the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

The Thule Gesellschaft, which is directly connected with the Grand Lodge....
their website:

- source:

I am here to tell you this is a deception. This "Thule" group claims to have ties to the original Order of Thule that became the NAZI party under Adolph Hitler. This connextion is in the form of a particular dagger that is part antler or bone. This dagger is held by the Alpina Lodge of Swiss FreeMasonry. The head of pseudo-Thule, Jarl Vidar, never attempted to acquire this dagger from the Alpina Lodge. Instead he communicated with my associate and fellow POD-member, "Bambino Machiavelli," (ie. Steven Pearce), and asked Steven to be a third-party go-between on his behalf to the Alpina Lodge. Steven arranged a meeting, on agreement of some sum of money. Jarl never went, and instead broke the agreement with Steven over the money he'd promised him.

The Thule have recently attempted to align themselves with "Supriem" David Rockefeller and his entire crew. They have ingratiated themselves to some of his affiliates, both past (such as Michael Prescott) and present (such as Wes Penre and Steven Pearce). They have used this alignment to attempt to collect blood samples from the people associated with SDR. In order to belong to the Thule order under Jarl Vidar, one must send in a blood sample and a palm print. This is not a joke.

While none of the founding POD members, or those sitting in the current executive committee of our founding cell, have done this, we know people who have. They are told that their blood is going to be "tested" to see if it can be "activated" to become a "triple helix." While there is literature available substantiating the so-called "triple helix" of regular DNA bonded to monoatomic gold, neither Jarl nor his associates appear aware of this. Instead, they have possession of an esoteric-looking "machine" that will "test" the blood to see if the subject can have their "triple helix" activated not using monoatomic gold, but at a distance, using this esoteric "machine."

Jarl has probably collected around twenty blood samples using this con-job. He is a scammer, and his associates and affiliates are as well. These include Harald Alker (a former associate) and Michael Prescott (a current associate), among more.

Their inner-most secret is related to Jarl himself, claiming he has a unique birth-mark pattern that identifies him as the reincarnation of the original founder of Thule, a German Sufi named Sebottendorf who drowned in the Bosphorus river. They claim that this birthmark depicts a very specific pattern, depicted below:

This pattern is meaningless. It was never associated with Sobbetendorf, and thus has no relevance to any authentic re-creation of his original Thule society. It was generated by someone attempting to spread the mythos, and discovered by Jarl, who then modified it as the central secret of his pseudo-Thule. This secret has no validity, and there is moreover zero good justification to run an internet scheme which collects blood samples through the international mail.

- Jon

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