we must end the practise of inhumane human bondage first. To this extent, "hate crime" laws are a good step, but do not go far enough. When a cop hits a protestor it is no less of a crime than child-abuse. Whenever there is spousal-abuse or date-rape, it should be handled with the same severity of punishment as shaking a newborn baby or aborting a foetus in the third-trimester. Cruelty to animals should be dealt with as if it were happening to a person. All human rights should be universally recognised and respected. But again, this is only an "ideal" to the "realists" of today.

Comment by Jonathan Barlow Gee on March 26, 2012 at 10:50am

Once we have overcome the desire to do harm to other equally living beings, we will cease to see them as inferiors to be subjugated through oppression, and the practise of slavery will simply atrophy from our societies.

PEACE! - Jon


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