the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

In these pages from early 20th century QBLH scholar Sir EA Wallis Budge we see his reproductions of these same 7 sigils apparently present as written inside of 7 talismans, which originated in pre-Athenian Greece, Attica and the surrounding Meditteranean islands. These 7 talismans signify the 7 "Kamea" of the Olympic Gods of the visible planets. These 7 "Kamea" talismantic figures are even older than the other figures for each depicted alongside them here by Budge. The figure on the left of each row is the pattern of the Hebrew gematria number-square of a certain number of cells associated with each of the 7 planets. The figures to the right of these left-most characters labeld as the planets are the "spirit" sigil, the "demon" sigil and the Kamea "position in the zodiac."

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