the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
Our history books and religious legends glorify a litany of specimens from our species who would have killed their own kind as easily as I might snuff out a gnat. Why do we venerate psychotics in institutional education? What is the end of such a line of history as they have laid out? Is psychosis truly the human "norm," or is this only what we are conditioned to venerate?
There should be no doubt "class war" exists, nowadays fomented as a "war against terrorists." The fiat-wealthy nations in the west, whenever swollen to multi-continental imperial stature, have traditionally taken turns invading, subjugating and repeatedly "bombing back to the stone-age" the indigenous peoples in non-industrialized regions to punish them for their lack of "modernization." Such military and political oppression sustains an, otherwise only imaginary, "wealth gap." Indeed, industrialized fiat-capitalism's "tax-free trade" models provide the least restriction and most resources to technological developers - however, by choosing which R&D sectors to fund and which to buy-out and shelve, the corporate CEOs have created and maintain a renter culture for use of their proprietary creations by the "techno-serfs" of modern "neo-feudalism," middle-class teenagers with their parents' income as disposable financing.
According to Robert Johnson, he sold his soul to the devil in exchange to learn how to play guitar. Supposedly, this fateful meeting occurred at the crossroads of Highways 49 and 61, in Clarksdale, Mississippi,* when Johnson met a mysterious stranger named Mr. Legua.** It is likely this pseudonym derived as a corruption of the Haitian Voodoo Orisha Elegua, *** himself a psychopomp alike Urshanabi from Gilgamesh, Charon of Greek legends, and alike Hermas the shepherd, a Christian variant of Gnostic "Thrice Greatest Hermes" - himself a message-bearer deity. The choice to summon or evoke a demonic archetype at a cross-roads location did not begin with the Mississippi Delta Blues, however, and has a history tracing back to pre-historic times, when stone menhirs and herms were erected as megalithic yard-markers along roads; at the intersections of these neolithic era roads were sometimes megalithic monuments and temples to yet elder beliefs, such as ritual human sacrifice to a planetary pantheon, preserved now only in a self-mutilation pact in ritual magic "goetic evocation." However, because of this, even prior to Robert Johnson's blood-oath to a voodoo demon, the concept of the "cross-roads" had become affiliated with "crossing over" from life to death, and with the Christian crucifix affixed into Golgotha, the hill of skulls. The song, "Angels Meet Me At The Crossroads" **** - popular in America during the 1800's - clearly uses the term to imply the moment at which a person dies, rather than a specific legitimate location, let alone a specific ritual evocation to be performed there. In this sense, even moreso than "Bone Thugs N' Harmony's" song about the topic, Snoop Dogg's song, "Murder Was The Case" ***** maybe the best modern interpretation of this theme, so near and dear to the original, Bavarian "Illuminati," as well as to their modern imitator cult in western civilization's entertainment industry.
We become what we create: what we build or birth, we imbue with our essence, and in so doing, part with some of our own vital life-force into. An immortal soul - far beyond belonging to only one body - is incorporated from one body into many bodies over its one, short lifetime. Just as there may be one soul inhabiting many bodies at once, there is one spirit that inhabits and animates all souls. These "souls" are simply our personal electromagnetic auras, and this "spirit" is simply the entropic undertow of superluminal hyperspace. These "souls" are simply various patterns of ions in a toroidal plasma; this "spirit" is simply the geometric pattern ubiquitous to them all.
Do not create emotional turmoil for yourself to be stirred up by. This path leads to suffering, unhappiness, and a tear-streaked face. Do not create problems for other people to have to solve for you. This leads to clinging to existence, and to false belief in the immortality of authority. Nothing lasts forever. The mountains, the oceans, the sky and the sun will not last forever. How then, can your authority? How then, can you?
a small mind is quickly clouded by hatred when confronted with the light of the truth from without. the mind of the fool recoils in terror from truth when it is shown it, denuded and virginal. the mind of the sage is clouded by doubt much more slowly than is the mind of the fool by hate. The sage's mind is wider, broader, more all-encompassing. The mind of the sage is expanded beyond that of the fool; in all other ways, they maybe indistinguishably alike.
when the fool discovers the truth exists within themselves, they cease to be a fool. Until they have learned what this truth is, however, they cannot even begin to search themselves for it. Thus, first the aspirant must learn the dharma, then they must go on their inner-quest, to search their soul, to plumb the depths of their psyches, and to find their own "answers" there. You cannot place the personal quest ahead of learning the dharma and hope to prevail against the shifting shores of history. A momentary movement may distract you, or a shift in historical tides subsume you utterly, and your life would be swallowed up like a grain of sand on a beach in a tidal wave. Only armed with the dharma, and the truth, can you stand like a stone against the onslaught of the elements and ultimately emerge their master.
if you chase your passions, and seek to inflame your chemistry into emotion, you cannot blame your elders for cautioning you by warning you where this path leads, and where it ends up. You can ONLY hope to accomplish anything that will outlast your lifetime if you renounce the idea that an emotionally fueled intellect is anyway more efficient or more accurate than one that is not so. You will be "missing out" on nothing by adopting a detached, removed, aloof, objective, moderate and mediatory perspective on all events occurring in your immediately surrounding environment. Know all that surrounds you, be part of the all that is all around you, move with its currents and let them move you, and do not let your own ego become like a broken dynamo in itself - churning up additional kinetic energy only to spurt it uselessly out as sparks in all directions. This is the way to harness the strength of your passions, and to use this energy in a way that is more productive.
the ears of understanding are to wisdom like a newborn lamb is to the tits of its dam. Wherever there is truth spoken, the righteous will congregate and converse the implications of the dharma teachings. Whenever there is truth spoken, there will be a crowd of angels singing hymns of praise to it within its earshot. Such is Wisdom the father and Understanding the mother of Democracy - the social discourse that leads to political models based on odd number sums. And so is Truth the autogenes that self-sired Wisdom and Understanding. Whenever truth is spoken, the ears of understanding hearken to the true wisdom. The mind glories in truth like a dolphin in waves; the mind revels in truth like a soaring falcon. A mind, without truth, is like an unwatered vineyard. The grapes of wrath are all it can harvest, and their taste, though bitter, contains no after-hint of sweetness. A mind, without truth, is like a bone dry, barren desert. It is parched and dehydrated, and sees waterholes where there are none. A mind, without truth, grows truly savage and truly evil. Like no other kind of mind is a mind deprived of truth. A mind deprived of truth is a dangerous thing.
Be moderate in emotions, but be generous intellectually. Learn as much as there is to know for the period in history during which you are alive. Share everything you know without expectation of recompense. Follow these steps in this order and prosper. Follow these steps in the opposite order and perish into the oceans of time, the seas of history, the eternal waters above the waters, the waters behind the dams at the four corners of the map, the cardinal directions that, when one falls off, lead one only into Hades. There is no realm beyond the edge of the map. It is only legend. Allow me to debunk that theory: the map is spherical; it is not round. And the surface is not too much different. You can traverse this map from end to end and never find a corner. You can live your whole life on a sphere and never find your way off it.
One must "assume a god form" to speak, as a "god," to and with the "gods." The "gods" assemble in a pantheon. This is called "Qemetiel" in Hebrew - meaning the "crowd of gods." In the parthenon, a temple devoted to them all, located in a place central among the temples devoted to each of them independently, dwelt the pantheon of the Olympic deities of Greece. The "Annunaki" pantheon of Sumer had their meetings and collusions as well. The "Holy One, Blessed Be He," that is Ha Shem, the Elohim of Abraham, Moses, of David and Jesus, etc. and so on and so forth, was only one from among this same, Sumerian, Annunaki pantheon. Nowadays the tradition of a counsel of "learned elders" or so-called "ascended masters" is considered a localized phenomenon - associated either with the local planets, the local star-systems, the local galaxy, etc. Wise leaders are frequently more ornately imagined when they are in short supply in reality.
what are these "gods" and what does it mean to "assume a god form"? What is a "god form"? It is a likeness, an imperfect impression, a monkey in a man-suit, a man playing a "god." This level of delusion is difficult to attain, but more difficult to sustain for any significantly prolonged duration. Ritual magic is largely based on perfecting methods for attaining and sustaining this condition of mind-state. Once one has attained this delusion, there are a limitless sum of "deities," "demi-deities," "fallen angels," "djinn," and "demons" one may choose to access and commune with. There is no "omni-versal" and "self-aware" cosmic-sized mind; there is no ultimate "one true god," above all else; but there are foolish wizards, dressing up and waving sticks about, and most have little concerns over the damage they could be doing.
and so this "qemetiel" of "Annunaki" are among us. They are, from time to time, only "people," like you and me. They are, however, the rest of the time, merely nebulous, shapeless, bodiless, "dis-corporeal" mental-only entities, existing more in the space in between individuals than within them, and well beyond the framework of simple constructs like "space" and "time" as they are understood by such simple creatures as we mere mortals. They cannot be "captured" in such a state. They can only be "caught up" and "killed" when they are trapped within a single mortal body.
And of these ghostly "gods" and "goddesses" that sometimes haunt the minds of men and women - making their actions not their own, making them feel "possessed" or "predestined," and using them as will-less puppets - there is one Master, one King, one ruler of them all. Because of these detached, dis-corporeal illusory "deities," of which none exist except as ideas inside the minds of human beings (for the lions do not have their "lion shaped god," nor the antelopes pray at an altar to the "god of antelopes," etc.), this "Most High" of all minds - at least those trapped in earth's gravity well - is also the oldest.
And with the devil as proof, there can be no cosmic Krishna, or else surely it would only manifest itself as the demiurge Kali, the cosmic destroyer? This is, essentially boiled down, the same as what the Cathari were accused of believing to be true of Jesus, and for what the Knights Templar were persecuted during the Albeginsien heresy that began the inquisition. The Cathari were aware of earlier Gnostic beliefs - said to be shared by the ghost of the post-crucifixion Christ - that specifically contradicted the concept of not only the "triune godhead" (three in one and one in three) but the "ascended human" of eastern Orthodoxy as well. In these scriptures, Jesus revealed himself to be Satan.
In Gnostic texts like the Hypostasis of the Archons, the Apocryphon of John (called also Pistis Sophia), and in other apocryphal texts such as the Gospels of Thomas, Phillip and Judas, the person of "Jesus," the description of who - or rather what - "He" is is varied, but in all cases differs from the versions discussed or adopted at the Councils of Nicea.
In the Hypostasis of the Archons, the demiurge (Ialdabaoth the cosmic destroyer) was struck down when he attempted to assume the "authority of the entirety" at which point the "voice of the entirety" spoke and called him "Samael" ("the blind"). Then Samael was cast out of heaven. In the works of Genesis, we learn one version of what happened next, but in the apocryphal Gnostic gospels we learn another. Barbello - incarnation of the feminine intuition / wisdom-principle, "Sophia" - was growing as a tree in Eden, when the serpent entered the garden. In the work "the secret apocyphon of John" or "Pistis Sophia," we learn (either by process of elimination or outright) that this serpent, called in "Hypostasis" a "serpent of wisdom" (even though still believed to be associated with Samael), was the same as "Pigera Adamas," a Gnostic name for "Adam Kadmon" or the primordial archetype or mold for making humanity; it was this "Pigera Adamas" Jesus claimed to have been inhabiting the "serpent of wisdom" that spoke to Eve in Eden, and in the "Pistis Sophia" Christ further goes on to explain these both were "Him." As the "Logos" (the "word"), the Christian savior explained in this text, "He" had descended from a combination of Sophia (feminine wisdom) with the "Autogenes," the "self-created" that created all things. Ialdabaoth the demiurge was thus his "evil" twin brother, the son of only female intuition alone, without the "Logos" of the Autogenes.
Fools can only survive in civilization. In nature, no fools survive.
from one generation to the next, domesticated humans suffer deeper and deeper amnesia, becoming more and more dependent on society's conveniences for survival, and growing further and further away from the instincts of their natural state. As population increases, individuals' luck decreases. To witness overpopulation in all its density, examine a weekly church meeting of any religious culture within human civilization. In automated civilization, the system is designed to impede independence of individuals. If you cannot naturally support yourself, no one will offer you the ability to do so; it is not within their power to fulfill even assuming they may promise it. Likewise, 4-way red-lights are becoming a more common phenomenon as the suburbs push outward into the rural countryside, and as urban sprawl and all its pollution drags behind it. Red-lights, unlike stop-signs, are designed to impede traffic. When no one is coming, the light is green; when someone pulls up to it, the light turns yellow and red. That is simply how stop-lights were designed. This increases drivers' stress, and causes them to inappropriately blame one another for this sort of constant inconvenience, rather than the traffic lights' designers whose fault it really is. Road rage is a symptom of over-population in population-dense, urban areas. People become impatient and even hateful of one another due to the programmed inconveniences and impossible promises civilization offers them. We hate domesticated life, yet we see no way to escape it, let alone to "work within the system" to cause it to improve. In truth, human civilization is opposed to nature, and as such, to human-nature as well. However, because this machine has been built up to be more powerful than any individual or group to be able to alter its course or change it for the better, it will require a retaliatory defensive act of all of nature's elements combined to counter its inevitable encroachment.
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