the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
This is the fruit without its "skin." It is because of the understanding of this fruit as without "skin" that Adam and Eve realised their nakedness in Eden, and in this way sought to conceal their crime from God. Now, know that this is the image understood by Eve, that is, this is the essential nature that caused the fall. Eve perceived the real motions and relationships of this model, but she forsaw that in seven mortal generations or four immortal ones, the right understanding of this model would be lost. Here is the right understanding:
Lamech perceieves that from immortal Irad issues immortal Mehujael, while from mortal Mehalaleel issues mortal Jared, and these two shall continue on this way. However, from Eve's perspective, mortal Methuselah follows from immortal Cain, as immortal Methusael follows from mortal Cainan. Eve realised that her seed, by the generation of Lamech, would have completely lost the path back to immortality. This is why we call eating from the tree of knowledge over good and evil Original Sin: because it is the fore-knowledge of the loss of knowledge, with which comes the power to prevent this, and with that power comes the responsibility to do so. However, as the seed is in the perception, so too will the fruit come forth therefrom, and must thenceforth be separated like the wheat from the chaff. So, by knowing this, Eve felt unable to prevent it from coming to pass as a result of her own actions. This fatalism, that your ultimate destiny is beyond your control, despite your controlling your short-term fate, is the guilt for Original Sin.
Now, it was Enoch, who knew of Moses aforehand, that turned the tides. Enoch was like the axis around which the aeons pivoted, casting the shadow of the false and fallen archons. Enoch turned the tides of time, and it is said that he was shown all that is (1Enoch), and that he was "translated" into heaven (2Enoch), becoming the Metatron (3Enoch), sitting on the right hand side of God. Therefore it is Enoch that sits on the side of Righteous Judgement, the side of peace. The Book of Enoch (1Enoch) was known of at Qumran by the Essenes of the Dead Sea. According to all three different versions of the Book of Enoch, he prayed to God on behalf of the Nefilim, but God Himself could not change their fate: for even as Eve wept at the realisation of Original Sin, so too would the judgment bring the flood to her ninth generation.
Even this could not wipe away the guilt for Original Sin though, as it would be Ham, after seeing his father Noah drunken and naked, that conceived Cainaan, and resurrected the seven-fold Mark of Cain. Ham and Japhteth would both have seven sons, but it would be Shem from whom, after seven generations, would come Abraham, the father of the faith of Elohim.
Albums: Gnosticism
So now I have told you how Cain was an immortal. Now you will come to me and say, "with certainty did God break his word!" For Adam and Eve both ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden and yet, as the snake explained, did not "surely" die "in that instant." So before you come to me and blaspheme God to me, let me explain to you what it all means.
After Eve had eaten the fruit of fore-knowledge, and thus had known sin, she went looking for Adam, who she found eating at the tree of immortal life. It was here that Eve fed Adam of the apple of knowledge. But before she had done that, the two came together and conceived their immortal son Cain. It has been said Cain is the son of the serpent, who represents Satan, bringer of sin into this world. This is not true. In truth I tell you that Cain was borne to Eve not by the serpent, her tempter, but by Adam, her husband, while he was still immortal. This is why it is written, "the sons of God came into the wives of men, and they copulated with them." (Gen 6:2) This is because the children of Cain were interbreeding with the children of Cain's half-brother Seth. They were repeating the Original Sin of Adam and Eve. It was then Eve shared the apple of fore-knowledge with Adam, and only then that Adam realised his doom.
If we examine the fruits of fore-knowledge of future events, we see the depiction of seven generations of immortal Nefilim and the five of the mortal Sethites. This is "the fruit without its skin," a skeleton-key to unlocking the mysteries of 7 and of 12 to follow. Here we see the 2-space Gordian knot or Moebius strip-like shape unravel to reveal its true components in 3-space above, casting down the linear shadow of the sphere-within-a-sphere onto 2-space below. We see they are two positions of the same model, a circle around a central axis point.
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