the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

This scroll will depict the 4 worlds inside Beriah described in the Zohar and, just as we find that the "tree of life" descended into the lowest realms of Beriah, of Eden, so too we can see in each of the 4 inner-worlds of Beriah, 5 "sefirot" emanations, and another one on the border between each. Following QBLH as a path of re-capitualtion, or re-communion of the present body with the mind of the past, we will begin in the lowest of the inner-world of Beriah, and work upward, approaching the highest sefirot, on the outermost layer of Beriah, penetrating into the World of Yetzirah above, and called thus the "Holy of Holies."

The description of the 4 inner-realms of Beriah, or of Paradise, comes from the Zohar, and the numbers below each sefirot indiciate the verse within the Bereshit Beth volume of Zohar. The Bereshit Beth volume of the Zohar describes the ascent of the dead from the moment the soul leaves its earthly vessel of felsh. Thus, in the lowest of the 4 worlds of Beriah, the souls of the righteous are grouped according to their worthy deeds. Their deeds are then measured on a column called "Zeir Anpin," meaning literally the "short face."

In the next higher inner-realm of the world of Beriah, or Paradise, we find the emanations representing angels, each of which acts as a guide to the group of souls gathered into the places of the same emanations in the inner-world below. This level of the innner-spheres of Beriah is the same as the "lower earth" discussed in Genesis, wherein it is written: "he made the upper waters apart from the lower waters."

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Comment by Jonathan Barlow Gee on December 9, 2012 at 8:23am

The upper "waters" of Beriah are ruled over by 6 Archangels, Michael, Adriel, Gadrihael, Adehinael, Ahinaol and a 7th, the "angel of all converts," he who now guards the way into Eden, blocking it to the children of Adam with an eternally spinning firey sword.

In the 4th world of Beriah, that is the sphere of Beriah encompassing the upper and lower worlds of creation and the realm of Paradise on earth, the Garden of Eden, we find the sefirot represented as 5 rays of refracted light from the Holy of Holies, on the outermost border above, connecting to Yetzirah, through the "moon stone" or sapphire on the border between the realm of Beriah and the Upper waters. It is said the throne of God is like sapphire, that the tablet of the law was engraved on a sapphire stone, and that it was a saphire stone that was given to Adam by Raziel following the exile.

The outer-two columns of sefirot permeating the Zohar's 4 inner-worlds model for Beriah are named "Aba," meaning "father," for the column on the left, and "Ima," meaning "mother," for the column on the right. It is thus through the "middle pillar" that Yetzirah, as Light shining from the Holy of Holies through the sapphire moon-stone that seperated the upper waters from the lower waters, was brought down to earth and placed within the Garden of Eden in the form of the "tree of life" of QBLH.


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