the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

There are many depictions for the constellation of Sagitarius in the terran equatorial or "tropical" Zodiac. My prefered version is the standard arrangements of lines and dots representing the "stick figure" of the ideaogram as it appears "between" the stars in its assigned region of the sky. It is is a wonder that, just as no one can be credited with inventing the wheel, neither can anyone be given credit for inventing the constellations of the tropical zodiac. Of course, the mythologies of the equatorial regions of earth are replete with Zodiac myths, just as the N. Pole dwellers tell of "Hyperboreans" and the S. hemisphere dwellers describe the N. hemisphere constellations as pyramids aligned "upside down" to them. Saggitarius occurs nearly at "apogee" point, or rather, the "aphelion" point in earth's orbit when it is furthest from the sun. This is because now Sagittarius aligns with the sun when it rises in winter.

The meaning of the Sagitarius constellation is quite clear: it is a centaur (with the lower half of a horse) and an archer (carrying a bow and arrow) because he, too, represents a mid-point, or crossing over, from earth's journey further away from the sun, and its beginning of the return journey towards the sun's warming rays. Saggitarius, the centaur archer, is the mid-point between Caput and Cauda Draconis, just as Pisces (the twin fish) is now the sign of sunrise in the Summer.

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