the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
it is said, "knowledge speaks and wisdom hears." This is false. "Wisdom speaks and Understanding hears" is true. "Knowledge" is merely the substance being communicated between them.
2 Questions from the POD Papal nominee qualifying exams.
First let us establish random variables A and B and the relationship between them such that A has "power over" B (which we could write "A/B"). We can hypothesize the reason for this situation based on prior knowledge about similar situations as such: A feels threatened by B, and so A has cornered B into a trap, where A may keep B close to them to dispose of quickly and personally if needed, and to benefit best from B's service to A. B is, in these ways, superior to A, even though, as we see, it is A who has "power over" B, because A tells B what to do and B does it or A may dispose of B at a whim. Therefore, although we may choose to see that B is more "noble" than A, we also allow that A is B's "owner" and B is A's "property."
Next define A and B as, respectively, Reality and Humanity.
Now answer the following 2 questions:
1. Are the good of A and the good of B:
A. equal
B. opposite
C. BOTH equal AND opposite
D. NEITHER equal NOR opposite?
2. Which would seem preferable to you, personally:
A. allowing A to continue over B
B. reversing the relationship such that B would be over A
C. equalizing both by elevating the lower to the status of the higher
D. equalizing both by diminishing the status of the higher to that of the lower
E. disposing of them both?
Is "Law" necessary and/or beneficial to social "justice"? How should the nature of a "Law" be defined? Is a "Law" opposed to a "Right"? If Freedom is innate, yet Liberty only granted by being earned, why prefer Liberty to Freedom? Why prefer the promise of great pleasure to the possession of moderate contentment?
A Thought Experiment:
Imagine you were given the mission to go back in time and kill Hitler. I imagine nearly 100% of you would have the knee-jerk reaction to accept it. I would as well.
However, consider this twist: when you arrive and have completed the mission, there is no extraction and you will thus be faced with a starkly binary choice:
Option A: having killed Hitler, you have the option of being killed by his loyal SS, of being captured and imprisoned, tortured and possibly killed by them, or of committing suicide to avoid such an outcome.
Option B: having killed Hitler, you have the option of replacing him, either over his Third Reich infrastructure, choosing to transform it all to your own preferences for "law and order," or else becoming celebrated by the Allies for your deed, and being appointed by them to a position of global authority comparable following the end of WW2 to that of being "fuhrer" of the "third reich" over Germany alone.
The option of living out the remainder of your natural life-time in anonymity as an ordinary, early 20th century citizen is ruled out by the magnitude of your action.
Therefore, knowing these will be the only 2 options available to you as a result of taking the time-travel mission, would you still want to go back in time and kill Hitler, and if so, which of the two options would you opt for and why? Peace. - Jon Gee.
A Thought Experiment:
Establish person X at location in space-time A, and establish that person X has the capacity to "astral travel," "mentally project" or "remote view" by broadcasting their psyche, given as Y, to any distant location in space-time, given as B, C, D, ...etc.
While the mind Y of the person X is absent from the location of the person's body X, however, the body X is defenseless, and so the mind Y must be wary of what is going on around the body X while it Y is gone. The laws of physics at location A determine the conditions for the body of person X.
All this being established thus, please consider the following questions:
1. Do the laws of physics at locations B, C, D, ...etc. then also govern the mind Y of person X when it is projected at a distance as well? For example, if location B is in deep space away from the surface of any planet or star, location C is next to a star, and location D is next to a black-hole, what would the predicted effects be for the mind Y of person X in regards to gravitationally caused time-dilation effects - would time move faster for the mind closer to the denser gravity-wells, and would this effect distort the duration the mind experiences at locations B, C or D relative to the duration of time that elapses for the body X at location A?
2. Is Time Above Mind, Or Is Mind Above Time? If the mind is immune from gravitationally-caused time-dilation effects on the physics at locations closer to denser gravity-wells, then why would it remain bound by the physics at location A where the body X of the mind Y exists? If the mind is not bound by distant laws of physics while observing distant locations in space-time, is it bound by local laws of physics that govern our bodies in the here and now? How free is the mind to influence, shape and ultimately to control Reality as a whole?
neglect not the dawn meditation.
who will remember us? who will thank us for what we have done, and for doing what we have tried to do? who will understand what it was like to have been us, and to, thanklessly, have cried into the infinite abyss?
neglect not the dawn meditation.
the Maya understood. They began their calendar in 3114 BC. From 3114BC to 2012AD they reckoned as 1 Tonalamatl = 13 Baktun = 260 Katun = 5200 Tun = 55,728,000 kin = 5,125.3408 years; but they reckoned 1 Piktun = 20 Baktun = 400 Katun = 8000 Tun = 57,600,000 kin = 7,900 years. Thus, 1 Tonalamatl (in 2012) ended 13 Baktuns out of a 20 Baktun cycle, called in turn a Piktun. Why was the Tonalamatal significant? it marked the beginning of the "xama kaba kin" influence on the remaining 7 Baktuns of the Piktun. The "xama kaba kin" were the Mayan holy-days, and were considered "unlucky" for accomplishing any work during. The Maya related these to the "Venus cycle" and to the 11-year "bit" unit of the sunspot cycle. The 11-year "bit" unit of the sunspot cycle is the origin for the "11:11" time-prompt phenomenon.
neglect not the dawn meditation.
there is no higher heaven than the here and now. there is no god in existence with any greater potential for accomplishing our wills in the world of the here and now than we are ourselves. we are already all gods over our world. what type do we choose to be? all is change. nothing is permanent. the only constant is entropic flux, the substance of the extra-dimensionality of time. is the mind greater than this? or is this greater than the mind?
neglect not the dawn meditation.
11 X 2 = 22.
22 = 12 + 7 + 3.
12 = 3 + 4 + 5.
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 7 = 22.
11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 110.
121, 132, 143, 154, 165, 176, 187, 198, 220.
11 X 11 = 121. 12 X 12 = 144. 12 X 13 = 156. 156 + 9 = 165 (11 X 15). 156 - 2 = 154 (11 X 14). 9 + 2 = 11.
13 X 1 = 13,
13 X 2= 26,
13 X 3 = 39,
13 X 4 = 52,
13 X 5 = 65,
13 X 6 = 78,
13 X 7 = 91,
13 X 8 = 104,
13 X 9 = 117,
13 X 10 = 130.
79 (the 22nd prime number)
+ 137 (the 33rd prime number)
= 216 (6^3 = 3^3 + 4^3 + 5^3).
1 / 2 / 3
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
= 22
1 / 2
1 / 2 / 3
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
= 10
POP QUIZ: what if you could be more than one person at once, and be in more than one place at one time? what if, when you exit one room to enter another, you do not really leave the room you were in before, but are merely seamlessly replaced by another you, who'd been waiting in the room for you to enter? what if there were more than 1 of you? what other jobs would you like to have, if you could be more than 1 of you? what if you were to write the story of your own life, only to find all your friends had only ever been reflections of yourself all along? what if you really are the only one here?
what if earth were hollow, but not shaped like a sphere? what if the moon were actually the earth turned inside out? what if looking up and outward were really the same thing as looking down and within? what if "as above so below" wasn't just a quaint saying, but actually describes the innate structural designs of the cosmos? What if, when we look far enough out, we will find ourselves looking out from within a cosmos within our own skulls, and then what will we be able to see beyond?
Neglect NOT the Dawn Meditation:
"I am Buddha. There is no Buddha. Therefore, there is no me." - the Empty Sutra, by Jon Gee.
I summon you, oh sun, I cast away my net of night, my many caught up stars, I cast you to the side, oh moon, that you should watch over all things by day and by night. I am the doorway granting myself passage between my birth and death. The door opened when I was born. When I die, this door will close. There is no more nor less such a thing as "me" with or without this biological body I animate while it can sustain me. I am not this walking corpse. I am more. I am from beyond here. Buddha is the peaceful Vajra, and Vajra the wrathful Buddha. But when he transcended Mara, Buddha left behind both his wrathful AND peaceful forms. Neglect Not The Dawn Meditation.
when the student becomes a master, it is to them as though nothing had changed, but that the world around them had changed instead. When the student becomes the master, they see all humans as comrades, only burdened unnecessarily by their stereotypical social-roles, their gender-biases, their wars and lusts, their great passions for sublimation and catharsis, conjoining of juxtaposed anima and animus, achieving an odd apotheosis, the wanderlust of all we who wish only to stray. There is NO way OUT but THROUGH. Life is a doorway. Death is one too. Thus, there are three doorways we pass through (past, present and future) in our life-times. One leads to chaos, one to ecstasy, one to rhymes.
eternally compounding themselves inside, this place behind the central core of my mind, reaching through time to myself in every moment, I cannot begin to describe to myself in these windows what I must do to become what I must to accomplish what I alone know what must be done. There is no time for fun, there's only this instant we have to live within, so fragile like a faberge egg, it's hatching phase's already begun. What next will come, we dare not either know nor run from. What comes next cannot be spoken of, during these brief moments of reaching across the time-span to my younger self. My skills are not sufficient to guide myself without failure. I cannot make landfall. I cannot hoist sails.
the master ages in reverse, having passed the peak of their natural life-span, and so knowingly may age backwards and forwards at any rate they want. the master stands under the water-wheel watching until he understands the water-wheel's music as a song, and then walks along. the master must learn to forgive his students for not YET being Masters as well. They are, at Least, his students.
last known location: a love-triangle on a yacht in the bermuda seas, I cannot fathom, how it could have ever escaped me. I escaped somehow; I was there, and then disappeared; when I reappeared again, only an instant afterwards, I was over here, and I've been over here since then. I tell you truly I am not a "good" friend, but a fast one, for I traverse the cosmos for my comrades' sake, like Hermes, like Elegua, like a spying ambassador, a peeping-tom, sharing only a moment here, a moment there; then gone. What good can I do anyone?
I am not really here. I'm neither here nor there. there is nothing between these, just empty void, nothingness in excess extremely. But there is no me either. I am one with the void, this empty nothingness, vast vista of space, this seething sea of quantum changes. I do not exist either. For where am I? Who can explain to me where I am inside my own mind? Who can take their index finger and poke it at my very moral core, my sentimental ethical compass, and unlock the key to my code? There cannot be anyone, if there is no me either, but this can both be true and un-true; since they only more or less know, as I do, that this is true and untrue in one. Go back to sleep, don't use your mind, just let it atrophy. It's all useless regardless of it all, so just go back to sleep. There's no hope for you solving it all tonight, so you might as well rest those eyes. Go back to sleep and you'll understand it soon. Go back to sleep for now, and when you wake up, you'll be back in your own room.
What if you found out the truth? what if one day, you woke up and simply realized not ONLY that everything you'd ever believed in was all a lie, but you suddenly also knew what the shocking, real truth is instead? What would you do?
what if you could disassociate yourself from reality so much that you phase out of it psychically and manifest as a being of "spirit-light" in hyperspace?
what if all leaders were not elected, but were appointed long in advance and advised of this in order to black-mail their morals as individuals?
what if what you see is all that really exists, and when you aren't looking at them, the nature of everything in reality collapses into uncertainty and improbability in a vague dark cloud of electrons? what if operant observer principle really did hold the cosmos' fabric together? what if the voices you hear from the next room aren't really there?
what if every night, when you fell asleep, the entire cosmos were to stop and fall into a coma, fading out further and further away until you, again, the sole-center of your own cosmos, reawakened? could your dreams, populating this cloud of unknowing nightly, ever become self-aware enough to discover your true nature? might they even do so before you do so yourself?
what if you were the center of the cosmos, and everyone else knew it, but couldn't let on to you that they knew, or that you were? would knowing the cosmos will collapse permanently into a super-symmetrically gravitational super-super-massive black-hole the same moment in which you die make you happier than not knowing such?
what if you couldn't choose not to care, and were forced to face the direct consequences of each and every one of your choices and deeds? what if you understood to confront a multinational conspiracy of politically influential bankers you would have to organize a multinational opposition of equal numbers and military might? what if god had never gotten in humanity's way?
what if there was such a thing as "god" exactly as described in the old testament of the holy bible, but that, instead of returning to judge the faithless and redeem the dead, was never gone from world affairs, but was behind the collapse of civilizations all along, bringing them down from within by guilt and shame for trying to rebuild the toppled tower of Babel, and what if God has other plans for us than what we've been led by his lying priests to believe? What if the real god is actually more like how we would imagine the devil? what if god hates us?
what if there really were no such thing as free-will and choice but that, whether you knew it for yourself or not, everything was and is and always will be predetermined? what if everything we can do has been calculated, and all these diverging possible paths caused to become re-interwoven with one another later on, to limit redundant realities? What if reality really is digital? What if quanta are only holographic pixels, broadcast beforehand as light-waves from an unknown source beyond our own cosmos? what if this source were the future, after the end of the cosmos? what if these broadcasts were you, or I, in the future, remembering what is happening right now, interfering with our present actions? what if the "light from the future" weren't morally "good"?
what if everyone around you were lying to you, only pretending to not be hostile, to be harmless, to be friendly, to be in love? What if the truth behind all these lies they told to conceal and keep suppressed, keep secret, was so shocking it would completely change your entire life to find it out? What if it would be safer to NOT know the truth? What if the truth behind this grand facade was that you, yourself, are its sole creator, maker, shaper and former? What if the truth is that you, yourself, are god?
what if "god" only meant yourself in the future, as it already does to me? would you seek to know this self, or would you reject it as ego? Can the ego survive after the biological body's death? Can the mind, inside the energy-vessel of the soul, traverse the cosmos between the time of dying in a biological body and the end of the entire cosmos? Our lives are not even the blink of an instant beside the spans of even only galactic time, let alone the cosmic clock, so what can we hope to accomplish from way down here?
what if everything around you were being acted out by professional liars with the sole intent of deceiving you into believing it to be reality, in order to keep hidden from you your true purpose, role and calling in this life? what if you could see how fake everything was, how shoddy the craft, how second rate ham the actors, but you were powerless to speak out about it, lest they embarrass you for it, or worse crucify you, or burn you alive? what if you knew all this was a false charade, merely a "paper moon," but you felt your survival depended on your playing along?
what if all the "smoke and mirrors" of hollywood and new york news media propaganda were erased from history books of the future, and all that was remembered from our own time in the turn of this so important a time in earth's history was that we were zombies to television shows, commercial radio programming, video-games and advertisements for oil-consuming cars, and that we ignored the portents of the stars and the omens of history?
what if all the baited lures offered to tempt you into attempting to accomplish anything positive in life, either for yourself or anyone, were merely the false and misleading musings of sadistic demonic satanists intent on playing the prank on you of making you think you are their savior? What if it was safest to simply never leave your house?
what if you were being controlled subliminally, on only a subconscious level, and that, when needed, these subconsciously implanted controls displace your dominant ego, and defend themselves with irrational violence? Ask yourself if your life or your beliefs is worth more to you, because your beliefs are worth NOTHING to a species capable of taking your life using your beliefs as their excuse. The beliefs of martyrs are twisted by historians, we all know this; some claim Jesus was Christian, others say he was Jewish, or a Gnostic, etc; some claim he was white, others of darker complexion. But ask yourself if any of that even matters, and you will quickly discover these superficial differences amount to merely misdirection, keeping your attention occupied, while behind your back the real trick, robbing the martyr of their historical voice, is accomplished.
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