the Pythagorean Order of Death

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Raziel, the angel, then read from the book, and when Adam heard the words of the holy volume as they issued from the mouth of the angel, he fell down affrighted. But the angel encouraged him. "Arise, Adam," he said, "be of good courage, be not afraid, take the book from me and keep it, for thou wilt draw knowledge from it thyself and become wise, and thou wilt also teach its contents to all those who shall be found worthy of knowing what it contains."

There are three sources for this information. For the attributes labeled Yetzirah and those above Atzilut, the source is the Secret Book or Apocryphon of John , recording the exact teachings about Gnosticism given to John by Jesus Christ Himself, after he had ascended. The description of the Garden of Eden comes to us from the Bereshit B cosmology of the Zohar . The seven layered sphere beneath the rest, labeled Assiyah, describes the seven days of creation in the book of Genesis .

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Albums: Gnosticism

Comment by Jonathan Barlow Gee on December 9, 2012 at 7:40am

Before creation there was only the father, who is also called the ineffable Holy One, of whom it is said, Blessed Be He. After this follows Hermes, the androgyne archetypal Man. From the perception of the Autogenes' opposite, Wisdom is born, called Pistis, the first sefirot emanation. In Wisdom arose from self-desire Fore-thought, separate from Godhead. Just as Wisdom and Hermes beget the crown of Christ, so did fore-thought, unknown to God, beget Samael, that is, Satan. In the image of Hermes, Christ entered into Eden as Pigera (king) Adamas. Simultaneously, Satan declared himself equal to God, and greater than man. God declared, "you err, Samael" which means "blind-one," and created the 10 emanations greater than Satan. Just as King Adam embodied the crown, so too these emanations came, one by one, to descend into the lower realms of the creation. As this was happening, God gave Eve to Adam, and filled Eve with Wisdom. Adam and Eve knew no timelessness without error, and existed across the whole span of forever. In this state, Adam and Eve conceived Cain, the rightful King, heir to Adam. During the pregnancy, Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the knowledge of sin, that is, they understood fore-thought, which had created Satan. They then conceived Abel. God banished them from Eden, lest they should never again eat from the tree of immortal existence. Then Cain was born, causing Eve to say, "I have gotten a man from the Lord," (Gen4:1) for Adam, before the fall, was indeed "like unto God." But the truth was soon revealed, for Cain killed Abel for his mildness being more acceptable to fate than Cain's arrogance. Cain, thenceforth was proven not the Son of Adam, but indeed the Son of Satan. For this reason, Cain joined Samael as one of the twelve Archons, the rulers over the fallen stations of the ten emanations. So, there are ten qliphoth (shells), one for each emanation (sefirot), plus Satan, plus Cain, and so there are twelve archons. Now, with Abel, the son of King Adam and Immortal Eve dead at the hands of the son of Satan, there was no true heir for Adam and Eve. So, the two of them came together to bear forth Seth, who some have called the First Messiah, for through him would be born the first of all mortal humanity. At the same time as this conception, Satan conceived with Eve, now mortal, two immortal spirits. One of them was Good, and one of them was Evil. YHVH and Elohim are the two names used for God throughout the Old Testament. The lower earth is where Adam, Eve and Seth dwelt after the fall. It was here where Adam prayed to be given the Book of Raziel, which records everything known to Adam from before the Fall. By the generation of Enoch, the good (spiritually) dwelt in the Upper Worlds, but the fallen (physically) dwelt in the sixth day of creation. When the Holy were given the Holy of Holies, they brought alignment between the world of Eden and creation. This represents the Sabbath. The pronoia (Christ) draws us up from the realm of creation, and the epinoia (Shekina) draws us up through the realms of Eden. In Zohar these are called the Aba and Ima (father and mother).

There is more to this diagram as well, and I will answer all your questions about it. In the next level I will give right understanding on the Fruit of the Tree diagram, however if you wish to, you can view it for yourself now at:

The information in this model depicts the relationships described in Genesis 4 and Genesis 5 .


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