the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

Notes on While the Gods Play by Alain Danielou

I'm reading this book right now, and already there are some interesting ideas and parts that possibly link to other things...

Please post any commentary here that you may have.  I like to see all sides and this book contains some material that is new to me.  So any confirmation and/or counterpoints from other sources is very welcome!    

"According to the chronology of the Purana, the present humanity would have appeared about 58,000 years ago, a figure that corresponds to twelve and a half times what Shaiva cosmology call the Age of the Ancestors (Pitri)...Since the birth of the present humanity, four species of men have appeared at precise moments in the cycle.  Thus they are in different ages of their development.... The principal problem for all civilizations is to know how to organize their coexistence." 

"The astronomical, medical, mathematical and physical knowledge of the Indians, but also of other peoples on various continents several millennia B.C., was, in some cases more advanced than that of Europeans only two centuries ago.  The modern world is much closer to Kapila, Pythagoras, Euclid and Aristotle than to the theologians of the Middle Ages.  Astrophysicists who study the birth, formation and evolution of the world are coming closer and closer to the ancient theories of Shaiva cosmology whose elements India has retained." 

Note:  He points out that the Shaiva religion was introduced to India by the Dravidians (or Dramilas) who migrated to and settled after the continent Lemuria (Atlantis) sank.  Also, the Dravidians introduced their agglutinative language(s), which at one time were spoken everywhere in India, but today have survived mainly in the South as Tamil, Kanara, Telugu and Malayalam.  Languages similar to the Dravidian that have survived in the West are Georgian, Basque and Peuhl.   

Okay, I just flipped to Appendix I "Language:  Instrument for the Transmission of Knowledge" and want to cut and paste scans of each and every one of the 35 pages of it here - along with the rest of the book too...

This isn't going to work.

Any suggestions for a "Plan B"?   What if I read it aloud and just upload recordings of each chapter here (or elsewhere) instead?       






Views: 152

Comment by Shrouded_Sagacity on May 19, 2015 at 11:48pm

can try pdf


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