the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
To begin our consideration of Extra Sensory Perception, we introduce this depiction of a "closed network" for a single person, whom we will call a "psychic system." In this closed network model, we see that there is a central psyche, the ego, depicted in black, surrounded by any number (here 8 are used) of their closest friends, family, lovers, bosses, peers and enemies, depicted in red. Beyond these are another layer of people, further peripherary to the central ego, who may or may not know one another, who may or may not share some of the same close friends or enemies as the ego, and who may or may not also know the central ego as more distant acquaintences. In this "closed net" model, we see the third layer depicted as 16 blue figures around the outside of the diagram.
This closed network represents the mode of the subconscious mind of any individual person or "psychic system." They are peripherally aware of all the connections between their closer and more distant friends and enemies, however rarely it occurs to the central ego that this entire network is designed to be able to continue to function in the central ego's absence. Our friends, close and far, and enemies, likewise surrounding us on all sides, just hidden, would experience as smooth a transition as possible should the central ego connecting them all be removed. This is the core essence of this closed network model.
The type of "psychic system" that functions in the "closed network" model will, likewise, have a closed set of emotional and behavioural perameters as well. In this diagram, colour-coded according to the 7-colour spectrum, we depict a model that functions at a right-angle or inward from the centre of the model of the "closed network" we examined before. The "closed network" represents surrounding facets reflecting aspects of the central ego, while the colours here represent the ego's capacity to communicate through overcoming its internal emotional reactions to these exterior stimuli.
We see the 7-colour spectrum divided with violet at the top, representing the most successful and effective form of verbal commnication, a two way conversation between two individual central-ego's within a closed-network psychic-system. Here the "talking head" on the left already has the next lowest step on their mind, while the interlocutor on the right is dwelling on the "blank" condition and attempting to ignore its having already been imprinted with its own prior experiences. This form of communication is calm, stable and self-perpetuating.
On the indigo level of interpersonal relationships according to this model, we see the two primary-ego's beginning to take turns speaking and communicating their point of view on their topical message. The speaker has their mind set on the next step in the process, ie. evoking a reciprocation, while the listener has their mind on the previous moment, wherein both communicated in contextual conversation.
On the blue level, we find the Indigo level situation reversed between Person A and Person B, wherein now the listener begins to speak, and the previous speaker must cease speaking and begin to listen instead. Again, the mind of Person A is on the future, or the next step in the discussion to follow, Person B's mind remains set on the past, and contemplating the information it had previously been listening to.
On the green level, we see that it is now Person A's turn to speak again, however their mind, by focusing on predicting the future based on past epxerience of similar cycles, has already slipped down into the next, less effective level of communication, depicted by the "hot" colour yellow. Person B, meanwhile, has turned their back on Person A already, having come to the conclusion their unique contribution to the prescribed role determined for them in context of the communication has come to a conclusion. Their mind is thus depicted in blue.
On the yellow level of interpersonal social communications, we find a further deterioration in the equity of the data-exchange between the two parties, as Person B speaks over their shoulder to Person A, without turning around to face them yet. The speaker's mind is on the better past, but the listener's mind will interpret it as an insult to their own careful expectations.
On the orange level we find that now Person A has turned to leave and Person B has turned back around to face them. Person B's mind is still tense and hostile, however they yet offer a means of re-starting the process of communication over, even though, by this point, no such relationship of trust would be undamaged by the degree of disagreement being depicted. Person A's mind will remain unswayed, and seek to counter-point this offer with a rebuttal.
On the red level, Person A, that is, the one who began to monopolise the conversation first, leaves the conversation completely, blaming the other party they were communicating with for the failure and breakdown of their rapport. Over their shoulder, behind their back, to the yet regretful and hopeful mind of Person B, Person A tenders a final insult and departs, their brain now transformed from the speaker to the seeker, to become a listener (in the role of Person B) to another, different primary-ego within their closed-network psychic-system.
What is important to remember is that there is a dynamic, active process at work, effecting the changes described within this model. The weight of concentration draws us downward into this cycle of communication, and it is only by "lightening up" our "deep" thoughts and "gravitas" that we can maintain afloat in the uppermost levels where communication is moderate and moods are temperate.
Now, in the next model we will be examining an "open-network" model of the "psychic system" that can be considered psychically "awake and aware" to their surrounding environment, even those influences invisible to their 5 senses. Note well that this model is identical in essential structure to the closed-network, with one significantly important difference: in this model the central ego uses their immediate friends to increase the level of communication between its own mind and the minds of the others most peripheral to it. This is not direct mind-control, as we shall discuss the method for in a moment, however this is ubiqutous expansion of conscious self-awareness. Insofar as the system remains closed in overal energy-level, the more the central-ego ascends the scale of communication skills, the more the surrounding and circumferential friends, foes and strangers will be drawn inward and upward toward them, and become inspired by whatever their cause. The form of power accessable to a mind who has awakened their central-ego to an open-network psychic-system method can be used to read minds, which is acceptable to some limited extent, as well as to over-write other people's minds, and this ability should be studied, but not practised, avoided, not excercised, and considered an evil that is never necessary. That is the heart of mind-control.
In the model for the additional levels of non-verbal communication accessable to the mind who has awakened to their full potential capacity by expanding their self-awareness to describe a more open-network for their complete psychic-system, we see 4 additional stages of non-verbal communication, however only three of these are extra-snesory, while the lowest one, marked in red, represents a condition wherein two minds are neither active toward nor aware about one another, and there is thus zero exchange of information between them at all.
The topmost rung on the short step-ladder for non-verbal, directly mental, telepathic communication, or mind-reading, represents when neither party is present to the other's immediate sensory awareness, but both sides of the equation are balanced in contributing equally to the psychic connexion between them. This bond is often considered the same as the emotion of "love" however Love is the upward pull on the ladder of 7 basic verbal communication levels, while this condition of equal telepathy exists as a purely ideal state, devoid of possible emotional change.
The second rung from the top of our model of non-verbal communication is a one-way broadcast of telepathic, or non-sensorily direct, intent or "will-power" being projected from one person to another. In this model we see that both minds of the two people remain colour-coded, as in direct mutual telepathic communication, such that they reflect one another, even though this communication is now proceeding in only a one-way direction.
The third and final rung of our model of telepathic, non-verbal communication is also a form of one-way broadcasting of projected subliminal sensory stimulation, however in this model we see that the mind of the broadcasting psychic projector reflects back onto the above condition, while the mind of the recipient of their signal has closed off in a reflection of the lowest, completely non-communicating, level in red. This is the "evil" side of mind-reading: psychic-vampirism, when someone you do not know personally robs you of your will to live and enjoyment of being alive, to the extent that you are willing to cave into living on conditions set by them, regardless of how distant they are from you, or even worse, sacrificing your very life to show your devotion to them, regardless of their cause's motives and objectives.
The last model we'll consider briefly here is a lattice formed by inter-weaving the "tree of life" diagram of ha QBLH and the "tree of death" diagram of ha Qliphoth. It has seven central nodes of intersection along its central vertical axis, and these correspond to the gross levels of profane communication. Other correspondences are given in this diagram also, however the primary comparison is made between the 7 levels of communication and the 7 chakras of the Veda, Hindu and Buddhists.
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