the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

2014: The Greasy, Whack-Ass State of Battle-Rap Address.

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"2014: The Greasy, Whack-Ass State of Battle-Rap Address."

author: Paul "Laocoon" Revere

Dizaster Punches Math Hoffa in the Face (KOTD: World Star Hip-Hop)

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." - Isaac Asimov

So, for those of you blessedly innocent enough to not know, what IS "battle rap"? When two grown ass men get into a ring and agree to "battle" one another, why do they do it? Who promises them prestige from doing this? What is the difference, ultimately, between two adults "battle rapping" and a "cock fight" between two roosters with razor-blade shivs tied to their feet?

According to Plato's recounting of the "Last Will and Testament" of the first Greek philosopher, that ugly vagabond "gad-fly" of Attica, when put to the task of drinking poisonous Hemlock by the Democracy of Athens, the last words of Socrates were "we owe a cock to Asclepius." Who, besides we Pythagoreans, knows the true meaning of this? Asclepius, son of Hermes (Trismegestus) in Greek myths, was attributed as the original source author for the morality lectures later spoken by Jesus as the Gospel Bible's "Sermon on the Mount." The symbol of Asclepius was the male rooster because, as posited (purportedly) by Pythagoras, its white feathers symbolized virtue. In all these respects, there seems to be MORE symbolic value, operating at a subliminal level, in a "cock fight" than there is meaning in modern "battle-rap."

Perhaps a better angle of approach for examining this issue would be to ask: "Why is 'battle-rapper' Dizaster NOT in jail for assault and battery against his recent opponents on 'battle-rap' broadcasts of KOTD on World-Star Hip-Hop pay-per-view?" If one cock kills another, the fight is over, there is a clear winner, a clear loser, and there is no likelihood of the fight being on-going afterwards. In a "rap-battle," none of these conditions is necessarily met. There is no closure, and there is no recourse for the "loser" against the tactics of the "winner" if those they employ are unfair. In this regard, when a clear LOSER in the terms of what defines a skilled lyricist, a poetic "writer," etc. (all the terms traditionally applied to the "rap" or "verbal" element of overall "hip-hop" culture) ends up being an on-going WINNER as declared by the judges who moderate the competition, one must come to the conclusion that, unlike a "cock fight," the contest is rigged.

Battle Rapper Dizaster Calls Out Math Hoffa After Punching Serius Jones

So, what has "battle-rap" become, and how did it get this way? Is what it is TODAY what it was MEANT to be by those who, YESTERDAY, invented the idea? Some may scoff at referencing Socrates in consideration of how poorly Dizaster would hold up against him in a "battle-rap" between the two. At least, if it were a "battle-rap" under TRADITIONAL rules. If two people got together and discussed with one another, in rhymed meter, the principles of their perception, it used to be called "philosophizing." By the 1980's, following an aeon of increasingly heated tensions between various peoples and groups, the term "philosophizing" was considered too bourgeoise to want to associate with, and so the term "battle-rapping" was invented, however ALL the rules of logic and rhetoric developed until the 1980's were, by this substitution of terms, in NO way diminished. Not until the "battle" aspect began to overwhelm the "rap" aspect of these contests between competitors' skills did the "philosophizing" factor truly divorce itself from the "battle-rap" scene.

In the mid 1990's, contemporary to the first US invasion of Iraq as "Operation Desert Shield" and in the years leading up to the burning down of the "Branch Davidian" compound in Waco, Texas, US, by the US ATF, there were many such "signs of the times" - indicative culturally of the coming (post 2000) economic depression - in both "pop" and "rap" genres of radio broadcast music. In "pop" music, the neologistic genres of "alternative-rock" and "grunge-rock" reared their ugly heads, and in the genre of "rap" music, there were increasingly sentiments advocating acquisition of immaterial "paper" wealth (ex. "get money") and, ultimately, under-tones of militarist influence (ex. "no limit soldiers") behind this. This ultimately led to the death of the "king of pop," the most famous cultural icon of the 1980's genre symbolic of "pre-rap" era, peak fiat-capitalism, Michael Jackson at the hands of his own personal doctor, acting under threat of black-mail or promise of bribe from the "Illuminati," an orgiastic club for rich "rap" genre musicians and producers. Within less than 5 years of Michael Jackson's assassination, the condition of radio-played "pop" music has been completely eroded: modern "pop" lyrics are without moral or ethical values, without social use (besides blatant mass hypnosis and conditioning) and without ANY meaning (besides being "sexual innuendos" such as the song "Umbrella" referring to a woman's vagina). This has become of "pop" music entirely by now, but not entirely has it yet proven true of "rap." Despite the aggressive tactics of the "Illuminati" in the music production industry to lower the standards for quality of content across the board, although successfully killing "pop" music, "rap" music has yet to die. Underground lyricists persist in staying off the big companies' radar or refusing to sign record deals with people they describe in their own words as "reptilian shape-shifters," and rightly so. Who else BUT the Illuminati COULD HAVE driven "pop" down to the level of Miley Cyrus "twerking," and driven ALL the intelligence quotient out of mainstream "rap" and into the underground hip-hop scene?

KOTD: Canibus vs Dizaster | Road To Vendetta

So, IF the "Illuminati" are rigging "battle-rap" contests in order to extinguish the last lights of hope for intelligent lyrical content from the realm of "rap" music, that sub-genre of all "hip-hop" culture, then it would make obvious SENSE that Dizaster is the "Masonic Tyler" or "due guard" who stands watch at the door and, acting as "gate-keeper," allows past only those whom his Masters approve. In this regard, he deprives of recognition other, much more talented and skilled (let alone light-years more intelligent) poets, and acts as the "house nigger" or "guard dog" for the "Illuminati" club of musicians and producers. The louder he may claim IGNORANCE of this, the more GUILTY of it he would prove, and unless he denounces this sect, which is professional suicide in the modern "game," he should be considered accountable for tacitly approving of (and probably even personally benefiting financially from) their tactics and schemes. But what are the "tactics" and "schemes" of the "illuminati" in the "rap" production genre of the "entertainment" industry? Like ANY college fraternity or sorority club, the "rap illuminati" utilize the methodology of "hazing," or the practice of breaking down into fatigue and shame the freshman "pledges" who seek to join by initiation into the club. Because MOST (if not every last single ONE) of the members of fraternities and sororities are simply a degenerate, sub-human form of ill-mannered naked apes as a result of going through this tradition, they lack the moral compunction to STOP this cycle of abuse. In this manner, ALL members of fraternities or sororities end up being altered by the experience of being "initiated" into the group, and since MOST fraternities and sororities are run by depraved, morally bankrupt survivors of "hazing" themselves, they see little reason in improving humanity by discontinuing their ritual madness. Even more effectively than "boot-camp" for soldiers, "hazing" teaches group membership to the individual, teaches them to "put the good of the group before their own good," and to be answerable to others before they are allowed to think for themselves. In short, most "hazing" involves some form of homo-sexual rape.

If you were "battle-rap" silver-back Canibus, and you were offered some astronomical sum of money to "battle-rap" against some worthless, illiterate, mentally-mute toy-poodle with a Napoleon complex, you, personally, MIGHT or MIGHT NOT have accepted. But would you have seen coming what actually occurred next? Was Canibus' salary for losing to Dizaster paid as "hush-money" to keep him from disclosing how his arm had gotten broken just before that night's contest? Was Dizaster's contract for less money either win OR lose because it also included a clause stipulating he could break Canibus' arm with impunity just before they met for their public competition? Canibus may be many things to many people, but one thing he's NOT is stupid. He chose to walk away from the "battle-rap" scene, just like Michael Jackson CHOSE to oppose the "illuminati" and was therefore assassinated by his own personal physician. We ALL know by now that, publicly OR privately, Dizaster is prone to violence and thoughtlessly acts with (somehow "justified" legally, ex post facto) immunity from consequence. It is LIKELY the scenario I just hypothesized IS true, and that Dizaster has physically assaulted ALL his so-called "opponents" in modern, so-called "battle-rap." So, if Dizaster is the "battle-rap" scene equivalent for the "illuminati" of "Pit-Bull" in the radio "rap" music genre now, then we should take heed as to who is holding his leash. More importantly, we should seek to "follow the money" without even involving Dizaster in the equation personally: he is only a patsy; and, after all, those who "resort to violence" are truly only proving themselves to be worthless, degenerate, and totally "incompetent." If the contest is between the "talent" and "skill" with which "poets" deliver rhymed verse, then Dizaster's entire career should be considered suspect of being built on a false premise.

Canibus Starring In: The Notebook Pt. 2

Canibus had NEVER been welcome to eat at the table of the "Illuminati," and had vehemently and openly opposed them by name and their agenda ever since splitting up from LL Cool Jay after coming back from being in the army himself. So it should come as little surprise to think they would employ violence against such a long-standing public figure as an attempt to slander his reputation. Frequently, opposition of the CIA find themselves being investigated by the FBI and local law-enforcement for possession of "kiddy porn" (all kept catalogued in digital files by the NSA in the Pentagon's data-bases), so ultimately Canibus was lucky to walk away with a pay-off and only a broken elbow. Canibus was, in retrospect, wise to pay evil their due and leave the "battle-rap" scene when he did. Nevertheless, in the wake of this event, Dizaster has proven an immovable object in the annals of "rap-battle" history, presumably by threatening, intimidating or literally assaulting his opponents, who are then, presumably, paid for their silence by the "mad-dog's" Masters. Again, I implore the audience, what would Socrates say, let alone Isaac Asimov?

If the loss of Canibus from the "battle-rap" scene has unleashed this monstrous Cerberus upon us, then do we not deserve it? Dizaster is clearly only an expression of the suicidal demiurge within domestic, civilized humanity. He is as ignorant of his own actions being employed to benefit his user as is a gun in the mouth of the "rap game." But, the "illuminati" fraternity have, once again, fucked up. They would benefit from minds like those of Canibus or his friends in the modern "new age" hip-hop scene. But they turn us away every time with their disgusting "hazing" rituals. And so they only appeal to "lesser minds." The "DUMBs" are "for dummies." Nevertheless, one within their ranks will likely sooner or later realize their successful destruction of "pop" music could as easily be replicated in the "rap" genre if they simply repeated the exact same tactics used to destroy "pop" on the "rap game." And surely, this is ALREADY, on some level, PART OF THEIR PLAN. When Kurt Cobain walked into David Geffen's office and sat down, he may not have expected Geffen to fund him when he told him he wanted to be in "the greatest rock band in the world." Nevertheless, "fame" has its costs, and sooner than later Kurt's body was found dead of a heroin overdose and shot-gun buck-shot decapitation, presumably self-inflicted (although rumors persist to this day about the involvement of his widow, Courtney Love, who prospered greatly from his death). Figure-heads are made only to be torn down later. "God giveth and God taketh away." If Geffen had not signed Cobain and Nirvana, "grunge-rock" would never have existed except in Seattle garages. And yet, the price of success was, by Cobain's death, proven far too high for anyone else from his economic class to desire to aspire to it. This method is NOT new. They gunned down Tupac Shakur in public, with police cooperation, and, as I'd already mentioned, managed to "get" Michael Jackson even on his famed "Never-land" ranch. Assassination is nothing new. But still the OBVIOUS escapes these transvestite, wanna-be homosexual, fraternity and sorority posers and eludes their orgy-wearied, stupor-fatigued brains. The same tactic was used to bring down Jesus as to bring down Kurt Cobain, and there is little or no reason it will NOT work when, eventually, used to "bring down rap and hip-hop from within." Like a house of cards divided against itself by a dusty gust, all their works will inherit only the wind.

Dizaster explains why Canibus pulled out the notebook

So, ultimately, what is the difference between "Eminem's" wife Kim and Courtney Love? The future of radio broadcast "rap" music ultimately all comes down to this simple question. Because if Kim will NOT be "paid off" to silence her husband should his use to the "illuminati" expire or his loyalty be called into question, then she will not be able to be used symbolically to elevate the status of "Eminem" from "cultural icon" to that of a literal "rap god." Only because Courtney Love was left ALIVE, and allowed to become rich because of her husband's death, can the comparison be rightly made between her role in her husband's life and death and that of Mary Magdalen, his wife, to that of Christ Jesus one aeon ago. However, while the wife of the Christian "God" fled to Egypt to mourn his crucifixion, Courtney Love only fled as far as "Malibu." Nevertheless, it would only be by exactly emulating these circumstances in the "rap" genre that the exact results (the "death of pop") could be recreated, but doing so (borrowing this tactic from ancient history) WILL work 100% of the times it is applied. Publicly murdering Tupac didn't kill rap in the same way Kurt Cobain's questionable suicide announced the "death of pop." However, if "Eminem" were to be killed, or (as is preferred) if he were to die in a "hotel drugs overdose" (cf. "Eyes Wide Shut" and the circumstances surrounding the passing away of Whitney Houston), in such a way as to allow the lingering implication that his wife Kim had profited from it, and left her culpable for it in such a way that implied she was actually behind causing it, then the model of Kurt Cobain would have been (probably successfully) transferred into the genre of "rap" music. However, if Kim will NOT "play ball," it will be likely that she, Marshall Mathers ("Eminem" himself) AND their daughter Hailey will have to ALL be killed at the same time. If this event occurs, you can be sure that Eminem will have done more than simply go over-board with his weird homo stuff for Dre in the song "I need a doctor," or prematurely expostulate himself a "rap god" while trying to parrot the sound of a pissed off Puerto Rican parent. I cannot yet predict exactly WHEN this "tragic" event WILL occur, but I assure you, if you need a job done dirty and for dirt cheap, that ends up in violence and possibly even a multiple homicide (including a child), then I would bet that Dizaster is probably gunning for just that job of the "hit-man" they would turn to to do it. Just so, Courtney Love colluded with "El Duce."

Eminem - Rap God (Explicit)

"You Know What I'm Sayin?" - J-Roc of "Trailer Park Boys."


Jonathan Barlow Gee

Tallahassee, Florida, US

June 30, 2014.

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