the Pythagorean Order of Death

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Comment by Jonathan Barlow Gee on July 27, 2014 at 8:01pm

the internet is Nibiru

have you seen the movie "melancholia"?

at the end of it, not to spoil it, you should see it anyway

a planet called "melancholia" crashes into and destroys the earth

it's a good metaphor for the internet.

so is the "death star" in star wars

the "hollow moon"

the net's only different points of view, but no absolute truth, even in total sum of it all

it's only multiple different propaganda view-points on the truth, and none of these are accurate independently, so the sum total of them is false as well.

but it's only more WRONG information

if everything online were, say, considered "total fiction" as well as all other sources of "news" in other media as well

if they were reporting on like "wars between wizards and dragons" for example

we wouldn't take that seriously

but it's dressed up as being "factual" because it fits standards for formatting

or being "valid" even though it's ALL ONLY opinions

and even though ALL opinions are wrong.

the first book ever mass printed on the printing press was the bible

the first popular book that was ever mass produced on clay tablets and scrolls from cylinder seals was the epic of gilgamesh, an admitted work of fiction

the media is completely false.

it's artificial, robotic, unnatural, manufactured by men making it, smelting metal alloys, etc.

it is a "new nature" invented by humanity, but it is a "false nature" as well.

"crowd-sourcing" encourages a "dumbing down" of individuals to a "herd mentality"

cell phones are especially bad

because people "text" while driving

and that's sooooo dangerous

but they're so stupid and proud, they do it anyway.

social media is dragging us down intellectually

it's "malignant narcissism" formerly called "sociopathy."

"having no concept of the consensus moral compass"

think about it like magnets

if the poles are always the same for us all on the whole planet, "true north" is negatively-ionized magnetically, and "south" is positively-ionized magnetically

and it's that way for everybody

but with cell-phones, it disorients each person from the planetary magnetic effect

it's like they're each caught in their own "Bermuda Triangle"

and so they wander around, self-absorbed, missing out on nature and reality around them

and by doing so, they cause the outside world around themselves to decay at an advanced rate.

it atrophies because people don't care about it anymore.

"internet's more important than survival"

bigger change before cars than net

cars help us evolve (except that they run on gas for no good reason)

but the net makes us more stationary, lazier, more sedentary, less curious, less explorative and less motivated

computer emits EM fields of a static nature

these influence our own brainwaves to adapt to depending on these "static airwaves" to feel "normalized"

it gets people "high" to be online

makes them feel "safe" and "euphoric"

binaural beats can derez a brain from computer-dependency tho

if they're a different frequency, of a harmonic but different key tonality, for example

they can disrupt the patterns conditioned by computer overuse


if they are set to the SAME frequency as the comp, they COULD increase its negative addictive symptoms

the www is only a simulacrum of the naturally occurring biological "garden of forking paths" of our own nervous system.

WE are the "multiverses' communications network," while wireless transmissions and power-cables are only our excreted waste products.

Comment by Jonathan Barlow Gee on October 16, 2015 at 4:18pm

the news is spreading...


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