the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

as I understand it, the circumpunct symbol dates back as long ago as the original formation of the Babylonian zodiac at the peak era for study of Chaldean astrology (around 2000 BC). It has been associated with the sun since then, as can be seen in Egyptian hieroglyphics and, later, the study of Hebrew QBLH. It was associated with the sun at the time of Weishaupt's adoption of it in several other concurrent traditions, such as astronomy and chemistry, where it was associated with the metallic element gold. It remains, to my knowledge, predominately used as a symbol for the sun in astrology, and Weishaupt's use of it (in cipher script or in context as short for the Order itself) was only a sub-division of this symbol's prior meaning which had been lost since his time until now.

Weishaupt's ideal Order of Perfectibilists was disbanded during his own lifetime (he died in 1830). What replaced it, adopting some of its symbolism, was an anti-Masonic Order called the "Illuminati." In Germany, this order evolved through the OTO into the Order of Thule. It also spread to America in the form of the Skull & Bones fraternity on Yale college campus. The partnership between the "pan-Germanist" proto-NAZI "illuminati" cult(s) and the "bonesmen" graduates of Yale is long-standing and philosophically intricate, however morally corrupt.

accepting that each person who has attempted to revive the Order has done so with their own definitions and on their own terms for what "Illuminati" means to them, then yes, everyone who's claimed descent from the "Illuminati" CAN be considered a legitimate organizer of a group of people based on their own interpretation of the word "Illuminati." This even extends, however vulgarly, to the modern "Illuminati" group of "SWAG" music producers who run the gangsta rap music wing of the entertainment industry. Anyone who claims to be "Illuminati" CAN be considered an authentic claimant to a revival of the tradition, regardless of their interpretation of the term. This extends also to Solomon Tulbure and his recent "illuminati-order dot com" online offshoot. All of these people are aspects of the modern "Illuminati," however the modern "Illuminati" is very much UNLIKE the Perfectibilist Order envisioned by Weishaupt. Consider Leo Zagami for contrast.

From what I've read, Terry Melanson presents a cursory comparison of some of the early symbols used by the Skull and Bones that seem to have been borrowed, although in a much corrupted manner, directly from Weishaupt's original order. I am not taking up for the premise that a direct lineage exists, as I have no doubt it does not. However, if one allows a series of resurgent "illuminati" cults - all using the same name, even though each of its own ideology - as being a continuation of some form of trend, then later imitation groups, linked directly to the original Order or not, will eventually prove necessary to study, and fruitful to discuss.

The division between we in the Illuminati Order who accept, for convenience, as authentic inheritors of the name more modern Orders and those among us who reject these upstarts' claims to valid authority based on their lacking direct descent from our Order's original ideology is identical to the division, recognized from the early 20th century on among the Hebrew rabbinical schools on ha QBLH, between the "scholastics" - those who study the arts, crafts and science of ha QBLH but do not attempt to put it into dynamic practical use - and the "ecstatics" - or those whose writings, while intriguing and without question meaningfully compelling enough for the scholars to study them, are nonetheless not of the same standards for citation and editorialization as the grammatical templates demanded for use by the scholars themselves. In other words, the "ecstatics," or modern-day shamans, experience and write about their enlightenments thereby, while the "scholars" copy, catalogue, censor, comment on and ultimately critique the writings produced by these mystics. The more "liberal" wing of our present Order are willing to accept as valid ANY and ALL claims about, even accusations against, any other Order that authenticate them as representatives of our illustrious Order. The more "conservative" faction of us are not willing to verify these far newer groups, whose ideologies are so different from those of our own Order's founders, as belonging to, nor being in anyway affiliated with, our Order then or now. I posit these "liberals" in our Order's ranks are alike those "ecstatics," or modern shamanic mystics, and these "conservatives" of our Order are alike those "scholastics" of schools on ha QBLH. When the two compete, they must learn from one another only enough to find their opponent's weaknesses in order to survive; when the two are equally balanced but not polarized as opposite extremes - when they cooperate - then one learns from the other not only about their own strengths and weaknesses, but about ALL the other person has known and experienced. Only when the flood-gates levying between the educated intellectuals and the abstract-thinkers of the true intelligentsia are washed away will we realize there is "division" between us only as a dam divides one body of water from another, and that, like water, in the end we are all one.

The question of whether groups - such as the HBOL (Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor), a fore-runner to the origin of the OTO in Germany, which claimed itself a resurgent "illuminati order" in the late 1800's, and the American, Yale university fraternity "Skull and Bones," formed around the same era (mid to late 1800's) from loose ties to German occultism and which has adopted some of the symbols used in the original, Bavarian Illuminati Order - should or should not be considered authentic claimants to the title of true and direct descent from the original, Bavarian Illuminati Order should not become confused with the question considering other modern Orders (such as the Bilderberg Group or the Bohemian Grove Camp), that may or may not have evolved from the earlier Orders (the HBOL and S&B), and which are assailed as being the modern "Illuminati Order" without them making their own claim to such a title. Because of the claims by journalists with legitimate integrity, themselves slandered as mere "conspiracy theorists," that the modern "illuminati" consist of the members of these other modern Orders (the Bilderbergers and BoGro), then the "Illuminati" is misrepresented as an organizing principle for those who seek power alone, but without such a crutch, who could never attain power naturally, rather than being a "learning lodge" meant to "perfect" the intelligentsia. The politicians, CEOs and stock brokers who comprise the member lists of these other modern Orders (the Bilderberg Group and the Bohemian Grove camp) are fools who, for their obedient mimicry of the status-quo, were rewarded unlimited "fiat" wealth; these Orders are bereft of any truly intelligent, independently-minded people. Calling these members of other modern Orders (the Bilderbergers and BoGro) defacto members of the modern "Illuminati Order" is a misrepresentation of what our Order's Illustrious Founders actually stood for.

a new, modern "Illuminati Order" is also shaping up, comprised of authors and researchers who, although yet possessed of conflicting definitions of what constitutes a "True Illuminati Order," will ultimately end up hammering out their differences in a way that bonds their persons together into a unified group, determined to define the term. This "Neo Illuminati" will have to consider whether to approach or reject all the online bloggers who have published their own take on the issue, including the "Armageddon Conspiracy," "the Atlantean Conspiracy," "illuminati-order dot com," etc. This group of published authors includes Josef Wages, Terry Melanson, possibly Leo Zagami, and even Mark Bruback. Bloggers online, such as myself, comprise a "second tier" of possible candidates who could join this new group. I think it should be obvious we all seek accuracy and authenticity in our definition for what constitutes the "True Illuminati," and anyone unwilling to accept what we have documented as such should not be considered.

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